(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . ENOUGH! It's time to fight back Joe Biden and the Democrats must act now! [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-07-01 I can’t believe we are living in what may be the last months of the great American nation that we love and that we all inherited from the founders who created it. The nation that was protected by the sacrifices, blood and lives of our Veterans. This disrespectful and disgraceful ruling today makes what those men and women did for us and our country insignificant. It makes everything that they did for nothing. This ruling spits on all of their graves. It’s a slap to the face of all Americans. Under the cover of “law” the 6 treacherous SCOTUS judges have allowed America to essentially be taken over by Trump and his MAGA criminals. One ruling at a time this court has cleared the path for them by removing the legal obstacles and challenges that were in place for 249 years that prevented them or anyone from being able to “legally”create the dystopian Christian fascist oligarchy that the extreme RW corporate elements have paid for. Our country is no longer one "of the people by the people for the people" it is now just another faux "democracy" where true freedom, fairness, justice and liberty is reserved only for the rich and powerful and the wealthy and corrupt. The rule of law and equal justice for all is a lie. The Republican MAGA fascist party with all of its treasonous members and with the help of its 6 strategically installed, brought and paid for judges, has officially succeeded in removing the original cornerstones of the United States that it was founded on. Those 6 people in black robes have decided for the rest of us, that America and her people should be returned back to the time of the British monarchy ruled over by tyrant king George III. The 6 treasonous SCOTUS members have, by this ruling, made Donald Trump the 2nd king of America. They have killed the original purpose and the reason that the United States was founded on. All the blood spilled and lives lost and destroyed in the revolution and throughout our history in the pursuit of liberty and freedom from monarchical and dictatorial rulers means nothing to those 6 SCOTUS judges. They have removed any semblance of equal justice under our laws. They have now given a tyrant like Trump the opening he needed to fulfill his desire of being the dictator he always aspired to be. They have resuscitated his dream of being the American version of his idol dictator Vladirmir Putin of Russia. Their “legal” coup will be completed when Trump and MAGA contest the results of the 2024 presidential election should Biden win. You can bet these judges will find a way to rule in favor of Trump and his "stolen election" lies this time. We can not take that chance. We can not allow this SCOTUS to remain in place and let them put the final coup de grace into our nations back and our peoples hearts. A way, any way, must be found and implemented to remove those treasonous vultures from their perches and their positions as the “legal” overseers of our nations destruction. They must be removed and their seditious rulings declared illegal. President (King?) Biden should now be confidently able to do that as the commander in chief with his new immunity powers. The question NOW is, what will Joe Biden actually do with HIS new executive powers to TAKE BACK AMERICA from the dirty hands of the MAGA traitors and their corrupt judges? Does he have the guts to perhaps finally admit what many of us can clearly see and declare a national emergency and a constitutional crisis? Because it sure as hell appears that we are in a big one! This is a constitutional version of 9-11. We have been attacked again but this time by enemy agents placed inside of our own government who have infiltrated our nations most vital institutions. The enemy has gone for Americas jugular this time instead of our economy and landmarks. It’s like having Al Qeada, the Taliban and Vladirmir Putin operatives all inside our own house and slowly poisoning our nation to death. Will president Biden “Get back up” like he always says and FIGHT back? Now the veracity of that statement will be put to the test and the real questions about Joe Biden should be asked and answered. To hell with that one debate. That was a paper cut compared to this. Does he have the vitality and the guts to fight back? Will he and the Democrats have the tenacity and cohesiveness to come together and engage in the fight that is needed from them at this perilous time in our nations history? Will he rise to his own Franklin Delano Roosevelt moment and face the challenge that has been forced upon him and our nation? Will he and the real loyal American patriots lead us to victory over our pernicious enemies? We must also ask ourselves, if they are ready to lead are WE the American people ready to join them in the fight and help beat the enemy that is trying to kill our nation and our way of life? Our children and grandchildren’s futures? We he sign executive orders disbanding the SCOTUS judges that did this? Perhaps also abolish the archaic and undemocratic Electoral College system that gave birth to all of the corrupt SCOTUS judges in the first place and is responsible for selecting Trump who accelerated all that is happening to our America today? Perhaps he should consult with DHS and, rightly and accurately in my opinion, declare Trump and MAGA the terrorists and enemies of the state that they really are? Maybe actually send Seal Team Six after them? That’s a damn good idea at this time and is what was argued in front of the court. SCOTUS ruled that was no problem to them as long as it was an “official presidential action”. Well defending our nation in a time of crisis against an enemy and by any means necessary IS an official presidential action that Biden must follow through on. Those 6 pro authoritarian judges are betting that Biden and the Democrats will do NOTHING and allow their attack on America to proceed unchecked because he and the Democrats have always been perceived to be weak and impotent pushovers in their view. This ruling would have never happened if they rightly feared that there would be hell to pay for committing such egregious and despicable actions against America, but they have been emboldened by years of inaction. Years of acquiescing to BS senate “rules and norms” as Dick Durbin calls them. Years of Democrats adhering to the Filibuster rule only to have Mitch McConnell toss it aside when it suited the MAGA ReTrumplicans. Years of hoping that your vicious enemy will “come to their senses” or “learn his lesson” or hope they decide that they won’t actually carve out your liver and serve it with fava beans and chase it down with a nice Chianti. Trump loves that saying doesn’t he? Will Biden and the Democrats once again be underestimating the viciousness and the evil of the enemy? If this ruling came under a Trump presidency, he would have already declared Martial Law, shredded the constitution and jailed all of his opposition. Ukraine and Europe would be in ruins. This must be stopped NOW. It is past time for the American people to revolt against the fascist MAGA enemy whose SCOTUS judges are the judicial arm of their coup and who have become the de facto temporary rulers over Americans until Trump is again “legally” selected by the Electoral College or by them. We can not take the chance that when, NOT IF, the 2024 presidential election is contested that they will somehow all of a sudden decide to rejoin American democracy and NOT rule in favor of Trump and his "stolen election" lies. Too much is at stake. We must not let them finish us off. The 6 SCOTUS judges that ruled in favor of dictatorship over democracy must be removed NOW and all available options should be considered. They have empowered president Biden to do it. America is on life support and they are holding the plug to its respirator. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/7/1/2250353/-ENOUGH-It-s-time-to-fight-back-Joe-Biden-and-the-Democrats-must-act-now?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=more_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/