(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . No one needs to change any denouncements. Anti Palestinian bigotry is a major problem. [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-10-15 This is in response to several posts on this site. In particular, the ones attacking the DAA, Tlaib, squad members, people in that group. Its all quite disturbing. Pro-Israel politics has been problematic for a long time, mixed with anti Palestinian/Middle Eastern/Muslim bigotry. It’s blown up onto the surface with these recent attacks. Israel support in government, the forcefulness and aggressiveness of that support no matter what events happen on the ground: It was disturbing. Even before the attacks last week. Bigotry and Dismissal: A Long Time Pattern From what I’ve seen, lots of low level dismissal/bad assumptions is a common thing. These all may seem kind of low stakes, though likely builds up over time for the people in question. In higher stakes politics, there’s anti BDS laws. Which are blatantly unconstitutional, and similar laws against boycotts aren’t passed, or at least not as blatantly and in a celebrated way as said BDS laws. Here are some responses to last week’s events. What I’ve been reading, but didn’t immediately find any quick screenshots of, is increased attacks by random people. More scarily, increased official attacks: firings, doxxing, other official threats, protests banned. So, lay off the Middle Eastern folks doing politics, and their supporters. Tjhey’ve been dealing with a lot of nonsense for a long time. Left vs. Moderate and Right In actuality, I don’t believe for a second that anyone really cares about Tlaib, Ocasio Cortez, Omar, and others wording the words right. Its attacking a group of people already attacked for other reasons, just with a more convenient excuse. Critici When the Squad members elected, lots of people, including moderate democrats, attacked from the start. Sometimes subtly, sometimes out in the open. Apparently, running for office in a democracy to get the policy you want is a mortal sin. Policy like major investment to slow global warming or single payer health care, the horror. And they’ve been attacked in weird and ridiculous ways since then. And while the Sanders campaign in 2016 has issues with harassment and such, people are allowed to run for president. One of the way is to attack them for not being solidly full on pro Israel. Maybe the questioners are bigoted toward middle easterners, maybe against progressives. Maybe a mix of both. Or are used to progressives compromising and staying in the background, and try to tear down such politicians who get lots of attention. Or a mix of everything. Whatever it is, saying this out loud makes you look like an asshole. So instead other, nitpicky things get criticized. That get ignored when other politicians do equivalents. While Jeffries and Hoyer have made announcements supporting some of these candidates recently, Jeffries in particular was a major opponent of them running for office. Virulent, angry opponent, angry at the idea that anyone would run against an existing congressperson in a primary. That running for office in a democracy is wrong somehow. He is also very pro-Israel, it is as likely as not he is responsible for some of the bigotry we’re seeing now. Hoyer possibly as well, though I have no documentation to back this up. Just the history of how older politicians tend to operate. My Own Commentary on events Surprisingly enough, I don’t have a ready to go answer for what to do with the land of, let’s call it Canaan for now. or IP. What I do know, is that in similar Ethnic conflicts, Israel wouldn’t be getting the support it does: it does enormously disproportionate damage during somewhat regular Gaza wars, and is grabbing settlement territory elsewhere. Even if some attacks and hatred go the other direction, that is typical for conflicts, the U.S. is not committing to, say, allowing Armenia to bombard the hell out of Azerbaijan because of the recent wars. In the other famous war right now, Ukraine is heavily restricted even when facing a deadlier invasion from a proportionally much more powerful enemy, in continuously slow burn and than all out war over the past almost decade at this point. Calls for ceasefires, or restraint, or similar demands are well within expectations and make good sense. Demanding a perfect denunciation of certain groups does not. Calling for Palestinians to leave, either on its own, or because “they weren’t a nationality, they can just go to other arab countries” — yes, I’ve seen that second a number of times. That’s using violence to force someone to move, by definition ethnic cleansing. Pretty close anyway, might be some legalese difference. Not the first option of Ukrainians facing invasion, considered a tragedy to be avoided for various burmese groups, or Ethiopaisn recently, or any other similar wars. Same here. And the laws and harassment within country: Needs fixing. In small and large ways, Palestinians/Middle Eastern/Muslim people get exposed to it over and over. Listening, and not demanding, is the procedure of choice. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/10/15/2199082/-No-one-needs-to-change-any-denouncements-Anti-Palestinian-bigotry-is-a-major-problem?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=more_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/