(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Get off the cross; we need the wood [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-06-28 "I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. BE STRONG and of good courage, for unto you shall be divided for your inheritance this land, which I swore unto your fathers to give you." --Joshua 1: 5-6. First of all, BREATHE, my peeps. Second of all, are you OK? I'm worried about some of you. Some of you, my friends, are not being the forces for good that Steve Rogers knows you can be. I feel your pain and fear. We live in the most interesting of "interesting times." We've been on an unhealthy constant adrenaline rush for eight years. Our media sources — social and news — have devolved into a smirking, grinning cabal of gaslighters, prevaricators, abusers and sewer-dwelling clowns who are furious with President Biden's boring old steady leadership and long for a return to the newsworthy chaos and drama of an unhinged fascist administration. They've been enabling the terrorists to hide truth, spew the most ridiculous spin fiction without blowback, and sow doubt about whether such a thing as objective truth even exists, and whether, if it does exist, it should be allowed to continue. #IfItBleedsItLeads And so OF COURSE, when you're locked in the national asylum for the criminally sane long enough, you may start to wonder whether two plus two really DOES equal five, and whether it might be better to keep the peace by saying it does. And you may watch the spectacle of a candidate for President, with 34 felony convictions, who smells like a walking corpse and who regularly chants random strings of words to crowds of the dangerously unhinged enemies of civilization who are his only remaining supporters---you may well watch that man tell falsehood after falsehood, refuse to promise to respect the election results, brag that he will end the Gaza conflict before taking office, and vow to throw Ukraine to the wolves — and be tempted to conclude that his opponent, the guy who had the cojones to show up and play the game ​even with a head cold, is the problem. BREATHE. And THINK. Joe is not the problem. Joe is the good guy here. Joe, unlike the terrorists, surrounds himself with people who can do the things he can't. He respects and understands the rules of government. He is kind. He has grace and class. And he has done more good for America in just four years, with a divided Congress and a jaw-droppingly hostile judiciary, than any other President in my lifetime has done, even with eight years and cooperation from other branches of government. If you think about it and tune out the media, Joe has worked miracles. I had doubts about him four years ago, and voted for him out of duty, not enthusiasm. This time, I have enthusiasm, and you should too. Come on. Say it with me. Say it for Steve Rogers: #JoeWillDo Breathe. And remember the American rescue plan, the Biden Bucks, the debt relief, CHIPs, the infrastructure, the veterans' benefits, the COVID help, the Inflation Reduction Act, America's return to regaining the respect and trust of other nations, how Ukraine continues to exist because of Biden, and how our economy has crawled back from the Trump disaster. It is possible that the unthinkable can still happen. But we have a chance. If we pull together and fight for America. If we reach out in our neighborhoods, help to register and motivate voters, if we can send donations to campaigns of local Democrats running for Congress, for state legislatures for school boards and city councils, we can stop Project 2025 from happening. And we NEED to. We need YOU. We need to stand united against American holocaust. There are more of us than there are of them, and WE are the grown-ups in the room. But we need to act like the grown-ups. We need to act as if truth really exists, and as if truth matters, and as if freedom and justice matter. Because they DO matter — but only if we stand up and affirm it.​ Take my hand, my peeps, and renew your strength for the struggle to come. And in the meantime, please try to do no harm. Do not cry and whine about how doooooooomed you think we are in public, for that will only embolden and delight the terrorists, Nazis and other Republicans. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/28/2249466/-Get-off-the-cross-we-need-the-wood?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/