(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Something is seriously *wrong* with these people [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-10-26 There used to be a TV show on ABC called “Once upon a time” where all the main characters were really fantasy characters from various Disney projects. Snow White, Prince Charming, the Seven Dwarves, the Wicked Witch, Rumplestinskin, and Bella from Beauty and the Beast were all real people, with real lives. They had lived in “Storybook Land” but were now in the real world, living somewhere in Maine. Listening to Michael Cohen recount how Trump and his lawyers behaved during his trial it’s like they believed that “Legally Blond” and “Perry Mason” was real, because they really truly thought that because something-something-Michael-Cohen they had accomplished the greatest “GOTCHA” of all time and demanded that the entire case — which has already been mostly decided against them — should be completely and totally thrown out. Because huh? Here, listen to Michael describe it. Trump’s lawyer told the judge “We’re making a motion for a directed verdict” (Which is where one party asks the judge to settle the entire case). And the judge looked and he was like “What?” (The Lawyer) goes “We’re making a motion for a directed verdict based on the fact that Mr. Cohen is a convicted perjurer” and that — this was a Trump play — out of a playbook — and it fucking fell short like you can’t imagine. They thought they were going to get a directed verdict based on the fact that they took one line, which is actually not inaccurate though it’s not clear, but they thought they were going to get one line out of a 500-page Congressional hearing and use that to impeach my credibility and to get a directed verdict. Not once, but twice. They made motions for a directed verdict to which the judge said “Absolutely Not. Absolutely denied.” And with that Trump threw his hands in the air, and starts yelling like the Diaper Donald baby that he is. “Oh, I didn’t get my way. I didn't get my way” thinking that Michael Cohen is the only witness, he’s the key witness. The judge turned around and said “Michael Cohen isn’t the only witness. He may or may not be the key witness, there are many witnesses here. In fact, there’s enough documentation already on this case to fill this courtroom.” So he goes “No. NO!” And Donald was so fucking angry, he picked himself up and he ran out. Kicking and screaming, yelling. Literally, they thought that by trying to denigrate me. If I tell you, If the record comes out — I’m going to do a search — that these fucking lawyers for Donald turned around and called me “perjurer”, a “convicted felon”, a “liar” it’s gotta be in the thousands. Every other word by each and every one of them was “felon”, “liar”, “convicted liar.” Like I don’t even know when I’m lying because I’m just a liar. Once a liar, always a liar — right? Look, he’s lying right now — his lips are moving. He’s telling you “Everything he says is a lie.” But if that’s true — is what he says about lying a lie? Or is it true? To be accurate Cohen was convicted of lying when he told Donald Trump’s story the way he wanted it told. He denied that Donald was involved in the payoffs to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels, he also lied about being involved in trying to establish Trump Tower Moscow with Dimitri Peskov the Kremlin Spokesman during the 2016 election. Those were lies that Trump wanted to be told. Cohen wouldn't have told those lies if Trump hadn’t demanded it. And now, Trump is attacking Cohen for telling HIS lies? It’s literally surreal. Here — in case you think Michael Cohen the perjurers veracity is in doubt — this is the take from an analysts on MSNBC. x x YouTube Video "Today... was a bit like watching 'Legally Blonde,' MSNBC legal analyst Lisa Rubin told Chris Hayes on his show. She cited a critical denouement at the end of the film where the judge cuts short a trial after damning testimony. "For our viewers who know this movie well, there's a moment that the end of the movie where a witness on the stand breaks down and admits to a crime, and the judge essentially rules the trial over, because Elle Woods' client is 'not guilty!'" Elle Woods, portrayed by Reese Witherspoon, is the main character in the film who takes her sorority past to master the law and win a case in court. The day witnessed Judge Arthur Engoron penalize former President Donald Trump $10,000 fine for violating a gag order he set earlier this month for the second time. And it was a day where Trump's former "fixer" Michael Cohen was grilled by Trump’s attorneys