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 (TXT) 'khbr syy'@ lbrys sn jyrmn `shy@ mwjh@ mnshstr syty bdwry l'bTl
 (TXT) 'kthr mn 20 qtyl btbdl lTlq lnr khll `mly@ 'mny@ fy ryw dy jnyrw
 (TXT) 'rdwGn wmyrkl ytfqn `l~ d`m Hkwm@ lwHd@ llyby@
 (TXT) 'wl Hkm@ mtHwl@ jnsy tdyr mbr@ fy ldwry lsry'yly
 (TXT) 'wl shHn@ mn lqH sbwtnyk V lrwsy tSl lhnd
 (TXT) 'wrwb tnwy tkhfyf qywd dkhwl lsyH l'jnb lyh
 (TXT) 100 ans de lIrlande du Nord sur fond de tensions post-Brexit - <<Les p
 (TXT) 13 dead 70 injured in Mexico City metro COLLAPSE
 (TXT) 19 Kids and Counting reality star Josh Duggar charged with possessing 
 (TXT) 19 morts lors de manifestations en Colombie - lONU denonce un <<usage 
 (TXT) 19-storey tower block reportedly clad with flammable panelling catches
 (TXT) 1er-Mai - <<Nous venons de vivre quatre ans de chaos>> affirme Marine 
 (TXT) 1er-Mai - des corteges emailles de violences dans plusieurs villes de 
 (TXT) 1er-Mai - des manifestants installent une guillotine a leffigie de Mar
 (TXT) 1er-Mai - des manifestations se deroulent dans plusieurs villes de Fra
 (TXT) 1er-Mai - des militants CGT agresses par dautres manifestants a Paris
 (TXT) 2 Brazilian states suspend giving Covid-19 vaccines to expectant mothe
 (TXT) 200+ detained as May Day protesters defy coronavirus lockdown in Turke
 (TXT) 25 killed in Rio de Janeiro shoot-out as Brazilian police clash with d
 (TXT) 27 million Soviet citizens lost their lives fighting the Nazis Western
 (TXT) 3 jrH~ brSS tlmydh@ blSf lsds btdy'y fy mdrs@ 'mryky@
 (TXT) 3 killed dozens injured after migrant smuggling boat capsizes off Cali
 (TXT) 3 kilo per person- Russians projected to eat record amount of ice crea
 (TXT) 3 men arrested over Italy cable car tragedy that killed 14 people as i
 (TXT) 60-70% of worlds attention focused on just 10 online domains according
 (TXT) <<Angelina-19>> - lOMS demande la suspension dune camera cachee tunisi
 (TXT) <<Arretons ces heurts>> - le pape Francois appelle a la fin de la <<vi
 (TXT) <<Contre-productive>> et <<nuisible>> lecriture inclusive est officiel
 (TXT) <<Deconstruction de lEtat>> - levee de boucliers contre la disparition
 (TXT) <<Depuis le bureau de Donald Trump>>- banni des reseaux lancien chef d
 (TXT) <<Faire un genocide dune bonne partie des juifs>> - la Licra denonce u
 (TXT) <<Generaux en charentaises>> - lauteur de la tribune repond a Agnes Pa
 (TXT) <<Il y a eu une charge sans sommation>> - des blesses lors dun rassemb
 (TXT) <<Instrument politicheskogo torga>>- pochemu SShA zaiavili o kontrprod
 (TXT) <<Je ne peux pas traiter vos complexes>> - Macron sagace des comparais
 (TXT) <<Kadrovye shakhmaty>>- chto stoit za naznacheniem vitse-prezidenta Kh
 (TXT) <<Les blacks ils sont terribles>> - un enseignant mis a pied pour des 
 (TXT) <<Lhistoire impose de tirer des lecons>> - Poutine denonce les discour
 (TXT) <<Nashestvie>> na <<Taman'>>- 10 glavnykh muzykal'nykh festivalei leta
 (TXT) <<Nous touchons au but>> - Castex confiant sur une sortie durable de l
 (TXT) <<Stopper les regroupements familiaux>> - Barnier veut un <<moratoire>
 (TXT) <<Un faux sentiment de securite>> - lOMS sinquiete dune resurgence du 
 (TXT) <<Un sentiment de revolte>> - a Paris le quartier Stalingrad theatre d
 (TXT) <<Voyez ce que sont devenues les rues de Paris>> - Erdogan commente la
 (TXT) <<Vyzov byl priniat>>- kak <<Reindzhers>> otomstili <<Vashingtonu>> za
 (TXT) A State of Fear- New book exposes UKs unethical psyops team that ramps
 (TXT) A US womans phone call with friend lands her son in court over his inv
 (TXT) A horrible error- Ring Magazine apologizes after tweet declares Billy 
 (TXT) A proper fight is finally about to break out after another nonsensical
 (TXT) A qui profitent les polemiques autour de lassociation islamiste turque
 (TXT) A row with fans a nosebleed and good news for Djokovic- Russian tennis
 (TXT) Accusations of racism criticism as Australia introduces CRIMINAL sanct
 (TXT) Accuse davoir qualifie un policier de <<racaille de flic>> Taha Bouhaf
 (TXT) Affaire Assange - Snowden critique les declarations des Etats-Unis sur
 (TXT) Affaire Sarah Halimi - une page Facebook denoncee pour son soutien au 
 (TXT) Affaire des photos dexactions de Daesh sur Twitter - Marine Le Pen et 
 (TXT) Aficionados de La guerra de las galaxias celebran el dia internacional
 (TXT) African woman gives birth to NINE healthy babies at once Malian govern
 (TXT) Afrique du Sud - attaques par balles des convoyeurs de fonds echappent
 (TXT) After another nonsensical week in boxing a proper fight is finally abo
 (TXT) After peeing in bottle gaffe media reveals Amazons INTRUSIVE orders to
 (TXT) Agent Orange complaint against multinationals including Monsanto and D
 (TXT) Agent orange - un tribunal francais juge irrecevable une plainte contr
 (TXT) Agression porte de la Chapelle - lindividu interpelle a ete expulse ve
 (TXT) Al menos 9 muertos y 21 heridos en un tiroteo en una escuela de la ciu
 (TXT) Al menos cuatro muertos y multiples heridos tras volcarse un bote fren
 (TXT) Alaskas Great Sitkin volcano erupts- US Geological Survey issues red w
 (TXT) Algerie - les manifestations hebdomadaires du Hirak devront desormais 
 (TXT) Alles ist drin- Grunen-Politiker wollen Deutschland aus Programmslogan
 (TXT) Am 14. April wurde berichtet dass Bernie Madoff im Bundesgefangnis im 
 (TXT) Am Tag der Arbeit wenig Anlass zum Feiern - Deutschland bleibt Niedrig
 (TXT) Americans handing out GERM WARFARE weaponry that could wipe out millio
 (TXT) Americas richest boosted their fortunes by $195 billion in Bidens firs
 (TXT) Amoklauf in russischer Schule- Acht verletzte Kinder in ernstem Gesund
 (TXT) Amoklaufer in Kasan- Ich bin Gott
 (TXT) Annalena Baerbock- Wiedervereinigung Europas auf den Schultern ihres W
 (TXT) Anne Will- Maassens Antisemitismus die Gore und die Scheinheiligkeit
 (TXT) Anonymous entra en las protestas de Colombia y se atribuye el hackeo a
 (TXT) Anti-Muslim sentiment remains a problem within the UK Conservative Par
 (TXT) Anti-lockdown candidate Ayuso wins big in Madrid elections as Podemos 
 (TXT) Antonio Conte- Why is Inter Milan boss leaving just days after lifting
 (TXT) Any supporter would have done it- Ex-pro Carragher backs United protes
 (TXT) Anzahl rechtsextremistischer Straftaten steigt auf Hochstwert trotz Ko
 (TXT) Apotheke in Koblenz bot homoopathische Impfstoff-Globuli an
 (TXT) Apple to fight Russias anti-monopoly agency in court after US tech gia
 (TXT) Apres Joe Biden Emmanuel Macron se dit favorable a la levee des brevet
 (TXT) Apres des critiques emanant de son propre camp Biden augmente les admi
 (TXT) Apres la fusillade de Kazan Poutine reclame durgence une revision de l
 (TXT) Are we in 2021 or 1810 Football celebrity Nara launches feminist tirad
 (TXT) Armed standoff at Portland protest turns into scuffle after motorist a
 (TXT) Arztin fristlos entlassen nach Kritik an Corona-Impfungen- Den Dreck n
 (TXT) As Bill and Melinda Gates split up its time to divorce the Microsoft b
 (TXT) As Canadas vaccine rollout sputters Ontario & Manitoba premiers ask ne
 (TXT) As challenging as making a man-made sun- China plans to extract uraniu
 (TXT) AstraZeneca- Gefahrliche Nebenwirkung viel haufiger als angenommen
 (TXT) At least 1 dead in reported Israeli strike on civilian plastic warehou
 (TXT) At least 11 killed and 100+ injured by violent hurricane winds in Chin
 (TXT) At least 2 killed and several others wounded as rockets from Gaza rain
 (TXT) At least 30 killed 50+ injured as multiple blasts rock school in Kabul
 (TXT) At least 80 injured including ONE-YEAR-OLD BABY amid clashes between P
 (TXT) Athens paralyzed by striking public sector workers taking to streets t
 (TXT) Auf Fleisch verzichten Britische Manner wurden lieber zehn Jahre fruhe
 (TXT) Auftragsboom fur deutsche Industrie- Die Corona-Scharte ist langst aus
 (TXT) Auktsion Sothebys vpervye prodast kartinu za kriptovaliutu
 (TXT) Aussie basketball star Cambage reverses Olympic boycott threat thanks 
 (TXT) Aussie tennis icon accuses basketball star Cambage of disrespect in Ol
 (TXT) Australia mulling heavy fines five years in jail for travelers circumv
 (TXT) Australia proposes teaching FIVE-YEAR-OLDS about cybersecurity while c
 (TXT) Australian PM walks back tough talk on Covid-hotspot returnees downpla
 (TXT) Australian intelligence predicts terrorist attack in next 12 months po
 (TXT) Auswirkungen des Klimawandels- Schmelzende Gletscher verschieben Erdac
 (TXT) Autogolpe de Estado Las claves de la crisis desatada en El Salvador tr
 (TXT) Avec 34 nouveaux appareils commandes lEgypte devient la 2e aviation pa
 (TXT) Avignon - un policier tue lors dune operation anti-drogue
 (TXT) Back to twerk- UFC bombshell Mackenzie Dern busts out her moves throws
 (TXT) Badass and a beauty- Serb kickboxer Nadja Milijancevic is a knockout q
 (TXT) Baden-Wurttemberg- Neuauflage der grun-schwarzen Koaliton steht
 (TXT) Baerbock schreibt Soziale Marktwirtschaft SPD zu - Merz freut sich auf
 (TXT) Balkan brawler Julija Pajic has nose broken in brutal 51-second loss a
 (TXT) Ballet a la russe - danser au Kremlin le bapteme du feu
 (TXT) Ballet a la russe - le choix de passer a la danse moderne scinde la co
 (TXT) Ballet a la russe - se remettre dune grave blessure pour retourner sur
 (TXT) Bannissement de Trump - Twitter suspend des comptes qui relaient les m
 (TXT) Bashar Assads political adviser on Syrian presidential election Israel
 (TXT) Basketball star threatens Olympic boycott over lack of diversity in te
 (TXT) Battered Billy Joe Saunders still in hospital and set for surgery on s
 (TXT) Bayerischer Soder-Kritiker exklusiv nach Verurteilung - Es wird immer 
 (TXT) Bayern- Lockerung des Lockdowns ab nachster Woche - Privilegien fur Ge
 (TXT) Bayern-Fans feiern feuchtfrohlich neunten Bundesliga-Titel in Folge
 (TXT) Be ready- Chechen UFC sensation Chimaev targeting FOUR fights this yea
 (TXT) Beach bum- Russias hottest figure skater Tuktamysheva flaunts figure c
 (TXT) Beefed-up Jon Jones pounds treadmill at 20mph as UFC star warns Nganno
 (TXT) Behind the Scenes with Producer of RTs Armenian Genocide Special
 (TXT) Beijing sends aircraft carrier group to disputed South China Sea vows 
 (TXT) Belgium restricts use of J&J vaccine following death of person who rec
 (TXT) Berlin - un 1er-Mai marque par des heurts entre manifestants et forces
 (TXT) Berlin bekommt Pandemie-Fruhwarnzentrum der WHO
 (TXT) Berliner Gesundheitsverwaltung- Zukunft der Impfzentren noch offen
 (TXT) Biden admin backs proposal to lift intellectual property rights on Cov
 (TXT) Biden administration denies Iranian state media report of prisoner-swa
 (TXT) Biden administration picks Kamala Harris to head National Space Counci
 (TXT) Biden says Nord Stream 2 sanctions waived because pipeline nearly done
 (TXT) Biden says no evidence Russia responsible for pipeline cyberattack... 
