(C) Daily Montanan This story was originally published by Daily Montanan and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Presidents Day? Nothing to celebrate this year. – Daily Montanan [1] ['More From Author', 'February', 'George Ochenski'] Date: 2024-02-23 It’s a federal holiday, so great for those who got a day off with pay, although for the vast majority of the populace it was just another day. That’s no surprise — it’s real hard right now to get very excited about presidents, especially when we have two very old guys in a pitiful chest-bumping contest to see if either of them can manage a second term in the White House — which neither will admit they’re not really fit to fill. For those of us who don’t find adherence to a political party to be the defining purpose of our lives — which is just about everybody — facing another nine months of watching “Old Joe” and “Don the Con” stumble around stages, forgetting where they are and who or what they’re talking about holds very little appeal. Just the opposite in fact. When you take a moment to think about where the nation is at right now it’s downright embarrassing — and viewed with both pity and trepidation on the world stage. While “Old Joe” Biden wanders around trying to keep his eyes open and remember which dead foreign leader he talked to when, his presumptive opponent is even more pitiful. Already facing hundreds of millions in fines and penalties for everything from rape to graft, corruption to collusion, Donald Trump continues to bumble around just like every other convict continuing to claim “I’m innocent.” Moreover, his MAGA wagon is about out of steam as he drains most of the funds his so-called “followers” forked over for his campaign to pay for his own astronomic legal fees. His great hope is to somehow overcome the 60% of the country who find him abhorrent and become president again so he can stay out of jail. And you know, being in jail at 78 years old isn’t exactly the “golden years” most would look forward to. Speaking of golden — and grift — it was unbelievable to see Trump hawking “gold” tennis shoes this week. You can get a pair for the everyday low price of only $399 — and never fear, like so many scoundrels, these come draped in the flag to show how patriotic they are — although they won’t say where they were manufactured. Let’s guess, eh? Or how about the spectacle of the guy who claims to be a billionaire and rode down a golden escalator in his eponymously named “tower” to announce his candidacy eight years ago. Only now he has a “GoFundMe” page, which are normally used to help out those in tragic circumstances with minimal financial resources. His tragic circumstance? Getting caught breaking a host of laws. But never fear, this great leader of the GOP is demanding his daughter-in-law become the head of the Republican National Committee — and she, in turn, has pledged every dollar to Donald. How handy — well, except for the rest of the Republican candidates who thought maybe the party worked for them, too. Sorry, you’ve been MAGAed. Back to Presidents Day, in a recent “Greatest Presidents” poll of presidential historians, the results tell the tale in grim detail. Old Joe Biden came in at No. 14 — and carried the dubious honor of having his signature accomplishment be “defeating Donald Trump” in 2020. And Trump himself, gosh, despite his never-ending claim of being everyone’s “favorite president,” came in dead last as the worst president in the nation’s 248-year history. Presidents Day? Nothing to celebrate this year — and that’s for sure. [END] --- [1] Url: https://dailymontanan.com/2024/02/23/presidents-day-nothing-to-celebrate-this-year/ Published and (C) by Daily Montanan Content appears here under this condition or license: Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/montanan/