(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . If you knew someone in your life who acted like Donald Trump [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-06-14 Many people who overlook Donald Trump’s deranged and abusive behavior aren’t really paying attention. It’s like distant, vague noise to them. Others pretend the convicted felon running for president on a platform of retribution and revenge is sort of “funny.” After all, nothing spells comic relief like an overt and imminent threat to the rule of law. Or incoherent ramblings about sharks from a person with a clearly disordered and deteriorating mind who has a strong chance of regaining the White House. The November election is going to come down to a sliver of the voting populace that remains inexplicably undecided between President Joe Biden (old!) and the man who put the “I” in insurrection. I’m hoping that some of these undecideds realize between now and November 5 that Donald Trump’s deep and unfixable character flaws render him unfit for the presidency. There are those who try to dismiss Trump’s recent felony conviction and the three other criminal trials he’s facing as being politically motivated. Likewise, there even are those who try to rewrite what happened on Jan. 6. And that phony rape trial? He said, she said! But there is plenty of other evidence out there proving conclusively that Trump’s psyche is deeply disordered. While this evidence may appear benign relative to, say, summoning a mob to storm the Capitol and hang Mike Pence, it is quite telling of Trump’s character nonetheless. If we can only get the undecideds to ask themselves, “What would I think of a person I know in my own life who acted like this?” for the following examples, we just may save our democracy. Gleefully insults a woman’s looks in public You’re working on some important reports at your desk when the boss calls you. “Never mind what you’re doing right now,” he says. “Get your ass in my office.” Uh-oh. Sounds like trouble. Your 72-year-old boss can be cranky and volatile, even abusive. You have no idea what you’re walking into, but you race to his corner suite anyway. Once there, he gestures for you to close the door. Swallowing, you prepare for the worst. But the boss seems to be in a wickedly good mood for some reason, with an almost evil glint in his eye. Soon, you find out why. “There’s this nasty woman I hate and I want to insult her on Twitter. What do you like between Horseface, Elephant Legs, or Botox Bimbo? Or should it be the Botox Bimbo?” You meekly offer that maybe it might be best if the boss doesn’t tweet about her at all. But the boss isn’t having it, so you tell him you’ll have to think about it for awhile. Later you find out your 72-year-old boss also workshopped his insults for this woman with several of your co-workers. None of them thought it was a good idea — or a decent thing to do. Does that sound like a well-adjusted, rational man in his 70s? Does is sound like someone whose judgment you can trust, or someone who has the emotional maturity be a genuine leader? Well, mocking a woman’s looks in public is something Donald Trump has done, and more than once. Trump loves bullying and demeaning people who disagree with him or fail to acknowledge his specialness, but he takes particular delight in making vile remarks about women. Never loses, unless someone is cheating You are part of a regular poker-night group that gets together every month. Most participants are friends and neighbors who are there to win or lose a little bit of money. Mostly, though, poker night is a social event for people to have a few drinks and enjoy each other’s company. Until that night your neighbor’s father showed up. He’s an older guy, maybe in his 70s, though it was hard to tell with the dyed hair and what, weirdly, looked to be heavy makeup. He’s got some money and he let everyone know it, bragging incessantly about his business “wins” and the adversaries he has crushed and humiliated. He was also, by his own description, a world-class poker player. He is so good, he said, it was almost unfair he was playing you guys. There was no possible way he could lose — unless, of course, the game was rigged. In fact, if he does lose, your neighbor’s dad darkly warned, that in itself would be evidence that the fix was in and that he was being treated very unfairly. Fortunately, it turned out your neighbor’s father was far from a world-class poker player. Instead, he was relatively incompetent at the game, didn’t know the rules, and didn’t pay attention because he spent all night boasting about himself and belittling other players. Invariably, he lost all his chips. Your neighbor’s dad immediately cried foul, making vague and unsubstantiated accusations of cheating. The cards are marked, other players were secretly communicating, there probably are two ace of hearts in this crooked deck. As he stormed out, he furiously knocked chips off the table, scattering them on the floor. He declared once again that he won and that what you guys did constitutes theft. You will be hearing from his lawyers, who happen to be the most vicious lawyers in this town. Because when someone screws your neighbor’s dad, he will screw them 10 times worse! Does that sound like a stable person? Is that someone with whom you would want to socialize or do business? Is that someone you can trust? Is that someone you would want to invite back to poker night? Knows more about everything than anyone and is uniquely intelligent He’s here, he’s there, he’s everywhere — at the coffee shop, the local pub, the park, and along the busy downtown main street of your community. Always talking, always holding court, always striving to be the center of attention. He has little patience for those of lesser intelligence, which in his opinion includes everybody else. If you question or disagree with him, he will call you stupid. There is no conversation this self-proclaimed genius won’t hijack and steer into a ditch of hubris and alpha-babble. If the topic is Gaza, he will proclaim that nobody knows more about the Middle East than he and that he could end the conflict in 24 hours. Should someone mention a recent cyberattack on a hospital, this Renaissance man will brag that he knows more about Internet security than anyone, even Steve Jobs. (Who, by the way, still often calls for advice.) And if the latest bird flu news comes up, our local know-it-all already has a solution to that problem, if only the stupid scientists in charge would listen to him. Speaking of scientists, this guy was talking about diseases with some of them, and every single one said, “How do you know so much about this?” Every single one. Even if it’s a topic with which he is unfamiliar — a rare occurrence, and perhaps indicative of some kind of rigging — this guy will figure it out in minutes because his uncle once taught at Harvard. You didn’t know that? Dope. (From Project Orange: Saving Democracy From the Trump-MAGA Cult) [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/14/2246741/-If-you-knew-someone-in-your-life-who-acted-like-Donald-Trump?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=latest_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/