 (TXT) Biden wants 70% of Americans partially vaccinated by July 4 says some 
 (TXT) Bidens backing for waiving Covid vaccine patents is a great step but t
 (TXT) Bill Gates & wife Melinda to divorce after 27 years together & buildin
 (TXT) Bill Gates meldet baldige Uberschusse an Corona-Impfstoffen und Normal
 (TXT) Billie Eilish aparece en su nuevo videoclip con una anaconda enroscada
 (TXT) Billie Eilish reconoce haber sido victima de abuso cuando era mas jove
 (TXT) Billionaires like Bill Gates wont save us from Covid or fix fake news 
 (TXT) BioNTech says no evidence it needs to change its Covid-19 jab formula 
 (TXT) BioNTechPfizer to request approval for new Covid-19 shot that lasts up
 (TXT) Bitcoin bounces back to $40000 after cryptocurrency markets wild ride
 (TXT) Blind destructive rage- At least 93 police officers injured more than 
 (TXT) Bolsonaro greets jailed driver of ex-Spartak Moscow star Fernando with
 (TXT) Bomb blast puts former Maldives president in hospital as he undergoes 
 (TXT) Bordeaux - la femme blessee par balle apres avoir poignarde un policie
 (TXT) Boris Johnson offered to be injected with Covid-19 on live TV to show 
 (TXT) Boris Johnson urged to tackle underage access to porn activist groups 
 (TXT) Bowing to terrorism- The Atlanta mayors craven words on the police sho
 (TXT) Boxer Dubois wont rub it in to Saunders after rivals mocking comments 
 (TXT) Boxer Verdejo surrenders to police after authorities find body of miss
 (TXT) Boxing star wanted by authorities over missing woman who was last seen
 (TXT) Brace yourself America Biden reportedly considering increasing domesti
 (TXT) Brand nahe Tesla-Gigafactory bei Berlin- Staatsschutz ermittelt
 (TXT) Brasilien- 23 Tote bei Schiesserei in Rio De Jaineros U-Bahn
 (TXT) Brazilian leader Bolsonaro thanks Putin after release of jailed driver
 (TXT) Breaking- US will copy Chinas economic model to remain competitive (Fu
 (TXT) Brennpunkt Indopazifik- Peking entsendet zum Schutz nationaler Souvera
 (TXT) Bresil - apres son raid sanglant qui a fait 28 morts la police de Rio 
 (TXT) Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier suggests FIVE-YEAR HALT to immigratio
 (TXT) Britisches Model stirbt nach Impfung mit AstraZeneca
 (TXT) Broken up but still living together- Cristiano Ronaldo intent on quitt
 (TXT) Brussel- Menschenmassen zelebrieren Ruckkehr in die Normalitat
 (TXT) Brussels says EU states should reopen to foreign travel... but only fo
 (TXT) Bruxelles - une fete interdite rassemble plus dun millier de personnes
 (TXT) Bucking Bidens push for equity US states are outlawing critical race t
 (TXT) Bundesrat billigt Lockerungen fur Geimpfte und Genesene
 (TXT) Bundestagswahlen- Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg kandidiert in Mecklenburg-Vorpom
 (TXT) Burgerkrieg braut sich zusammen- Franzosische Militars lancieren erneu
 (TXT) By trying to link Russia & Nord Stream 2 to Belarus grounding of plane
 (TXT) CEST CASH  - Impot mondial - la solution face au dumping fiscal 
 (TXT) Caitlyn Jenner releases first ad in California gubernatorial campaign 
 (TXT) California schools launch segregated student support circles after Cha
 (TXT) Cambodia to end capitals lockdown despite reporting record high Covid-
 (TXT) Campaigners claim sports ban would erase transgender female athletes a
 (TXT) Canada - des dizaines de milliers de personnes manifestent contre les 
 (TXT) Canada is battling another pipeline cancellation by US
 (TXT) Canadian pastor who kicked Gestapo cops out of his church arrested for
 (TXT) Canberras controversial ban on Australians returning home from India u
 (TXT) Candidate LREM voilee sur une photo de campagne - Guerini monte au cre
 (TXT) Canelo challenger Saunders taunts boxing superstar over failed drugs t
 (TXT) Car bomb kills at least 25 injures dozens in eastern Afghanistan - loc
 (TXT) Car torched in East Jerusalem as clashes over Palestinian evictions co
 (TXT) Cash-for-jabs- Serbia unveils new payment scheme to encourage resident
 (TXT) Cash-strapped Lebanon could go dark this month as money for electricit
 (TXT) Cazadores de tesoros hallan pistas de una reserva de oro de Hitler val
 (TXT) Chairman of South Korean dairy giant steps down after company claims i
 (TXT) Champions League- Chelseas Tuchel hoping to harness newfound belief & 
 (TXT) Chaotische Szenen in Jerusalem- Israelischer Fahrer rammt Palastinense
 (TXT) Chelsea boss Tuchel pretty sure Abramovich likes what he sees after bi
 (TXT) Chelsea fans accuse greedy UEFA of ruining Champions League final as c
 (TXT) Chelsea keep Man City title celebrations on hold with win at Etihad in
 (TXT) Child kidnapping in China- The unfortunate aftermath of the one-child 
 (TXT) Childhood BMI linked with risk of anorexia nervosa bulimia nervosa and
 (TXT) Chimaev spars Chechen leader Kadyrov as manager says everybody should 
 (TXT) China anuncia que los restos de su cohete descontrolado entraron en la
 (TXT) China bezichtigt NASA und US-Medien in Bezug auf Raketentrummer der Do
 (TXT) China blasts Wuhan lab leak conspiracy urges probe of ALL early Covid-
 (TXT) China continues ramping up natural gas production
 (TXT) China says Long March 5B rocket BURNED UP over Indian Ocean near Maldi
 (TXT) China setzt Wirtschaftsdialog mit Australien auf unbestimmte Zeit aus
 (TXT) China slams Western double standards over rocket debris and NASA criti
 (TXT) China suspends economic dialogue with Australia indefinitely amid spat
 (TXT) China to set up line of separation at summit of Mount Everest to prote
 (TXT) China- Bilder wie aus einer anderen Zeit - Dichtes Gedrange in den Str
 (TXT) Chinas space station means lift-off on a new battle for the galaxy... 
