(C) Wisconsin Watch This story was originally published by Wisconsin Watch and is unaltered. . . . . . . . . . . Wisconsin Senate votes to limit ballot drop boxes and require paperwork for absentee ballots [1] [] Date: 2021-06-09 MADISON - Republicans in the Wisconsin Senate approved legislation Wednesday to limit the availability of ballot drop boxes in some communities, create more paperwork for absentee voters and require disabled voters to provide copies of their IDs to vote in more cases. The bills face almost certain vetoes from Democratic Gov. Tony Evers if they get to him. "My basic theory is democracy works best when we get as many people to the polls as possible," Evers said in an interview. "I don’t care if they vote for Republicans or Democrats, as long as they vote. Any time that we take a step back from that, I will look with great disdain on those bills." Republicans and Democrats have been warring over election rules after Joe Biden narrowly defeated Donald Trump in Wisconsin in last year's presidential election. Republicans argued overhauling the state's absentee policies would build trust in the state's voting system, while Democrats contended the legislation sows needless doubts about an election that was conducted properly. Recounts in Milwaukee and Dane counties and several court rulings confirmed Biden's win in Wisconsin. Democratic Sen. Jeff Smith of Brunswick said the complex legislation offered by Republicans would leave voters confused and dispirited. "It feels very much like that’s the intent — confusion, chaos, why should people even bother?" he said. Republican Sen. Duey Stroebel of Saukville, the lead sponsor of some of the legislation, pushed back against that idea. He said Republicans wanted to make voting rules more consistent from one community to another. "We're looking for a level playing field here," he said. Republicans in recent weeks have launched new reviews of the 2020 election, one led by the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau and one overseen by former law enforcement officers hired by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos of Rochester. Democrats are skeptical of Vos' efforts, noting one former Milwaukee detective he hired, Mike Sandvick, has a partisan past. Fewer drop boxes in Milwaukee and Madison On a voice vote, the Senate approved a bill that would allow municipalities to have drive-up ballot drop boxes on the premises of the offices of election clerks. Communities with 70,000 or more residents could have up to three additional drop boxes. Municipalities across Wisconsin installed drop boxes last year when absentee voting surged because of the coronavirus pandemic. Republican Sen. Alberta Darling of River Hills argued drop boxes are illegal in Wisconsin because state law doesn't mention them. Her legislation, Senate Bill 209, is needed to make sure they can be used for future elections, she said. Democrats disputed that and said the only effect of the legislation would be to reduce the number of drop boxes in the state, particularly in Milwaukee and Madison, the state's most liberal areas. Milwaukee has drop boxes in many of its libraries and Madison has them in fire stations. Those cities would have to get rid of many of their drop boxes if the legislation were enacted. The Senate's approval of the bill sent the legislation to the Republican-controlled Assembly. Limits on election funding from private groups With an 18-14 vote, the Senate approved Assembly Bill 173, which would prohibit local governments from accepting donations from private groups to help run their elections. Any donations to the state for conducting elections would have to be equally distributed to local governments based on their populations. Republican Sens. Kathy Bernier of Lake Hallie and Rob Cowles of Allouez joined Democrats in voting against the bill. The legislation is a response to the Center for Tech and Civic Life giving millions of dollars to more than 200 Wisconsin municipalities to help them run last year's elections. The center donated hundreds of millions of dollars to cities around the country using funds provided by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. Republicans around the country have tried to restrict such donations, arguing they created the appearance of conflicts of interest. This week the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty published a spreadsheet based on public records showing how much Wisconsin municipalities received from the center. The group found the vast majority of the Wisconsin donations — $8.8 million out of $10.6 million — went to the state's five largest cities, where many Democratic voters are concentrated. MORE:Wisconsin Republicans are considering the counting of absentee ballots before Election Day. Here's why their efforts may fail. Supporters of the center said the group helped cover election costs that ballooned because of the coronavirus pandemic. They contended voters would have had to deal with long lines and other headaches if the center hadn't provided