(C) PLOS One This story was originally published by PLOS One and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Horizontal gene transfer and ecological interactions jointly control microbiome stability [1] ['Katharine Z. Coyte', 'Division Of Evolution', 'Genomic Sciences', 'Faculty Of Biology', 'Medicine', 'Health', 'University Of Manchester', 'Manchester', 'United Kingdom', 'Cagla Stevenson'] Date: 2022-11 Genes encoding resistance to stressors, such as antibiotics or environmental pollutants, are widespread across microbiomes, often encoded on mobile genetic elements. Yet, despite their prevalence, the impact of resistance genes and their mobility upon the dynamics of microbial communities remains largely unknown. Here we develop eco-evolutionary theory to explore how resistance genes alter the stability of diverse microbiomes in response to stressors. We show that adding resistance genes to a microbiome typically increases its overall stability, particularly for genes on mobile genetic elements with high transfer rates that efficiently spread resistance throughout the community. However, the impact of resistance genes upon the stability of individual taxa varies dramatically depending upon the identity of individual taxa, the mobility of the resistance gene, and the network of ecological interactions within the community. Nonmobile resistance genes can benefit susceptible taxa in cooperative communities yet damage those in competitive communities. Moreover, while the transfer of mobile resistance genes generally increases the stability of previously susceptible recipient taxa to perturbation, it can decrease the stability of the originally resistant donor taxon. We confirmed key theoretical predictions experimentally using competitive soil microcosm communities. Here the stability of a susceptible microbial community to perturbation was increased by adding mobile resistance genes encoded on conjugative plasmids but was decreased when these same genes were encoded on the chromosome. Together, these findings highlight the importance of the interplay between ecological interactions and horizontal gene transfer in driving the eco-evolutionary dynamics of diverse microbiomes. Here we develop eco-evolutionary theory to examine how the presence and mobility of resistance genes within microbial communities shape microbiome stability in the face of stressors. We then test our key predictions using model soil microbiomes exposed to heavy metal perturbations. In general, our modelling predicts that resistance genes increase overall microbiome stability, with this beneficial effect increasing with increasing gene mobility. However, we also find that a resistance gene can have very different impacts on individual community members, depending upon the precise balance of ecological interactions within a given microbiome, and the mobility of the resistance gene itself. Immobile resistance genes may benefit susceptible species in cooperative communities yet damage those in competitive communities. Meanwhile, though the spread of mobile resistance genes tends to increase overall community stability, it can, counterintuitively, decrease the stability of the originally resistant species. Crucially, our experiments support these key predictions, confirming the beneficial impacts of resistance genes and their mobility on average community properties and recapitulating the adverse impacts of resistance genes on certain community members. Overall, our work highlights the critical importance of eco-evolutionary dynamics and HGT in shaping complex microbiomes. Existing theoretical work on microbiome stability has focused primarily on the role of ecological factors, developing mathematical models to disentangle how forces such as microbe–microbe interactions or different classes of stressors influence how microbiomes respond to perturbations [ 13 , 14 ]. However, such models have typically assumed that all species within a given microbiome are equally affected by these stressors. Perhaps more importantly, these models typically also assume microbial species remain equally susceptible to stressors over time. In practice, antibiotic or toxin resistance genes are prevalent within microbial communities, often encoded on mobile genetic elements such as plasmids or temperate phages, which can rapidly spread within and between microbial species by horizontal gene transfer (HGT) [ 15 – 17 ]. Therefore, not only are species within microbiomes differentially impacted by stressors, but the rapid spread of mobile genetic elements may dynamically alter the susceptibility of individual microbes to these stressors over short periods of time. These resistance genes and their mobility are highly likely to influence overall microbiome stability, yet exactly how remains unknown. Diverse microbial communities colonize virtually every habitat on earth, shaping their abiotic environments and the health of their multicellular hosts [ 1 – 3 ]. Stably maintaining a diverse microbial community is critical for overall microbiome performance, ensuring that the presence of beneficial species or desirable metabolic traits are retained over time [ 4 – 7 ]. In particular, it is crucial that microbial communities can robustly withstand perturbations caused by external stressors, such as environmental pollutants or antibiotics, which may otherwise dramatically reduce overall microbiome abundances and diversity [ 4 , 8 – 10 ]. Antibiotic-induced changes in community composition have been correlated with a range of adverse health outcomes in host-associated microbiomes [ 11 ], while losses in microbial diversity triggered by heavy metal and other toxic pollution have been linked to reduced nutrient cycling within environmental microbiomes [ 12 ]. Yet, despite the importance of withstanding perturbations, the forces shaping the stability of microbial communities remain poorly understood. Results and discussion Mathematical model of eco-evolutionary microbiome