 (TXT) Chinese yuan hits 3-year high against US dollar
 (TXT) Chinese yuan reaches strongest level against US dollar since 2018
 (TXT) Chronique eco de Jacques Sapir - 5% de croissance - peut-on (encore) y
 (TXT) Cisjordanie - un adolescent aurait ete tue par larmee israelienne selo
 (TXT) Civil war is brewing in France and you know it- French military launch
 (TXT) Colombian police deploy tear gas & water cannons to repel assault on p
 (TXT) Colombie - alors que la repression des manifestations sintensifie Wash
 (TXT) Colombie - face a la contestation le president Ivan Duque veut faire a
 (TXT) Commemoration de labolition de lesclavage - Taubira fustige le silence
 (TXT) Comprendre les crises en Haiti par Romain Migus
 (TXT) Conductor israeli atropella a un manifestante palestino en medio de lo
 (TXT) Confusion as English councils deny local travel bans in place over Ind
 (TXT) Controversial anti-gay Russian MP Milonov blocked from TikTok blames b
 (TXT) Corona-Massnahme in den USA- Burgermeisterin von Washington verbietet 
 (TXT) Covid has made celebrities out of public officials wed never have hear
 (TXT) Covid signature found- Swiss scientists say they detected biomarker th
 (TXT) Covid-19 - la Russie homologue le Spoutnik Light son vaccin en une dos
 (TXT) Covid-19 - le 19 mai les parcs a theme rouvriront... mais sans leurs a
 (TXT) Covid-19 - le Danemark renonce a administrer le vaccin Johnson & Johns
 (TXT) Covid-19 vaccines by Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca should be exclu
 (TXT) Craven virtue signaling- Uproar as 43yo weightlifter Laurel Hubbard is
 (TXT) CrossTalk Bullhorns HOME EDITION- Remembering war
 (TXT) Cyprus lifts 3rd lockdown introduces Covid safety pass for citizens to
 (TXT) Dana White not sure unbeaten star Harrison is ready for UFC switch - e
 (TXT) Danemark stellt Impfungen mit Johnson & Johnson ein
 (TXT) Danke allesdichtmachen - Arzte melden sich mit scharfer Kritik an Coro
 (TXT) Das Parteienkarussell gerat in Schwung- Alles offen bei der Bundestags
 (TXT) Das deutsche Rentensystem - der wahre Grund fur die Fluchtlingskrise
 (TXT) Debate over the Israel-Palestine issue has changed forever but heres w
 (TXT) Debatte um Baerbocks Hochschulabschluss- Haltungsjournalismus in Hochf
 (TXT) Deben eliminarlas de inmediato- Experto advierte a los millones de usu
 (TXT) Demi Lovato and other fashionably fluid pop stars can identify as what
 (TXT) Demo im sachsischen Zwonitz gegen Corona-Massnahmen eskaliert - mehrer
 (TXT) Demokratie in Gefahr- Der woke Kapitalismus diktiert uns wie wir zu de
 (TXT) Denmark to cancel Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine rollout except
 (TXT) Denmark to reopen schools and indoor activities to corona passport hol
 (TXT) Depression rate in UK more than DOUBLES since start of Covid-19 pandem
 (TXT) Depuis lISS les cosmonautes russes adressent leur message pour la Jour
 (TXT) Der Ausverkauf des Slogans- Nie wieder Faschismus nie wieder Krieg
 (TXT) Der Iran lasst Biden baden gehen - und die Neue Seidenstrasse gedeiht 
 (TXT) Der Westen druckt ein Auge zu- Die Ukraine hat ein Faschismusproblem
 (TXT) Des grands groupes pharmaceutiques sopposent a la levee des brevets su
 (TXT) Des milliers de personnes a travers le monde commemorent le 106e anniv
 (TXT) Desperate tourist-reliant EU nations reopen their Covid-free zones. Bu
 (TXT) Despicable behaviour- UK train company lambasted over online cyber-sec
 (TXT) Deutsch-russisches Handelsabkommen vor 100 Jahren unterzeichnet
 (TXT) Deutsche Anwalte reichen Klage gegen Weissrusslands Prasidenten Lukasc
 (TXT) Deutsche horten mehr Gold als die Bundesbank
 (TXT) Deutsche sehen in den USA grossere Bedrohung fur Demokratie als in Chi
 (TXT) Deutscher Arztetag- Recht auf Bildung fur Kinder nur mit Corona-Impfun
 (TXT) Deutschland will neue Mini-Macht im Pazifik werden
 (TXT) Deutschland- Priorisierung bei Johnson & Johnson aufgehoben - Empfehlu
 (TXT) Deux assaillants tues par la police israelienne lors dune tentative da
 (TXT) Didnt feel out of my league- Saunders vows to return in first statemen
 (TXT) Die Katastrophe von Fukushima - Konnte so etwas wieder passieren
 (TXT) Die Phrasendrescher der EU und ihr Wunsch nach einem sozialen Europa
 (TXT) Die rucksichtslose Haltung der USA gegenuber Nord Stream 2 fuhrt zu ei
 (TXT) Disneylands renovated Snow White ride draws woke ire over added non-co
 (TXT) Ditch him- McGregor weighs in after footage shows UFC legend Sanchez u
 (TXT) Does this look like an organization that wants peace IDF posts video o
 (TXT) Dogecoin - le cours de la crypto-monnaie va-t-il poursuivre sa folle a
 (TXT) Dont drop your guard UK experts warn as study highlights pre-immunity 
 (TXT) Dont learn from ostriches- Beijing tells Tokyo not to bury its head in
 (TXT) Dont tell me he stopped because of his eye- Womens star Bridges weighs
 (TXT) Dos asiaticas son atacadas en Nueva York por una desconocida que a gol
 (TXT) Dou vient et ou va la Colombie  par Romain Migus
 (TXT) Dramatic footage shows Saunders father manhandled by security as he ru
 (TXT) Drei Todesopfer nach Brand in Moskauer Hotel
 (TXT) Dublin dismayed at Londons alleged plan to introduce prosecution ban f
 (TXT) Dutch ministers seek to simplify procedure to CHANGE GENDER on birth c
 (TXT) Duterte ordena arrestar a quienes no usen mascarilla tras una reunion 
 (TXT) EMA-Chefin lehnt Freigabe der Impfstoffpatente ab
 (TXT) EU anger over Hungarys veto on migrants reveals how developing countri
 (TXT) EU asks court to impose huge fine on AstraZeneca over alleged failure 
 (TXT) EU calls on Turkey to deliver on migrant deal at meeting with UN High 
 (TXT) EU did not renew its order for AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs beyond June b
 (TXT) EU officials question US vaccine patent plan
 (TXT) EU suspends efforts to ratify investment deal with China amid ongoing 
 (TXT) EU to hit AstraZeneca with second lawsuit over Covid-19 vaccine delive
 (TXT) EU-China investment deal very important Germanys Merkel says as Brusse
 (TXT) EU-Kommissar- EU-Staaten sollen Abwasser auf Coronaviren untersuchen
 (TXT) EZB-Direktorin- Inflation kann bald uber drei Prozent liegen
 (TXT) Echanges de tirs dans un quartier de Valence une quarantaine de CRS de
 (TXT) Ecosse - victoire des independantistes qui demandent un referendum dau
 (TXT) Egypte - une ville dartisans de plus de 3 000 ans enfouie sous le sabl
 (TXT) Eight lions contract Covid-19 at Hyderabad zoo amid coronavirus surge 
 (TXT) Eilantrag gegen umstrittenes Ruckreiseverbot fur Australier aus Indien
 (TXT) Ein Fall von Denunziation SPD-Referentin wollte Mietvertrag von Corona
 (TXT) Ein guter und sicherer Impfstoff - Deutschland beendet Priorisierung f
 (TXT) Eine grosse Tragodie - Mindestens neun Tote nach Amoklauf in Schule
 (TXT) Einwohner verhalten sich distanzlos - Postzusteller meiden derzeit ein
 (TXT) El Ejercito colombiano otra vez en las calles (y la preocupante milita
 (TXT) El FBI abre fuego contra una persona que trato de ingresar a la sede d
 (TXT) El lavabo de un aeropuerto chino atrae todas las miradas tras revelars
 (TXT) El primer ministro de Israel dice que Hamas cruzo la linea roja y su p
 (TXT) El tirador que mato a 9 personas e hirio a otras 21 en una escuela rus
 (TXT) Elections a Madrid - la droite simpose sur une ligne anti-restrictions
 (TXT) Elefantes salvajes arrasan con una plantacion de banano pero dejan en 
 (TXT) Embattled Netanyahu running out of time to form Israeli government as 
 (TXT) Emmanuel Macron celebre la liberte de la presse dans le monde... en ou
 (TXT) Emmanuel Macron sexprime pour les 200 ans de la mort de Napoleon Ier
 (TXT) En visite au Liban Le Drian menace les dirigeants de sanctions pour pr
 (TXT) Encuentra en la playa un envoltorio en perfecto estado de un popular c
 (TXT) Encuentran en un canon de Utah a una mujer desaparecida desde noviembr
 (TXT) Ende der Ara Netanjahu Israelischer Prasident beauftragt Oppositionspo
 (TXT) Endless Letter- RT launches interactive website with personal WWII cor
 (TXT) Energetika Manizha i epatazhnoe povedenie Maneskin- chto zriteliam zap
 (TXT) Entre soutien et critique la classe politique reagit a la nouvelle tri
 (TXT) Entre stupefaction et ironie des macronistes reagissent a une phrase d
 (TXT) Erdogan lashes out at cruel terrorist Israel after violent crackdown o
 (TXT) Eres como este perro- Una broma de la Embajada de EE.UU. en Pekin sobr
 (TXT) Erneut Tote durch Schusse in den USA - Ein Drittel der Waffenbesitzer 
 (TXT) Erneut schwere Zusammenstosse am Tempelberg - mindestens 90 Palastinen
 (TXT) Erst geimpft dann positiv getestet- Dresdens OB Dirk Hilbert befindet 
 (TXT) Es fehlt das Vertrauen- EU hat Vertrag mit AstraZeneca nicht verlanger
 (TXT) Es geht nicht um Sonderrechte - Regierung uber Lockerungen fur Geimpft
 (TXT) Es ist einfach nicht fair- Caitlyn Jenner gegen biologische Jungen im 
 (TXT) Escalade des tensions a Jersey - Londres envoie la Royal Navy la Franc
 (TXT) Estrella de Fast and Furious 9 se disculpa en mandarin con los fanatic
 (TXT) Etats-Unis - Pfizer vise septembre pour demander lautorisation de son 
 (TXT) Ether market cap bigger than Disney & Nestle as worlds second-biggest 
 (TXT) Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin becomes worlds youngest crypto billio
 (TXT) Ethik-Kommissionsmitglied zu Impfprivilegien- Angemessen Beschrankunge
 (TXT) Europa League Final- Steady Solskjaer eyes just reward for progress bu
 (TXT) Evropeiskii vektor- pribliziat li parlamentskie vybory Shotlandiiu k r
 (TXT) Ex-Frau von Lauterbach zur COVID-19-Pandemie- Massnahmen konnen sofort
 (TXT) Ex-NATO-Generalsekretar- Wo die USA sich zuruckziehen wird das Vakuum 
 (TXT) Ex-Vorsitzender der Berliner AfD teilte auf Facebook Mordaufruf an Mer
 (TXT) Expertos senalan que el numero de casco del nuevo buque de asalto anfi
 (TXT) Extinction Rebellion activists chain themselves to gates of French par
 (TXT) Extinction Rebellion trial delayed after defendant dons pink eye mask 
 (TXT) Eyes on the prize- Conor McGregor hints at prediction for Dustin Poiri
 (TXT) FIRE erupts outside Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem amid clashes between P
 (TXT) FOTO VIDEO- El coche de produccion en serie mas rapido del mundo sufre
 (TXT) FOTO- Filtran la primera imagen de un prototipo del iPhone 13 mini (y 
