(C) U.S. State Dept This story was originally published by U.S. State Dept and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Commemorating National Arab American Heritage Month [1] [] Date: 2024-04 Commemorating National Arab American Heritage Month In April 2021, President Biden declared April National Arab American Heritage Month to recognize the 3.5 million Arab Americans that exemplify “so much of what our country stands for: hard work, resilience, compassion, and generosity.” This year, we mark National Arab American Heritage Month at a time of immense pain. More than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, many of them civilians, including thousands of children. Friends and family members of Arab Americans of Palestinian descent, including our colleagues at the Department of State, are grieving lost loved ones. The United States has made clear our commitment: to pursue an immediate ceasefire that secures the release of all hostages and enables a sustained increase in humanitarian aid to all parts of Gaza. I value the conversations I have participated in with my Arab American colleagues and with members of the larger Arab American community on U.S. policy in the region. I will continue to seek their counsel as we pursue lasting peace and security in the Middle East. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.state.gov/commemorating-national-arab-american-heritage-month/?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=news_bar&utm_campaign=heritage_month&utm_id=123 Published and (C) by U.S. State Dept Content appears here under this condition or license: Public Domain. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/usstate/