(C) PLOS One This story was originally published by PLOS One and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Analytical framework to evaluate and optimize the use of imperfect diagnostics to inform outbreak response: Application to the 2017 plague epidemic in Madagascar [1] ['Quirine Ten Bosch', 'Mathematical Modelling Of Infectious Diseases Unit', 'Institut Pasteur', 'Cnrs', 'Paris', 'Quantitative Veterinary Epidemiology', 'Department Of Animal Sciences', 'Wageningen University', 'Research', 'Wageningen'] Date: 2022-08 During outbreaks, the lack of diagnostic “gold standard” can mask the true burden of infection in the population and hamper the allocation of resources required for control. Here, we present an analytical framework to evaluate and optimize the use of diagnostics when multiple yet imperfect diagnostic tests are available. We apply it to laboratory results of 2,136 samples, analyzed with 3 diagnostic tests (based on up to 7 diagnostic outcomes), collected during the 2017 pneumonic (PP) and bubonic plague (BP) outbreak in Madagascar, which was unprecedented both in the number of notified cases, clinical presentation, and spatial distribution. The extent of these outbreaks has however remained unclear due to nonoptimal assays. Using latent class methods, we estimate that 7% to 15% of notified cases were Yersinia pestis-infected. Overreporting was highest during the peak of the outbreak and lowest in the rural settings endemic to Y. pestis. Molecular biology methods offered the best compromise between sensitivity and specificity. The specificity of the rapid diagnostic test was relatively low (PP: 82%, BP: 85%), particularly for use in contexts with large quantities of misclassified cases. Comparison with data from a subsequent seasonal Y. pestis outbreak in 2018 reveal better test performance (BP: specificity 99%, sensitivity: 91%), indicating that factors related to the response to a large, explosive outbreak may well have affected test performance. We used our framework to optimize the case classification and derive consolidated epidemic trends. Our approach may help reduce uncertainties in other outbreaks where diagnostics are imperfect. Funding: This work was supported by Wellcome Trust/ Department of International Development (Grant 211309/Z/18/Z; https://wellcome.org/ supporting MM, RR, and FMR), AXA Research Fund ( https://www.axa-research.org/ supporting QTB, BN, JP and SC), and the Laboratoire d’Excellence Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases program (Grant ANR-10-LABX-62-IBEID; https://anr.fr/ supporting QTB, BN, JP and SC). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Copyright: © 2022 ten Bosch et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. (A, B) Weekly number of notified cases for PP (A) and BP (B) by case classification. (C–E) Proportion of notified cases classified as confirmed (conf) or probable (prob) (C), with a positive test result for RDT, culture, or MB (NB, only cases on whom the respective test was performed are considered in the denominator. No restrictions were put on the use of MB and RDT. Culture was only performed if RDT was positive, apart from PP samples from nonendemic regions. On those samples, culture was performed irrespective of RDT result) (D) and with a certain combination of diagnostic outcomes (E), presenting outcomes that were performed on all samples (RDT, qPCR on pla and caf1 genes). Model fits to these proportions are provided with black dots and lines indicating model predictions and 95% credible intervals, respectively. The underlying data and code to reproduce this figure are available on Open Science Framework ( https://osf.io/nbc4t/ ). BP, bubonic plague; MB, molecular biology; PP, pneumonic plague; qPCR, quantitative PCR; RDT, rapid diagnostic test. Between August and November 2017, Madagascar experienced a large number (2,414) of notifications of clinically suspected plague cases that were predominantly in 2 major urban areas (79%) with unusually high proportions of PP (78%) ( Fig 1A and 1B ) [ 12 ]. Important discrepancies between tests (the proportion of positive PP results ranged from 1% to 18% depending on the test; Fig 1C and 1D ) mean that the true extent of the PP outbreak remains unclear. Besides, without a good understanding of the performances of the diagnostics available, it is difficult to optimize diagnostic and case classification algorithms for future outbreaks. Here, we analyze data describing this large plague epidemic to obtain a comprehensive view of the burden of infection among notified cases. We evaluate the performance of test diagnostics and propose updated case classification algorithms to better allocate sparse resources during future outbreaks. Using the combined test results and diagnostic performance estimates, we reconstruct epidemiological trends over space and time. Plague is a highly fatal disease caused by a gram-negative bacillus Yersinia