(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Did 'Judge' Aileen FINALLY Cut Her Own Throat Today??? [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-06-11 (Popok discusses Cannon's latest obscenity) (A brief discussion of this incredibly important judicial crime-in-progress, and how it may play out.) Popok offers a fairly optimistic analysis of Aileen’s latest crime against America today. He believes that today’s ruling striking a key paragraph of transcript-evidence proving Donny’s treason is clear and reversible error, and that it clearly gives Smith more than enough overwhelming evidence of her bias and/or incompetence (there’s very likely a fair amount of the latter involved, but it’s clear as day that there’s a shit-pile of the former) to compel the 11th Circuit to remove her from the case, and replace her with, ya know, an actual judge. His argument sounds pretty solid to me, but I’ve no doubt a dozen DK lawyers will instantly pop up to explain to me why the bar for removing a judge is infinitely high, and grows even higher whenever you talk about it, and that any discussion of it is therefore completely hopeless and ridiculous. (This, of course, feels awfully similar to the long list of previous episodes wherein various ‘experts’ here and elsewhere ‘informed’ me that: 1. there was no chance Trump would ever be indicted, 2. if he was, it’d only be for misdemeanors, 3. it’d never get to trial anyway, 4. the Manhattan case was comically weak and never should’ve been brought, 5. it was completely impossible he’d ever get convicted,… etc., etc., etc., etc.) The professional nay-sayers (the folks who’ve spent the last 2 years telling us all of the above,... and that the other trials will never actually happen,… and that now that he IS convicted, there’s no chance in hell he’ll ever go to jail (looks like yet another one of those just popped up now), seem to employ one of two arguments for their proclamation that the FL trial will never happen, and it’s completely impossible Smith could ever get Aileen removed so the ‘justice system’ might actually be allowed to function: 1. If he did move to appeal for her removal, he’d risk making a ‘hostile environment with a hostile judge’ for himself, and that would be really bad. 2. He’ll only get one chance, and needs to be ‘really sure’ he’s got an overwhelming case first, to give himself any chance at all of winning. Okay, 1. is just plain stupid. It’s absolutely clear, and has been for a long time, that Judge Aileen couldn’t possibly be any more hostile, has absolutely no intention of ever letting this trial happen, and has every intention of completely sabotaging the prosecution if it ever were to actually come to trial. So worrying about that is about as valid as Biden and Sullivan and Scholz’s supposed worry that if they actually let the Ukies, ya know, protect themselves from Ruscist extermination, it might make Pooty ‘angry,’ so ‘we just can’t risk it.’ 2. seems awfully goofy at this point as well. Most knowledgeable observers have thought the case has already been ‘overwhelming’ for a long time, and the Circuit has already had to rebuke her twice for her obvious misconduct. There’s supposedly an unwritten ‘three-strikes’ rule that provides for the removal of a judge in cases of repeated and obvious malfeasance. Judge Cannon’s hit ‘strike three’ about 14 times over already, and if none of the prior occasions were deemed ‘clear enough,’ this one seems so overt, and so black-and-white it’s kind of absurd at this point. I mean, if there’s NO level of misconduct that would ever justify her removal (which is, of course, utterly ridiculous), then why in the hell are we even bothering with this whole obscene charade? Smith and his team should just pack it up, and spend their time on something worthwhile. And if they thought there was some threshold, but they won’t be sure they’ve met it yet till sometime in 2078, then, again, the whole thing’s moot, and they might as well go home. People like Glenn Kirschner have been shaking their head in bewilderment for months already at Smith’s failure to do anything about it. I think maybe now is finally the time, Jack. Otherwise, why don’t we just end this circus already, and put the effort to something that will matter? Please, Mr. Smith. While we’re still young enough for it to matter. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/11/2246182/-Did-Judge-Aileen-FINALLY-Cut-Her-Own-Throat-Today?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/