Fairness & Accuracy in Media  via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds
       Last updated 2024 05 31
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       (C) Fairness & Accuracy in Media .
 (TXT) 2024-05-30 15-40-44 When Nicaragua Took Germany to Court Media Put Nicaragua in the Dock
 (TXT) 2024-05-29 20-11-39 Attacks on ICC Show Condemning Hamas Is Really About Absolving Israel
 (TXT) 2024-05-28 20-10-41 NYT Misses Whats True and Important About an Anti-Trans School Resolution
 (TXT) 2024-05-28 18-39-56 Were Seeing Universities Following a Corporate Agenda to Get Favor With Donors - FAIR
 (TXT) 2024-05-24 20-20-15 Are Impoverished Amazon Workers News to Bezos Newspaper
 (TXT) 2024-05-24 15-47-53 Ellen Schrecker on the Attack on Academic Freedom
 (TXT) 2024-05-23 20-44-58 Theres a Uniquely American Way of Running Politics With Private Donors-FAIR
 (TXT) 2024-05-23 15-48-47 Reporting on Influence of Pro-Israel Funders Is Not Antisemitic
 (TXT) 2024-05-22 20-51-12 The Best We Can Hope for Is To Nip Disinformation Rumors in the Bud - FAIR
 (TXT) 2024-05-17 21-10-56 As Corals Bleach Worldwide Some Outlets Are Willing to Name the Cause-Fossil Fuels
 (TXT) 2024-05-17 16-10-48 Steven Rosenfeld on Election Transparency Ian Vandewalker on Small Donors
 (TXT) 2024-05-15 21-46-50 NYT Editor Denies His Papers Role in Setting the Agenda It Reports On
 (TXT) 2024-05-14 19-35-03 Are You Going to End the Genocide President Biden Thats the Central Question
 (TXT) 2024-05-14 17-34-26 NYTs Bad Reporting on Brazil Predictably Used by GOP to Attack Democracy There
 (TXT) 2024-05-13 17-58-37 The Media Mogul Trying to Buy Baltimores Mayoral Race
 (TXT) 2024-05-11 22-45-36 GOP Grilling NPR Is a Tired Ritual That Needs to Be Rejected
 (TXT) 2024-05-10 21-06-55 When Hasnt Journalism Been in Crisis for Black People
 (TXT) 2024-05-09 20-26-47 On Campus Gaza Protests Media Let Police Tell the Story--Even When Theyre Wrong
 (TXT) 2024-05-08 20-29-27 TikTok Law Is an Attempt to Censor Not a Warning to Big Tech
 (TXT) 2024-05-07 20-45-49 Media Scorn Gaza Protesters for Recognizing Corporate Reporters Arent Their Friends
 (TXT) 2024-05-03 22-17-12 As Peace Protests Are Violently Suppressed CNN Paints Them as Hate Rallies
 (TXT) 2024-05-03 15-28-49 Joseph Torres & Collette Watson on Media for Social Justice
 (TXT) 2024-05-03 15-28-49 Joseph Torres & Collette Watson on Media for Racial Justice
 (TXT) 2024-05-02 21-53-53 Divestment Cant Work Media Tell Protesters--Even Though It Has
 (TXT) 2024-05-01 21-28-43 NYT Not Much Concerned About Israels Mass Murder of Journalists
 (TXT) 2024-04-30 19-59-32 This Is a Choice Companies Are Making to Raise Fees-
 (TXT) 2023-12-15 16-57-50 Richard Wiles & Matthew Cunningham-Cook on Climate Disruption Filtered Through Corporate Media
 (TXT) 2017-04-25 20-24-09 WaPo Can Identify Far Right in France--but in White House Its Conservative
 (TXT) 2017-04-11 21-16-02 Out of 47 Major Editorials on Trumps Syria Strikes Only One Opposed
 (TXT) 2017-04-07 23-50-42 The Essential Pundit Take-Trump Became President by Bombing Syria
 (TXT) 2017-04-04 20-28-24 The Antarctic Ice Shelf Is Breaking Up-and USA Today Tells Us to Chill Out
 (TXT) 2017-03-22 22-16-01 Right-Wing Foundation Scary Nuke Maps Drive Narrative on North Korea Threat
 (TXT) 2017-03-01 17-33-59 Media Fawn Over Trumps Success at Saying Words in Semi-Coherent Fashion
 (TXT) 2017-02-28 21-37-08 Shotgun Pointed at Black Children Trivialized as Confederate Flag Incident
 (TXT) 2017-02-09 23-35-57 NYT-Unlike Russian Wars US Wars Promote Freedom and Democracy
 (TXT) 2017-02-03 01-05-20 30 Washington Post Articles on Gorsuchs Nomination--Not a Single One Opposed
 (TXT) 2017-01-29 16-45-14 First They Came for the Immigrants-and NYT Said People Should Anonymously Inform on Them
 (TXT) 2017-01-19 17-52-07 NYT Ignored Reality at 2001 Bush Inauguration; Now Ignorance Is History
