(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . What Price? And a Little History Lesson [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-10-25 (I apologize for the unqualified “you”s and “we”s, but you’ll know if they apply to you or your country). This began as a reply to a comment but turned into a blog I didn't want to post yet. The commentor called the war the Hamas-Israel conflict. But it's really the *Israel-Palestinian* conflict. And has been since Balfour, a raging British anti-semite, arranged for the Jewish partition of Palestine, which had only a small population of Jews, with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 (not 1948, 1967,1973, etc, but this goes way back to the soon to be waning days of the British Empire). Balfour got 3 for 1, rid of all those pesky Jews, support of evangelical Christians, and gained support among Jews worldwide for WWI. There was no representation of Palestinians in any of this. Thus the settler colonialism of Palestine began, modeled after the Anglo-American system. The system that stole from, tortured, and committed genocide and an ethnic cleansing of some of my indigenous ancestors. The indigenous are always expendable, called “savages” and terrorists, not rebels, soldiers or even freedom fighters, when they resist, in the only ways left to them. Israelis are “settlers” and “citizens”, and “victims”, and Arabs are “animals” and “terrorists”. I came to Daily Koss cautiously today, as I had been fearing the bizarre backing of Israel by many Dems and even the real Left, for Israel's genocide, which the attack gave Israel the freedom to do. With the complete backing of the West. The Israelis aren't just after Hamas, they mean to rid all of Palestine of Palestinians, and they've said so, clearly, many times. Ethnic cleansing of millions, half of them children. People who originally lived on and owned the land, which Israel was given carte blanche to invade. Anyway, I don't want to take time to write a full blog about more than the overwhelming Israeli propaganda if it will just get deleted and me banned (but why would I ever come here again, if so?). So far, I only found this buried, veiled post and comment about Israel. Maybe there's more, but the top posts are about the idiotic Speaker vote which Dems can do nothing about and helped bring about because humiliating the GQP is surely better (this isn't entertainment) than actually governing even if we get an even farther right Speaker. Do you honestly think any moderate person will get elected in this masturbatory exercise? And there's the blogs supporting Ukraine, which, if we took the same position for that as the Israeli-Palestinian war, we would back Russia. I thought that Dems were for freedom, equality, peace, human rights, the marginalized? But turns out only when told to or a social media fad or to be contrary to Trump. And refuse to look under the amazing amount of Israeli propaganda. When did the Dems turn into the hawks and the GOP the isolationists, although they are making an even bigger go of supporting Israel, as they get *substantial* AIPAC money, as does Biden, Raskin, and many of the “stars” of the Dem party. For AIPAC will primary them if they don't get their money's worth. And pull huge donations from universities, like the kerfuffle at Harvard. The profs in many universities getting fired, journalists fired, etc, who can fully criticize our government, but never Israel. What other foreign countries do we swear allegiance to? I thought that was traitorous? Yet AIPAC even has their own news channels: MSNBC the best ROI (!), then NBC, Fox, CBS, and ABC. There's no freedom of speech around Israel. We are falsely accused of being anti-semites for any criticism of Israel's fascist government and Zionist control and goals. How much revenge blood is enough for Israel and the US? For Dems? 4x, now 5x? 10x,100x? No one speaks about the over 1,000 Palestinian hostages (“prisoners” would be charged and given due process, esp in a supposed democracy) taken since Oct 7, added to the 5,500 Israel already had, many of them small children, most with no charges or due process for years. Now with sub-human treatment. For many hostages in Israeli prisons, there is now no medical, no electricity, water/toilet only 1hr/day, 2 tiny bad meals, no visitors, interrogations, revenge, beatings, with the resulting deaths. But we only see and hear from the 220 or w/e Israeli hostages. Children! They say. Yet they've been arresting small children for decades and now killing thousands. But we aren't allowed to hear that. Yes, how many pounds of flesh will the US take or support the taking of, just to satisfy our real rulers: the MIC, Wall Street, and the Zionist Israeli lobby. Not only Zionists, but also Messianic and evangelical