 (TXT) FOTOS- Las inusuales rocas de Marte captadas por el rover Perseverance
 (TXT) FULL SHOW- Catholic priests may deny Biden Holy Communion
 (TXT) FULL SHOW- MSM quiet about Assange on World Press Freedom Day
 (TXT) Facebook Oversight Board upholds Trump ban but says it was inappropria
 (TXT) Facebook restores page of RTs Redfish after brief ban over anti-fascis
 (TXT) Fake FEMA workers poaching Covid funeral funds
 (TXT) Familles palestiniennes expulsees au profit de colons - les heurts se 
 (TXT) Father of pregnant woman killed by Verdejo demands the boxer should be
 (TXT) Fauxpas auf hochster Ebene- Altmaier stimmt versehentlich fur Linken-A
 (TXT) Feuer in Fluchtlingsheim in Schleswig-Holstein - Mann wegen versuchten
 (TXT) Fil'm RT o zhenshchinakh-politseiskikh v Afganistane zavoeval premiiu 
 (TXT) Fire UK health secretary for lying to everybody during pandemic - PMs 
 (TXT) Fire at Kuwaits largest oilfield is latest in series of blazes at oil 
 (TXT) Fischereistreit- Paris droht London mit Vergeltungsmassnahmen gegen Fi
 (TXT) Flag-nificent victory- Checkers queen poses with Russian flag after ov
 (TXT) Florida - Von Bill Gates gefordertes Unternehmen will genmanipulierte 
 (TXT) Florida Governor DeSantis signs controversial election bills on voter 
 (TXT) Florida passes law to impose hefty fines on tech giants that deplatfor
 (TXT) Former Arsenal goalkeeper Jens Lehmann fired by Hertha Berlin followin
 (TXT) Former UK envoy Craig Murray seeks Supreme Court appeal after receivin
 (TXT) Four in 10 plan to use digital currency for payments within year - Mas
 (TXT) France Germany Italy Spain & UK urge Israel to halt West Bank settleme
 (TXT) France sells EUR4 billion-worth of fighter jets to Egypt in 10-year de
 (TXT) Frances Marine Le Pen acquitted in hate-speech trial after she tweeted
 (TXT) Frances most notorious serial killer Ogre of the Ardennes dies in jail
 (TXT) Freiheit nur fur Touristen - Einwohner Antalyas kommentieren harten Lo
 (TXT) Frejus - des commerces degrades et trois vehicules incendies lors dune
 (TXT) French fishermen blockade Jersey port as 2 British naval vessels arriv
 (TXT) French govt backs harsher penalties for people who attack police as it
 (TXT) French police investigating Paris firework incidents after vigilantes 
 (TXT) Freundin Protassewitschs- Ich bin Redakteurin des Telegramkanals Black
 (TXT) Fridyas for no Future  Merkel ist grun vor Wut  Strippenzieher
 (TXT) Frieden mit Russland Schluss mit der moralischen Pflicht - Nach dem SP
 (TXT) Fundamentally wrong- Most Germans oppose immediate relaxation of lockd
 (TXT) Fundraiser for Idaho deputy who was suspended for viral video mocking 
 (TXT) Furious Manchester United fans storm Old Trafford hours before Liverpo
 (TXT) Fury as NHL side cops mammoth $250k fine for daring to call out brutal
 (TXT) G7-Staaten wollen gemeinsame Massnahmen gegen China und Russland prufe
 (TXT) GET THE FK OUT- Philippines foreign secretary issues not-so-diplomatic
 (TXT) Game of Thrones actress Esme Bianco sues Marilyn Manson for rape as au
 (TXT) Game-changer- Pfizer developing pill to treat Covid-19 may hit market 
 (TXT) Gap between rich & poor growing spectacularly as central banks continu
 (TXT) Gaza health ministry says 20 Palestinians killed in Israeli air strike
 (TXT) Gaza health ministry says 9 Palestinians killed in Israeli air strikes
 (TXT) Gazeuses charges et projectiles - la police intervient pour debloquer 
 (TXT) Geimpfte COVID-19-Tote und geheime PCR-Tests RKI schweigt auf Pressean
 (TXT) General rehearsal for V-Day parade 2021 in Moscow
 (TXT) Genocide des Tutsi au Rwanda - la justice requiert un non-lieu pour le
 (TXT) Gericht bremst Banken- Gebuhren sollen nicht steigen
 (TXT) German architect Helmut Jahn designer of airports from Chicago to Bang
 (TXT) German cabinet eases Covid-19 lockdown measures for those whove had th
 (TXT) German foreign minister hopeful of improving EU-Turkey relations after
 (TXT) German interior minister catches coronavirus AFTER vaccination
 (TXT) German lawmakers approve significant relaxation of lockdown rules for 
 (TXT) German lawyers sue Belarus President Lukashenko over alleged crimes ag
 (TXT) German police detain man for using neo-Nazi acronym during three-year 
 (TXT) German police probe Tesla factory fire as possible arson attack after 
 (TXT) German state of Saxony officially designates anti-Islam & anti-immigra
 (TXT) Germany appears to have broken 3rd wave of Covid says health minister 
 (TXT) Germany opens up AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccination for all adults and s
 (TXT) Germanys Oktoberfest canceled once again due to Covid-19
 (TXT) Get ready for the Hot Vax Summer as the newly vaccinated plan to celeb
 (TXT) Gilets jaunes - trois CRS places en garde a vue pour les violences du 
 (TXT) Global reset needed to fight future pandemics as creation of WHO resea
 (TXT) Gobernar con complejo de superioridad o asumir los resultados- el dile
 (TXT) Gold losing its shine for India amid deepening Covid-19 crisis
 (TXT) Grace a la vaccination leconomie britannique va repartir plus vite et 
 (TXT) Grand jury indicts four officers involved in George Floyds arrest accu
 (TXT) Grenzkonflikt Tadschikistan-Kirgisistan- Beidseitiger Truppenabzug wei
 (TXT) Grom Special Forces (Part 2)  City Police Episode 6
 (TXT) Grosser Andrang beim AstraZeneca-Impftag in Freiburg und Koln - Polize
 (TXT) Grund fur Scheidung Melinda Gates angeblich aufgebracht uber Verbindun
 (TXT) Grunen-Chef Habeck stellt sich hinter Palmer-Rauswurf- Parteienforsche
 (TXT) Gubernator N'iu-Dzhersi poobeshchal bokal piva privivshimsia ot COVID-
 (TXT) Hackerangriff legt Rohrleitungsnetz grosser Benzin-Pipeline in USA lah
 (TXT) Hackers accused of US fuel pipeline ransomware attack say theyre apoli
 (TXT) Haftbefehl gegen US-Schockrocker Marilyn Manson - Anwalt des Musikers-
 (TXT) Hallan en California una secuoya gigante que arde desde los incendios 
 (TXT) Hallan peligrosas bombas de calor que destruyen el hielo marino del Ar
 (TXT) Hamas lanza multiples cohetes hacia Tel Aviv mientras suenan las alarm
 (TXT) Hamas leader says hed prefer to die in airstrike than from Covid-19 af
 (TXT) Hard as nails- Villarreal star Foyth impresses fans by playing on afte
 (TXT) Harte Kritik an schwedischer Nachrichtengrafik- Zahl der Corona-Toten 
 (TXT) Hateful hypocrisy- In hate crime-obsessed Britain vilifying Covid vacc
 (TXT) Hatll do- More shame for boxing as Floyd Mayweather threatens to kill 
 (TXT) Hazard hammered for appearing to celebrate on the pitch with Chelsea p
 (TXT) He has to go- Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu labeled power-hungry tyrant
 (TXT) He hasnt earned the right- Manager slams the door on Nick Diaz vs. Kha
 (TXT) He tapped- UFC legend Werdum stunned by bizarre KO defeat after claimi
 (TXT) Heavyweight boxer Aguilera accused of FAKING injury in bizarre finish 
 (TXT) Heftige Auseinandersetzungen bei 1.-Mai-Demos in Berlin Frankfurt und 
 (TXT) Hell be breathing out of his mouth for a while- Bellator star Michael 
 (TXT) Hes like a video game character- Fans hail Czech slugger Prochazka as 
 (TXT) Heurts entre police et manifestants lors du rassemblement du 1er-Mai a
 (TXT) High global demand sends Russian Urals crude oil price soaring
 (TXT) Hisbollah-Chef warnt Israel- Jegliche Aggression in Jerusalem fuhrt zu
 (TXT) Hkwm@ bryTny l tdyn tSrft mshj`y mnshstr `qb qtHm 'wld trfwrd
 (TXT) Hoher als in Rio de Janeiro- Neue Jesus-Statue in Brasilien
 (TXT) Hohere Klimaziele belasten vor allem arme Haushalte
 (TXT) Holy Fire descends in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (V
 (TXT) Hommage nocturne de policiers a Eric Masson - <<on sent une tension pa
 (TXT) How to Watch the News with Slavoj Zizek
 (TXT) Huge boost- Chelsea fans rejoice as key man Kante & goalkeeper Mendy r
 (TXT) Human Rights Watch kritisiert Einsatz von Projektilwerfern gegen Demon
 (TXT) Humble Sergio Aguero says he DIDNT WANT ANYTHING when told of statue i
 (TXT) Humbled Sadiq Khan re-elected as London mayor giving Labour a victory 
 (TXT) Hungarian laboratory confirms Russias Covid-19 vaccine reliable says S
 (TXT) Hungary finally backs EUs Covid recovery fund leaving only three natio
 (TXT) Hybrider Krieg des Islamismus - Franzosische Militars warnten schon vo
 (TXT) I am like a God- Kazan school shooters chilling message revealed as Pu
 (TXT) I am the best- Chelsea womens team reveal how they used UFC star Rose 
 (TXT) I can change your life in the worst way- UFC standout Usman warns YouT
 (TXT) I could do big things for a club- UFC superstar Conor McGregor opens u
 (TXT) I dont care for a white mans opinion on racial issues- Aussie basketba
 (TXT) I dont want to play here- Russian tennis star Daniil Medvedev slams ra
 (TXT) I feel bad for the fans- Shock as Italian Serie A side Roma reveal Jos
 (TXT) I like that. Im in- Dana White responds to Khamzat Chimaevs plans for 
 (TXT) I see you- MMA fighter-turned-Star Wars actress Gina Carano thanks fan
 (TXT) I was in shock- Ice queen Tuktamysheva reveals torn tights terror duri
 (TXT) IIHF nazvala troiku luchshikh khokkeistov IuChM-2021
 (TXT) If youre a cis man do you need a plaid shirt- NYC rolls out bizarre ge
 (TXT) Ill fck you up right now- Canelo & Andrade in FURIOUS press conference
 (TXT) Im not scared of you MMA btches- Female boxer Shields hailed a savage 
 (TXT) Impf in den Mai - 1.000 AstraZeneca-Impfdosen mit DJ und Tanzflache
 (TXT) Impfen bis der Arzt kommt- Paul-Ehrlich-Institut meldet Hunderte Todes
 (TXT) Impfwahn- Immer mehr Vordrangler und Betruger aber (noch) keine Strafe
 (TXT) In Australien wird selbst Staatsburgern die Einreise aus Indien verweh
 (TXT) In Jerusalem gibt es die heftigsten Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Isra
 (TXT) In peace deal move former Colombian rebel group FARC admits abducting 
 (TXT) India Covid-19 crisis could seriously damage global economy
 (TXT) India ramps up oil imports from Saudi Arabia after price cut
 (TXT) Indian Covid-19 variant has now infected people in 53 territories as s
 (TXT) Indian Premier League indefinitely suspended by cricket chiefs as coun
 (TXT) Indias top court gives govt till Thursday morning to provide plan on s
 (TXT) Ingenuity completes 4th Mars flight breaks even more records (PHOTOS V
 (TXT) Innenpolitische Pattsituation- Frankreich erhoht Druck auf den Libanon
