(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Countdown With Keith Olbermann, S2E73: The Media Just Figured It Out: Trump Is Hitler [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2023-11-13 S2E73 on Omny.FM (and links to all of his podcasts) ivoox also carries his podcast. YouTube, later. Preview: It’s a long one today. A-Block SPECIAL COMMENT: Trump IS our Hitler. I posited this as early as 2016 and stated it in this series in September, 2022. But some bridge was crossed over the weekend, something happened that was so bad that even The Washington Post sat up and took notice. And now, suddenly, the forces of Groupthink and Conventional Wisdom and The Run On The Bank and The Fear Of Coming In Last On The New Big Beat have all aligned — and for once, for good. Trump is Hitler. Not Hitler 1940, not Hitler 1938. But Hitler 1933? The last moment at which he could have been stopped before he unleashed the cataclysms of European destruction and the Holocaust. Maybe, maybe not. The following is referred to as the Nordau Quote: How dare the smooth talkers, the clever official blabbers, open their mouths and boast of progress ... Here they hold jubilant peace conferences in which they talk against war ... But the same righteous Governments, who are so nobly, industriously active to establish the eternal peace, are preparing, by their own confession, complete annihilation for six million people, and there is nobody, except the doomed themselves, to raise his voice in protest although this is a worse crime than any war. The speaker is Max Nordau, in a speech at the World Zionist Congress, held in the year 19...11. That’s right. Pre-WWII. Pre-Nazis. Pre-WWI. (Versions of this quote exist where “people” is replaced by “Jews” and by “creatures.”) And that mention of “six million” is a bit spooky, too. Back to Keith. That’s where we are with Trump. And a bevy of his quotes FINALLY broke through: calling his enemies vermin and promising to root them out and echoing Hitler's “ein Volk” speech, while at the same time his evil psychotic henchmen let one too many detail leak about plans to vet every significant military leader so he could count on the army, and his plan to build concentration camps for migrants (and oh by the way anybody who would defend them) and his attempts to get Mo Brooks to demand a new election and his re-installation as president LAST YEAR and some kind of an overthrow of the Biden regime — all came out simultaneously. To say nothing of the video proffers that got Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell their Georgia plea deals, full of previously sourced stories that will now have witness testimony about seizing voting machines and “the boss is not going to leave” and suddenly a million light bulbs have gone off around the media: TRUMP REALLY MEANS TO TAKE POWER AND NEVER GIVE IT UP. It just might, just might not be too late. But we have to advance it, and the way you and I can do so directly is to use the words. Suspend Godwin’s law and the Survivors’ Law (there is only one Hitler — it’s Hitler) by making sure there really IS only one Hitler. We must call Trump Hitler. We must call them Nazis. We must get President Biden to call them Nazis. Trump is not Hitler. Hitler fought in a war. We must make people realize that stopping Trump is essential to saving freedom and democracy in this nation. Because it is. And the first group — the media — just began to wake up to it. B-BLOCK THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: Fox fired Jason Donner for reporting the truth about January 6; Brandon Herrera, a Texas Trumpist, is trying to get elected to Congress by reenacting the Martin Luther King assassination; and the Supreme Court just instituted a code of ethics that (a) isn’t a code, and (b) doesn’t have anything to do with ethics. Fourth place must have been for Marjorie Taylor Greene. She introduced articles of impeachment against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. MTG is hopping mad that eight Republicans voted with Democrats to block the measure: John Duarte, Cliff Bentz, Ken Buck, Darrell Issa, Patrick McHenry, Tom McClintock, Virginia Foxx, and Mike Turner. IT IS NOW TWO YEARS since the death of my hospice pup Mishu and there is actually news about him. Even in death, he may have made it so that other dogs afflicted with the terrible heart malformation that claimed him, may survive. C-BLOCK THE STORY OF MISHU, continued Good morning, good afternoon, good night, and good luck! [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/11/13/2205706/-Countdown-With-Keith-Olbermann-S2E73-The-Media-Just-Figured-It-Out-Trump-Is-Hitler?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=more_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/