dynamics To understand the effect of resistance genes and their mobility on microbial community dynamics, we developed a simple and generalizable mathematical model of microbiome dynamics, built around the generalized Lotka–Volterra (gLV) equations (Fig 1A). As in previous work [14,18–21], our model assumes the growth of each taxon within a microbiome is determined by the combination of its own intrinsic growth rate (r i ), its competition with kin (s i ), and the combination of any interactions each taxon has with other community members (a ij ). Although simple, these gLV models have been shown to well capture and predict the dynamics of both host-associated and environmental microbial communities [14,18–21]. However, previous work on the stability of these communities in the face of perturbations has assumed all taxa within any given microbiome are equally impacted by environmental perturbations such as antibiotics [13,14]. That is, microbiome stability has typically been assessed by examining how communities respond to uniform, instantaneous changes in each constituent taxa’s abundance. As our goal is to explore dynamic variability in the impact of stressors on individual microbial taxa owing to resistance genes, we now extended this basic model to explicitly incorporate a stressor that inhibits (or kills) susceptible cells and a potentially mobile resistance gene that protects cells encoding it, but at the cost of a reduced intrinsic growth rate. This adjusted model allowed us to assess microbiome stability in the face of perturbations when the susceptibility of individuals to those perturbations varies between taxa and dynamically over time. PPT PowerPoint slide PNG larger image TIFF original image Download: Fig 1. Mathematical modelling captures eco-evolutionary dynamics of microbial communities. (A) Schematic illustrating our mathematical model; each taxon (dashed line) is composed of 2 populations, with and without a resistant gene. Species impact one another’s growth through ecological interactions such as cooperation or competition (blue and red arrows), while horizontal gene transfer enables resistance genes to spread within and between taxa (black arrows). (B) Schematic illustrating representative microbiome dynamics, capturing microbial dynamics before, during, and after an external perturbation (lightning bolt). We calculate each taxa’s abundance immediately before, Ab, and after, Aa, the perturbation period, then define stability as the average logged fold change for each taxon (mean log 10 (Aa/Ab)). (C) Schematic illustrating our 4 modelling scenarios: communities with and without resistance genes, and with and without prior exposure to low-level stressors. (D) Comparing the 4 scenarios allows us to calculate the change in microbiome stability that results from the initial presence of a resistance gene (ΔR), and the change in stability that results from prior exposure to low-level selection (ΔE). (E) To disentangle the impact of resistance and selection on different taxa, we calculate ΔR and ΔE for the total community, the background community only, and the focal taxon alone. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001847.g001 Using this model, we could simulate the individual taxa abundances of any given microbiome over time. More specifically, we could simulate the scenario in which a given microbiome first has a fixed period of time to adjust to a new environment and is then briefly exposed to an external stressor such as a heavy metal or an antibiotic perturbation (Fig 1B). By measuring the change in each taxon’s abundance during this perturbation, we could thereby quantify the stability of that microbiome. More specifically, we focused primarily on one key measure of stability: the average decrease in taxa abundances following a perturbation, often termed community Robustness (Fig 1B). This measure allowed us to quantify the immediate response of the community to a perturbation. However, for completeness, we also quantified 2 further metrics of stability—the change in community composition induced by the perturbation (measured as Bray–Curtis dissimilarity), and the time taken for the community to return to its original state following the perturbation—each of which produced qualitatively similar results (see S1 Text). Having established this basic model, we used it to explore the impact of resistance genes on the stability of microbiome communities. Specifically, we generated a series of diverse multitaxa microbial communities, then quantified the stability of each of these microbiomes under 4 distinct scenarios (Fig 1C). First, we simulated microbiome dynamics when all taxa were susceptible to the stressor, and then again when a randomly chosen focal taxon carried a gene encoding resistance to the stressor. Depending upon its mobility, this resistance gene could spread into susceptible cells during both the initial adjustment period and the perturbation window. Next, we repeated this process but allowed each microbiome to first adjust to the presence of a low level of the stressor, for example, simulating prior exposure to subinhibitory levels of antibiotics or pollutants. This process allows us to define 2 metrics: the change in microbiome stability resulting from the initial presence of a resistance gene, ΔR, and the change in microbiome stability resulting from prior exposure to low-level selection, ΔE (Fig 1D). A positive ΔR indicates that a resistance gene increases stability, and a negative ΔR indicates that the resistance gene decreases stability (and equivalently for ΔE in terms of the effect of prior exposure upon stability). Crucially, for each community, we calculated ΔR and ΔE for the whole microbiome (Fig 1E), the focal taxon only (that is, the taxon that originally carried the resistance gene), and the background community only (that is, all taxa except the focal taxon). This enabled us to disentangle the impact of the resistance gene on microbiome