(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . A Love Letter to Joe Biden: Saturday's GNR [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-10-28 Dear Mr. President, Can I call you Joe? Just kidding, I’ll call you Mr. President. You don’t know me, but I’m your biggest fan. Not in a creepy way (I mean, MOSTLY not in a creepy way) but in a fangirl awesome way. Before you were elected, I wrote a series about you titled 100 Days of Joe Biden, where I spent 100 days posting an article a day with awesome facts about you. I mean that’s love isn’t it, Joe (sorry, Mr. President)? And since then you have stolen my heart again and again. Just look at you: How can a girl resist??? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Jill too (Hi Dr Biden!) I have no romantic plans for you and me. I’m married too. Instead, I love you like a person loves the awesome uncle who saves the country from an evil and disgusting authoritarian nightmare. I love you like a person loves an older brother who stands up for what is right. I love you like someone loves a mentor who has decades of experience and uses it to make the world a better place. I love you Joe Biden (sorry, Mr. President) and I am ready to let the world know! Our love cannot be stopped! Why just this week you showed me more reasons to love you! What did you do? I’ll tell you: You provided more evidence that Bidenomics works!!! U.S. economy grows at blockbuster pace in third quarter The U.S. economy grew by an annualized rate of 4.9 percent in the third quarter, the strongest pace since 2021, as spending — by families, businesses and the government — accelerated, even in the face of fast-rising borrowing costs. New government data released Thursday by the Bureau of Economic Analysis shows that gross domestic product expanded between July and September, capping five straight quarters of growth and eluding a long-feared recession. The recent surge is a sign that some of the Biden administration’s policies are helping juice the economy at a critical time. Economists say it’s clear that recent investments in infrastructure are paying off: Robust manufacturing construction and government spending drove much of last quarter’s growth, and households have continued to benefit from historic job gains. US economy delivers blockbuster performance in third quarter The report also showed underlying inflation subsiding considerably last quarter. Most economists have revised their forecasts and now believe the Fed can engineer a "soft-landing" for the economy, citing expectations that the July-September period will show a continuation of second-quarter strength in worker productivity and moderation in unit labor costs. "We've seen for a period of time now a post pandemic induced negative bias about an imminent recession and persistent inflation," said Brian Bethune, an economics professor at Boston College. "But not only is the economy surprisingly resilient, we also got productivity-driven growth for two consecutive quarters in 2023, meaning the business cycle still looks very solid." Remember how you stood on the picket lines for the UAW? Well we just learned that your support worked! Ford workers praise new UAW contract: ‘This will change so many lives’ Ford workers are giving positive feedback on the new contract their union negotiated with the automaker, with some calling the 25 percent raise and other details “historic.” The initial response could bode well for the worker ratification vote needed to finalize the tentative agreement announced Wednesday night. Ford workers have suspended their strike and will return to their jobs as they prepare for a vote that could take a week or more to organize. “This deal is stronger, better than previous deals,” said Williams, who will make $40 an hour by 2028 under the new deal. “I’m getting all set for my retirement. What a great day to be a Ford employee.” And that is just part of what makes you great, boyfriend (sorry, I mean Mr. President) Biden has steered the country out of a recession and pandemic, gotten through a slew of critical legislation (some bipartisan), avoided a default on the debt, set the stage for about 14 million new jobs and overseen a resurgence of manufacturing. Internationally, he has restored the United States’ image and solidified and expanded NATO in defense of Ukraine. Don’t start blushing Mr. President! You know how great you are! Why even you (a modest fella from Scranton PA) will admit it sometimes: x Folks, under Bidenomics, the unemployment rate has stayed below 4 percent for 20 months in a row – the longest stretch in 50 years. No one thought it was possible. But I know better than to underestimate the American people. pic.twitter.com/yPM7xkDrQf — President Biden (@POTUS) October 27, 2023 Heck, even jerkfaces recognize how awesome you are, Mr. President. Like this guy who has a poster of Ronald Reagan in his bedroom: By declaring his support for our allies, showing compassion for victims, and making clear moral distinctions—the president was the grown-up in the room. I never thought the day would come when I, a die-hard Reagan Republican, would credit a Democratic president for being Reaganesque. Amazingly, it has. Don’t look now, but Joe Biden has been leading with moral authority in the struggle against violent authoritarianism and illiberalism at home and abroad. While Biden tapped into compelling emotions, he also made the case for what might be called “peace through strength” and against appeasement, arguing that “if we don’t stop Putin’s appetite for power and control in Ukraine, he won’t limit himself just