(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Caturday Pootie Diary: The song of his people [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-06-01 I woke to the dulcet tones of Freddie yelling in the hallway. “Freddie! What?!” He answered by howling even louder. “Aaargghh!” I growled, putting my spare pillow over my head. A gentle reminder of how we do things: 🐱🐶🐦 Do not troll the diary. If you hate pootie diaries, leave now. No harm, no foul. Please do share pics of your fur kids! If you have health/behavior issues with your pets, feel free to bring it to the community. Pooties are cats; Woozles are dogs. Birds... are birds! Peeps are people. Whatever happens in the outer blog STAYS in the outer blog. If you’re having “issues” with another Kossack, keep it “out there.” This is a place to relax and play; please treat it accordingly. There are some pics we never post: snakes, creepy crawlies, any and all photos that depict or encourage human cruelty toward animals. These are considered “out of bounds” and will not be tolerated. If we alert you to it, please remember that we do have phobic peeps who react strongly to them. If you keep posting banned pics...well then...the Tigress will have to take matters in hand. Or, paw. I felt him jump onto the mattress and walk across it, stopping in the general area of my head. “Human,” he said, prodding me with a paw. “Did you hear me?” “How could I not?” I asked, my voice muffled by the pillow that was still over my head. “Are you going to do it?” he asked. I moved the pillow, taking a deep breath of fresh, cool air. “Do what?” “Get up and feed me.” It was still dark outside. “No.” This time he was on the ground next to my bed when he started to yowl. I picked up the phone and checked the time. “It’s six in the morning,” I yelled back at him. “It is not your breakfast time! It is human sleep time!” “There’s no water in the bowl!” he called back, then started to loudly meow some more. “Fine,” I muttered, rolling out of bread and walking to the bathroom. He followed happily on my heels and rubbed against my calves as I filled his bathroom water bowl. “Alright,” I said, leaving my bedroom. “Is there a little man here who wants some breakfast?” “Meeeeeee!” Freddie said, following me to the stairs. “Do you want some food?” I wondered. “I do!” he said. I paused halfway down the stairs to let him pass without tripping me. He was meowing on the way down and I could hear it in his voice as he hit each step. It made him sound especially demanding. “I coming, I coming,” I said. I set about making my own breakfast, the sound of Freddie eating loudly behind me keeping me company. “I’m going to have a scrambled egg on toast,” I told the noisy creature behind me. He did not slow down. By the time I was finished preparing my meal, Freddie was finished eating his and had disappeared. Shaking my head at how fast that cat can eat when he’s hungry, I carried my breakfast to the tv tray in front of the couch, and settled in to eat. Freddie appeared next to me like magic. “I like eggs,” he told me, eyeing my plate. “No,” I told him, around a mouthful. He jumped off the couch and left the room in a huff. I shrugged, and kept eating. That’s when the yowling started. “FreEEEDieEEE!” I called. “What?” He meowed some more. I finished my last bit of toast and got up. As soon as I turned the corner into the hallway, he stopped yelling and sat, looking up at me. “What?” I demanded, throwing my arms out. “I need more water,” he said, quietly. We keep a little water dispenser in the downstairs hallway for him, because he doesn’t like to drink water near where he eats. I looked, and the bottle was indeed empty. “Alright,” I said, picking it up and taking it to the bathroom sink. Once it was filled, I put it back and he immediately started drinking from it. “Poor guy,” I said, stroking his back gently enough to not disturb him. I walked back to the couch to clean up. Dishes done and with a little time to spare before I had to leave, I picked up my book and settled in to kill some time. I was only vaguely aware of the sound of Freddie climbing to the top of his cat tree, the ruckus of claws on carpet and padded wood hitting the wall such a common occurrence I almost didn’t hear it. I did hear it when he started howling again. “Nope,” I said, not looking up from my book. “You are fed and watered and the litter box is clean. Get some sleep, sir.” He stopped after a minute, but I could feel him watching me. I looked up. “Come pet me,” he said. “You don’t get to tell me what to do,” I said, setting my book aside and getting up. Happy Caturday, Peeps! Over the last few years Freddie has discovered his voice and he uses it. Oh boy, does he use it. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/1/2244067/-Caturday-Pootie-Diary-The-song-of-his-people?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/