(C) Daily Kos This story was originally published by Daily Kos and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . 11 ways Democrats will win the election with the electoral gift the Supreme Court gave them. [1] ['This Content Is Not Subject To Review Daily Kos Staff Prior To Publication.'] Date: 2024-07-02 The Gift This Supreme Court has given Democrats their biggest electoral gift since another unconscionable decision — Dobbs. Until yesterday, the Biden campaign had been listless and badly dinged by a poor debate performance. Now, they have a narrative to run on. Democrats can campaign as the party of American values, where everyone from the president on down respects the law. No man is a king. And everyone, no matter their position, is subject to the rules. Add that to a passionate defense of women’s rights, and you give liberals a powerful motive to show up at the polls and independents a compelling reason to vote for Democrats. To take advantage of the gift, however, Democrats need to focus entirely on the election. Everything else is a counterproductive distraction. Bearing that in mind, here are 11 things the Democrats need to do to win in November 1. The Candidate. Democrats must put “Who’s the candidate?” behind them ASAP. If Biden is staying in, let him say so unequivocally and immediately. Then, the rest of the Democratic Party should line up behind him, shoulder to shoulder in unity. If Biden wants to step down, he should announce that without delay. Then, the DNC must declare a candidate, STAT. I’m working on the assumption that Biden will be the candidate. Regardless, the rest of this list applies — no matter who the party’s standard bearer is. 2. Agree on the message There are more Democratic opinions than there are Democrats. But this is not the time for disputes between the centrists and the liberals. Let them hash it out behind closed doors. Once they decide where the party stands on the Middle East, immigration, the economy, et al., every Democrat must get behind those positions. And if there is an issue too intractable for one solution, the dissenters should say they respectfully disagree on that point. But, that on everything else, they stand united behind Biden. 3. Tighten up the rhetoric Listening to Democrats talk reminds me of a debate in a tea room. While some of them know how to coin a cutting phrase, too often they resort to flabby language. Yesterday, Biden said, “For all practical purposes, today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what the president can do.” He should’ve said, “Today, the Supreme Court declared that the president is a king. That is an abomination.” He referred to the decision as “a terrible disservice to the people of this nation.” He would have better called it “a decision that will live in infamy.” 4. Stop worrying about the media. Democrats need to stop whining about how unfair the media is and how biased they are towards Republicans. No doubt the NYT has gone over to the dark side. And the networks let conservatives lie all over the place. But whining about things doesn’t solve them. You have to play the cards you are dealt. Not the ones you wish you had been dealt. if Democrats want more favorable coverage, they must demand to be on the shows. And once on them, be compelling enough to be asked back. Although the Democrats should ask James Carvel and the other big-mouth ‘liberal’ pundits what they are trying to achieve by whining that “this isn’t my party anymore.” no kidding. They aren’t bringing back 8-tracks either. 5. Use the bench. The Democrat's bench is stuffed with quick-witted, rhetorically gifted Representatives and accomplished Governors. Let them share in the heavy lifting. Joe cannot shoulder the load by himself. Perhaps Pete Buttigieg should step down as Transportation Secretary and use his time to promote the Democrats. Nobody eviscerates conservatives or presents an argument better than he does. 6. Stop chasing shiny objects. Stop focusing on Trump’s mental and moral deficiencies. Everybody knows he’s an idiot who mangles English, thinks windmills cause cancer, and debates whether sharks or batteries are worse. But that’s baked in. Everybody knows it. Some people even like that. Instead, focus on what the man would do if he ended up back in the White House with unlimited power. Terrify people that a second term would come without cabinet guard rails such as Mattis and Kelly. And warn the crowd that Congress will have no dissenting Republicans. Every GOPer will have sworn a loyalty oath to Trump. 7. Slam the Supreme Court Trump already has six Justices in the tank. If you thought 6 to 3 was bad, wait until it is 7 to 2. Democrats must hammer home that these pro-corporate shills don’t give a shit about regular Americans. They are pro-child labor, against worker safety, and anti-union. What’s next on the chopping block? Overtime pay? 8. The president is not Louis XIV Democrats must keep reminding the voters that the Founders - America’s first patriots - put their lives at risk to rebel against tyranny. They did not create America to replace George III with another George III. They must slam Republicans as dictator-worshipping, anti-liberty zealots who would rip up the hallowed Constitution and piss on the American experiment. 9. Embrace the federal government. Democrats must throw the “deep state” nonsense back in Republican faces. They must celebrate that the federal government serves the people. It’s what enables senior citizens to get their Social Security and Medicaid. Republicans threaten that. Civil servants ensure Americans are not poisoned by their air and water. They ensure America’s veterans get the medical attention they have earned. They keep planes from flying into each other. They fix highways. They build bridges. But only when Democrats are in power. When Trump and the nihilists had control, their only infrastructure project was a pointless wall. And they couldn’t even get that done. 10. Market to Gen Z Send compelling young Democratic representatives and activists - especially in swing states - to sell democracy to Gen Z. America’s youngest voters are under the impression that Democrats are pro-genocide. They need to know that Trump and his fellow bullies will sell weapons to the Israelis to enable them to carpet bomb the Palestinians. 11. Own the issues Immigration. Democrats need to point out they had a bipartisan plan to regulate immigration. Every time a Republican whines about “illegals” in the country, the Democrats must remind the voters that the GOP allowed that to happen. When a Republican uses the murder victim of an undocumented alien to slam the left, Democrats must counter by ripping the GOP for allowing it to happen. Crime Crime is going down. Every time Republicans whine about the rising crime rate, Democrats should call them cynical liars. Then point out that crime is lower in blue states. And ask Republicans why they don’t clean up the shit in their own backyard. The economy. Here’s another area where Republicans seem to be the only team playing. Why aren’t Democrats banging on about inflation being way down and blaming corporate profits for it being high in the first place? The Fed is on the verge of cutting interest rates. The stock market is nudging record highs. And despite three years of recession talk, there hasn’t been one. Trade Slam Trump for price hikes. Tariffs are a sales tax the consumer absorbs. China doesn’t pay it. Americans do. Taxes Call Trump a liar for promising a new middle-class tax cut just like he did in 2016. The only tax cuts he enacted overwhelmingly gave the rich more money while the middle class got sofa change. Healthcare Democrats are working for Americans to live longer, healthier lives. Republicans don’t care if they die. I think that covers it. Conclusion Democrats are in a better position to win the election now than two days ago. But it is far from a gimme. There is hard work ahead. And the team needs to be focused, to be tough, and to be together. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/7/2/2250735/-11-ways-Democrats-will-win-the-election-with-the-electoral-gift-the-Supreme-Court-gave-them?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=latest_community&pm_medium=web Published and (C) by Daily Kos Content appears here under this condition or license: Site content may be used for any purpose without permission unless otherwise specified. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/dailykos/