(C) Our World in Data This story was originally published by Our World in Data and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . People living in democratizing and autocratizing countries [1] [] Date: 2024-04 Access to justice for men Regimes of the World Access to justice for women Regimes of the World Age of democracy Boix et al. Age of democracy Boix et al., including women's right to vote Age of democracy Polity Age of electoral democracy Regimes of the World Age of electoral democracy Lexical Index Age of liberal democracy Regimes of the World Age of polyarchy Lexical Index Basic state functions score BTI Civil liberties index EIU Civil liberties rating Freedom House Civil liberties score Freedom House Civil rights score BTI Competitive elections Lexical Index Competitiveness of executive recruitment score Polity Competitiveness of political participation score Polity Constraints on the executive score Polity Countries that are democracies and autocracies Regimes of the World Countries that are democracies and autocracies Regimes of the World, including ambiguous regimes Countries that are democracies and autocracies Lexical Index Countries that are democracies and autocracies BTI Countries that are democracies and non-democracies Boix et al. Countries that are democracies and non-democracies Boix et al., including women's right to vote Countries that are democracies and non-democracies Freedom House Countries that are democratizing and autocratizing Episodes of Regime Transformation Countries that are democratizing and autocratizing Episodes of Regime Transformation, within regimes Countries that are long-standing democracies Boix et al. Countries that are long-standing democracies Boix et al., including women's right to vote Countries that are long-standing electoral democracies Regimes of the World Countries that are long-standing electoral democracies Lexical Index Countries that are long-standing liberal democracies Regimes of the World Countries that are long-standing polyarchies Lexical Index Deliberative democracy index V-Dem, weighted by population Democracy index Polity Democracy index Polity, weighted by population Democracy index EIU Democracy index EIU, weighted by population Democratic culture index EIU Democratic electoral institutions Freedom House Democratic features BTI Democratic features BTI, weighted by population Distribution of deliberative democracy index V-Dem, weighted by population Distribution of democracy index Polity, weighted by population Distribution of democracy index EIU, weighted by population Distribution of democracy index EIU Distribution of democracy index Polity Distribution of democratic features index BTI Distribution of democratic features index BTI, weighted by population Distribution of egalitarian democracy V-Dem, weighted by population Distribution of electoral democracy index V-Dem, weighted by population Distribution of liberal democracy index V-Dem, weighted by population Distribution of participatory democracy index V-Dem, weighted by population Effective power to govern score BTI Egalitarian democracy index V-Dem, weighted by population Elections for government's chief executive Lexical Index Elections for legislature Lexical Index Electoral democracy Lexical Index Electoral democracy Regimes of the World Electoral democracy index V-Dem, weighted by population Electoral pluralism index EIU Free and fair elections Regimes of the World Free and fair elections score BTI Free countries and territories Freedom House Freedom of association score BTI Freedom of expression score BTI Functioning government index EIU Liberal democracy Regimes of the World Liberal democracy index V-Dem, weighted by population Liberal political institutions Regimes of the World Meaningful democratic electoral institutions Regimes of the World Men's universal right to vote Lexical Index Multi-party elections Regimes of the World Multi-party elections for government's chief executive Regimes of the World Multi-party elections for legislature Regimes of the World Number of democracies by age Boix et al. Number of democracies by age Boix et al., including women's right to vote Number of democracies by age Polity Number of electoral democracies by age Regimes of the World Number of electoral democracies by age Lexical Index Number of liberal democracies by age Regimes of the World Number of polyarchies by age Lexical Index Openness of executive recruitment score Polity Participatory democracy index V-Dem, weighted by population People living in democracies and autocracies Regimes of the World People living in democracies and autocracies Regimes of the World, including ambiguous regimes People living in democracies and autocracies Lexical Index People living in democracies and autocracies BTI People living in democracies and autocracies Lexical Index, simplified People living in democracies and non-democracies Boix et al. People living in democracies and non-democracies Boix et al., including women's right to vote People living in democracies and non-democracies Freedom House People living in democratizing and autocratizing countries Episodes of Regime Transformation, within regimes People living in free countries and territories Freedom House People living in long-standing democracies Boix et al. People living in long-standing democracies Boix et al., including women's right to vote People living in long-standing electoral democracies Regimes of the World People living in long-standing electoral democracies Lexical Index People living in long-standing liberal democracies Regimes of the World People living in long-standing polyarchies Lexical Index Political and social integration index BTI Political liberties Lexical Index Political opposition Lexical Index Political participation index BTI Political participation index EIU Political regime Regimes of the World Political regime Boix et al. Political regime Regimes of the World, including ambiguous regimes Political regime Boix et al., including women's right to vote Political regime Freedom House, free countries Political regime Freedom House, electoral democracies Political regime Lexical Index Political regime Polity Political regime BTI Political regime EIU Political regime Episodes of Regime Transformation Political regime Episodes of Regime Transformation, within regimes Political rights rating Freedom House Political rights score Freedom House Polyarchy Lexical Index Regulation of political participation score Polity Rule of law index BTI Separation of powers score BTI Stability of democratic institutions index BTI Stateness index BTI Transparent laws Regimes of the World Universal right to vote Lexical Index Varieties of democracy V-Dem, weighted by population [END] --- [1] Url: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/people-living-in-democratizing-autocratizing-countries-ert Published and (C) by Our World in Data Content appears here under this condition or license: Creative Commons BY. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/ourworldindata/