(C) U.S. State Dept This story was originally published by U.S. State Dept and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . ‘I have come to Ukraine with a message: You are not alone.’ [1] [] Date: 2024-05 I’m here in Kyiv to speak about Ukraine’s strategic success. And to set out how, with our support, the Ukrainian people can and will achieve their vision for the future: a free, prosperous, secure democracy – fully integrated into the Euro-Atlantic community – and fully in control of its own destiny. I have come to Ukraine with a message: You are not alone. The United States has been by your side from day one. We’re with you today. And we will stay by your side, until Ukraine’s security, its sovereignty, its ability to choose its own path is guaranteed. And we’re far from your only friend. Dozens of countries around the world are not just rooting for Ukraine’s success – they are helping you achieve it. Indeed, the American people’s support for Ukraine has been consistent over the course of the war; it has never wavered. Americans understand that our support for Ukraine strengthens the security of the United States and our allies. At the same time, the American people want to know that we have a plan for getting to the day when Ukraine can stand strongly on its own feet – militarily, economically, democratically – so that America’s support can transition to more sustainable levels. The Ukrainian people want the exact same thing. They do not want to have to rely on others to guarantee their security and their prosperity. And we do have a plan, and we’re working together with Ukraine and a wide network of partners to realize it. Here’s how we’re going to fully achieve it. First, we’re helping to ensure that Ukraine has the military that it needs to succeed on the battlefield, to secure a just and lasting peace, and to deter future aggression. Our joint task is to secure Ukraine’s sustained and permanent strategic advantage. So that Ukraine can not only deliver on the battlefield today, but deter and defend against future attacks. In the immediate term, the United States and dozens of other countries will get Ukraine the assistance that you need – and we’ll get it to you quickly. We know that time is of the essence. That’s why just one minute after Congress approved our massive aid package, President Biden sent ammunition, armored vehicles, missiles, and air defenses to Ukraine. Much more will be delivered to the battlefield in the coming days. As we help meet your immediate needs, we’re also working together to help Ukraine build its future force and bring Ukraine closer to – and then into – NATO. Second, we will ensure that Ukraine’s economy not only survives, but thrives. Just as Ukrainians have courageously held their ground on the battlefield, Ukrainian workers, entrepreneurs, business owners have kept the economy running. We’re accelerating our efforts to help Ukraine attract more private investment, especially toward dynamic industries like technology, energy, agriculture, defense. As more countries stop doing business with Russia, Ukraine is uniquely positioned to seize the opportunities that Putin has squandered. There is one more crucial step that we can take: making Russia pay for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction. What Putin destroyed, Russia should – and must – pay to rebuild. It’s what international law demands; it’s what the Ukrainian people deserve. Finally, we will help the Ukrainian people fully realize their democratic aspirations. Your determination to write the future of your nation is why so many people around the world have been inspired by your fight, including so many Americans who now hang the yellow and blue flag next to the stars and stripes. And that’s why it’s so important that Ukraine keeps taking the difficult steps to strengthen and consolidate your democracy. That means not just passing reforms, but making sure they are implemented. It means rooting out the scourge of corruption – once and for all. Winning on the battlefield will prevent Ukraine from becoming part of Russia. Winning the war against corruption will keep Ukraine from becoming like Russia. Ukraine’s defenses against corruption have to be just as strong as its military defenses. An independent judiciary; a free press; a vibrant, inclusive civil society; free and fair elections; independent, empowered anti-corruption investigators, prosecutors, and judges. As the war goes on, Russia is going back in time. Ukraine is moving forward. Here is why I’m confident that Ukraine will continue along that trajectory and ultimately succeed: Because of all of you, because of the people of Ukraine. The spirit of Ukrainians cannot be destroyed by a bomb or buried in a mass grave. It cannot be bought with a bribe or repressed with a threat. It is pure. It is unbreakable. And it is why Ukraine will succeed. Slava Ukraini. Note to Readers This DipNote was adapted from the most recent edition of the flagship email “From the Secretary’s Desk,” which features the Secretary’s remarks and speeches on important current events. Sign up to receive this email. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.state.gov/i-have-come-to-ukraine-with-a-message-you-are-not-alone/ Published and (C) by U.S. State Dept Content appears here under this condition or license: Public Domain. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/usstate/