Welcome to our gopher server. This site is physically hosted in Minnesota, the birthplace of gopher, and by a University of Minnesota graduate, no less! I am glad to carry on this Minnesota tradition, even if the U of Minn no longer does. This is a person gopher hole, and needless to say, not a commercial venture. It is a labor of love. My goal is to makes this hole an interesting place for you to visit regularly. How we got here =============== Magical.fish began in 2018 as static gophermap that I used to bookmark my favorite holes. It is still my personal start page to all the stuff I like to do in gopherspace. After spending months reading phlogs and digging around other gopher holes, I found Flask Gopher and became motivated to try building an interactive site. I also wanted to learn about setting up a Tor onion service and have a good reason to mess around with Python. How we got our name =================== I wish I had a better story about why this site is called Magical.fish and not something more gopherish. It happened to be a domain I already had registered for a few years for a different project. I also think its memorable and lighthearted. So for now, it's magical fish. Maybe someday it can be magical.gopher. Note: The site can now be accessed through the domain Magical.Gopher if you use OpenNic.org name servers. Get a free .gopher domain for your hole through OpenNic. If you like this hole, please tell others about it and link to it. I intend to leave it up indefinitely. About the Sysop =============== I am a life long computer nerd. I still have my Osborne I computer from 1981. I have worked in software and tech all of my life. I was a r/cpm operator in the 80's, a CompuServe user, an early AOL user (when it was a BBs), ran popular Opus Fido BBS's in Minneapolis & Chicago, messed a little with Gopher and I helped to make the world wide web the disaster it is today. Sending you good vibrations from Minnesota.... Skol! Perge! and Ski-u-Mah!1