 (TXT) Inside North Korea the most isolated country in the world -- RTD
 (TXT) Instagram & Twitter apologize for system errors that deleted pro-Pales
 (TXT) Intense- Bizarre ring announcer in trench coat barks at fighters on bl
 (TXT) Internal emails reveal that the Dutch government suppressed White Helm
 (TXT) Investment in Russias Arctic LNG 2 project to total $6 BILLION this ye
 (TXT) Irak - 18 morts dans des attaques djihadistes
 (TXT) Iraq says $150 BILLION in oil money stolen from country since US invas
 (TXT) Iraqi protesters reportedly set Iranian consulate on fire amid fury ov
 (TXT) Iraqs health minister resigns in wake of devastating hospital fire cau
 (TXT) Ireland rejects Bidens push for global corporate tax hike as finance m
 (TXT) Is this all he does Complain Fans rip whining LeBron as Lakers star sa
 (TXT) Islamisme - des generaux alertent les parlementaires sur une <<guerre 
 (TXT) Israel bombs 130 Gaza targets in retaliation for 200 Hamas rockets aft
 (TXT) Israel denied involvement in the killing of Irans general Soleimani bu
 (TXT) Israel greift zivile Ziele nahe Latakia an - ein Toter und mehrere Ver
 (TXT) Israel is not a country but a terrorist camp Irans leader Khamenei say
 (TXT) Israeli PM Netanyahu misses deadline to form government coalition Pres
 (TXT) Israeli TV reports DIRECT HIT on Tel Aviv building as Palestinians lau
 (TXT) Israels Militar beginnt grosste Truppenubung seit Jahrzehnten
 (TXT) Israels neue Lage- Innenpolitische Eskalation aussenpolitische Isolati
 (TXT) Israels president gives centrist Yair Lapid mandate to form government
 (TXT) Ist das euer Quotenschwarzer - Ex-Nationalspieler Jens Lehmann irritie
 (TXT) Istanbul is Blue- After nine years Roman Abramovich has a Champions Le
 (TXT) It is apartheid- Activists blast pharma firms in protest at AstraZenec
 (TXT) It was a difficult day- Man United boss Solksjaer backs fan protest bu
 (TXT) Italian champions Juventus face Serie A EXPULSION if they continue wit
 (TXT) Italian-German Europol operation detains 31 mafia suspects over drug t
 (TXT) Italie - une stagiaire en medecine recoit accidentellement six doses d
 (TXT) Its May Day baby Lets kill some cops- Trump supporter reportedly leaks
 (TXT) Its sad- UFCs McGregor tells Mayweather to fck off and taunts boxing g
 (TXT) Ivan Duque anuncia modificaciones a su proyecto de reforma tributaria 
 (TXT) Ivan Duque solicita al Congreso retirar el proyecto de reforma tributa
 (TXT) Ivy League uni Cornell opens minorities-only rock-climbing course to a
 (TXT) J.B. Smoove brings stream of consciousness comedy to a whole new level
 (TXT) Jacques Attali dresse un parallele entre les trajectoires de Francois 
 (TXT) Jean-Michel Blanquer souhaite interdire lecriture inclusive a lecole
 (TXT) Jeffrey Epstein didnt receive special treatment from Florida justice s
 (TXT) Jersey hits back after Paris threatens to turn lights off on the islan
 (TXT) Jerusalem - Moscou exprime son <<inquietude>> et evoque lillegalite de
 (TXT) Jerusalem - cible par des jets de pierre un automobiliste israelien pe
 (TXT) Jerusalem - nouvel episode de violences entre Palestiniens et police i
 (TXT) Jerusalem - plus de 90 blesses dans de nouveaux heurts entre policiers
 (TXT) Jerusalem- Weitere blutige Auseinandersetzungen wegen Zwangsraumung pa
 (TXT) Jerusalem-Est - Amnesty International condamne un <<usage illegal de l
 (TXT) Jerusalem-Est - affrontements lors dune manifestation contre des expul
 (TXT) Jetzt auch Griechenland- Menschen in Athen sitzen und essen unbeschwer
 (TXT) Jewish visitors BANNED from Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day as tensions 
 (TXT) Jon Jones warns Ngannou to pray he knocks him out as heavyweight champ
 (TXT) Journalismus 2.0- Die Pressefreiheit durch deren Einschrankung verteid
 (TXT) Journalist deckt Facebook-Verbindungen zu ukrainischen Neonazis auf - 
 (TXT) Juan Vasquez diputado panameno- En Panama no hubo claridad cientifica 
 (TXT) Junge Freiwillige in Riga bilden uber Nacht einen Siegesstern aus Blum
 (TXT) Just a big pump-and-dump scheme RTs Boom Bust delves into latest dogec
 (TXT) Kabul school attack- Death toll climbs to 68 over 165 hospitalized wit
 (TXT) Kamala Harris stirs critics by declaring lack of climate adaptation an
 (TXT) Kanzlerin Merkel grusst Arbeitnehmer zum Tag der Arbeit - und ruft zu 
 (TXT) Kasan- Attentater kurz vor Amoklauf in Schule gefilmt
 (TXT) Katholische Initiative segnet homosexuelle Paare
 (TXT) Katrin Goring-Eckardt- Wir brauchen schnellstmoglich eine Impfstrategi
 (TXT) Kazan school shooting- Figure skating champion Zagitova pays respects 
 (TXT) Keine Sanktionen in Sicht- Ausnahmezustand im NATO-Partnerland Kolumbi
 (TXT) Khabane Lame el fenomeno de TikTok que con sus gestos y desmintiendo l
 (TXT) Khabib mourns Kazan school shooting victims as former UFC champ posts 
 (TXT) Killerimpfung - Kanadischer Soldat wegen Meuterei angeklagt
 (TXT) Kissinger warnt vor einem potenziellen neuen Kalten Krieg zwischen den
 (TXT) Kissingers right - Nuclear weapons + thinking machines equals a US-Chi
 (TXT) Klimaschutzgesetz- Merkel will Verscharfungen noch in dieser Legislatu
 (TXT) Knappheit an Bauholz wegen Exportboom und privater Nachfrage
 (TXT) Kolibri auf Grossbildschirm erschreckt US-Moderator in Live-Sendung
 (TXT) Kommt nach den Erleichterungen fur Geimpfte und Genesene die Impfpflic
 (TXT) Kontroverse um PCR-Test- Drosten legt Gutachten vor - Anwaltin fordert
 (TXT) Korsett fur Investoren- Neue Verordnung lasst Wirtschaftsministerium u
 (TXT) Krokodil protiv Lamy- pevets Jony pobedil vo vtorom sezone shou <<Mask
 (TXT) Kryptowahrungs-Kursrutsch nach TV-Auftritt von Elon Musk- Dogecoin ist
 (TXT) Kuba will gesamte Bevolkerung mit eigenem Vakzin gegen das Coronavirus
 (TXT) Kuriose Corona-Debatte im ZDF- Markus Lanz vergleicht Ausgangssperre m
 (TXT) Kuwait forbids unvaccinated citizens from traveling outside the countr
 (TXT) LAssemblee nationale ouvre la voie a la mise en place du pass sanitair
 (TXT) LIVE- Militarparade zum 76. Jahrestag des Sieges im Grossen Vaterlandi
 (TXT) LIVE- Presseerklarung von Altmaier und Scheuer auf der 12. Nationalen 
 (TXT) La CIA conmemora con una moneda de la victoria 60 anos de uno de sus m
 (TXT) La Chine denonce la <<mentalite de guerre froide>> de lAustralie et su
 (TXT) La Coree du Nord fustige la diplomatie <<hostile>> et <<fallacieuse>> 
 (TXT) La France et quatre pays europeens demandent a Israel darreter ses col
 (TXT) La Russie celebre lanniversaire de la victoire sur lAllemagne nazie lo
 (TXT) La Russie dement toute implication dans la cyberattaque qui a paralyse
 (TXT) La Russie denonce des <<tentatives de mise en place dun ordre internat
 (TXT) La droite celebre elle aussi le bicentenaire de la mort de Napoleon et
 (TXT) La novhistoire contre lOccident
 (TXT) La police allemande demantele un reseau pedocriminel de 400 000 membre
 (TXT) La reunion de Duque con el Comite Nacional del Paro termina sin acuerd
 (TXT) La trama ultra la crisis marroqui y el pintor Juan Genoves- el acoso a
 (TXT) La ultima crisis migratoria en Ceuta- un retrato de Espana
 (TXT) La vente des grilles dun hotel particulier parisien du XVIIe siecle fa
 (TXT) Land of free speech Fans scream conspiracy as analyst is CUT OFF by US
 (TXT) Larmee israelienne mene des frappes sur Gaza le Hamas fait etat de 22 
 (TXT) Laschet bekraftigt als Kanzlerkandidat der Unionsparteien- Ich gehe na
 (TXT) Laschet will kein Auslaufdatum fur Verbrennungsmotoren - und zweifelt 
 (TXT) Latin Americas Covid-19 cases and deaths plateauing at alarmingly high
 (TXT) Lawrow- Russland ist zufrieden mit Normalisierung der Lage in Bergkara
 (TXT) Lawyer for Derek Chauvin cop convicted of murdering George Floyd appea
 (TXT) Le Canada decide de retarder la distribution de 300 000 doses du vacci
 (TXT) Le Conseil dEtat confirme la dissolution de Generation identitaire
 (TXT) Le Conseil scientifique favorable a un pass sanitaire <<temporaire>> m
 (TXT) Le baiser <<non-consenti>> du prince charmant a Blanche-Neige fait pol
 (TXT) Le chef economiste de la BCE plaide pour plus d<<union budgetaire>>
 (TXT) Le conseil de surveillance de Facebook confirme le bannissement du com
 (TXT) Le face-a-face - Bicentenaire de la mort Napoleon - Macron a-t-il trou
 (TXT) Le face-a-face - Pass sanitaire - sesame vers la liberte ou instrument
 (TXT) Le memoire de fin detudes de Samuel Paty bientot publie
 (TXT) Le pass sanitaire avance en depit de vives reticences de certains elus
 (TXT) Le procureur de la Republique saisi apres un tag appelant au meurtre d
 (TXT) Left-wing social justice collectives have captured Britains premier ar
 (TXT) Legalisation du cannabis - un depute centriste brandit un joint en ple
 (TXT) Leon Edwards faces ANOTHER fight postponement as injury forces Nate Di
 (TXT) Les Gilets jaunes manifestent a Paris pour plus de justice sociale et 
 (TXT) Les autorites ukrainiennes condamnent le defile en lhonneur de la divi
 (TXT) Les deputes adoptent le projet de loi Climat en premiere lecture
 (TXT) Les deputes votent contre le pass sanitaire le MoDem lache LREM
 (TXT) Les pecheurs de Saint-Brieuc vent debout contre un projet de parc eoli
 (TXT) Les syndicats dubitatifs apres les annonces de Castex sur la protectio
 (TXT) Less democratic Asian nations satisfied with govt Covid response as pu
 (TXT) Libyen drangt auf Abzug auslandischer Kampfer - und meint damit auch t
 (TXT) Like 15 days to slow the spread Fauci advises India to SHUT DOWN count
 (TXT) Linken-Politiker zum Tag des Sieges- Die Grunen als Trauma der deutsch
 (TXT) Linstauration dun pass sanitaire fait grincer des dents dans loppositi
 (TXT) Litauisches Aussenministerium- Tod von Nicht-Geimpften in der EU wird 
 (TXT) Lithuanian president plans to warn EU leaders about Belarusian nuclear
 (TXT) Loi Climat - des militants dExtinction Rebellion senchainent aux grill
 (TXT) London police arrest 5 men on suspicion of attempted murder of BLM act
 (TXT) Londres a-t-il fait du lobbying aupres de lEquateur pour mettre fin a 
 (TXT) Look away now- Sickened Erling Haaland cant watch as teammate Mateu Mo
 (TXT) Lopposition de lAllemagne compromet la levee des brevets sur les vacci
 (TXT) Los que tenemos plata nos la vamos a poder acomodar pero los pobres no
 (TXT) Lukaschenko zur Ryanair-Landung in Minsk- Zwang ist absolute Luge
 (TXT) Luxleaks - la CEDH valide la condamnation dun lanceur dalerte par la j
