(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . It’s Always Been All or Nothing [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-06-21 By David Glenn Cox It would seem you can only kick a can down the road so far before your leg falls off. Anal sore and Republican activist Roger Stone says, “Judge Eileen Cannon is in Trump’s back pocket.” Do they really pay this guy big money? I mean any fool can see that. That’s not hard to figure out, but is it wise? The case is always going to be out there floating in a cloud unresolved. And because the judge in the case looks tainted, it only makes Trump look that much more guilty even before the delayed trial begins. Obviously, there is only one reason Mr. Trump would like to stall and delay. Go ahead and vote for him first and THEN find out if he’s a criminal. For Donald Trump this is an all or nothing affair. If he doesn’t win the election, it’s all over for him. [Tilt! GAME OVER!] It won’t matter, nothing else matters. If he doesn’t win, the tide comes in and washes the sand castle away and the dream is over. Forgotten in this maelstrom of malfeasance is intent! Why did Mr. Trump try so hard keeping all of those documents? This wasn’t a forgotten detail or a loose end but a pet project for Mr. Trump. He worked middling hard to hang on to those documents. Why? Why would you let the FBI come raid your house over documents? Why wouldn’t you just cough them up when first asked? And the wife says what? Donald Trump is not exactly the studious type. It’s unlikely he was using the documents while assembling his memoirs. Saving them for the next paper drive perhaps or making play forts in the basement? Donald Trump puts a monetary value on everything. So, what exactly were his long-term plans for those documents? Mr. Trump has never satisfactorily answered that question. Maybe we should ask Roger Stone what he thinks. He’s real smart. This has not been a good week for the Republican Party or for Donald Trump. The head of the Illinois delegation to the Republican National Convention has resigned effective immediately after the convention. The reasons are dark and mysterious. It seems, he doesn’t like something going on inside the Party. But won’t say what exactly or who, only that he wanted no fucking part of it. Gee, I wonder what it could be? What could make a life-long Republican suddenly choose to abandon his leadership position in the Party at the eleventh hour? Let’s ask Roger Stone why he did that. More cognitive issues and questions for Mr. Trump. Will this issue continue to dog Trump? Will he remember? Donald Trump has made verbal gaffs all along throughout his career. (hamberder)Only now he strings the gaffs together into alarming but sometimes hilarious speeches. A Fox News poll showing Joe Biden ahead by two percentage points. Set Mr. Trump off and sent the ketchup bottles flying. A poll is only a snapshot, nothing more. A poll of one hundred people with a two-point lead is only two people. He is losing his shit and wetting himself over a tiny, tiny margin. A snapshot taken six months out and he throws a tantrum. What would Roger Stone say about that? “Throw yourself on the ground and pitch a bitch of a tantrum, it looks so Presidential. Mr. Trump maintained he always done poorly in Fox News polls. Why sure, everyone knows how tough Fox News can be on Republicans. No cognitive issues there! Something tells me all negative news is treated in the same way and with the same kid gloves. That sun is always going down on me when I’m trying go outside. It never treats me fairly. If you take all the polls and snapshots, they indicate a trend. Donald Trump peaked at 50% and is trending downward. Too much baggage perhaps? Too many loose ends and unanswered questions? Shark attacks? Everyone who is going to vote for Donald Trump has made up their minds to do so. The Republican Party is bitterly divided over Donald Trump and Donald Trump’s financial take over of the party. The Party sees the writing on the wall. Every man women and child for themselves. The money is not coming from the party to the down ballot candidates, it’s all going to Trump. One of the “Melons” of the Melon banking fortune just gave his pin money to Donald Trump. Fifty -million dollars just pissed away. Think of all the good which could be accomplished with fifty million dollars. But in a political campaign it’s a significant donation but only an appetizer and not a meal. The money has to be divided between the campaign and Trump’s legal staff. Sorry, no leftover crumbs available! Reading the tea leaves the party functionaries begin to understand this is about Donald Trump and only about Donald Trump. The rest of the GOP can all go hang themselves. This is about Donald Trump using the GOP as his own personal Patty Hearst and getaway car. And if Donald Trump crashes that getaway car in November, oh well. What does a ruined Party mean to Donald Trump? He’s got real problems! It was always all or nothing for Trump. Why should Donald Trump give a shit if the Republican Party lives or dies? This is all about him! Donald Trump! Nobody else! Did you think he ever cared about anyone else? I bet, even Roger Stone knew that! [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/21/2247834/-It-s-Always-Been-All-or-Nothing?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=latest_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/