assistance. The Senate in April passed a different version of the legislation that would have banned private donations entirely. The senators on Wednesday went along with the version of the bill approved by the Assembly that would ban donations to municipalities but not donations to the state. Their vote sent the bill to Evers. More rules for absentee ballots The Senate on an 18-14 vote sent Senate Bill 204 to the Assembly. Bernier and Cowles sided with Democrats in voting against it. The measure would require Wisconsinites to fill out more paperwork to vote absentee. Now, an absentee voter puts a ballot into an envelope that includes a form on it that serves as both an application for a ballot and a certification stating who filled out the ballot. The legislation would require voters to fill out separate forms — one to apply for an absentee ballot and one to certify they filled out the ballot. Republicans are targeting absentee ballots after the state saw a surge in mail voting because of the pandemic. In November, 41% of Wisconsin voters voted by mail, compared with 5% in the 2016 presidential election. The bill would also require voters to provide a copy of their ID every time they ask for an absentee ballot. Now, voters have to provide a copy of their ID the first time they vote absentee but not after that. For the last decade, most voters have had to show an ID to vote in Wisconsin, but there is an exemption for voters who say they are indefinitely confined to their homes because of age or disability. Senate Bill 204 would change that and require the elderly and disabled to provide copies of IDs to get absentee ballots in most cases. Elderly and disabled voters who do not have an ID could instead provide a statement from a witness who confirmed their identity. Under current law, confined voters can have absentee ballots sent to them automatically for as long as they say they need them. The legislation would change that and require them to apply to have ballots sent to them every year. Under the bill, the state would no longer recognize voters as indefinitely confined if they claimed that status during most of 2020. Those voters would have to newly declare themselves indefinitely confined to be treated as a confined voter. Republicans are focused on the issue because so many voters identified themselves as confined during the pandemic. About 215,000 voters who labeled themselves as confined voted in November, up from about 67,000 in 2016. Republicans questioned whether so many more voters were actually confined, with Stroebel saying some "were abusing the system." Advocates for the elderly and disabled said it’s not a surprise that far more voters would say they couldn’t leave their homes during a pandemic. The bill would also bar election officials from sending unsolicited absentee ballot applications to voters, as the state's bipartisan Elections Commission did last year. Under the legislation, applications could be sent only if voters requested them. Legislative leaders on Wednesday backed off for the time being on passing Senate Bill 206, which would require those under 65 to get a signed statement from a doctor to be considered a confined voter. Those who were found to have falsely claimed to be indefinitely confined could be convicted of a felony, fined up to $10,000 and imprisoned for up to 3½ years. Voting in nursing homes On a 20-12, party-line vote, the senators approved Senate Bill 205 to create a backup system for voting at nursing homes if poll workers are unable to visit the facilities. Poll workers known as special voting deputies visit care facilities to help residents cast absentee ballots. Typically, the deputies work in teams of two, with one Democrat and one Republican. The bill would allow nursing home workers to fulfill those duties if the voting deputies could not visit, provided the nursing home workers belonged to different parties. The measure is a response to problems that emerged last year after nursing homes banned visitors, including voting deputies, because of the pandemic. Election officials sent absentee ballots to nursing home residents instead of visiting them. Republicans dropped a provision of the bill opposed by Bernier that would have required clerks to attempt to contact 10% of nursing home residents who voted to determine if they meant to vote. Bernier and Democrats said clerks didn't have time to make those checks and wouldn't have an easy way of determining what voters' intentions were when they cast their ballots. Wednesday's vote sent the bill to the Assembly. Contact Patrick Marley at patrick.marley@jrn.com. Follow him on Twitter at @patrickdmarley. [END] --- [1] Url: https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2021/06/09/voter-laws-wisconsin-senate-bill-would-limit-ballot-drop-boxes/7616671002/ Published and (C) by Wisconsin Watch Content appears here under this condition or license: Creative Commons BY-ND 4.0 Intl. via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds: gopher://magical.fish/1/feeds/news/wisconsinwatch/