(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Even Hannity thinks Ramaswamy is a smarmy worm [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-10-14 ‘He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career’ — George Bernard Shaw Vivek Ramaswamy is a thoroughly unlikeable person. He is so unpleasant that even the Republican primary voters, who for 15 minutes a few months ago showed some interest in this newcomer, have tasted a sample and spit it out . In the primaries, when the candidates are all the same party and mostly agree on the issues, likability and other intangibles — charisma, entertainment value, et al. — are a significant consideration. It is why Trump won in 2016 (with an Electoral College assist). A candidate who lacks these assets makes their mountain even steeper to climb — which is why Ramaswamy will not prevail in 2024. Or ever. Just ask Sean Hannity. The people who watch the Sean Hannity show tend to like and agree with Sean Hannity. This seemingly obvious fact escaped a man who revels in his high estimation of his own intelligence. Republican candidates, who are presumably on the show to promote their political futures, would do their best to have a kumbaya interview with one of Fox’s preeminent propagandists. Ramaswamy was instead obnoxious. He interrupted and stepped on Hannity when he was talking. He was so unpleasant that Sean hung up on him. (I realize that interrupting and stepping on what people say is Hannity’s stock in trade, but it is his show. And he is not trying to get elected.) Here is a transcript of their conversation SEAN HANNITY: But here’s your problem. People see you on these shows. People quote your exact words and you deny your own words. And I’m saying if you’re going to be a presidential candidate–. VIVEK RAMASWAMY: SEAN! Far from it! SEAN HANNITY: And you’re going to spend, I’m going to give you your exact words either own it or pull it back! VIVEK RAMASWAMY: Sean you have been sitting here for years talking about the fake news media–. SEAN HANNITY: You played this all the time! VIVEK RAMASWAMY: — I’m enjoying this! You have been laughing about the fake news media (Hannity Smiles, offscreen guffaw), how many times for the last several years? And now you’re buying the mainstream media narrative when you know how corrupt it is. SEAN HANNITY: Excuse me! I am following (Ramaswamy still talking) I am quoting your exact words. Did I not quote your exact words? Azerbaijan? Did I or did I not quote your exact words? (CROSSTALK) SEAN HANNITY: Thank you. Goodbye, I’ve got time to go. VIVEK RAMASWAMY: About a different topic, Azerbaijan, where people should actually get their own information rather than filter through centralized media. (Dumps Ramaswamy feed) SEAN HANNITY: I think it’s asinine to think somebody that worked in the defense industry should not be qualified to be president. I think people that never held public office like you, maybe they’re not qualified to be president! (You can watch the video HERE ) Two thoughts. First, Hannity is lucky that conservatives place no value on consistency. In 2016, Sean was Trump’s main booster despite Trump’s lack of public office-holding. Second, if Ramaswamy thinks talking about Azerbaijan is a vote-getter among MAGAs, he has misread the room. This contretemps was not an aberration for the charm-challenged Vivek. It is who he is. We have all been to school or worked with someone like Ramaswamy — bumptious asses with the social skills of a rabid gerbil and the toxic promise of gas station sushi. It is not even the first time Sean and Vivek have got it on. In a previous interview, Hannity had challenged Ramaswamy over his goal to cut off American aid to Israel — a politically poisonous position even before the Hamas slaughter of the innocents. Ramaswamy could have owned it but denied he said it until Hannity quoted his words back to him. As The Hill put it : On Monday night, Ramaswamy sat down for what should have been a softball interview with Fox’s most outspokenly conservative anchor, Sean Hannity. The conversation quickly derailed when Hannity called out Ramaswamy for misrepresenting his position on ending aid to Israel. When Ramaswamy claimed Hannity was misquoting him, the anchor doubled down, offering to read Ramaswamy’s exact quote to the audience. Hannity’s unexpected jab sent Ramaswamy into a cascade of stutters and stumbles — and revealed how much of Ramaswamy’s campaign strategy depends on doing interviews with reporters who won’t challenge his ideas. Ramaswamy is like so many people who think they are experts in everything because they have been successful in one thing — call it Musk Syndrome. When the victim combines this defect with high self-regard, masking a fragile ego, it leads to abrasive petulance when caught out. As they invariably are. That is Vivek Ramaswamy. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/10/14/2199427/-Even-Hannity-thinks-Ramaswamy-is-a-smarmy-worm?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=more_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/