(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . The Maga Cult thinks they are the Smart and Informed Ones [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-10-07 This week Hillary Clinton stated that some MAGAs may need formal deprogramming to get them out of the cult. "Sadly, so many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure," she said. "He's only in it for himself. He's now defending himself in civil actions, in criminal actions, and when do they break with him? You know, because at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members, but something needs to happen." Here’s a prime example from a MAGA who claims that until recently the Sun and the Moon have never been seen in the daytime sky at the same time before. Because obviously, the dreaded DEEP STATE has done something something to change things involving the orbit of the moon. Naturally, the MAGA are outraged — Outraged — by what Hillary said, but then again Jessica Tarlov has some words about all that. x Jessica: I need everybody to spare the faux outrage about this.. Here’s a little collection of things that Trump and Republicans call liberals on a daily basis… pic.twitter.com/wJ5MDi6HBv — Acyn (@Acyn) October 6, 2023 "I really need everyone to spare me the faux outrage and the pearl clutching about this," Fox News' Jessica Tarlov said, speaking about Hillary Clinton's recent remarks that "at some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of [Trump's] cult members." Tarlov served up a what she called a "little collection of things that Donald Trump and high-ranking Republicans call liberals on a daily basis: 'anarchists,' 'anti-American,' 'deranged,' 'communist,' 'corrupt,' 'compromised,' 'groomers and perverts,' 'thugs,' and 'traitors.'" Also “Socialist”, “Marxist”, “Sick” and “Insane”. They call us everything in the book, and it’s all based either on nothing or lies. Yeah, so now that we’ve covered the name calling — let’s continue. "Now," Tarlov continued, saying Clinton "was explicit that she was talking about a subsection of the Republican Party, the same way that Joe Biden is when he talks about MAGA extremism." "But you tell me, if the leader of the Democratic Party – so that that would be Joe Biden – was facing four indictments with 91 felony counts, he had been found liable of sexually assaulting a woman and defaming her – that's E. Jean Carroll – guilty of fraud, sharing the nation's secrets – not only in the Mar-a-Lago indictment but there was a report yesterday from ABC News that he had shared information about our nuclear submarine capacities with an Australian billionaire who's a member of Mar-a-Lago, who had then gone on and shared that with dozens of other people," Tarlov rattled off, "and included specifics as to how many nuclear warheads they carry, and how close they can get to Russian subs without being detected." "And then I told you, so all of that is happening, and he's shooting up in the polls. And when you see those interviews of Trump supporters outside of the rallies, they're like, 'none of this is true. It's the big lie, he won the election,' etc. And you wouldn't say to me, 'you guys are in a cult?' It's actually tame to what Hillary Clinton was saying." I’ve tried to study MAGAs. I really have. And one of the common threads is that they think they already know more than you do. x x YouTube Video “People are learning. We’re asking questions we didn’t ask before. We want answers. We want to know the truth about what’s going on. And we’re looking for a leader who will expose the corruption, the Epstein corruption, the Hunter Biden corruption. All of that. We want to see where our tax dollars are really going.” It’s a given that they don’t trust or listen to the Mainstream media. They see all of it as part of a cabal, part of a series of false narratives, part of the corruption. Nothing from the Legacy media can be trusted. But then that begs the question, who do they trust and what do they believe? This person continues to argue that only in-person voting can be trusted. “Y’know when I was growing up, my parents had one day to vote. They did it on a paper ballot. They walked in, they showed their ID. There was no discussion.” Interviewer: Isn’t it better to have more date to vote, more people get an oppurtunity to vote? “No, I do not agree with that what so ever.” Election day is not a holiday. People have to work that day because it’s during the week. So she expects every working person to squeeze in time after work to get their vote in before time runs out. She doesn’t recognize that this can cause enormous lines at the polling place that can be exhausting and physically demanding to people with health ailments or disabilities causing them to give up and go home. Shockingly, it’s not surprising which states have the greater wait times to vote. Election Wait Times There’s also the tendency that Nonwhite Voters have to wait longer. Hundreds of people were waiting in the heat and rain outside the lush, tree-lined complex in Union City, an Atlanta suburb with 22,400 residents, nearly 88% of them Black. She briefly considered not casting a ballot at all, but decided to stay. By the time she got inside more than five hours later, the polls had officially closed and the