(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . From Shadows to Radiant Morn [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-10-29 Part I: The Ancient Shadows In epochs past, our minds ensnared in shallow grasp, A slumber deep, our thoughts but whispers in the vast. Yet, ‘midst the somber night, a rare mind woke, Treading realms unseen, ‘neath wisdom’s ancient oak. His gaze, unclouded, pierced the veiled deceit, Unveiling truths that lay at noble Reason’s seat. In ancient halls, the fervent quest for truth begun, Seeking justice ‘neath the impartial sun. A nascent light grew ‘mongst the hearts of men, The flame of enquiry, blazing forth from fen. Yet, for each mind woke, a thousand lay in sleep, Bound by chains of ignorance, in abysses steep. Through cobblestone paths of ancient Greece, Where dialogues of intellect found no cease, The woke souls ventured, with minds afire, Against a cosmos of dogmas, they'd aspire. They delved into realms of self and state, Unfolding doctrines that would resonate. Through Rome’s grandeur and Egypt’s ancient lore, The quest for wokeness was the core, Of thoughts profound, that would implore, The minds of many to explore, The depths of being, and much more, To unlock wisdom’s hidden door. Part II: The Middle Veil As ages rolled, the veil ‘twixt dark and light grew thin, The clarion of Reason, resounded deep within. The shackles of yore, began to lose their hold, Minds unfettered, bold, with thoughts uncontrolled. Yet, ‘midst newfound light, shadows lurked, unseen, Veiling hearts with hate, minds with envy, green. The Middle Age, a battle ‘twixt the night and day, A struggle dire to keep dark ignorance at bay. With every dawn, more eyes beheld the light, Yet dark forces rallied, shrouding truth from sight. The woke minds, a lantern ‘gainst the endless night, Beacons of hope amidst the ceaseless fight. In Gothic halls and in the scribe's lone cell, The flicker of wokeness continued to dwell. Though darkness loomed and veiled the land, The embers of Reason, in hearts, did stand. Against the tide of dogma, they’d swim, To realms of thought, on curiosity’s brim. Through ink and quill, the minds woke sought, To unravel the truths, in battles fought. In shadows deep, they found the light, Defying the ignorance of the night. Their words, a trail through time would weave, A legacy of wokeness, they'd leave. Part III: The Modern Dawn Now in this age, the term woke anew reborn, A call to arms ‘gainst ancient hatreds sworn. To be woke, a pledge to stand ‘gainst lies, To chase truth ‘cross vast, unending skies. An oath to challenge, the norms unjust, To crumble old tyrannies, to dust. Now, ‘woke’ transcends, ‘tis not just sight, But empathy, a journey towards the light. A path that champions the voiceless, weak, A haven for the truths all souls seek. To be woke, a hope for justice, fair, A dream of an earth, equal and square. In modern halls, the dialogue continues, Against a sky of diverse hues. The woke hearts strive, with love as guide, To bridge the chasms, wide. To forge a world where love presides, And wokeness in each heart abides. A call to the heart, to the soul, to the core, To strive for a world with hate, no more. Our collective journey towards the dawn, A pact with posterity, anon. Together we march, our spirits woke, In unity, we rise from ashes and smoke. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/story/2023/10/29/2202380/-From-Shadows-to-Radiant-Morn Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/