7-10-2022 Summer thoughts I haven't posted anything for a while, so thought I'd jump and in and say hello, and offer some random rambles. If you are in the northern hemisphere, I hope you are enjoying your summer. Summer started late in Minnesota, but weatherwise it is a nice one now that it has begun. One of the things I enjoy doing in gopherspace is exploring.On the front page of Magical.Fish there are selectors to a few different gopherholes that track new and 'still alive' gopher holes. I enjoy the randomness of discovery. Its where I find selectors for the gopherholes Magical.Fish links to. You never know what you're going to find. I highly recommend going down the gopher hole through one or all of these 'alive' server lists. I'm considering starting a list of sites of TOR and I2P gopher holes for the 'Port 70' side. Magical.Fish is also accessible from TOR, though it hardly gets any use. If there was a list of other TOR gopher sites, perhaps a few of you would be tempted to give them a try. An 'alive' server list that covers Tor gopher holes would be interesting, at least to me pesonally. Tor of course is a good tool for privacy and annonymity. But the more I learned about it while settings up the magical onion site at gopher://magicalxot2nosefso27zfzuujuaphtznzn3ng7q44u426s6bkiuvzqd.onion the more I realized that it also offers a simple way to host content, even if you do not have a static ip. Its quite simple to setup a website (or even a gopher hole) and host it yourself. Popular phlogger Tomasino wrote a primer about how to setup an onion gopher hole. If I build a list of onion sites here, I will try to dig up that selector and put a link to it. The gopher onion sites I've been tracking seem to come and go quite frequently, or go down for weeks. They are fairly inconsistently available. Cheers