 (TXT) Lyon - des menaces de mort visant la police taguees sur une ecole apre
 (TXT) Machete-wielding youth kills 3 toddlers 2 employees at Brazilian nurse
 (TXT) Macron accuse denterrer le referendum sur le climat le gouvernement re
 (TXT) Macron dismisses vaccine patent waiver push blames Anglo Saxons for bl
 (TXT) Macron et le chaos
 (TXT) Major Chinese crypto exchange suspends domestic bitcoin mining operati
 (TXT) Major pipeline hacked- Why was it so easy (Full show)
 (TXT) Malaysias public transport boss sacked after kissing trains joke about
 (TXT) Malle Madness  Was auf Mallorca passiert bleibt auf Mallorca  Strippen
 (TXT) Man United vow to punish criminal activity in wake of Old Trafford unr
 (TXT) Manchester United supporter charged by police over protest against clu
 (TXT) Manchester Uniteds Premier League game with Liverpool postponed amid f
 (TXT) Mandatory quarantine for UK visitors to France over Indian Covid-19 va
 (TXT) Manifestantes y agentes heridos disturbios y saqueos en el septimo dia
 (TXT) Maradona medical team deficient and reckless before football icons dea
 (TXT) Marjorie Taylor Greene Mark Ruffalo and anyone else flinging around te
 (TXT) Marre des taxes et des restrictions sanitaires  Le rappeur 50 Cent dem
 (TXT) Marvel-lous- Zenits Dzyuba fulfils a dream by donning Deadpool costume
 (TXT) Mass exodus underway as ONE THIRD of employees leave tech company Base
 (TXT) Massacre dOdessa - sept ans apres Moscou demande a nouveau une enquete
 (TXT) Massive fire breaks out at oil refinery in Haifa Israel (VIDEO)
 (TXT) May Day mayhem- Protesters and riot cops battle in the streets of Lyon
 (TXT) Meat-eaters rebel after Greta Thunberg says world is fed unless we ado
 (TXT) Medienbericht- Frankreich soll EU-Milliarden-Bestellung von BioNTechPf
 (TXT) Medienberichte- Geimpfte und Genesene wohl schon ab diesem Wochenende 
 (TXT) Medienberichte- USA und Iran nahern sich im Atomstreit an
 (TXT) Meet the outspoken Rabbi who says Israel is a monster that should be r
 (TXT) Mehr Europa mehr NATO- Hohe Erwartungen an Blinkens Ukraine-Besuch
 (TXT) Mehr Freiheiten fur Geimpfte und Genesene- Bundestag stimmt dafur
 (TXT) Mehrere Festnahmen bei Querdenken-Demo in Berlin
 (TXT) Mehrere Raketen treffen erneut US-Stutzpunkte im Irak
 (TXT) Melinda Gates warned husband Bill about meeting sex predator Jeffrey E
 (TXT) Menschen sind das Problem nicht Katzen oder Hunde. Lasst unsere Hausti
 (TXT) Messerangriff in Brasilien- Jugendlicher totet mehrere Kinder und Betr
 (TXT) Mexican election candidate SHOT DEAD shortly after going LIVE on Faceb
 (TXT) Mexiko-Stadt- U-Bahn sturzt mehrere Meter tief - mindestens 20 Tote (V
 (TXT) Mieten in Berlin- Die meisten der Neubauwohnungen sind fur viele zu te
 (TXT) Mobilisation mondiale pour lInde qui ouvre sa campagne de vaccination 
 (TXT) More than 130 people reported missing in Nigeria after boat sank as it
 (TXT) More than half of French people support generals warning that France i
 (TXT) Mosambik- EU-Militareinsatz fur Erdgas
 (TXT) Moscou deplore une <<hysterie antirusse>> apres la convocation de son 
 (TXT) Moskau- Russland bereit zur Abkopplung vom SWIFT-Zahlungssystem
 (TXT) Moskau- Westen verargert dass Fakten uber Entwicklungen in der Ukraine
 (TXT) Moskauer Freiheit - Ein Reisebericht in Zeiten der Pandemie
 (TXT) Most severe sexual abuse- German police bust darknet child-porn platfo
 (TXT) MotoGP king Marquez suffers TERRIFYING crash on SAME TRACK which almos
 (TXT) Muere la actriz estadounidense y ganadora del premio Oscar Olympia Duk
 (TXT) Multi-millionaire pop star Ed Sheeran announces hes sponsoring a UK fo
 (TXT) Murder enquiry jury told ex-Premier League star Dalian Atkinson died a
 (TXT) Musk rejoiced too soon NASA halts lunar lander contract with SpaceX ov
 (TXT) Mutanten Sauerstoffmangel uberfullte Kliniken- Was ist wirklich los in
 (TXT) My body my choice- UFC fighter Jessica Eye who charges $7000 for naked
 (TXT) MyPillow founder & wannabe governor gets 86ed from Republican conventi
 (TXT) Myanmar- Leiche von festgenommenen Dichter Khet Thi mit fehlenden Orga
 (TXT) Myanmars anti-coup government establishes the Peoples Defence Force to
 (TXT) Myanmars ethnic rebels shoot down military helicopter as anti-coup pro
 (TXT) Mystery of giant craters in the Yamal tundra - finally solved
 (TXT) NSU 2.0- Mutmasslicher Verfasser von Drohschreiben festgenommen
 (TXT) NYT NBC & WaPo retract claim that FBI warned Rudy Giuliani he was targ
 (TXT) Na iuge Izrailia prozvuchala vozdushnaia trevoga
 (TXT) Nach Ablauf des Abzugstermins der US-Truppen- Taliban starten Grossoff
 (TXT) Nach Ablauf von ursprunglichem Abzugstermin- Taliban wollen gegen US-T
 (TXT) Nach Hackerangriff auf Pipeline- Auswirkungen konnten langer dauern al
 (TXT) Nach Wahlsieg- Nicola Sturgeon will Schottland in die Unabhangigkeit f
 (TXT) Nach der Verfassung von 2012 kann der syrische Prasident zwei Wahlperi
 (TXT) Nach heftigen Protesten und Generalstreik- Kolumbiens Regierung zieht 
 (TXT) Nachzahlung in Arizona- Maricopa County verweigert Freigabe von Hardwa
 (TXT) Nagelsmanns already winning us titles- Bayern fans rejoice at NINTH su
 (TXT) Nahostkonflikt- Raketenalarm in Israel - Luftangriff auf Gaza
 (TXT) Napoleon - Emmanuel Macron au coeur du bicentenaire... un choix contra
 (TXT) Napoleon may have been dead for 200 years but the English sport of Fre
 (TXT) Nawalny-Arzt nach Jagdausflug im sibirischen Wald wieder aufgetaucht
 (TXT) Nazis und Neonazis demonstrieren in Kiew- Marsch zu Ehren der ukrainis
 (TXT) Neandertaler als Beute fur Hyanen - Spektakulare Funde in italienische
 (TXT) Near future novel 2034- The Next World War is a cautionary tale of Ame
 (TXT) Netanjahu- In Ostjerusalem wird auch weiter fur judische Siedler gebau
 (TXT) Netanyahu vows to step up might and frequency of Israels attacks on Ga
 (TXT) Neue Pfizer-Studie- Vier Funftel aller geimpften Kinder ab 12 Jahre kl
 (TXT) Neun Tote und Dutzende Verletzte nach Amoklauf an Schule in russischer
 (TXT) Neuralink co-founder quits weeks after hinting brain-tweaking software
 (TXT) New Orleans offers free CRAWFISH to people who get first shot of Covid
 (TXT) New York police ID suspect in Times Square shooting say he meant to sh
 (TXT) New Zealand refuses to accuse China of genocide against Uighurs in bre
 (TXT) New approach to combat at sea- Russia eyes unleashing swarm of unmanne
 (TXT) Neymar fails to score for a seventh Champions League knockout game as 
 (TXT) Nicht genug ausgelastet Hunderte Bundesbeamte jobben nebenbei
 (TXT) Niederlande- Regierung verschiebt Offnungsschritte - Hunderte protesti
 (TXT) Niemand hat die Absicht eine Impfpflicht durch die Hintertur einzufuhr
 (TXT) No place in society- Irish club issues statement after claims youth pl
 (TXT) No way the fight is off- Boxing superstar Canelo opponent Saunders moc
 (TXT) Northern Irelands first minister and DUP leader Arlene Foster quits af
 (TXT) Norway to introduce Covid-19 vaccine certificates to attend events bef
 (TXT) Norwegen- Experten pladieren fur Verzicht auf Impfstoff von Johnson & 
 (TXT) Not a god reborn- Taiwan defends health minister criticized over minor
 (TXT) Not a penny more- Man United fans target clubs commercial sponsors as 
 (TXT) Not another SNL skit SpaceX to launch DOGE-1 satellite TO THE MOON in 
 (TXT) Nouvelle tribune de militaires - Castex denonce une <<manoeuvre politi
 (TXT) Now bow down- Romelu Lukaku goads Zlatan in thinly-veiled jibe as Inte
 (TXT) Now even Fauci accepts the lab leak theory of Covid-19 is possible. Wi
 (TXT) Nunca sera blanco- una mujer llama asesino y racista mexicano varias v
 (TXT) Obesity increases risk of severe Covid-19 particularly in young people
 (TXT) Offener Brief an Bundesaussenminister a. D. Joschka Fischer zu dessen 
 (TXT) Offentlich-rechtliche Sender raumen bei Grimme-Preisen ab
 (TXT) Officials joke about territorial war after Belgian farmer mistakenly m
 (TXT) Oil climbs over $67 as strong demand in US & China counters concerns o
 (TXT) One person dead in shooting at Canadas Vancouver International Airport
 (TXT) Only remedy I have- South Dakota governor suing Biden admin for blocki
 (TXT) Operation Anime- Onkel Sam will die Generation Z kodern
 (TXT) Opposition & human rights groups brand bloody Rio favela raid a massac
 (TXT) Osterreich- Bisher 20 COVID-19-Falle und sechs Todesfalle trotz vollst
 (TXT) Osterreich- Familienangehorige von Schlagerstar Stefan Mross ermordet
 (TXT) Ouighours investissements - rien ne va plus entre lUE et la Chine
 (TXT) Oversold and suspect- UFC veteran Markos rages at rival Pinheiro for s
 (TXT) PSG playboy Neymar prepared to die on the pitch at Manchester City in 
 (TXT) Pardon of Eden Real Madrid star Hazard apologizes for Chelsea fiasco a
 (TXT) Pardonnez-moi- Former French diplomat decried as misogynist for no mea
 (TXT) Parece una organizacion que quiere la paz- Ejercito israeli publica un
 (TXT) Paris - des policiers pris pour cible en dispersant une rave-party ill
 (TXT) Pariser Burgermeisterin unterstutzt Ex-Offiziere die vor Islamisierung
 (TXT) Pass sanitaire - <<Un risque de rupture de legalite entre les citoyens
 (TXT) Pass sanitaire sortie de crise - lAssemblee nationale examine le proje
 (TXT) Patients waiting up to 3 YEARS to see public-funded NHS dentist in Eng
 (TXT) Paul-Ehrlich-Institut meldet weitere schwere Thrombose-Falle nach COVI
 (TXT) Paying Libya to stop migrant flow is not on the cards Italian PMs offi
 (TXT) Paying the price- Man Utd lose out on PS200 million training kit deal 
 (TXT) Peche et Brexit - Paris menace de couper le courant electrique a Jerse
 (TXT) Peche et Brexit - nouvelles exigences de Londres <<nulles et non avenu
 (TXT) Pelosi wants to boycott China Olympics over human rights violations - 
 (TXT) Pentagon says its tracking Chinese rocket debris making uncontrolled r
 (TXT) Pentagon to halt construction on Trumps military-funded border wall af
 (TXT) Perou - le cri du peuple et le rugissement des elites - par Romain Mig
 (TXT) Petition des mille - grandeur et misere du <<devoir de reserve>> par R
 (TXT) Pfizer and BioNTech up Covid vaccine production capacity to 3 billion 
 (TXT) Philippines Duterte orders arrest of mask violators... after attending
 (TXT) Philippinischer Chefdiplomat wird deutlich- Verpss dich China
 (TXT) Plus de 1 400 migrants arrivent sur lile italienne de Lampedusa a bord
