(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Newly-minted felon Trump stumbles through low-energy, unscripted whine (transcript & comments) [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-06-01 When Trump speaks, his thoughts are like tornado-tossed debris. A cow flies by as tree branches crush trailer homes. And roof shingles shatter store windows while semi-trucks summersault down rural roads. It is black, chaotic, random, and pointless. The audience watches bewildered — wondering what will happen next. On Friday, the newly-minted felon stood in his pyrite palace and moaned that he was a man bigly sinned against by a Marvel galaxy of bad actors. “If they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone.” Yes, Donald, they can. Anyone who attempts a felonious cover-up of a minute-long adultery with a porn star to preserve his presidential electoral viability risks the same fate. Beware cheaters — it can happen to you. But before we get to the case, Trump takes us down a winding road, starting with: Immigration “millions of millions of people flowing in from all parts of the world, not just South America [brown bastards], from Africa [black bastards], from Asia [yellow bastards], from the Middle East [brown, Muslim bastards]. And they are coming in from jails and prisons. And they’re coming in from mental institutions and insane asylums.” Meanwhile, Joe Biden and his “group of fascists” are doing nothing about it. And, they are very much against me saying these things.” Taxes “They wanna raise your taxes by four times.” Cars ”They wanna stop you from having cars, with their ridiculous mandates making it impossible to get a car, afford a car … make it very possible for China to build all of our cars.” The judge and a gag order “We just went through one of many experiences where we had a conflicted judge … highly conflicted … there has never been a more conflicted judge. Now I am under a gag order which nobody has ever been under. I am under a gag order … a nasty gag order … where I have had to pay thousands of dollars in penalties and fines … and was threatened with jail.” Biden and the gag order “I’m under a gag order by a man who cannot put two sentences together … given by a court … and they are in total conjunction with the White House and the DOJ …. just so you understand … this is all done by Biden and his people … maybe his people more importantly … I don’t know if Biden knows too much about it, because I don’t know if he knows too much about anything … but he is nevertheless the President, so we have to use his name. The judge and the gag order part II So we have a judge who’s highly conflicted … you know what the confliction is … nobody wants to write about it … and I’m not allowed to talk about it ... If I do, he said, I get put in jail … so we’ll play that game a little bit longer … we won’t talk about it … there’s never been anybody so conflicted as this. The trial “As far as the trial itself … it was very unfair. We weren’t allowed to use our election expert, under any circumstances. You saw what happened to some of the witnesses on our side. They were literally crucified by this man … who looks like an angel … but he’s really a devil” The District Attorney “We had a DA … who’s a failed DA … crime is rampant in NY [It isn’t. Stats HERE ] … violent crime .. that’s what he’s doing … supposed to be looking at … crime is rampant in New York … yesterday in McDonalds you had a man hitting ‘em up with machetes … a machete … who can even imagine a machete being wielded in a store … in a place where they’re eating … and he’s going rampant … and Bragg is down watching a trial ... Author’s note: Thank God it was NY. In MAGA land he would have had a gun. Who knows how many would have been shot? The trial part II (falsifying business records) … on what they call … uh …. crimes, crimes … they’re falsifying business records … that sounds so bad … to me it sounds very bad [Note: and to the jury] … you know it’s only a misdemeanor … but to me, it sounds so bad … where they say ‘falsifying business records’ … that’s a bad thing for me … I’ve never had that before … I’m falsifying … you know what falsifying business records is … in the first degree … they say falsifying business records … Legal expense it means that legal expense … paid a lawyer … totally legal … I paid a lawyer … a legal expense … and a bookkeeper, without any knowledge from me, correctly marked it down in the books … a very professional woman … highly respected … she testified … marked it down in the books as a legal expense … paid a lawyer … is a legal expense … it’s not sheetrock, construction, or any other thing … it’s a legal expense … think of that … this what the falsification of business records ... and I said, ‘what else are you going to call it?’ Author’s note: Substitute ‘illegal’ every time Trump say ‘legal.’ Also, following Trump’s logic, the Mafia could have stayed out of jail if they only hired lawyers to be hitmen, etc., and marked down their fees as a ‘legal expense.’ Trump as witness ”I wanted to testify” Author’s note: He didn’t. So we will move on. The ‘crowd’ “I very much appreciate the big crowd of people outside … that’s incredible what’s happening … the level of support has been incredible … Legal expense, part II so the whole thing is …. legal expense … was marked down as legal expense … think of it … this is the crime … that I committed … that I’m supposed to go to jail for 187 years for … Crime in NYC when you have violent crime all over this city … at levels nobody has ever seen before [Fact check: crime in NYC is down 71% from 30 years ago] Fleeing businesses When you have business leaving … and business are leaving because of this [Proof? Don’t hold your breath] … because heads of businesses say … “man” … we don’t wanna get involved with that … I could go through the books of any businessperson [that’s a woke word] in this city … and I could find things … that in theory … I guess … “let’s indict him [no more woke] … let’s destroy his life … Author’s note: Trump only pals around with businesspeople who falsify their books. It’s bigger than me but I’m out there … I don’t mind being out there … because I’m doing something for this country … and I’m doing something for our Constitution … it’s very important … far beyond me … and this can’t be allowed to happen to other Presidents… it should never be allowed to happen in the future … but this far beyond me … this is bigger than Trump … this bigger than my presidency … But it’s all about me and the people understand it because ... I just saw a poll just came out ... The Daily Mail … that was the first one came out … was done ... last night, right after the verdict … where I’m up six points … six points from what we already were .. we were leading fairly substantially … we’re up six points Author’s note: The Daily Mail ? Trump might as well cite a Breitbart poll. Also, let’s do math. If you are up six points and that gives you a six-point lead, you were tied before. You were not “leading fairly substantially”. The video ends Mercifully. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/1/2244117/-Newly-minted-felon-Trump-stumbles-through-low-energy-unscripted-whine-transcript-comments?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=more_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/