pestis [ 3 ]. Rodents constitute its natural reservoir and the bacillus can be transmitted to humans by fleas. When bitten by an infected flea, a person typically develops bubonic plague (BP), which is characterized by fever and painful lymphadenitis in the area of the fleabite [ 3 ]. Septicemic spread can occasionally lead to pneumonic plague (PP) that typically consists of sudden fever, cough, and symptoms of lower respiratory tract infections. Interhuman transmission of PP is possible through droplet spread [ 4 ]. Plague case fatality ratio (CFR) has been estimated between 10% to 40% [ 5 – 7 ]. Diagnosis, particularly of PP, is challenging due to (i) nonspecific early symptoms [ 8 , 9 ]; (ii) the difficulty to collect high-quality sputum samples, especially from severely ill and young patients [ 10 ]; and (iii) the scarcity of PP cases hampering evaluation of diagnostics; most assays have been evaluated on BP samples [ 11 ]. The availability of accurate diagnostics is essential for an effective response to infectious disease outbreaks. In the relatively common situation where no gold standard diagnostic is available (i.e., absence of a diagnostic test with perfect sensitivity and specificity), interpretation of diagnostic results becomes challenging [ 1 , 2 ]. This may hamper case identification and management; jeopardize the evaluation of the burden, scope, timing, and spatial expansion of the outbreak; and ultimately impede control. Here, taking a large plague outbreak in Madagascar as a case study, we present an integrative analytical framework to assess the performance of diagnostics and reconstruct spatiotemporal epidemic patterns in situations where multiple yet imperfect diagnostics are available. Results Of 2,414 notifications, we consider those with sputum or bubo aspirates and known clinical form (PP: 1,779, BP: 357) [12]. Of PP sputum samples, 22% have at least 1 positive culture (N = 4), rapid diagnostic test (RDT) (N = 327), or molecular biology (MB) (N = 84) (Fig 1D) and are classified, based on their diagnostic outcomes (Fig 2), as either confirmed (2%) or probable (20%) (Fig 1C), versus 34% of BP (37 culture, 99 RDT, 79 MB) (Fig 1D) with 16% confirmed and 18% probable (Fig 1C) [12]. We develop a latent-class statistical model [13] to estimate the performance of diagnostic tests and the scale of the outbreak from contingency tables describing 3 tests with up to 7 separate diagnostics outcomes (i.e., 2 single-outcome tests: RDT, culture; plus up to 5 genes for MB) for 2,136 samples received at the central laboratory for plague (CLP) between August 1 and November 26, 2017. The model describes the joint expected distribution of diagnostic outcomes as a function of the prevalence (proportion of Y. pestis infections among notified, clinically suspected cases), the sensitivity (probability of positive result if the sample is from a Y. pestis-infected person), and specificity (probability of negative result if the sample is from a person that was not infected with Y. pestis) of each test. Estimation of model parameters is performed in a Bayesian framework via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling [14] under the assumption that culture specificity is 100%. Technical details are provided in Materials and methods. We estimate that test specificity was similar between sample types. MB was highly specific (PP: 100%, 95% credible interval 99 to 100, BP: 100%, 98 to 100), whereas RDT specificity was around 80% for both PP (82%, 80% to 84%) and BP (85%, 81% to 89%) (Fig 3A and Table A in S1 Text). Additional analyses including an initially implemented classical polymerase chain reaction (cPCR) protocol confirm that these lacked specificity (PP: 55%, 52% to 58%, BP: 62%, 56% to 69%) (Table B in S1 Text) and justifies its timely replacement by MB. The latter was the most sensitive test (PP: 80%, 61% to 97%; BP: 95%, 86% to 100%), markedly higher than that of culture (PP: 7%, 0% to 23%; BP: 64%, 46% to 85%) and RDT (PP: 28%, 18% to 41%, BP: 72%, 61% to 83%) (Fig 3B and Table A in S1 Text). The statistical analysis also provides estimates of the performance of diagnostic tests that would be based on single gene diagnostic outcomes obtained from the quantitative PCR (qPCR) (Table A in S1 Text). Estimates were robust for deviations from model assumptions including the inclusion of the initial cPCR (Table B in S1 Text) and the use of a uniform prior on prevalence (Table D in S1 Text). PPT PowerPoint slide PNG larger image TIFF original image Download: Fig 3. Model estimates of test performance and prevalence. (A) Specificity of each test, with RDT denoting rapid diagnostic test and MB denoting molecular biology. (B) Sensitivity of each test. (C) Prevalence of Y. pestis infection among notified cases, under the assumption of perfect sample quality. (D) Relationship between sample quality (i.e., the proportion of samples from infected individuals that contain detectable bacterial material) and estimated prevalence of infection among notified cases. Results are presented by clinical form: pneumonic (PP: blue) and bubonic (BP: orange). The circle/triangle shows the posterior median of the parameter while the lines show the 95% credible interval. The underlying data and code to reproduce this figure are available on Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/nbc4t/). BP, bubonic plague; MB, molecular biology; PP, pneumonic plague; RDT, rapid diagnostic test. