This story was originally published by Daily Montanan: URL: This story has not been altered or edited. (C) Daily Montanan. Licensed for re-distribution through Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. ------------ From the 'Know Nothings' to the party of 'We don't care' – Daily Montanan ['More From Author', 'May', 'Jim Smith'] Date: 2022-05-20 00:00:00 In the 1850s in the United States there was a political party called the “Native American Party.” It started as a secret society which opposed immigration, was xenophobic, racist, and fearful of Catholicism, and had nothing to do with Indigenous people. Their meetings were held in secret, they would answer questions about their proceedings with “I know nothing.” So, they became known as the “Know Nothing” party. Later they became one of the foundations of the Republican Party we know today as the GOP. Today the GOP has evolved into the “We Don’t Care Party.” While no one has come out and declared this their new motto, it is expressed in dozens of iterations in the way they act, talk and campaign. Running for Congress and want Trump’s blessing? Simple. Lie and say you think the 2020 election was racked with fake ballots, fraudulent voting machines, and corrupt election officials. Utter these words, “The election was stolen by Joe Biden.” If someone challenges it, just say “We Don’t Care!” Want to be a Supreme Court Justice? When asked about Roe vs. Wade by the U.S. Senate just say, “It’s settled as precedent of the Supreme Court” (Brett Kavanaugh), or “Roe v. Wade is the law of the land – I accept the law of the land, senator, yes.” (Neil Gorsuch), or “It’s not the law of Amy, it’s the law of the American people” (Amy Coney Barrett). But hearing their current position, it is clear that these were lies. If someone challenges it, just say “We Don’t Care!” Your party’s candidate loses the presidential election, but you foment rebellion and have the U.S. Congress violently invaded on the day that the election is confirmed. No problem, just lie and say, “It was just a normal tourist visit to the Capitol” or “It was just people being patriotic.” If someone challenges it, just say “We Don’t Care!” Do you want to be known as a native son? Claim you are a fifth generation Montanan. The fact that you were born in Van Nuys, California (Steve Daines) is simply forgotten. Want to run for office in Eastern Montana? Call yourself a “rancher” even though you own no livestock and moved here after living most of your life in Maryland (Matt Rosendale). If someone challenges it, just say “We Don’t Care!” Pass bills in the Republican controlled Montana Legislature, and sign them into law as the Republican governor (Greg Gianforte) even though you are warned that they are unconstitutional? No problem! We’ll spend the taxpayers’ money fighting these court cases when they are challenged by people whose rights are being infringed. If someone challenges it, just say “We Don’t Care!” A court orders that new voting laws passed by the Montana Legislature on voting are put on hold and unenforceable while the case is settled. You’re the Secretary of State (Christi Jacobsen), sworn to uphold the law of the land, and you do nothing to correct the situation with the fast approaching primary election. Invalid rules are still in place on the state website, confusing voters about ID requirements, when they can register, mail-in ballots, and if they can register on Election Day. If someone challenges it, just say “We Don’t Care!” Want to circumvent the public’s “right to know laws,” which are in the Montana Constitution? If you’re the Governor just stall for months on requests and/or charge exorbitant fees for the documents in order to keep them secreted away rather than available as they should be by law. If someone challenges it, just say “We Don’t Care!” Don’t believe in the balance of power between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of state government? The Republican controlled legislature formed a committee to investigate judicial conduct, even though it is an unprecedented step outside of their scope of authority. If someone challenges it, just say “We Don’t Care!” These are just some of the instances of the ways in which the new authoritarian GOP is arrogantly using the institutions of democracy to destroy democracy. And if someone challenges them on it, they just say, “We Don’t Care!” [END] [1] Url: Content is licensed through Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://