electronic scanners were shut down. Poll workers told her she'd have to cast a provisional ballot, but they promised that her vote would be counted. "I'm now angry again, I'm frustrated again, and now I have an added emotion, which is anxiety," said Kathy, a human services worker, recalling her emotions at the time. She asked that her full name not be used because she fears repercussions from speaking out. "I'm wondering if my ballot is going to count." Would this MAGA voter calmly accept one-day in-person voting if these were the conditions she could expect? A Five-Hour wait? Everything shut down by the time you get to the head of the line. Using a provisional ballot which may — or may not — actually be counted? I doubt it. If she had to put up with these conditions we might have a revolution up in this mutha. So yeah, people prefer to vote by mail because it allows them to avoid all that shit. Another Maga Voter. Interviewer: Name one thing he did to make your life better when he was President? “Uh, gas prices for one. The economy was much better.” Interviewer: Do you feel the improving economy because all the metrics they talk about for the economy — the economies on the rebound, historic lows in unemployment — does that impact you? “As a matter of fact, I don’t believe any of that. It’s not what I witness, so I don’t believe it.” Interviewer: Do you believe — pre-pandemic, because that’s kind of a blip — when President Trump was in office did you believe the metrics then? “Not from the mainstream media, but anything he said and generally from his administration I believe.” Interviewer: So if it was coming from him, it was gospel? Nods. Interviewer: There’s a lot of people that say that’s turning a blind eye to things , you’re only trusting the person that’s saying it, that’s cult behavior. Does this feel cult-like at all to you? “No, not at all. What’s cult-like to me is watching the mainstream media and the existing administration.” They think that they are the informed ones and that we are the ones left in the dark. Yet another Maga Voter. Interviewer: What do you say to people who say “This is a cult?” “I think the Deep State is a cult.” Interviewer: Can you define the Deep State? “People who — the original 13 families — it starts from there.” Interviewer: You mean who — you mean back in the Colonies? “No, don’t try it.” Interviewer: You said 13, the original 13 colonies? “The original 13 families, the Rothschilds, the Astors, all the big money. We know that that’s where it all comes from. And they’ve all capitulated to the all mighty dollar. And they’re just way too corrupt, too much corruption. And we the people are gonna change that. We’re gonna fix it.” I have to say she actually has half of a point. Big money is far too involved in politics. Special interests, Dark Money, Fossil Fuel Billionaires like the Wilks bros who fund the Daily Wire, the Mercers who fund Breitbart, the Murdochs behind Fox News, Sheldon Adelson, Peter Thiel and the Kochs who fund the Heritage Foundation and ALEC already have far too large in impact on politicians and policy and even Supreme Court justices. This isn’t some ancient Jewish conspiracy — it’s happening right now, and most of the alternative media is funded by these sources as well as strategic disinformation from Russia and China. But I don’t see how Trump is any solution to any of that. He only pretends that he’ll drain the swamp when in reality he put more lobbyists and corporate leaders in power than any other President in history. They think the world is turned against them and only Trump stands in the breach to protect and defend them. In only Trump they trust. But he is not possessing special knowledge. He is not the Guru leading them out of the wilderness into the light. He is a con-man and a grifter. He’s telling them exactly what they want to hear. He’s giving them exactly what they want to believe. But he lies to them. He lies to his banks, he lies to the IRS, he lies to the DOJ about having classified docs, he lies about raping E Jean Carrol, he lies about voter fraud, he lies about Hunter and Joe Biden and he lies about inciting an insurrection. The secretive shadowing Deep State is manipulating the system to its own ends. The mainstream media is somehow complicit in this. None of what they say can be trusted. You must turn a blind eye to it all. You don’t evaluate issues based on all the facts from all the sources, you just listen to your Right-wing cohorts, to Reddit, to 4-chan and 8-chan and whatever lunatic theory is currently floating across Facebook, Truth Social and Parler. It may not be politically wise to suggest that a significant portion of the electorate needs anti-cult deprogramming. It may seem like a repeat of the “Deplorable” debacle. But she wasn’t wrong then, she’s not wrong now. Not even a little bit. More MAGAs about how Hollywood and the media is corrupt, is immoral, is disgusting and vile and violates the Constitution by not showing the Conservative point of view. They “demolish the laws of God” with their pornography and despicable language. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/10/7/2197937/-The-Maga-Cult-thinks-they-are-the-Smart-and-Informed-Ones?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/