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 (TXT) 2021-11 15 children die by fire in an orphanage in Haiti
 (TXT) 2021-11 A meeting with the General Secretary of the UN was held by the
 (TXT) 2021-11 An increase in deaths from COVID-19 continues for the third co
 (TXT) 2021-11 Analysis from Cuba-The new round of protests in Ecuador
 (TXT) 2021-11 And Trump returns, in the style of the old west
 (TXT) 2021-11 Appeal begins to extradict Julian Assange
 (TXT) 2021-11 Archbishop of Havana is named cardinal by Pope Francis
 (TXT) 2021-11 Argentina-Deputy Chamber approves budget of 2019
 (TXT) 2021-11 Attempt against Cuban plane in 1976 is remembered
 (TXT) 2021-11 Beijing International Book Fair will have Cuba as a country of
 (TXT) 2021-11 Brazil will examine new resource to free Lula
 (TXT) 2021-11 COVID-19-Life inside an isolation center
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cardinal of Havana officiates his first liturgical act
 (TXT) 2021-11 Ceremony in greeting to the International Workers Day in Cuba
 (TXT) 2021-11 Challenges of the new representatives of the country
 (TXT) 2021-11 China rejects lies from the United States about the origin of 
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cienfuegos celebrates 201 years in the midst of the current pa
 (TXT) 2021-11 Commemorate 115th anniversary of the death of Maximo Gomez
 (TXT) 2021-11 Complaints about the blockade against the exercise of human ri
 (TXT) 2021-11 Convened a new World Day against the US Blockade of Cuba
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuba and Venezuela are in the bull´s eye of imperialism
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuba appreciates donation from countries and solidarity groups
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuba confirms 1,012 new cases of COVID-19
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuba confirms effectiveness of the Sovereign 02 vaccine agains
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuba reports 567 new cases of COVID-19 and four deaths
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuba-Matanzas celebrates its 326 anniversary in solemn assembl
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuba-Seven locomotives from the Russian company SINARA arrive 
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuban Foreign Minister received a delegation from Japan
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuban Government-Example of sensitivity and human solidarity
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuban childrens project nominated Cubadisco Festival 20-21
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuban collaborators incorporated in the Bahamas recovery
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuban doctor in Venezuela returns the light with her hands
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuban physicians assist affected people in Guatemala
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cuban vice president reviews the march of the agricultural pro
 (TXT) 2021-11 Cubans are very close when nature hits us
 (TXT) 2021-11 Declarations of Jeff Flake about relationships between Cuba an
 (TXT) 2021-11 Diaz Canel welcome the France Counselor
 (TXT) 2021-11 Diaz-Canel attends the analysis of the Housing Program in the 
 (TXT) 2021-11 Diaz-Canel holds bilateral meetings with world leaders
 (TXT) 2021-11 Diaz-Canel ratifies Cubas solidarity with Venezuela
 (TXT) 2021-11 Diaz-Canel receives leader of the Democratic Revolutionary Par
 (TXT) 2021-11 Diaz-Canel rejects sanctions of the World Anti-Doping Agency a
 (TXT) 2021-11 Diaz-Canel-two new schools for children with severe disabiliti
 (TXT) 2021-11 Do we have a real perception of risk of the Covid-19
 (TXT) 2021-11 Donald Trump emits emergency state against Cuba.
 (TXT) 2021-11 Doubts about the fiscal bank account
 (TXT) 2021-11 ENCOMED guarantees distribution of vaccine candidate Abdala
 (TXT) 2021-11 Energy Globe award given to University of Granma
 (TXT) 2021-11 Facebook plays with the chain … and the monkey
 (TXT) 2021-11 Family-school relationship-a pillar in the formation of new ge
 (TXT) 2021-11 Foundation of the Democratic Republic of Korea celebrated in C
 (TXT) 2021-11 Great interest of the country for the Constitution Project
 (TXT) 2021-11 Heat wave in North America adds more than 130 deaths in less t
 (TXT) 2021-11 International event-a look from Cuba
 (TXT) 2021-11 Is a change in US policy towards Cuba possible
 (TXT) 2021-11 Joe Biden selects Kamala Harris for presidential race
 (TXT) 2021-11 Joe Biden tries to reform the US Supreme Court
 (TXT) 2021-11 Judges involved in Lula´s case will be investigated
 (TXT) 2021-11 Latin America condemned blockade of the U.S against Cuba
 (TXT) 2021-11 Lula Free-reclaim from the social movements of Brazil
 (TXT) 2021-11 Marrero Cruz summons to deepen the Universitys ties with diffe
 (TXT) 2021-11 Mexico assumed the presidency of the UN Security Council.
