(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . My Debate Observation Notes [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-06-27 I just watched the first Biden/Trump debate. Trump lied lied liar lying liar pants on flaming inferno fire. These are the notes I took as I watched the debate. Enjoy, please like, comment, and/or subscribe. #jtg • • • Biden has gotten off to a slow start but seems to be picking up steam. Trump is blathering lies lies liar lying lies. Biden needs to be less diplomatic and more blunt, which he is slowly doing. Trump is demanding an apology for Biden claiming that he said he called dead WW2 vets "suckers and loser", when in fact it happened during Trumpy's term, and it was his own Secretary of Defense who reported hearing Trump say it. Fortunately Biden pointed this out and said "I don't owe you an apology for anything". Even though Trump was the one who committed the USA to withdraw from Afghanistan, he is claiming it was Biden that did the withdrawal. More lies. Trump keeps claiming that everything was wonderful during his term, which is a total lie. Biden is picking up steam and hitting back. Biden reported accurately that Biden told Putin to "do whatever you want" in Ukraine. Now Trump is blaming Biden for the Ukraine war, and claims he will settle the Ukraine war fast... of course that means giving Ukraine to Putin. Biden is pointing out that Putin will not stop at Ukraine. Biden points out that the USA is giving weapons made in the USA, not money. Trump is lying again about the amount of money/equipment Europeans are providing to Ukraine. He called Biden a "weak Palestinian" (?) Biden is pointing out that Trump wants to pull out of NATO, and Biden got nations all over the world to support Ukraine. Trump was asked if he supports a Palistinian state, but dodges the question by going back to lies about European nations "paying for NATO". Trump is being asked about Jan 6, he is dodging the question by a stream of lies about how wonderful things were when he was president and how Biden messed everything up. Trump is asked again about Jan 6 and he is lying about how the events of that day was Nancy Pelosi's fault. He is further lying by claiming that Pelosi has "admitted" this. Biden is pointing out that Trump waited for three hours to say anything on Jan 6, and is stating he is going to pardon the insurrectionists and let them all out. Trump is now claiming that the Jan 6 insurrectionists are "so innocent" and distracts by lying about "all the cites" that were "destroyed". Trump keeps repeating that he said "peaceful and patriotic", and further lies about the "evidence" was destroyed. Biden points out that Trump is the only convicted felon on stage. He refuses to denounce the people who attacked the capital. Trump is asked about having "every right" to go after his political opponent. Trump claims that Biden could be a convicted felon after Trump takes office because Biden allegedly did "horrible things" Biden said that Trump claiming the right to go after his opponents legally is wrong. Biden claims Trump has the morals of an alley cat. Trump is lying about being persecuted by Biden, and lying about his poll numbers. Biden points out that Trump has many more legal problems to come. Biden pointed out that Trump has said that Hitler had some good ideas. Biden says Trump said about Charlottesville's statement "fine people on both sides" is bad. Trump claims he never said that, even though I remember watching and hearing him say it at the time. TRUMP IS LYING ABOUT SOMETHING WE SAW WITH OUR OWN EYES LIVE!" Biden points out that most of Trump's cabinet refused to endorse him. Biden is asked about Black American issues and why he has not done more. He points out that he has done legislation to help, including child care help to get parents into the job market. Trump is lying about Biden causing inflation, again lying by claiming everything was wonderful when he was president. Trump again lies about immigrants causing all the troubles in USA. Biden points out again that Trump wants to get rid of the ACA (Obamacare). Climate question and effects. Trump was asked about what he would do about climate and he is dodging the subject by again talking about crime. Trump is again lying about how wonderful things were when he was president, again claiming Biden is a disaster. Trump is lying about how wonderful the air and water was during his four years, the best environmental numbers, and lies. Biden is again pointing out Trump is lying abut "cleanest water" and citing some of his legislation on climate. Biden points out that Trump wants to reverse everyting Biden has done. Trump is lying about getting low cost insulin. Trump claims he has the "biggest heart on the stage", only true if we are talking about a physically enlarged heart. Biden points out there is no indication that Trump has a big heart. Biden points out tht Trump wants to cut both