(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . All of the Signs are There [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-06-20 By David Glenn Cox It is all a part of the who do. The magical mystical Republican belief that somehow just by posting the ten commandments on a school wall will somehow magically change the world. Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five theses to the church door and look how that turned out. Spending millions of dollars and tons of effort to basically do nothing and piss a lot of people off. Never mind that Jesus guy warned us against those who make a show of their prayer and their piety. If you want to hide something from students in a school and make them, repel from it. Put it on the wall and shove it down their throats on a daily basis. I remember at good Ole Jeff Davis High school we had a “freedom shrine” in the hallway. With enlarged copies of all our nation’s founding documents. It was supposed to fill our young bosoms with swelling patriotic pride, but we were all 16-year-old boys and couldn’t care less. Being a history nerd, I was one of the few who even knew it was there, let alone what was on it. Considering this was a school without microscopes. I personally thought the display an unnecessary and extravagant expense. But it was easy to raise money for a “a freedom shrine” while not so for microscopes. The Magna what? Who was he? If they are going to post the ten commandments in schools at least get the authorship right. The original commandments are from the temple of Luxor in Egypt. It appears while in bondage, someone was taking notes. The Lord spoke to you…sure he did. To get such an obvious religious document plastered on the walls of secular public schools you need group think. It’s a ‘freedom shrine” Don’t you think that’s a good idea, huh, huh? We should put the ten commandments up in every schoolroom in the state! Why sure! It’s a part of our heritage! What’s wrong with that? Outside of the costly legal challenges and eventual defeat. Why not spend every nickel in the state education treasury defending this idea? Why not put the ten commandments on each and every school wall? On every single desk and on every single book cover above every urinal and on the back of every stall door. If a little is good, more is better, right? After all, it’s only propaganda. They rightly fear unless they propagandize the children 24 hrs. a day and seven days a week, the children will somehow slip the noose and escape back into the devil’s world like a trout breaking the fishing line. It’s painfully obvious if you want it to rain you must hold a raindance. If you want to raise up your kids patriotic, you put up a “freedom shrine.” And if you want to celebrate Thanksgiving you get Macy’s to hold a parade in New York. The lazy man’s education. Just slap it up on the wall and they’ll get the message eventually! You might notice those most worried about their children being indoctrinated in public schools are most anxious to indoctrinate children in public schools. It’s not indoctrination they are afraid of as long as it’s their own. This will be good for the children and won’t hurt them none! We know better than you how to raise children. We just fear some power mad government trying to indoctrinate our children. So, we will use our power to madly influence government and indoctrinate children. Wait? Where does Big Brother live? He lives in the mirror! Would it be a paradox to say God help them? Turning religious indoctrination over to the same underfunded school system doing such a great job with readin and writing. You would think in their religious education they might begin to understand. Most of the original 13 colonies were founded by fanatics escaping religious persecution. You know, where the state knew better than you did about religion! What’s wrong with a state religion? You object to us teaching your children the official state religion in school, It couldn’t hurt anything! Let’s go to America, where we have the freedom to impose our own state religion! It's a belief in the magical fantastical that one these days it’s all going to catch and put sin on the run. Jesus is coming…look busy! This is the legal educational equivalent of “thoughts and prayers” Don’t kill, don’t steal and don’t get caught cheating on your wife…again. Making a show to illustrate their piety. Elect me, and your kids will love Jesus, or we’ll beat the shit out of them. Jesus may love you kid, but don’t push us! Spare the rod and spoil the child! And the harder you hit them the better they learn! God is love! But if this is only about instilling a message and not about instilling a religion. Why bring God into it at all? Why not just put-up signs saying, “don’t steal” or “don’t lie” or “ don’t murder.” Wouldn’t that work just as well, or does it need God’s endorsement to make it stick? God says not to do it! Or he will send you to hell forever to burn in a lake of fire. But without God’s endorsement the signs would all look ridiculous. “DON’T STEAL! By order of the State of Louisiana. DON’T Murder, by order of the Governor. LYING is a violation of Louisiana state law!” Because with or without God’s endorsement they are ridiculous. No microscopes only “Thoughts and prayers!” "No sinner is ever saved after the first twenty minutes of a sermon." ― Mark Twain [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/20/2247632/-All-of-the-Signs-are-There?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/