 (TXT) Pobeda Khemiltona oshibki Ferstappena i poslednee mesto Mazepina- chem
 (TXT) Poissy - un individu menace le maire Karl Olive en pleine nuit a son d
 (TXT) Polen kauft als erstes EU- und NATO-Mitgliedsland turkische Kampfdrohn
 (TXT) Polen und Ungarn setzen sich beim EU-Sozialgipfel gegen Gender Equalit
 (TXT) Police speed into Brussels protest with trucks blast demonstrators wit
 (TXT) Policier tue par balles a Avignon - LR et RN exhortent le gouvernement
 (TXT) Polish bare-knuckle bruiser Balboa bounces unconscious rival off ropes
 (TXT) Politically motivated crimes are on the rise in Germany; far-right off
 (TXT) Politiker und Medien orientieren auf Krieg- Feindbild Russland wird mi
 (TXT) Politische Krise in Israel vertieft sich- Netanjahu verpasst Frist zur
 (TXT) Politisches Comeback fur Maassen - Grosse Mehrheit der CDU-Delegierten
 (TXT) Positionspapier- FDP plant Steuererleichterungen fur Wirtschaft und Gu
 (TXT) Post Office victims and Ecuador lawsuits (E382)
 (TXT) Pour le Guide supreme iranien Ali Khamenei Israel est <<une base terro
 (TXT) Premier League star McBurnie arrested after punching and kicking man b
 (TXT) Premiere in der EU- Die Stadt Wien impft ab Mitte Mai auch Schwangere
 (TXT) Pretoria warns of vaccine apartheid if wealthy countries dont share Co
 (TXT) Prevent this kind of collective suicide- France warns Lebanese politic
 (TXT) Prince Harrys navel gazing narcissism in The Me You Cant See is no aid
 (TXT) Prisoners on our island- The UK is moving far too slowly with opening 
 (TXT) Pro-Palastina-Protest in Neukolln- Flaschenwurfe und Festnahmen
 (TXT) Proces George Floyd - lavocat de Derek Chauvin met en cause le jury et
 (TXT) Professional golfer Bowling arrested for sexting and proposing to meet
 (TXT) Protassewitschs Freundin spricht aus der Haft
 (TXT) Protesters clash with police set up GUILLOTINE with effigy of PM in Tu
 (TXT) Prozess um Terror-Schockbilder- Marie Le Pen freigesprochen
 (TXT) Putin fuhrt in Moskau Gesprache mit dem Prasidenten Tadschikistans
 (TXT) Putin submits bill for Russia to quit Open Skies Treaty confirms Mosco
 (TXT) Putin weist nach todlichen Schussen in Kasan Verscharfung der Regeln f
 (TXT) Putting in that work- Bare-knuckle bombshell VanZant shows off hand sp
 (TXT) Python alert- Japanese police search for 3.5-meter pet reptile that es
 (TXT) Qatar finance minister arrested over misuse of public money and abuse 
 (TXT) Quelle der Innovation - Merkel spricht sich gegen Aufhebung des Patent
 (TXT) Querdenker-Demos- Chef der Polizeigewerkschaft fordert Verbot
 (TXT) Quibbling over diplomatic rights for the EU and sending the navy to de
 (TXT) RKI verzerrt Inzidenzwert durch Einbeziehung von US-Soldaten und Asylb
 (TXT) RKI-Chef Wieler- Vor Lockerungen mussen deutlich uber 80 Prozent der B
 (TXT) RT DE fragt nach bei BPK- Durfen Kinder von geimpften Eltern wieder ih
 (TXT) RT News - April 30 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 01 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 01 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 02 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 02 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 03 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 03 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 04 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 04 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 05 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 06 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 06 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 07 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 07 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 08 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 09 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 09 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 10 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 10 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 11 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 25 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 26 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - May 26 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RTs Keiser Report looks at new phenomenon of small-time investors on f
 (TXT) RWI-Studie enthullt- Krankenhauser waren 2020 nie flachendeckend uberl
 (TXT) Ready to die for 3 points- Derby star CRASHES into post somehow recove
 (TXT) Reality Star Lala Kent on how motherhood changed her perspective
 (TXT) Rechtsmedizinisches Gutachten bestatigt- 32-Jahrige aus Westfalen star
 (TXT) Reckless posturing by the US over Russo-German Nord Stream 2 gas pipel
 (TXT) Red Cross warns Covid variants are running rampant across Asia as Indi
 (TXT) Ref trying to kill a man- Fans left in shock as MMA fight in Russia en
 (TXT) Reffing and blinding- PSG stars moan that no-nonsense Champions League
 (TXT) Reform football or watch its downfall- Super League trio Real Barca & 
 (TXT) Regionale Sicherheitsfragen- Inoffizielles Treffen zwischen US-Praside
 (TXT) Regionales dans les Hauts-de-France - Melenchon estime que Dupond-More
 (TXT) Regionalwahl Madrid- Konservative machen Wahlkampf gegen Corona-Massna
 (TXT) Reinician en secreto uno de los experimentos cientificos mas largos de
 (TXT) Relations entre la presse et les forces de securite - un rapport sever
 (TXT) Renseignement franc-maconnerie - demantelement dune incroyable officin
 (TXT) Reporter ohne Grenzen - eingebettete NGO mit Agenda
 (TXT) Researchers detect link between teenage brain thinning and onset of ps
 (TXT) Retrait de la liste LREM pour les regionales en PACA au profit du LR R
 (TXT) Risiko Corona-Schnelltest- Frau aus Osnabruck verliert Hirnwasser nach
 (TXT) Rockets fired on Jerusalem in attack claimed by Hamas after clashes be
 (TXT) Rockets strike Iraqi base housing US troops & other coalition forces -
 (TXT) Rokhaya Diallo integre la branche <<Gender+ Justice>> de luniversite d
 (TXT) Ronaldo to the rescue- Portugal superstar saves Andrea Pirlo and Juven
 (TXT) Ruckgang der Infektionszahlen- Bundesregierung sieht Corona-Notbremse 
 (TXT) Rusia no quiere remplazar a nadie en ningun punto del mundo solo quere
 (TXT) Russell Peters gives comedians a place to speak freely with Culturally
 (TXT) Russia authorizes Sputnik Light- Single-dose version of pioneering Cov
 (TXT) Russia had absolutely nothing to do with Colonial Pipeline cyberattack
 (TXT) Russia slashes dollar & euro from reserves in favor of gold & yuan
 (TXT) Russian parliament passes law to ban those involved with extremist & t
 (TXT) Russian women offend Muslim leaders by cheerily squatting in body-hugg
 (TXT) Russians queue up to donate blood for victims of Kazan high school sho
 (TXT) Russie - plus de 500 drones commemorent le vol de Iouri Gagarine dans 
 (TXT) Russie - premiere messe de Paques dans la cathedrale des forces armees
 (TXT) Russische Tu-22M3-Langstreckenbomber zu Ubungen in Syrien angekommen
 (TXT) Russischer Diplomat- Polen reisst uber 80 Prozent der Denkmaler fur so
 (TXT) Russischer Formel-1-Fahrer kniet vor dem Rennen nieder und sorgt fur I
 (TXT) Russland braucht Liberale in der Politik aber keine vom Ausland gelenk
 (TXT) Russland verhangt Einreiseverbot gegen acht EU-Vertreter
 (TXT) Russlands Botschafter- Westen politisiert Situation um Nawalnys Organi
 (TXT) Ryanair-Entfuhrung- Piloten entschieden Landung in Minsk - wie veroffe
 (TXT) SHfy mTl`- zydn qrr lrHyl `n ryl mdryd
 (TXT) Safe spaces for pro-Palestine campaigners makes a mockery of the conce
 (TXT) Saint-Brieuc - les pecheurs encerclent limposant bateau du chantier eo
 (TXT) Sannabis edibles land children in hospital following uncontrollable vo
 (TXT) Saudi Arabia plans to make Covid-19 vaccination MANDATORY for all work
 (TXT) Saudi deal for Joshua-Fury Battle of Britain superfight is a soulless 
 (TXT) Schone grune neue Welt- Wenn die Umwelt zerstort wird um das Klima zu 
 (TXT) Schottland- Klare Mehrheit fur Unabhangigkeits-Parteien in Parlamentsw
 (TXT) Schritt zur Normalitat- Kabinett beschliesst Lockerungen fur Geimpfte
 (TXT) Schwere Missbrauchs-Vorwurfe gegen die Hilfsorganisation SOS-Kinderdor
 (TXT) Scientists discover living fossil thought to have been extinct for 273
 (TXT) Scientists warn of new tsunami threat which could strike coastal citie
 (TXT) Scrum of the Earth- Victim spat at wife mobbed in court chaos after ru
 (TXT) Securite - au coeur de 2022 
 (TXT) Seehofer positiv auf Corona getestet
 (TXT) Serbien- 25 Euro Pramie fur Immunisierung - Impfpflicht im Staatsdiens
 (TXT) Serebrianye kamni- zhenskaia sbornaia Rossii po kiorlingu zaniala vtor
 (TXT) Seriously shocking failure- NHS Covid vaccine booking site under revie
 (TXT) Service with Pride or more Woke-Washing CIA recruitment ad featuring g
 (TXT) Seychellen- Obwohl Mehrheit der Bevolkerung vollstandig geimpft ist st
 (TXT) Shame on you- Outrage at NHL as thug receives tiny fine for brutal att
 (TXT) She dont like it downstairs- Champ escapes huge upset in bloody brawl 
 (TXT) Shooting surge hands previously safe Sweden one of the highest rates o
 (TXT) Show me your trash and I will tell who you are- How garbage reflects o
 (TXT) Showdown zwischen franzosischer und britischer Marine- Fischereistreit
 (TXT) Si fracasa el Gobierno de Lopez Obrador a Mexico le espera una mezcla 
 (TXT) Siberie - 1 700 Russes devalent les pentes du mont Zelionaia en maillo
 (TXT) Siete ensenanzas que nos dejan las elecciones madrilenas (y que son ut
 (TXT) Signal messenger takes aim at Instagrams hazy user data policies with 
 (TXT) Significant disagreements remain on Iran nuclear deal says French fore
 (TXT) Simple and reliable as Kalashnikov assault rifle- Putin speaks about R
 (TXT) Sin la excusa de la guerra el conflicto mas postergado llega a las cal
 (TXT) Sirens blare in Israel after 2 rockets fired from Gaza (VIDEOS)
 (TXT) Six individus dultra droite interpelles pour un projet dattentat contr
 (TXT) Skies above Kabul turn red as gas station catches fire outside Afghan 
 (TXT) Slogans pancarte et... mortiers dartifice - les lyceens mobilises recl
 (TXT) Smearing yourself in cow dung wont cure Covid Indian doctors warn as c
 (TXT) Snowden was right- Celebration and calls for pardon after European cou
 (TXT) So cringe- Punter punch-ups shame boxing as fans brawl during fight...