 (TXT) 2021-11 Middle East-the most tense region on the planet
 (TXT) 2021-11 Miguel Diaz-Canel visits installations of the refinery Nico Lo
 (TXT) 2021-11 Minister of Tourism affirms that the country will have more th
 (TXT) 2021-11 National Act for the beginning of the school year in a school 
 (TXT) 2021-11 New Cuban medical brigade towards Mozambique
 (TXT) 2021-11 Number of confirmed cases of coronavirus dropped for 3 consecu
 (TXT) 2021-11 Number of members of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Part
 (TXT) 2021-11 On September 2, the 2019-2020 school year will begin in Cuba
 (TXT) 2021-11 PNR detains citizens who stole several electric motorcycles in
 (TXT) 2021-11 Perspectives of the collaboration between Russia and Latin Ame
 (TXT) 2021-11 President of Cuba congratulates Personal Security fighters on 
 (TXT) 2021-11 President of Cuba leads meeting with the National Innovation C
 (TXT) 2021-11 Raul received the Vice President of the Government of the Russ
 (TXT) 2021-11 Royal British Highnesses in Cuba-this is what we tell you from
 (TXT) 2021-11 Sessions of the National Assembly in its ordinary period
 (TXT) 2021-11 Streets of Colombia cry out again against police violence
 (TXT) 2021-11 Summit Kim-Trump-much ado about nothing
 (TXT) 2021-11 Tensions fall between the US and Iran
 (TXT) 2021-11 The 76th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Nag
 (TXT) 2021-11 The Rosenberg´s assassination, a crime from the ¨Cold war¨
 (TXT) 2021-11 The Simon Bolivar school ship arrived in Havana
 (TXT) 2021-11 The Stripe and The Route-a commitment to development and multi
 (TXT) 2021-11 The US buys subversives piecework for political change in Cuba
 (TXT) 2021-11 The delivery of food modules advances in the extreme west of C
 (TXT) 2021-11 The investment process in Cuba is revitalized
 (TXT) 2021-11 The new Constitution project enshrines the rights of all Cuban
 (TXT) 2021-11 The world appreciates Cubas help before COVID-19
 (TXT) 2021-11 They completely restore electrical service in Caracas
 (TXT) 2021-11 Third round of dialogue between the Venezuelan government and 
 (TXT) 2021-11 Tourism workers support combat to Covid-19 in Cienfuegos
 (TXT) 2021-11 Trump continues with his erratic behavior
 (TXT) 2021-11 USA continues to hinder Cuban medical collaboration abroad
 (TXT) 2021-11 USA renewed emergency against Venezuela. Who threatens whom
 (TXT) 2021-11 United States aims again against Iran
 (TXT) 2021-11 United States, host of virtual Summit on climate change
 (TXT) 2021-11 Varadero open to domestic tourism in recovery stage post COVID
 (TXT) 2021-11 Venezuela and Haiti-a sample of the double morality of the Tru
 (TXT) 2021-11 Venezuela rejects US sanctions against Chancellor Jorge Arreaz
 (TXT) 2021-11 Venezuela-Maduro increases the minimal wage in his country
 (TXT) 2021-11 Video Clip ¨Free¨ great winner of Lucas Awards 2019
 (TXT) 2021-11 Villa Clara hung his second consecutive title in the LSB
 (TXT) 2021-11 WHO criticizes hoarding of vaccines against Covid-19
 (TXT) 2021-11 2019-a year that can be prosperous with the effort of all
 (TXT) 2021-11 Bill Ryan awarded the Friendship Medal
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