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001736.g003 Under the assumption that samples were of good quality, we estimate that prevalence of infection among notified cases was 4% (3 to 7) for PP and 25% (18 to 28) for BP (Fig 3C). This corresponds to 78 (50 to 119) and 81 (64 to 98) Y. pestis infections among notified PP (N = 1,779) and BP cases (N = 357), respectively. However, a challenge in diagnosing PP is the risk for samples to be of poor quality, i.e., that samples from a Y. pestis-infected individual do not contain detectable bacterial material. If a proportion of samples were of poor quality, estimates for the prevalence of infection would increase (Fig 3D). For example, in the extreme scenario where only 50% of samples were of good quality, estimates of the prevalence of infection would rise to 9% (6 to 13) for PP and 45% (36 to 55) for BP. For this analysis, we assumed sample quality to affect all tests equally. We also assessed a scenario in which test sensitivities were not fully independent and only the 2 qPCR gene results were affected by sample quality. This did not improve model fit (Fig B in S1 Text) and most parameter estimates were robust to departures from the assumption of test independence (Fig C in S1 Text). We find that these estimates present good adequacy with the observed data [12] and can accurately reproduce (i) the number of notified cases classified as confirmed (PP: 19, 8 to 47 expected versus 27 observed; BP: 58, 37 to 81 versus 57) and probable (PP: 356, 338 to 377 versus 364; BP: 66, 45 to 87 versus 66) (Fig 1C); (ii) the number of notified cases testing positive for RDT, culture, or MB (Fig 1D); and (iii) the more detailed contingency table of the different diagnostic outcomes used for inference (Fig 1E). Our analytical framework can be used to assess the performance of the case classification. For example, it can explain why the prevalence of Y. pestis among PP notified cases is estimated to be lower than the proportion of confirmed or probable cases (Fig 4A). In a scenario of low prevalence, the suboptimal specificity of RDT means that classification for PP based on confirmed or probable cases is characterized by a proportion of false positives (approx. 1-specificity) that is large relative to the prevalence. In contrast, a classification that solely relies on confirmed cases consistently underrepresents the prevalence due to low sensitivity of RDT and culture. For BP, the case classification performs well at any prevalence level, with the true prevalence always falling between the proportion of confirmed and confirmed/probable cases (Fig 4B and B panel of Fig D in S1 Text). PPT PowerPoint slide PNG larger image TIFF original image Download: Fig 4. Performance of the case classification system. (A, B) Expected proportion of notified cases classified as confirmed (dark blue or orange), probable (light blue or orange), and suspected (white), as a function of prevalence of infection for PP (A) and BP (B). The dashed vertical line indicates the prevalence among notified cases estimated during the 2017 Madagascar outbreak. The dashed diagonal line corresponds to perfect classification (C, D). Expected proportion of Y. pestis infections among cases in the category confirmed, confirmed or probable, and suspected as a function of prevalence of infection for PP (C) and BP (D). (E, F) ROC plots presenting sensitivity versus (1-specificity) for a range of possible classification criteria for PP (E) and BP (F) and for simplifications of the MB algorithm for PP (inset of E) and BP (inset of F). MB is considered here due to its potential for being considered as a classifier by itself. Here, conf denotes confirmed and prob denotes probable. Classifications ≥1 qpcr and 2 qpcr represent results based on qPCR solely, i.e., in the absence of confirmatory cPCR, with ≥1 qpcr denoting “at least 1 gene positive” and 2 qpcr “both genes positive.” The underlying data and code to reproduce this figure are available on Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/nbc4t/). BP, bubonic plague; cPCR, classical polymerase chain reaction; MB, molecular biology; PP, pneumonic plague; qPCR, quantitative PCR; ROC, xxxx. