(C) Florida Phoenix This story was originally published by Florida Phoenix and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . GOP proposals allow ‘patriotic’ orgs and chaplains in public schools; will it mean indoctrination? [1] ['Jackie Llanos', 'More From Author', '- January'] Date: 2024-01-25 Two Republican proposals would allow “patriotic” organizations to recruit students and chaplains to provide support services for students at Florida public schools, raising questions about separation of church and state and concerns about ideology and indoctrination. So far, some Democrat lawmakers are supporting the efforts. Rep. Wyman Duggan of Duval County, sponsoring HB 1317, would allow certain patriotic organizations to speak with students in a classroom setting and have opportunities to recruit them. Although Democratic Rep. Angie Nixon, who also represents Duval, expressed concerns about the bill, she voted for it during the meeting Thursday of the House Choice and Innovation subcommittee. Duggan narrowed down the list of the so-called patriotic organizations to the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the United States of America, Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the Civil Air Patrol. Under the proposal, parents wouldn’t be notified before the organizations met with students. And schools wouldn’t have to review the content that students would receive. “As a parent, if I’m not able to see the type of materials that they’re presenting to my children; If I’m not able to know what they’re teaching them, I have a problem with it,” Nixon said. “That’s not allowing me choice, you know, infringing upon my parental rights to know what my children are being taught as far as ideology.” After Duggan assured Nixon that the bill only applied to the five organizations, she voted for the bill. Rev. James Golden, a co-founder of public education advocacy group Pastors for Florida Children, said lawmakers need to focus on fully funding schools. “I pray because I do pray that we do not abandon the fundamental mission of public education in the state of Florida, which is to provide quality education. We should not be promoting in the name of patriotism the indoctrination of one type of allegiance to this country,” he said. Separation of church and state Golden also testified against HB 931, a proposal to allow chaplains to provide support services to public school students in traditional and charter schools. The sponsor of the bill is Northeast Florida Rep. Stan McClain. Various members of the public spoke against McClain’s proposal to allow chaplains to provide support services to students. The critics said during the House Education Quality subcommittee meeting Thursday that the bill goes against the concept of separation of church and state enshrined in the First Amendment. “The issue with respect to chaplains in schools is not what you call them, not whether they are qualified, but whether the mission is within the arena of what public education is all about,” Golden told the Florida Phoenix. “If you believe that public education should include spiritual indoctrination of any kind, then you support this kind of legislation.” The three-page bill states that public school districts can choose to create a policy to allow volunteer chaplains of any denomination to see students with prior written consent from parents. Although the schools must publish a list of the chaplains and their respective religions, the only requirement is that they pass a background screening. “Schools already have licensed accredited counselors in-house that are beholden to professional and legal guidelines. There are no such guidelines or codes set forth here that these chaplains would follow,” said Devon Graham, an assistant state director with the nonprofit American Atheists. “And since it’s not clear whether or not these individuals will be representing the school district in an official capacity, you’re opening yourself up to quite a bit of liability.” Pledge of Allegiance and prayer Both Republicans and Democrats dismissed criticism from the public, saying that the bill does not force anyone into any religion and that districts and parents have the right to choose whether they want chaplains in their schools. The districts would also have to outline what kind of services the chaplains would provide. “When I was growing up in grammar school, our day started with the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer. That’s how we started the school day. I don’t think I’m any worse for that,” Palm Beach Democratic Rep. Joe Casello said. “There’s a lot of people here on this committee who are preachers of the gospel in different dominations. We’re fine with that.” Only Democratic Reps. Christopher Benjamin and Ashley Gantt voted against HB 931. Hillsborough Republican Rep. Danny Alvarez defended McClain and chastised critics, who he said mischaracterized what the bill does. “After I read this and I hear some of the opposition I’m like, ‘Man, this is a horrific bill. This bill must be establishing a Christian religion in our schools. This bill must be putting baby Jesus and all versions of him in front of the schoolhouse so that we can make sure we sign the cross before you walk into our public school,'” he said. “But upon a plain reading, I recognize that it does none of that, and shame on anyone who tried to tell me different.” Florida wouldn’t be the first place to pass a proposal of this kind. Last year Texas passed a law that also allows funds to be spent on chaplains in schools without setting up any qualifications. More than 1,200 school districts in the Lone Star state will have to decide whether they will bring chaplains in by March, according to The Texas Tribune. “Why do we need a chaplain in the school when families can call their clergy person or find someone in the community that meets their needs?” said Rev. Rachel Gunter Shapard, one of the other co-founders of Pastors for Florida Children, said to the Phoenix. She has three children in the public education system in Duval County. [END] --- [1] Url: https://floridaphoenix.com/2024/01/25/gop-proposals-allow-patriotic-orgs-and-chaplains-in-public-schools-will-it-mean-indoctrination/ Published and (C) by Florida Phoenix Content appears here under this condition or license: Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/floridaphoenix/