(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Climate Crisis: Regenerative life challenge! [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-10-30 This year I’m challenging myself to transition as rapidly as I can to a regenerative way of life. We all have, I think, an idea of what a sustainable life is; a regenerative life takes that further. Rather than just finding a point of sustainability, where we can keep doing the same thing indefinitely while causing the same level of damage, a regenerative life is one which gives back more, produces more life and more abundance for ourselves, our families, our friends, and our communities. This year I started out at a pretty low level. I replaced my 20+ year old gasoline car with a used Chevy Bolt EV. This way I could reduce my GHG emissions somewhat while running errands and going to my part-time job. My big goal continues to be to grow most of my own food. As the growing season commenced I repurposed my old vegetable garden to become a syntropic system for growing staple crops like corn, squash, and potatoes, as well as eventually some tree fruit. Struggling through the brutal summer with months of above 100F highs during the day, I improved the soil of my kitchen garden with many wheelbarrow loads of leaves and grass clippings mulch. I didn’t get much production except a pretty good crop of winter squash, a surprisingly good crop of yellow potatoes, and steady production of bunching onions. As the weather cooled with the Fall the garden has begun to produce all the green vegetables we need as well as some summer squash. In addition to improving my food-growing, I began studying Minimalism and getting rid of all the excess stuff I had accumulated over the years. I gave some away to a friend and am donating the remainder to the Women’s Shelter in town. This is an ongoing task which I plan to focus on during cold or rainy weather this cool season when I can’t work outdoors. One of the most important and challenging things I’ve done this year is attempt to buy nothing (after the car purchase) except food and garden-related items, and a small amount of building and plumbing supplies. No new clothes, no impulse buys. I don’t need anything more at this point. Except for reducing our beef intake, I probably won’t make many changes to our food-buying habits because I don’t want to disrupt my family, who may or may not be interested in taking this Regenerative Life thing as far as I am. I hope I can encourage some who read this diary to take the Regenerative Life Challenge along with me. I know some of you are already far beyond me in your sustainable and/or regenerative lives. We’re all at different levels and folks can start where they want and stop where it gets too challenging. I aim to push myself up to and slightly beyond my comfort threshold. Links to Some Resources Regenerative Living: www.robingreenfield.org Robin Greenfield videos Andrew Millison videos Permaculture A Designers Manual the complete guide to a regenerative human culture Regenerative Growing: Huw Richards videos Edible Acres videos Discover Permaculture videos The Weedy Garden videos Green Dreams videos Minimalism: The Minimal Mom videos A to Zen Life videos Join us in building a resilient, regenerative, and equitable culture. No one is stopping us! Encouraging mass action Mass action begins with you A roadmap to climate resilience The crucial tipping point Examples of what our world could look like: Beautiful inspiration video Another one [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/10/30/2202472/-Climate-Crisis-Regenerative-life-challenge?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/