Jews and various Christians, because any amount of non-Christian lives are worth it to see Jesus. What muderous God is this? How many lives does it cost for Jesus to come back? Is it more to bring him sooner, like a video game? Like a few million Palestinians would get him here next year? To prove their loyalty? But by all means, cheer on and display your foreign flags (the flags have to stop, people, they breed nationalism and separate us, plus are the trademarks of white supremacists, of Jan 6th). Your flags of the occupied Ukraine, our proxy war against Russia, because MSNBC and the MIC propaganda machine and the DNC has told you that's what you should do. Send money. I'm not saying it's not the thing to do, but that's for another blog. I've officially left the Dem Party, been gone farther left before this, because it clearly isn't democratic. We can't even choose our presidential candidates and maybe no primaries (Biden isn't registering in NH). Why does it care more about LBGTQ people than Palestinians? They should be equal and get the same unanimous support! It's called human rights and peace, guys. Well I wrote a small blog anyway! If you who support Israel's genocide or a wider war, will educate yourselves on history, and rise out of the cult of Islamaphobia, “3rd world” disregard for a different culture, plus militarism, merely because it's contrary to isolationist Trump, maybe we could get somewhere and save some lives. I think the nearly 6,000 already killed in Gaza, 1,000 missing (so dead under a building), over 17,500 injured is too much. Yes, 1,300 lost by Israel was horrible, and I shouldn't have to say it. Hamas didn't do anything much different than Israel has all these years. Grab them, beat them, take their phones, burn their houses, often with people in thrm Almost 500 Palestinians have been killed by Israel year to date by Oct 6. Oct 7 didn't just suddenly happen because Hamas decided to commit atrocities for fun and profit that day. Also, the IDF has a doctrine, the Hannibal Doctrine, in which they don't take hostages or civilians into consideration. So victims have reported that thus many of the rave deaths were actually by Israel's friendly fire. This doctrine also, as the military openly said, doesn't desire a hostage release, because then they couldn't do a full attack. Israel's military and government don't care about those 220. They are worth the price of getting Hamas, they say. Think of the 1mil lives lost in just the last Iraq war, country trashed, rebel militias created, and Iraqi people tortured, all on a presidential lie (and this is another) . For NOTHING. History will view this as even worse. The US and Biden are supporting a real time genocide. Biden's right wing sympathies are on full view. I wondered when we'd see the real man. It was coming when he welcomed the fascist, Indian Trump, Modi, to a royal state welcome, or forced the striking rail workers into a settlement, and now his unconditional support for fascist Israel. The 2 state solution is archaic and dead, Palestinians don't want that, and nothing will change for them. Israel will still “settle” on their land, violence will still happen. Palestinians should have their own country (back), that they control it, and guaranteed no concentration camps or occupied lands, walls, apartheid, or marginalization. Cease fire now, and figure out another way (but the US won't give up their one colony in the region, because, like Britain before us, we are a dying empire, and going down hard). No, we in the US aren't in danger, that's an old lie to get support for war, now used by Netanyahu and his minions, who have minimal support in their own country, I should add. However, we WILL be in danger if we continue supporting Israel. The rebel groups are already inspired. This is exactly how 9/11 happened. Not to mention the hate crimes happening here in the US. We are our own worst enemies because we allow this propaganda to influence and divide us. And view governance like sports teams and have to be polarized. If this war was in Star Wars, we'd cheer for the Empire, not the Rebels, claiming that the Rebels killed so many, including civilians (you think there were no worker bees on the Deathstar?), and were guerillas, not “real” military. It's a complex situation, wrongs making wrongs, too many players, leaders who only care about fund raising, votes, and power. Leaders who don't read history, who lie easily. Leaders who don't care about us, we are just squawking little birds to them. I'm including all the world leaders involved in this war. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/10/25/2201565/-What-Price-And-a-Little-History-Lesson?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=latest_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/