in an attempt to catch him in a contradiction. Rubin pointed out that Trump family attorney Cliff Robert tried and failed in big screen fashion to secure what is called a "directed verdict" -- essentially urging the judge to make a hasty decision in favor of Trump solely based on Cohen's testimony on the witness stand. “Absolutely denied,” Engoron quipped. “This case has evidence, an incredible amount—evidence all over the place…That’s absurd, Mr. Robert.” "He moved for what's called a directed verdict -- that's asking the judge, basically, truncate the trial, and end it now, fine for us," Rubin said on the show. "And he didn't do that." "But that's what they expected to happen. And they honestly seemed surprised." Their reaction and disappointment at the end is what gets me. They really thought this stupid shithead idea was going to work. They were invested in this idea. They were betting the farm on it. This was a “Brilliant Wile-E-Coyote Super-Genius Plan” in their pea brains. ACME patent pending. Michael Cohen told TRUMP’S LIES and got caught. Eventually, he repented and he gradually came back to reality and common sense. These people are gone. It’s not just Trump alone — it’s all of them. They have a very clear cognitive dysfunction. They have a fantasy movie playing in their heads and they have that stupid fucking movie completely confused with actual reality. They think they’re in Storybook Land. They think Hillary Clinton is the Wicked Witch. Michael Cohen is Rumplestilskin. The judge is “partisan and biased.” His clerk is “Schumer’s girlfriend.” The “Deep State” is out to get them. All the prosecutors are “Racist” because they’re all (except for Jack Smith) Black and he’s not. No other evidence is required. It’s just obvious amirite? Joe Biden is senile and/or dead. He’s not the President, Trump is the President — and Biden is being played by an actor. Probably James Woods. Q is coming. JFK is coming back. We must fight for Israel — while Hamas is flowing across the “Open Border” — but not for any Jews like George Soros because he eats babies. And the proof is that he totally had a great economy and great standing in the world — completely unlike the guy who shut down the economy, lost millions of jobs, had the worst economy since Herbert Hoover, drove the deficit threw the roof to over $3 Trillion, had a negative GDP, and canceled the Iran deal which took their oil off the market then threatened the Saudis into cutting their production which drove oil and gas prices sky high, let the supply chain collapse, tried to downplay Covid and made millions of people distrust science, facts, and the vaccine, promoted Ivermectin and injecting bleach, and left our country crumbled up in the ditch without any plan to distribute a life-saving vaccine which caused 43% more deaths in the Red States. Trump was the greatest — White House Resident — ever, better than JFK, better than Johnson, better than Reagan, better than FDR, better than George Washington himself. Yeah, whoever did all that other bad shit was an Asshole. This is the type of thing I regularly get from Magas. Gail Meredith This garbage heap that is the “judge” in this ridiculously unconstitutional fake case is disgusting. As far as I can tell, she should be impeached due to her obvious hatred of our Constitution and our great country and her absolute hatred and bias against the real President Donald Trump. The totally corrupt DOJ under the even more corrupt Biden (the empty vessel that can hardly put 2 sentences together) are violating the 1st amendment rights of Americans and Donald Trump. Using the justice system to go after the opponent in the Presidential election that will beat him in a landslide. Claiming he is a threat to Democracy??? As usual, Demoncrats are accusing others of crimes that they themselves are the ones committing. Under Biden, high inflation and gas prices, an invasion on our Southern border,astronomical increase in crime and homelessness, two wars, America a laughing stock, a new alliance between China Russia and Iran…. I could go on. None of that horribleness under Trump, the man they are trying to prosecute for fake crimes. The only way Biden wins reelection is thru voter fraud and stealing the elections AGAIN!! Let’s hope we can stop then this time. This is the same cognitive dysfunction. It’s confirmation bias run amok. None of this shit true, and I’ve debunked it point by point. It’s a fantasy — a delusion. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/10/26/2201729/-Something-is-seriously-wrong-with-these-people?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/