AlecMuffett via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds
       Last updated 2024 07 03
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       (C) AlecMuffett.
 (TXT) 2024-07-02 08-29-54 Voices some calling Macron a Cameron-style fool for handing France to the fascists others think him astute for forcing the issue the centrists & the left to pull their shit together at speed. Wh
 (TXT) 2024-07-01 17-59-41 Labour plans to make tech giants liable for reimbursing victims of online fraud report ...what could possibly go wrong
 (TXT) 2024-07-01 09-37-07-01-00Labour plans to make tech giants liable for reimbursing victims of online fraud report
 (TXT) 2024-07-01 05-13-03 Is there anything about life in Europe which requires one to go around proving ones identity at regular intervals
 (TXT) 2024-07 alecm
 (TXT) 2024-06-23 The EU Digital Identity Wallet-Everything you need to know about the EUs plans for a universal digital identity system
       AlecMuffett via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds
       Last updated 2024 07 03
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       (C) AlecMuffett.