(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . A Teachable Moment Wherein We Again Learn Who Our Real Friends Are [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-06-30 I am sure I will stop writing diaries about this subject once the furor dies down ( if it ever does), but I just have to vent a little bit more if you can beg my indulgence one more time. Now, I am not some Stalinist folks: You can frankly believe whatever you want ( I am sure you are not a bad person), but if I think you are fucking wrong on the Biden question, I will tell you so in no uncertain terms— BECAUSE the stakes are too damn high, and because this is my diary and I am bad at calmly explaining things. Honestly, I was not thrilled about the debate performance ( it was grim) and I know well what is at stake— everything. If the Orange Menace, God forbid wins, the only thing we will be debating are survivalist techniques, or the best way to make a Molotov Cocktail. Hell, SCOTUS has well greased the slide towards the apocalypse with its recent rulings, so it looks like we are getting a head start!! Amazed that the supposed smart people in the media are not screaming about the Chevron ruling— I guess they must want their kids to eat dioxin once the courts have have gutted all pertinent federal regulations. Assholes. But here are a couple of things lost on the media puppets with combustible hair. The first thing that occurs to me is the fact that media are pretending that this is the first time we are meeting these candidates; that Trump, for example is somehow introducing himself to us for the first time (This walking singularity of putrid shit and evil and lying garbage, that sucks up all intelligence and oxygen every time he opens his face hole, this felonious murderer of Americans, and proud fellater of Kim Jung Un), that most voters or potential voters are getting a grip on this sociopath for the first time, where somehow, a potential voter looks at the opening of the debate and somehow says: “Gee, this Trump fellow seems reasonable, I wonder what wisdom he has to share?” Remember, this is the guy the media can’t resist putting before us— night after night-- like some gruesome time-loop of a human car-wreck. All so they can sell us more pills, and all-body odor spray. That Trump was able to project his voice better at the debate--while dissembling and spinning rancid hateful word salad all over the place— is in no way, a marker of better. No matter how much the court stenographers “moderating” the event tried to make it seem, or even how many of us think Biden was mostly sucking wind. I simply don’t believe there are enough new people out there grappling with Trump as a new phenomenon in order to elevate his carcass back towards the presidency. And even if you think Trump did better in the debate, due to sheer bluster and volume, that sure doesn’t mean you ( or I) will necessarily ultimately vote for him over Biden. Dukakis on the basis of his debate with Bush. Kerry did not lose on the basis of his debate with Trump. But cosmo, you say, “what about the undecideds in the swing states?” I am not sure the undecideds are as pivotal as who is peeled away from opposing bases come election time. In other words: will the thousands who simply refused to vote for Trump in the GOP primary suddenly cue up to get guillotined by the Trump again? Conversely, are their demographics on our side who hate America so much, or find Biden so alarming, that they will vote for the anti-vax guy instead of Biden ( Biden, whom Trump belittled in his own racist way, as a “weak Palestinian” at the debate, I might add). In other words: this is a base election, and our side is fucking motivated and filled with a loathing as hot as the sun— despite whatever court number jester Nate Silver says about the data, and whether he feels more comfortable having Trump in charge of the nuclear football (asshole). Now our media ( a megaphone for some of the worst spin in the world) has studiously ignored dozens of interim Dobbs-fueled election victories ( some surprising ones too) where the Dems ( powered by women) have routed the opposition. Victories mind you, that according to the data, were not supposed to happen, or at the very least, happen at such high margins. This means people are not just voting for Joe, they are voting against the GOP and their detestable policies. And no, these people will not be splitting their tickets in the general. People will vote for a bowl of glass-flecked shit before they vote for Trump and his ilk again: he nearly destroyed the Republic; this, despite the fact that the GOP has perversely doubled down on the felonious Don, thumbing their nose at Democracy and all life on the planet. These people are fucking sick and you should hate them enough to vote them all out of office before they send us to the gulag. Now, I certainly expect the reliable dummies in the media not to see this for self-interested reasons. I also see the usual risk averse, self-immolating fossils in our own political braintrust to quaver and moan before the camera. I definitely expect the usual pod-cast assholes on the fake Left, to bloviate on the question accordingly-- but I am deeply disappointed in the people HERE, (some of whom have taken to quoting Bill O’Reilly (?). Or so quickly taken flight towards La La Land, towards feckless dreams of a presidential replacement theory at the last minute, and SOLELY on the basis of bad vibes at suddenly seeing a kind, OZ-like vulnerable, old man, as our party’s standard bearer. I am sorry to say it, but this is irrational and chickenshit behavior. The only person who can ultimately decide whether Biden can run is Biden, and I suspect, he may have slowed down, but is certainly not insane: he will be our candidate! Again, this is fucking war, not a beauty contest, not an exercise in electing a guy you want to drink beer with or arm-wrestle with, and if you believe it is, then at least kindly refrain from spewing negative shit here— we are getting enough of that from Fox News and the NY Times. Buckle-up buttercups: because we are fighting for everyone and everything we hold dear. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/30/2250021/-A-Teachable-Moment-Wherein-We-Again-Learn-Who-Our-real-Friends-Are?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=more_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/