(C) PLOS One This story was originally published by PLOS One and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Using genetic variation to disentangle the complex relationship between food intake and health outcomes [1] ['Nicola Pirastu', 'Centre For Global Health Research', 'Usher Institute', 'University Of Edinburgh', 'Edinburgh', 'Scotland', 'United Kingdom', 'Human Technopole', 'Milan', 'Ciara Mcdonnell'] Date: 2022-08 S1 Note. Supplementary Methods and results. Fig A. Directed acyclic graph explaining the two possible scenarios for the effect of a SNP on the trait of interest Y. (a) The SNP has a direct effect on Y not mediated through X. Then the estimated effect of SNP on X will be normally distributed around 0, thus the corrected and uncorrected effects will be similar and their CUR will be close to 1. (b) The SNP effect is mediated through X, thus the corrected effect will deviate from the observed one and CUR will deviate from 1. Fig B. Results for the Mutlivariable MR. Panel A. The plot represents the proportion of genetic variance which is explained by the effect of the health related traits on the food traits. Clearly some of the food traits are extremely biased having up to 25% of genetic variance due to the mediation of the health related traits. Panel B The heatmap represents the effect of the health related traits on each food trait using from the multivariable model. The color is proportional to the effect size. Fig C. Diagram describing the relationships between the simulated traits and their relative parameters. Gy refers to the genetic variants which directly affect Y before any influence of confounding or other mediated traits (Yt). Gu represents the genetic component of a confounder trait U which causally affects both Y and X. Gx represents the genetic component of the outcome trait X which is in turn causally affecting the trait Yi. Yo represents the actual observed trait to which we add noise to reflect the test-retest correlation in FFQ data. Fig D. Scatterplot of the CUR values for Gx (in red), Gy (in green) and Gu (in blue) at the different values of the effect of Y on X and of X on Y. Fig E. Corrected-to-uncorreected ratio (CUR) successfully distinguishes mediated and non-mediated associations. (a) Graph showing mediated and non-mediated pathways. The values of CUR that different types of simulated SNPs (Gx, Gy, Gu) assume at different explained variances (σ2) of X->Y when σ(Y->X)≠0, i.e. presence of reverse causality (b). The values we used for defining a “non-mediated” variant are highlighted in purple. (c) The proportion of variants that are truly Gy, that is directly associated with the trait of interest, across a range of CUR. (d) The overall proportion of variants directly associated with the trait (SNPy) whose CUR falls inside the specified ranges, i.e., the probability of detecting SNPy over all possible scenarios.When the effect of Y->X is equal to zero, Gy is clearly distinguishable from Gx and Gu using CUR (Fig E), however, when β(Y->X) increases, values of CUR for both Gy and Gx start varying and overlapping (Fig Eb). We thus determined which values of CUR would maximise the probability of correctly selecting Gy under all scenarios. Clearly the parameters we have chosen for defining a “non-mediated” SNPs maximise both the probability of correctly selecting a SNPy. Fig F. Clustering of food consumption traits before and after correction. Comparison between the hierarchical clustering of the food traits based on the uncorrected (on the left) and corrected (on the right) genetic correlations. Black lines connect the same traits for which the clustering has changed. Dendrograms connect the items in each case with the boldness of the line representing the strength of support for the tree nodes. Unique nodes are represented with a dashed line while shared nodes with a bold one. The thickness of the line is thicker for conserved higher level nodes. Fig G. Corrplot of the loadings of each food item onto the measures of dietary pattern. All items have been aligned to the “Overall unhealthy diet” measure. The items that have been flipped are noted as “Less” to clarify the direction of the relationship. Fig H. Heatmap of tissue and functional enrichments. The colour is proportional for the enrichment revealed by stratified LD-score regression. Only correlations with FDR<0.05 are reported. (a) Enrichment among different classes of functional annotation. (b) Tissue enrichment from Gtex expression. (c) Tissue enrichment from ROADMAP epigenetics. (d) Tissue enrichment from the Franke lab dataset. Fig I. Dotplot of the differential expression analysis run on the prioritised genes from the non-mediated loci and the overrepresentation analysis performed with MAGMA. The overexpressed tissue involved by the two methods were highly overlapping with the analysis performed on the prioritised genes showing the tissues in which there is evidence of underexpression. Fig L. STRING network of genes in non mediated loci. Network plot of the genes in the non-mediated loci. After performing community detection we identified ten different clusters of genes each with its particular set of functions and expression patterns (see additional paragraph 2.6 for details). Nodes have been colored according to community membership. Fig M. Tissues which overexpress the genes in each community. Fig N. Overlap in Go-terms between different communities. The Fig shows that there is no overlap (with the exception of 2 terms) between the terms enriched in each community. The labels have been removed as the plot is meant to only show the overlaps. Fig O-AD show the enriched terms for each community separately. Fig O. Enriched GO-Terms for community 1. Fig P. Enriched GO-Terms for community 2. Fig Q. Enriched GO-Terms for community 3. Fig R. Enriched GO-Terms for community 4. Fig S. Enriched GO-Terms for community 5. Fig T. Enriched GO-Terms for community 6. Fig U. Enriched GO-Terms for community 7. Fig V. Enriched GO-Terms for community 8. Fig Z. Enriched GO-Terms for community 9. Fig AA. Enriched GO-Terms for community 10. Fig AB. Enriched GO-Terms for community 11. Fig AC. Enriched GO-Terms for community 12. Fig AD. Enriched GO-Terms for community 13. Fig AE. Selected forest plots of MR-estimated effect sizes. A Forest plot of the effect of Cheese and Meat consumption on lipid and obesity measures. Despite both foods have a high protein and high fat content their effects on lipid levels and BMI are different. Abbreviations BMI Body Mass Index, TRY Triglycerides, TC Total Cholesterol, LDL Low Density Lipoprotein. B Effect of several foods related to healthy foods on blood tryglicerides levels. Effect for all foods are very similar and make it impossible to distinguish the contribution of each food. Fig AF. Effect of food on obesity related measures. The forest plot compares the effect of each food trait on four obesity related measures: BMI, Body Fat, Waist to Hip Ratio (WHR) and BMI adjusted WHR (WHR|BMI). Each color and shape represents a different obesity related measure. Fig AG. Forest plots of the exposure/outcome pairs significant at the uncorrected analysis. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AH. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AI. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AL. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AM. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AO. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AP. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AQ. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AR. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AS. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AT. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AU. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AV. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig AZ. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BA. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BB. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BC. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BD. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BE. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BF. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BG. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BH. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BI. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BL. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BM. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BN. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. Fig BO. The forest plots represent the estimated effect sizes for all the non CUR filtered MR analyses. The squares represent the point estimates while the bars the 95% confidence intervals. Results from the uncorrected analysis (raw) and CUR filtered IVs (CUR) are reported. The exposure trait is indicated in the header of the plots while the row labels refer to the outcomes. Beta’s always refer to standard deviations for the exposure while for the outcomes it is standard deviations for the quantitative traits and log(OR) for the disease traits. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1010162.s001 (DOCX) [END] --- [1] Url: https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1010162 Published and (C) by PLOS One Content appears here under this condition or license: Creative Commons - Attribution BY 4.0. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/plosone/