(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . 5 years from now..... [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-06-01 I just got done reading Walter Einenkel’s great diary on the responses from the hopeful VP picks on the right as they reacted to trump’s guilty verdict. These men and women offer up a bunch of the same talking points, if you can call them that, wherein they disparage the justice system, Joe Biden, George Soros(?), and call the whole thing a sham and ‘just the gosh darn worstest thing in the world’. They offer up no proof or reasoning, mind you, to back up their assertions. Just conspiracy theory-laden drivel that serves the sole purpose of letting it be known that they have said something in support of trump with the hope that he will notice and pick them for the ticket to be his running mate. I read post after post of these people saying and doing the most asinine things and it just astounded me. Like, some of these people are clever. Some of them went to ivy league schools, have advanced degrees, have been successful lawyers, can do long division, can neatly fold fitted bottom sheets, and aside from their warped and idiotic political and social views, are thinking people. And then I read the comments from other readers of Walter’s post and many ask the same question that I struggle with. “What does he hold on people that makes them say the things they say?” Because that is the really scary thing. It’s not just these people that are vying for the VP either. It’s all of the right, save a few exceptions. They are so beholden to this worthless piece of filth at so many levels and I just can’t understand why. Seriously. It’s like a whole group of otherwise thinking, rational beings have completely shut their brains down. They have stopped using any of the structures that allow for critical thought. And sure, some will say that they don’t really believe what they say. That they are just opportunists. I don’t know, man. I probably think that too but the level of idiocy and weirdness is beyond anything I can really comprehend. We have people on the right that have said some of the worst things about trump in the past, now supporting his candidacy and defending him in the wake of his conviction. Why!? What has changed? Do you remember all of the horrible things Lindsey Graham said about trump in 2016? Nikki Haley? Rubio, Cruz, DeSantis? The list is long. But they come home time after time. All of them. And it is weird. Access Hollywood, ‘suckers and losers’, Covid, his myriad legal problems, overt racism, misogyny and bigotry, etc, etc, etc. I cannot list all of the things wrong with trump because I have to go to work on Monday but the thing is, I don’t have to. People know. And with everything we know about the man, his proclivities, his ineptitude, his hatred, his incurious mind. He weakens the United States, whether in office or not. He divides people and makes enemies out of friends, families, colleagues, and everyday people. He reduces people that have spent their professional lives in service to this country and our system of government to sounding just like those crazy people that talk about the end of days wearing sandwich boards on the corner. It’s nuts. If in five years time a story broke that said some nefarious outside power secretly used mind-altering substances on most of the right-wing politicians and media personalities in the US, would it really surprise you? What if it came out that these substances shutdown receptors for rationality? Is that a stretch? Because to look at the history of the United States, what our shared values are, what we have looked for in our leaders, what we look for in our fathers and mothers, in our friends, in our employees, in our bosses, in our children, in our religious figures, in our celebrities, and in ourselves, none of that is what we see in trump. None of it. Dude’s horrible. I wouldn’t want someone like him picking up my garbage. And to fail to see that is the craziest thing of all. Of course, there probably will not be a future story where we find out the people that say and do these ridiculous things to defend trump and degrade our system of governance have been chemically compromised by a foreign agent. It’s highly, highly unlikely. But if that did happen, it would actually go a long way to understanding what in the hell is going on over there. Imagine if Barack Obama were running for president and said 1/100th of the things trump has. First off, Democrats would roundly denounce him and move on to a sane candidate. Republicans would be apoplectic. “How dare that Muslim call our brave soldiers suckers and losers!” And then years later, he gets convicted of a couple dozen felonies originally stemming from an improper relationship with a porn actress with more trials to come. One because of….wait for it…..retention of classified documents. Cheating on your wife with an adult film star and then illegally covering it up to influence an election and egregious national security breaches. Pretty heady stuff. Not to mention the other indictments. Would any Democrat still be standing by Obama? Of course not! The fact remains, republicans and the right have fundamentally lost any semblance of sanity. And all because of some craven lust for trump and for him to be in power. I don’t get it so maybe, just maybe in 5 years time….. Could anyone please help me understand what has happened to the right? They’ve always been assholes but this is loony tunes. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/1/2244090/-5-years-from-now?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=more_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/