 (TXT) 2017-01-11 16-16-14 Were Seeing the Result of a 40-Year Assault on the Liberal Mainstream
 (TXT) 2017-01-09 21-15-01 American Media Must Do Better in 2017
 (TXT) 2017-01-04 17-06-51 In Syria Western Media Cheer Al Qaeda
 (TXT) 2016-11-11 22-08-09 Polls Showed Sanders Had a Better Shot of Beating Trump--but Pundits Told You to Ignore Them
 (TXT) 2016-10-20 02-49-42 The Debates Are Over and No One Asked About Climate Change
 (TXT) 2016-06-01 18-57-16 Conventional Denial-Pundits were confident Trump was never ever ever getting nominated
 (TXT) 2016-04-28 14-17-53 Weighing Obamas Economic Legacy--With a Thumb on the Scale
 (TXT) 2016-04-01 18-43-21 Trump-Bad for America Good for CBS
 (TXT) 2016-04-01 18-42-05 NYT Rebuke to Sanders Media Criticism Just Illustrates His Point
 (TXT) 2016-03-08 06-17-50 Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours
 (TXT) 2015-07-15 18-48-02 Some Things Considered Mostly by White Men
 (TXT) 2015-03-01 20-58-12 Saudi Dictators Death Shows NYT as Pawn of Power
 (TXT) 2014-11-01 15-52-34 Debating How--Not Whether--to Launch a New War
 (TXT) 2014-10-01 15-11-04 Official Sources May Be the Only Sources
 (TXT) 2014-01-08 21-02-35 Its Cold Outside So CNN Debates Climate Change
 (TXT) 2014-01-01 16-16-59 Nelson Mandela 1918-2013
 (TXT) 2013-11-01 15-43-17 No Class Warfare Please--Were Americans
 (TXT) 2013-09-01 14-59-19 This Is a Problem That Goes Back 150 Years
 (TXT) 2012-12-01 16-30-05 Half the Sky Tells Half the Story
 (TXT) 2012-07-09 19-02-44 Keystone Pipeline-When Industry Ads and Industry-Friendly Coverage Collide
 (TXT) 2012-04-23 17-47-53 Anti-Obama Pro-Romney Media Dont Believe the Hype
 (TXT) 2012-01-01 05-Jobs Are at Stake When Profits Are at Stake
 (TXT) 2011-08-01 04-Libyan War Not About Oil--Unless It Should Be
 (TXT) 2011-01-01 05-Taking Media Mergers to the Next Level
 (TXT) 2010-11-01 04-Whats Public About Public TVs News Flagship
 (TXT) 2010-11-01 04-Does NewsHour Help Us See America Whole
 (TXT) 2010-11-01 04-Charlie Roses Elite Meet-and-Greet
 (TXT) 2010-10-01 04-The Medias Construction of the Ground Zero Mosque
 (TXT) 2010-06-01 04-Wealth Gap Yawns--and So Do Media
 (TXT) 2010-06-01 04-The Liberal Media and State Austerity
 (TXT) 2010-04-01 04-The Flawed Media Narrative of the Healthcare Debate
 (TXT) 2009-12-01 05-U.S. Media Bury Story of Afghan Civil War
 (TXT) 2009-06-01 04-Media Quarantine of Single-Payer Continues
 (TXT) 2009-01-30 16-14-35 The Crack Baby Myth-Now They Tell Us
 (TXT) 2008-06-01 04-William F. Buckley Rest in Praise
 (TXT) 2007-04-01 04-From Self-Censorship to Official Censorship
 (TXT) 2006-10-04 04-Study Finds Lack of Balance Diversity Public at PBS NewsHour
 (TXT) 2003-04-01 05-In Prelude to War TV Served as Official Megaphone
 (TXT) 2001-02-15 05-Reagan Clinton and the Spectrum of Mainstream Punditry
 (TXT) 1998-03-01 05-Are You Sure You Want to Ruin Your Career
 (TXT) 1995-11-01 05-00-43 ACTION ALERT-The Philadelphia Inquirers New Spectrum-From Centrism to Antisemitism
 (TXT) 1994-01-01 05-Or Is That Just the U.S. Medias Party Line
 (TXT) 1993-11-01 05-Media Not Doing Justice to Mideast Peace
 (TXT) 1992-12-01 05-Activists Put the Public in Public TV
 (TXT) 1992-09-01 04-Americas Most Wanted Takes Credit for a Killing
 (TXT) 1992-08-01 04-Abortion Coverage Leaves Women out of the Picture
 (TXT) 1992-01-01 05-01-56 Friendly Fascism-National Media Give David Duke a Face-Lift
 (TXT) 1991-05-01 04-Slaughter Is Something Other Countries Do
 (TXT) 1990-07-01 16-16-02 Press Distortions in the Battle Over Abortion
 (TXT) 1990-05-01 04-CIA Chief Bush Suppresses the News
 (TXT) 1987-06-01 04-The 50 26 20... Corporations That Own Our Media
       Fairness & Accuracy in Media  via Magical.Fish Gopher News Feeds
       Last updated 2024 05 31
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       (C) Fairness & Accuracy in Media .