as a whole from its impact on the initially susceptible and initially resistant compartments of the microbiome community separately. Using this modelling framework, we could then explore in depth how the presence of resistance genes in an individual species impacts microbiome dynamics and stability overall and in defined compartments of the microbiome. Mobile resistance genes increase stability of noninteracting communities We began by exploring how the presence and mobility of resistance genes influenced the stability of microbiomes in the absence of intertaxa ecological interactions (that is, all a ij = 0). To do so, we generated a set of communities with and without resistance genes. We then systematically varied the ability of these resistance genes to transfer within and between taxa (Fig 2A), capturing all degrees of gene mobility from immobile (e.g., a chromosomally encoded resistance gene) to highly mobile (e.g., a resistance gene encoded by a highly conjugative and promiscuous plasmid). PPT PowerPoint slide PNG larger image TIFF original image Download: Fig 2. In simple communities, mobile resistance genes increase microbiome stability. (A) Schematic illustrating our modelling approach. We generate a set of simple microbiomes without interactions between taxa, then for each community, we simulate the effect of a series of resistance genes with increasing mobility. (B) ΔR, the change in stability resulting from the initial presence of a resistance gene, for the whole community (solid line), the background community (dashed line), and the focal taxon (dotted line). Any resistance gene increases overall community stability, but only highly mobile resistance genes substantially increase the stability of background taxa. (C) Plasmid frequency immediately before the perturbation within the background community with (orange) and without (blue) prior exposure to low-level stressors. Prior exposure increases plasmid frequency, with this increase greatest for plasmids with intermediate mobility. Only at extreme levels of plasmid mobility does resistance fully saturate the background community. (D) ΔE, the change in stability resulting from prior exposure to low stressor levels, for the community as a whole (solid line), the background community (dashed line), and the focal taxon (dotted lined). Prior low-level selection increases the stability of both the community as a whole and background taxa, with this effect greatest for communities with intermediate mobility plasmids. Throughout lines and shaded errors represent mean and standard deviation over 100 independent, 10-species communities, with model parameters given in Table 1. Underlying data at https://github.com/katcoyte/hgt-microbiome-stability. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001847.g002 PPT PowerPoint slide PNG larger image TIFF original image Download: Table 1. Parameter set used in main analysis. Note random noise parameters (eg ϵ ij ) are redrawn for each individual community, and changing these parameters does not qualitatively affect our results. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001847.t001 Any resistance gene increased overall microbiome stability, decreasing the average drop in community abundances following the onset of the perturbation (Fig 2B, ΔR > 0). However, examining background and focal taxa separately revealed that, in most cases, this increase was driven solely by the increased stability of the focal taxon. That is, the presence of a resistance gene in the focal species drove up the average stability of the community as a whole, but in most cases, the stability of background taxa remained effectively unchanged (Fig 2B). To substantially increase the stability of the background microbiome, we found that the novel resistance gene must be highly mobile. This was because, prior to the perturbation, the resistance gene did not confer any benefit and thus could only spread into the background community when its transfer rate exceeded its rate of decline caused by negative selection against its cost (Fig 2C). However, low-mobility resistance genes could increase background taxa stability provided additional forces enhanced the spread of resistance prior to any perturbation. For example, prior exposure to low-level stressor selection introduced a weak benefit to harboring the resistance gene prior to the perturbation, enabling the mobile genetic element encoding the resistance gene to spread and reach low but nonzero frequencies in background community even at lower rates of gene mobility (Fig 2C). As a consequence, prior exposure substantially increased the stability of background species (Fig 2D, ΔE > 0). Notably, this effect was strongest for intermediate mobility resistance genes, as highly mobile resistance genes spread within the population even without prior exposure, while low-mobility genes remain relatively limited within the background population even with prior exposure. Intertaxa interactions modulate the impact of resistance genes on microbiome stability Having established these baseline properties of the system, we next examined how the impact of resistance genes upon stability is modulated by interactions between taxa. Specifically, we allowed individual taxa within our simulated communities to interact with one another in a variety of different ways, ranging from competition and ammensalism (−/− and −/0 interactions, respectively), through exploitation (+/−), to cooperation and commensalism (+/+ and +/0). We then generated a range of different microbial communities, systematically varying the proportion of each interaction type (Fig 3A). As previously, we then simulated the effect of resistance genes on these communities, also systematically changing the mobility of the resistance gene. PPT PowerPoint slide PNG larger image TIFF original image Download: Fig 3. Interactions between taxa modulate the effect of resistance genes. (A) Schematic illustrating our modelling approach. We generated a series of diverse microbiomes, systematically increasing the frequency with which microbes facilitate one another’s growth. (B-D) Average ΔR, the change in stability resulting from the initial presence of a resistance gene, under varying community types and plasmid transfer rates, shown for the whole microbiome (B), the background community (C), and the focal taxon alone (D). (E-G) Average ΔE, the change in stability resulting from prior exposure to low stressor levels, under varying community types and plasmid transfer rates, shown for the whole microbiome (E), the background community (F), and the focal taxon alone (G). Throughout, patch color represents mean ΔR or ΔE over 100 independent, 10-taxa communities, across a range of 101 Positivity and γ values. Other model parameters given in Table 1, underlying data at https://github.com/katcoyte/hgt-microbiome-stability. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3001847.g003 As in noninteracting communities, any resistance gene typically increased average overall community stability, and this increase was higher for more mobile resistance genes (Fig 3B and Figs A-E in S1 Text). However, this beneficial effect of resistance genes varied with interaction type and was far stronger in microbiomes with a high proportion of cooperative interactions. In these cooperative communities, individual taxa benefited both directly from acquiring resistance genes, and indirectly from their cooperative partners acquiring resistance, which, in turn, helped to buffer the negative impact of the stressor perturbation. The principal effect of prior low-level stressor exposure was once again to reduce the level of gene mobility required for resistance genes to spread within the community. And, as a consequence, this prior stressor exposure increased the stabilizing effect of mobile resistance genes on overall community stability, across all interaction types (Fig 3E and Figs A-E in S1 Text, although, again, this effect was strongest for resistance genes with intermediate mobility). Remarkably, however, while mobile resistance genes increased overall microbiome stability, examining focal and background taxa separately revealed radically different impacts of the resistance gene on individual taxa. That is, background and focal taxa showed markedly different responses to resistance genes depending upon the precise manner in which taxa were interacting and the mobility of the resistance gene (Fig 3C and 3D and Figs A-E in S1 Text). In cooperative microbiomes, background taxa benefited from the initial presence of a resistance gene regardless of its mobility. This occurred because, by promoting the survival of taxa with whom a susceptible taxon cooperates, resistance genes aid recovery of the susceptible taxon regardless of whether they have access to the resistance gene through HGT. However, in competitive communities, highly mobile resistance genes increased background community stability while low-mobility genes reduced background community stability (Fig 3C). That is, in highly competitive communities, most taxa were less stable when another member of the community harbored an immobile or low-mobility resistance gene than when all taxa were susceptible. What drove this negative impact of resistance genes in competitive communities? In fully susceptible competitive communities, during a perturbation, every taxon experienced a reduction in their net growth rate, typically resulting in a decrease in their overall abundance. However, as a consequence, each taxon also benefited from some competitive release—that is, the negative impact of competitors was reduced as these competitors also decreased in abundance. In contrast, if one taxon acquired an immobile or low-mobility resistance gene, then this focal taxon remained at a high density during the perturbation—and as such, susceptible taxa suffered not only from the stressor-mediated inhibition, but also from continued strong competitive inhibition by the focal taxon. This stark difference in dynamics between the community as a whole and background taxa reveals the critical importance of looking beyond average community properties when studying microbiome stability. Meanwhile, the dramatic differences between community types underlines the vital role of ecological interactions in shaping microbiome dynamics. This impact of competitive release also modulated the impact of prior low-level exposure—again with very different impacts on background and focal taxa. Background taxa benefited from prior exposure to low-level stressors regardless of community context (Fig 3F), because this prior exposure promoted the spread of mobile resistance into the background community. Moreover, this spread of mobile resistance also stabilized cooperative focal taxa, as these taxa now benefited from their cooperative partners acquiring resistance genes and thus remaining at high abundances during perturbations (Fig 3G). In certain competitive communities, however, prior selection could slightly reduce the stability of the focal taxon (ΔE < 0; Fig 3G) because the spread of mobile resistance into background taxa meant that the focal taxon no longer benefited from any competitive release during perturbations. This effect was restricted to communities with intermediate mobility resistance genes, which were driven to high frequency in the background community by prior exposure but otherwise would not have spread to high frequency. Altogether, our results suggest mobile resistance genes can have a wide variety of effects, with the precise consequences depending upon which taxa are being examined, how they interact with one another, and the mobility of the resistance gene. [END] --- [1] Url: https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3001847 Published and (C) by PLOS One Content appears here under this condition or license: Creative Commons - Attribution BY 4.0. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/plosone/