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001736.g004 The positive predictive value (PPV) for a category of cases is the proportion of cases of that category that are Y. pestis infected. As expected, we find that the PPV of the confirmed or probable category is strongly impacted by prevalence among notified cases (Fig 4C and 4D). For example, if the prevalence of PP was 20%, over half of confirmed or probable cases would be expected to be Y. pestis infected. This proportion drops to as little as 22% (21% to 24%) for a prevalence of 5%. This shows that it is critical to avoid overreporting and ensure notified cases meet the clinical case definition. Cases classified as confirmed were, for both clinical forms, almost all Y. pestis infected (PP: 98%, 91% to 100%; BP: 100%, 99% to 100%), deriving from perfect specificity of culture and the strict criterium requiring both RDT and MB to be positive. We further assess the risk of missing Y. pestis-infected cases and predict that 29% (16% to 42%) of Y. pestis-infected PP cases were classified as confirmed and 87% (73 to 98) as confirmed or probable. This classification sensitivity is better for BP with 89% (81% to 96%) of infected cases being confirmed and 100% (99% to 100%) being confirmed or probable. The performance of case classification would be hampered if a substantial proportion of samples were of poor quality (Fig D in S1 Text). We can also determine how to revise the classification system to minimize the proportions of false positive (1-specificity) and false negative cases (1-sensitivity) (Fig 4E and 4F). Best classification for both forms is based on MB, with a proportion of false positive and false negative cases, respectively, reduced from 2% to 0% (0% to 0%) and from 71% to 20% (3% to 40%) for PP (BP: 0% to 0%, 0% to 2% and 11% to 5%, 0% to 14%) (Fig 4E and 4F), providing a robust representation of the prevalence. We then compare the MB algorithm (Fig A in S1 Text) to simpler alternatives that would not require confirmatory cPCR. We show that the MB algorithm is more sensitive than classification based on qPCR alone using “both genes positive” as a criterium and more specific than the one using “at least 1 gene positive” (Fig 4E and 4F). Concordance between RDT and MB improved over time among negative MB samples (B and D panels of Fig E in S1 Text) but decreased among positive MB samples for PP (S5A Fig in S1 Text). We investigate possible changes in RDT performance during the epidemic. We find that RDT specificity increased significantly from 72% (69% to 76%) before week 41 to 95% (93% to 97%) afterward for PP (BP: 71%, 63% to 78% to 98%, 95% to 100%). Sensitivity of RDT was unchanged for BP (73%, 59% to 87% to 72%, 55% to 88%) but decreased for PP (34%, 16% to 53% to 14%, 3% to 30%) (Table C in S1 Text). Earlier and later cutoff times result in a lesser fit (Fig F in S1 Text). Estimates of RDT specificity for the second part of the outbreak are consistent with those obtained for the subsequent endemic BP season, during which the same batch was used (specificity: 99%, 96% to 100%), and are quite consistent with estimates from earlier evaluations of this test (64% sensitivity and 93% specificity based on latent class analysis) [11]. The 19% increase sensitivity estimated in the subsequent BP season (91%, 84% to 96%) suggests that outbreak-specific factors may have indeed hampered RDT and case classification performance in 2017 (Fig G in S1 Text). Lastly, we can use our framework to derive, for each notified case, the probability of Y. pestis infection given their test results (i.e., the PPV). The probability is highest among cases with positive MB (100%) (Fig H in S1 Text) or culture (100%). We then use these estimates, together with the location and timing of cases, to reconstruct the dynamics of spread corrected for spatiotemporal variations in prevalence. Prevalence of Y. pestis infections among notified PP cases was 3-fold (BP: 2-fold) lower during the outbreak phase (weeks 39 to 43; when 75% of notifications occurred) than during the initial phase (Fig 5A and 5B). Such phenomenon is common when an outbreak receives a lot of attention from authorities, media, and communities, as was the case in 2017. Prevalence of Y. pestis infection among notified cases was highest in plague-endemic regions (BP: 3-fold higher than Antananarivo), where health personnel is accustomed to responding to BP (Fig 5C and 5D). Prevalence was lower among children (<5 year old) among notified BP cases, but not for PP (Fig 4E and 4F). Correcting for temporal variations in the prevalence, we find that the transmission of Y. pestis during this outbreak was less efficient than what was suggested by the analysis of notified cases, particularly for PP: The doubling time in the first 6 weeks was estimated to be 18 rather than 6 days (or 8 based on confirmed/probable) (BP: 24 versus 13 (17)) (Fig 5G and 5H). [END] --- [1] Url: https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3001736 Published and (C) by PLOS One Content appears here under this condition or license: Creative Commons - Attribution BY 4.0. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/plosone/