social security and Medi-cal. Forty million Americans have pre-existing conditions. I'm one of them. Liar Trump is calling Biden a liar by repeating a series of lies. Again he repeats the lie that Biden is the origin of the "suckers and losers" comment. Biden again points out the suckers and losers comment was from his own secretary of defense, who Trump fired. Trump is lying about the general saying this. Trump is asked about how to make child care affordable, but is dodging again by attacking Biden as a disaster and plenty more lies. Trump is again claiming Biden is the worst president in history, wants to destroy our country, and if Biden is re-elected we won't have a country anymore. Biden points out that no one thinks we are weak. He points out that presidential historians rate Trump consistently as the worst president in history, and trump has no concern about child care. Trump again is asked about child care again, and again lies about how wonderful he was and how "everyone" says he was the best president. Biden attacks Trump for wanting to put in tariffs, which will be paid by those who buy foreign goods. Trump had the largest deficit in american history. The opioid crisis is bought up. Trump is asked about 100,000 americans die each year from opioid overdose and what he will do about it, but again dodges the question to go back to tariffs. He claims Biden is a puppet of China. Trump is asked again about addiction, and again lies and claims all was wonderful when he was president, and again goes back to the border. Biden pointed out that Trump killed the border deal which would have strengthened border security and Trump killed the deal because he wanted things to remain bad so he would have an issue to run against. Trump is AGAIN asked about addiction, and AGAIN dodges to talk about the border AGAIN. Now Trump is ranting about "hostages". The age question goes to Biden. Biden points out that he is much more competent than Trump who is three years younger. Biden is pointing out that he has created many high tech jobs and that the USA is not a failing country in spite of Trump's lies. Biden points out that Trump sends "love letters" to dictators like Kim and Putiin. Again Trump is bragging about the cognitive test he took where he identified an elephant drawing, and bragging that he won golf tournaments on his own course. Biden points out that he is happy to play golf with Trump as long as he carries his own bag. Trump is asked if he will accept the results of the election and that political violence is unacceptable. He is lying about how there was a small number of people on Jan 6 and again lies about Pelosi claiming Jan 6 was her fault. Trump again claims USA is a failing nation and he is going to Make America Great Again and we are "very close to world war 3". Biden points out that Trump would avoid WW3 by letting Putin do what he wants. Biden points out article 5 of the NATO agreement, an attack on one is an attack on all. Trump is again asked if he will accept the results of the election, and again dodges by attacking Biden by claiming Ukraine was Biden's fault. AGAIN Trump is asked if he will accept the election, he says yes, but is claiming fraud and pops out with an announcement of a news conference about this in a week, which likely won't happen, given how much Trump tends to lie about such things. Biden calls Trump is a whiner and not a single court has supported his lies about his loss. Closing: Biden points out we need a fair tax system, and nobody under $400k will get their taxes raised. He pointed out that Trump wants to raise taxes on the middle class and lower taxes on the rich. Trump wants to do away with $35 insulin, and promote child care. Trump claims Biden is a complainer, very ironic given Trump's constant whining. Again blames Biden for all bad things and how wonderful things were when he was president. He claims the past three and a half years have been "living in hell". Trump appears to be bragging about a bill that allows people to get any quack treatment they want. Closing Thoughts. Trump lied constantly. Trump dodged almost every question directly asked, reasked and even re-re-asked. Trump kept claiming that everything was wonderful while he was president and all has been "hell" since Biden took office. Biden got off to a slow start, but picked up speed. He was, in my opinion, far to diplomatic at first, but by the end was directly calling out Trump's lies. Biden's hoarseness was a bit off putting at first, and he seemed pale and frail. I'm sure MAGA freaks will focus on these factors, although in the long run they are irrelevant to the facts of the debate. I'd say Biden won overall. #jtg P.S. if you appreciate my observations, please subscribe as a free member, or subscriber, to my Patreon page. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/27/2249154/-My-Debate-Observation-Notes?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/