to Ukraine.” “And to all of you… who are hurting,” Biden continued. “I want you to know: I see you. You belong. And I want to say this to you: You’re all America. You’re all America.” It sounds Reaganesque to me. And I wasn’t the only one who thought Biden struck the right tone. “I think it may be remembered as one of the best, if not the best speeches of his presidency,” Fox News’ Brit Hume said. “He was firm, he was unequivocal, he was strong…” Hume also praised Biden for linking financial support for Ukraine with support for Israel. In summary, Mr. President, you are the bee’s knees! Only Leslie Knope loves you as much as I do (and she is fictional, so I am going to take the W on this). Let’s watch Leslie’s journey with you here and imagine that I am her: That was fun! Let’s get to some other good news from the week! C’mon Joe (Mr. President), it’ll be fun! We’ll even make fun of the former guy! You’ll love it. Let’s start with some good legal news for voting rights! Good News for Voting Rights Still lots of important battles to fight for voting rights, but this week we had some important victories. Judge rules Georgia’s political maps must be redrawn before 2024 elections A federal judge has struck down Georgia’s political district maps and ordered state lawmakers to redraw them by Dec. 8, in a win for voting rights activists who argued that the state’s maps dilute the power of Black voters. Michigan Legislature Sends Bill Permitting Paid Voter Transportation to Governor On Tuesday, Oct. 24, the Michigan Senate passed legislation that would overturn an 1891 law that makes it a misdemeanor to hire transportation to take voters to the polls unless they are physically unable to walk. The bill has already passed the Michigan House of Representatives, and now heads to the desk of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who is expected to sign the legislation. The ban also prohibits rideshare companies, like Uber and Lyft, from providing free or discounted rides to the polls on Election Day. Michigan is the only state in the country with a strict law that criminalizes third-party transportation of voters, and Uber has previously said the company offered the rides to voters in every other state in the country, but could not in Michigan as a result of the ban. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) praised the passage of the bill in a statement, describing the ban as discriminatory and arguing that it “unfairly restricted the voting rights of seniors, people with disabilities, young voters, and anyone with transportation challenges.” Federal Judge Dismisses Right-Wing Challenge to Nevada Law Protecting Election Workers On Friday, Oct. 20, a federal judge dismissed a right-wing lawsuit challenging Nevada’s recently enacted Election Worker Protection Law, Senate Bill 406. Enacted in late May, in response to alarmingly high rates of threats to election officials, the Election Worker Protection Law, or Senate Bill 406, creates new offenses to protect election officials from intimidation and election interference. Fortunately for Nevada voters and election workers, a federal judge declined to block the law and also dismissed the lawsuit. In the order dismissing the case, the judge found that the plaintiffs failed to demonstrate that they had standing to bring the case and that neither of the plaintiffs “proffered hypothetical injuries” are “concrete or imminent” enough to constitute standing. This decision is a victory for voters as S.B. 406 is a much-needed improvement at a time where threats to election workers are at an all time high and election workers are quitting their jobs citing harassment and threats. 5th Circuit Upholds Consent Decree for Louisiana Supreme Court Justice Elections On Wednesday, Oct. 25, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a decision that maintains a 1992 consent decree requiring Louisiana to have a majority-Black district in Orleans Parish for state Supreme Court elections. This victory stems from a lawsuit filed in 1986 by Black voters in Louisiana against the Louisiana governor, secretary of state and commissioner of elections alleging that the state’s method used to elect the seven justices of the Louisiana Supreme Court violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). Before this lawsuit was filed, Louisiana had never elected a Black state Supreme Court justice. The 5th Circuit’s 2-1 decision is a victory for Black voters in Louisiana who will retain the opportunity to elect a candidate of their choice to the state’s highest court. Bad News for Bad Guys Fulton County DA has discussed plea deals with at least 6 more Trump co-defendants Fulton County prosecutors have discussed potential plea deals with at least six additional co-defendants charged alongside Donald Trump for attempting to subvert the 2020 presidential election, multiple sources tell CNN. The strategy by District Attorney Fani Willis’ office is clear: get as many co-defendants as possible to flip on the former president, leaving Trump and perhaps a few close allies on the hot seat. Jenna Ellis, Former Trump Lawyer, Pleads Guilty in Georgia Election Case Jenna Ellis, a pro-Trump lawyer who amplified former President Donald J. Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud as part of what she called a legal “elite strike force team,” pleaded guilty on Tuesday as part of a deal with prosecutors in Georgia. x BREAKING: Ellis plea is a BIG deal. What is NEW, and NOT in Powell/Chesebro pleas, is a full cooperation requirement: obligation to meet with DA for interviews and to provide further statements, as well as of course to testify at hearings/trials. https://t.co/ix72xujUEO — Andrew Weissmann (weissmann11 on Threads)🌻 (@AWeissmann_) October 24, 2023 Hearings begin as Trump critics attempt to kick him off ballots In two courtrooms 900 miles apart, judges next week will begin to weigh an unprecedented and historic question: Is former president Donald Trump eligible to run for office again given his alleged role in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol? Starting on Monday in Denver, a week-long hearing featuring witnesses and legal scholars will explore whether Jan. 6 qualified as an insurrection, which could bar Trump from the ballot in Colorado. On Thursday, the Minnesota Supreme Court will hear arguments about whether an obscure part of the Constitution might keep Trump off the ballot there. In coming weeks, courts around the country might hold similar proceedings. The legal strategy, pursued by an unusual mix of conservatives and liberals, is unlike any tried before against a candidate for president. x A Colorado judge just denied Donald Trump's latest attempt to dismiss the lawsuit seeking to remove him from the state's 2024 ballot because of his role on Jan. 6. The decision comes just days before the trial on Trump's ballot eligibility is expected to begin. @NBCNews — Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 27, 2023 Judge orders Ivanka Trump to testify in $250 million fraud case The judge overseeing the $250 million civil trial against Donald Trump and his company ordered the former president's daughter Ivanka Trump to testify in the case. Kevin Wallace of the AG's office said they plan on calling Donald Trump Jr. to the stand on Wednesday, Eric Trump on Thursday and Ivanka Trump on Friday, and then their father on Monday, Nov. 6. Wallace said the AG's office will rest their case following Trump's testimony. Both of Trump's sons are executives at their father's company, and Ivanka Trump is a former executive. The sons were on both the AG and Trump's witness lists. Ivanka Trump was not on Trump's witness list and was challenging the AG's subpoena for her to testify. Judge Arthur Engoron ruled in the AG's favor on Friday Trump’s Deranged Behavior in His New York Fraud Trial Will Make Him Lose Bigly We know—with near-certainty—that former President Donald Trump is going to lose New York Attorney General Letitia James’ ongoing civil case against him for “numerous acts of fraud and misrepresentation.” The judge ruled against Trump before the trial, on a motion for summary judgment filed by James. The AG said that she should win on some issues without the need for a trial, and the judge agreed. We thus know that Trump will lose. The only remaining question is how much will Trump ultimately have to pay Trump, for his part, seems to be going out of his way to make that amount as high as possible. When you’re the defendant in a trial without a jury, you really want the judge to like you. The judge may in the end rule against you, but you shouldn’t encourage the judge to want to hammer you. Any lawyer will tell you that needlessly antagonizing a presiding judge is just stupid. Judges try to be fair, and they try not to let their personal feelings interfere with their rulings on the law. But judges are also human. Judge Engoron has already ruled against Trump before trial and is now deciding how badly to punish Trump for his misdeeds. Any rational defendant would, in this situation, be on his best behavior. Not Trump. Instead, he’s going out of his way to defy the judge, and that cannot help his legal cause. Compounding his error, after swearing to tell the truth, Trump gave testimony that the judge found to be false. Defying the judge and lying under oath may help Trump politically, and it may satisfy him personally. But from a legal perspective, it’s just plain crazy. Other Good News Mike Johnson breathes some hope into Ukraine funding On its surface, the elevation of Mike Johnson to House speaker would seem to be bad news for Ukraine funding. The Louisiana congressman has an “F” rating from the Republicans for Ukraine advocacy group, having consistently voted with a minority of House Republicans against sending money. But the reality is more complicated. Despite his voting record, Johnson’s rhetoric has often aligned with the party’s Russia hawks. And since winning the gavel, he’s saying the kind of things that suggest the funding is a priority. That was the case during his first long-form interview as speaker, on Thursday night with Fox News’s Sean Hannity. Perhaps most notable, Johnson actually broached Ukraine funding before Hannity did. Johnson mentioned it alongside other immediate concerns, while downplaying other issues. I mean don’t get me wrong, dude is a homophobic traitorous POS. But Ukraine needs funds, so that is good news. On the lighter side What can you do to save democracy? Here are some ideas: We here at the GNR have set up a fundraising ActBlue account where you can donate and have it evenly distributed between 24 races that will be key to winning the House in 24! Go ahead and donate at this link: More worried about keeping tfg out of the WH? You could: Looking for something else? Maybe something that doesn’t involve donating? GREAT! Here are some other ideas: So pick just one and get to it! I am so lucky and so proud to be in this with all of you 💓💚💛🧡✊🏻✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿✊❤️🧡💛💚 [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/10/28/2202053/-A-Love-Letter-to-Joe-Biden-Saturday-s-GNR?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/