(C) RT This unaltered story was originally published on RT Russian state media. [1] Published here by permission. ------------------ Is ex-Facebook 'whistleblower' a Big tech false flag? By: ['Russia Today'] Date: 2021-10 Frances Haugen, former Facebook employee who testified before Congress this week a mere two days after appearing on national television to “blow the whistle” on Facebook’s alleged privileging of corporate profits over the wellbeing of users, works with a PR firm associated with the Obamas and their milieu. And senators' reaction to her testimony seemed firmly in line with what “Big Government, Big Tech and Big Media” most desires: Greater power to control the conversation and purge online platforms of threatening points of view. [END] [1] Url: https://www.rt.com/shows/news-views-hughes/536796-is-ex-facebook-whistleblower-big/ RT via gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/rt/