(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Tarry at Your Own Risk [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-06-27 By David Glenn Cox The old expression goes, “What do you expect from a pig but a grunt?” But it’s okay, cause not all the Supreme Court justices are crooked, just a few of them. But that’s all-right, half an honest court is better than nothing. And as predictable as the setting sun too and as unrepentant as a spoiled child. Hiding beneath the dignity of the very robes they soil. Using the court’s prestige as a personal shield against clearly unethical behavior. Some people have ethics and don’t want to live their life with someone else always picking up the check. I don’t want an RV given to me. It’s not mine; I didn’t earn it or win it on The Price is Right. Nobody on the green, green earth buys you an RV and takes you around the world on his yacht without wanting something in return. You might be a ton of fun and a barrel of laughs and the life of the party, but nobody does that. Nobody fixes up your mama’s house and buys the property. If you believe that; let me tell you all about Santa coming down the chimney on Christmas Eve. It isn’t the appearance of wrongdoing but more like getting caught red handed in the chicken coop. Claiming to be a Vegan with a pullet in each hand. No, this isn’t obvious corruption! No, these are just gifts from my pals! You know how it is! Your buddy says, “Say, would you like a beer?” And you say, sure. Well, my friend said, Say, would you like an RV? And I said, sure! My buddy said, Say, would you like to sail around the world on my yacht for free sipping champagne? And I said…sure! What’s wrong with that? It's so wrong, it’s legendarily wrong. Clarence Thomas will leave a chapter in every law book written from now on. Some day people will call a corrupt judge a “Clarence Thomas” in the same way we call a traitor a “Benedict Arnold” or a “Marge Traitor Greene” today. Your personal legal legacy is to be remembered as a fat, pompous corrupt paid shill. Personally, lowering the esteem of the Supreme Court of the United States to record levels. What a legacy! In days gone by when honor was still attached to character, the course was clear. It’s time to go. Don’t make them create an ugly scene by dragging you out of here. Don’t be that guy in dodge ball claiming he wasn’t hit, nobody believes you, leave the playing field. So out of touch, Justice Thomas doesn’t realize or apparently care about the shame he brings on himself and, on the law, and on his career. I don’t know about you folks, but at the end of the day. I’d hate for that to be my personal legacy, “A corrupt Bum!” Someday smart children will point at his photo. And announce knowingly, he was the most corrupt Supreme Court Justice ever! Al Capone knew he was a criminal, but Clarence doesn’t think he is. Gee, if I don’t get something nice here before long, you might get an unpleasant legal decision. Where are we going to next? I’ve never been to Tahiti before! A push me pull you scenario of never knowing who is really driving the situation. “Oh, what a tangled web we weave.” Clarence worked himself up from nothing to the position of a corrupt Bum. Stay in school kids! Breaking the first and most obvious judicial rule of impartiality. Something even an apple judge at the county fair knows. Clarence Thomas acts surprised? “What? Oh, you’re correct. I did forget to report all of this as income. How careless of me, here let me just amend that little form for you. Happy now? I’ll try an do better from now on but no promises. Is Joe Biden too old to be President? Maybe, but I’ll take that chance. This election will decide the course of the nation for at least the next four years. Two appointments to the Supreme Court will decide the course of this country for a generation. Tarry at your own risk! I don’t mind Sam Alito’s legal decisions provided they are his and not his wife’s legal opinions. Karen Alito gets into skirmishes with the neighbors. I had an ex-wife like that once too. I’d drive off to work and come home to open warfare with the nuclear option on the table. Sam shrugs his shoulders; I don’t get involved. If she wants to fly the flag upside down, fight the neighbors or appeal to heaven. What’s that mean to me, besides being a henpecked husband who is afraid of making his wife mad. Call me a purist, but I prefer a justice who isn’t afraid of his wife. I want a justice who decides cases on their merits and not out of fear he’s going to get walloped when he gets home. Mrs. Alito has every right in the world to voice her opinions. Unfortunately, as the wife of a Supreme Court Justice her unseemly antics reflect more poorly on her husband than herself. That’s the tradeoff. Big money and gifts and trips around the world. But you have to keep your damn mouth shut and not rock the boat. We’re not in Sunnyvale Trailer Park anymore sweetie. Put down your beer and go change your tube top and shut up! Maybe we could settle this on Judge Judy. And in an election shocker, Colorado district four Republicans are even dumber than once believed. Choosing Lauren Boebert to represent them in the general election. And it wasn’t even close. Sure, what Congressman hasn’t given a hand job or two, while vaping in a theater? With Ms. Boebert’s record of political stunting and misbehavior without any positive accomplishments for her district, she was a sale! Give us more of that sweet, sweet nothing! “For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use to be anything else.” ― Winston S. Churchill [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/27/2248954/-Tarry-at-Your-Own-Risk?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=more_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/