 (TXT) So now Covid anxiety syndrome is a thing We cant escape one crisis of 
 (TXT) So sehen Lockerungen in Berlin aus wenn Sie ein Bier in der Aussengast
 (TXT) Sofagate- Turkischer Aussenminister weist von der Leyens Vorwurfe zuru
 (TXT) Some RECOVERED Covid-19 patients dying from black fungus infection in 
 (TXT) Some evidence more women than men get rare blood clots with AstraZenec
 (TXT) Sommer Sonne und Lockdown Soder schliesst neuen Lockdown uber Juni hin
 (TXT) Sozial benachteiligte Menschen von COVID-19 besonders bedroht
 (TXT) Spahn plant Impfangebot fur Kinder und Jugendliche ab 12 Jahren bis En
 (TXT) Spanish police bust pharmacy worker accused of selling fake Covid-19 t
 (TXT) Spannungen an Grenze zwischen Kirgisistan und Tadschikistan- Prasident
 (TXT) Special report- water wars -- its getting worse (Full show)
 (TXT) Sputnik Light- Russland registriert vierten Corona-Impfstoff
 (TXT) Sputnik V in Ordnung - Slowakei will weitere Gesprache mit Moskau
 (TXT) Stalin fulfills political destiny comes to power in Indian state assem
 (TXT) Star Wars MMA promotion announces plans to hold fights IN SPACE with t
 (TXT) Stepping up at the right time- Chelsea fans salute magical Mount & two
 (TXT) Stop the massacre- Colombia tax protests continue after more than a do
 (TXT) Stores malls and restaurants to shut early in Egypt for two weeks incl
 (TXT) Straight b you are- McGregor teammate Danis calls out Bisping as ex-UF
 (TXT) Strasbourg - majorite et opposition secharpent sur une motion contre l
 (TXT) Street parties erupt in Spain as government lifts coronavirus curfew (
 (TXT) Streets set on fire as police and May Day protesters battle in Berlin 
 (TXT) Streit um Inzidenzzahlen im Kreis Kaiserslautern geht vor das Bundesve
 (TXT) Studie- Jede zusatzliche Stunde online mindert Lesekompetenz von Schul
 (TXT) Surveillance de masse - le tweet anti-Trump dune ex-journaliste de CNN
 (TXT) Susan Sarandon and Roger Waters to lead protest at corporate criminal 
 (TXT) Svobodu kazhdomu urodu
 (TXT) Swedish football fans protest absurd restrictions as they MASS in shop
 (TXT) Switzerland ends 7 years of treaty negotiations with EU over disagreem
 (TXT) Systemischer Rassismus in den USA- Luftverschmutzung trifft Schwarze d
 (TXT) TOLO- pri vzryvakh okolo shkoly v Kabule pogibli 63 cheloveka
 (TXT) Taiwan restaurant attacked with 1000+ cockroaches in likely hit by org
 (TXT) Taking vengeance because they believe in Allah- Khabib says pray for P
 (TXT) Tara Reade- Leave our pets alone green activists. Humans are the probl
 (TXT) Teacher reassigned after sucking mans NIPPLE during Zoom classroom
 (TXT) Technology to synchronize realities - 5G scholar
 (TXT) Tell the truth America... the G7 meeting is all about trying to contai
 (TXT) Terrified Aryna Sabalenka almost DROPS Madrid Open trophy after ticker
 (TXT) Teslas expansion plans in China put on hold due to US tariffs
 (TXT) Texas Dem party leader resigns after facing backlash for referring to 
 (TXT) The EU holding Pakistans trade hostage because of new blasphemy laws r
 (TXT) The European Parliament has called for regime change in Russia but no 
 (TXT) The Golden Globes are moronic but Hollywood boycotting them because th
 (TXT) The WOKEST place on earth Disney pushes critical race theory on staff 
 (TXT) The housing market may be booming for a fortunate few but the have-not
 (TXT) The internet once offered a promise of free speech for everyone; Big T
 (TXT) The man is a genius- Chelsea fans heap praise on mastermind Tuchel aft
 (TXT) The story of humanzee- how scientists tried to create a new human spec
 (TXT) Theres no labor shortage... Covid has simply shown people theres more 
 (TXT) Theyre coming to kill us- Canadas Rebel News CANCELED by PayPal withou
 (TXT) This is crazy- Shocking scenes as UFC fighter struggles to stand needs
 (TXT) Thuringens Wirtschaftsminister- EU-Exportverbote wegen Rohstoffknapphe
 (TXT) Tlbn ttw`d lntw bjrt mnsb@ m` nqD lmw`d l'Sly lnsHb qwth mn 'fGnstn
 (TXT) To the mooooonnn- Elon Musks SpaceX startet von Dogecoin finanzierten 
 (TXT) Tokyo Olympics athletes asked to lead by example by taking Covid-19 va
 (TXT) Toleranzgrenze erreicht Tiefpunkt- Brusseler mussen fur zwei Stunden i
 (TXT) Tote und Verletzte bei Protesten - UN verurteilen Polizeigewalt in Kol
 (TXT) Tourist rescued after being trapped on glass bridge that SHATTERED in 
 (TXT) Traders scramble to buy gasoline from Europe after US pipeline outage
 (TXT) Trennung von Bill und Melinda Gates- Zeit den Microsoft-Grunder von se
 (TXT) Tribune de militaires - le procureur de Paris ne voit pas matiere a po
 (TXT) Tribune de militaires - un ancien aumonier de larmee critique le chef 
 (TXT) Tribune des generaux - un appel au putsch  -- RT en francais
 (TXT) Trois medias americains retropedalent apres une fausse information sur
 (TXT) Trummer von chinesischer Rakete im Anflug - wen treffen sie
 (TXT) Trump wie Phonix aus der Asche US-Wahl-Stimmen in Arizona werden neu a
 (TXT) Trump-baiting fail- Ex-House speaker Paul Ryan joins Republican pariah
 (TXT) Trying to keep Australians safe- Canberra enforces and defends travel 
 (TXT) Tschechiens Ministerprasident spricht sich fur Deeskalation mit Russla
 (TXT) Tuchels Midas touch at Chelsea hands total vindication to Abramovich a
 (TXT) Turkische Kampfflugzeuge eroffnen Feuer auf PKK-Ziele im Nordirak
 (TXT) Turkischer Aussenminister wirft EU Nichteinhaltung des Migrationsabkom
 (TXT) Twitter BANS Trump Desk account after Democrats demand censorship
 (TXT) Twitter-Richtlinien- Zensur von Wissenschaft und Meinung statt Schutz 
 (TXT) UAE scientists inject immune camels with Covid-19 in search of clues t
 (TXT) UFC fighter is carried out of arena amid claims of fakery after female
 (TXT) UFC legend Nick Diaz announces shock partnership with adult site Strip
 (TXT) UK PM Johnson disappointed at EU attributing Northern Ireland issues t
 (TXT) UK govt considering ending social distancing indoors from next month i
 (TXT) UK minister lists green countries approved for English tourists in maj
 (TXT) UK reaches agreement with EU to end bitter row over post-Brexit diplom
 (TXT) UK soldiers unjustifiably killed nine innocent Northern Irish people d
 (TXT) UK to send ROYAL NAVY to Jersey waters as French fishermen threaten to
 (TXT) UKs Johnson says govt must be very careful as Indian Covid strain labe
 (TXT) UKs finance watchdog launches inquiry into Greensill collapse as ex-PM
 (TXT) UN chief Guterres encourages organizations staff to take Russias Sputn
 (TXT) UN warns Israels forced evictions in East Jerusalem could amount to wa
 (TXT) UN-Generalsekretar ruft Personal zu Impfungen mit Sputnik V auf
 (TXT) US Coast Guard fires 30 warning shots at unsafe & unprofessional Irani
 (TXT) US Senate Intelligence Committee intends to get to the bottom of myste
 (TXT) US airlines may soon weigh obese passengers and raise fares after drac
 (TXT) US chain challenged over freedom of speech after coffee shop owner is 
 (TXT) US energy production saw steepest drop on record in 2020
 (TXT) US facing MOST EPIC bond bubble in the history of bubbles strategist t
 (TXT) US labels seven Lebanese nationals as specially designated global terr
 (TXT) US removes Xiaomi from its blacklist of Communist Chinese military com
 (TXT) US- und EU-Sanktionen schaden Russland - aber Moskau hat Plane fur Geg
 (TXT) US-Aussenminister- Werden auf leichtsinnige russische Handlungen antwo
 (TXT) US-Blockadepolitik trifft auch deutsche Impfstoffhersteller
 (TXT) US-Botschaft rat Burgern Russland zu verlassen - und erntet Spott vom 
 (TXT) US-Gesundheitsbehorde andert Richtlinien fur PCR-Tests bei Geimpften
 (TXT) US-Mainstreammedien wachen auf- Radikalen Lobby-Gruppen geht kein Russ
 (TXT) US-Pharmariese Pfizer- Die skandalumwobene Fratze hinter der neuen Hoc
 (TXT) US-Prasident Biden erklart nationalen Notstand- Um russischer Bedrohun
 (TXT) US-Prasident Biden- Sanktionen wegen Nord Stream 2 waren kontraprodukt
 (TXT) US-Verteidigungsminister- Werden nicht chinesische Raketenteile abschi
 (TXT) USA lassen BioNTechPfizer-Impfstoff fur Kinder ab zwolf Jahren zu
 (TXT) USA prufen Falle von Herzmuskelentzundungen nach Corona-Impfungen
 (TXT) Uben fur die NATO-Ostfront - Bundeswehr heuert in Sachsen-Anhalt Leiha
 (TXT) Ukraine - le jeu dangereux de lOTAN - par John Laughland
 (TXT) Ukraine- Wir vergessen nicht. Wir vergeben nicht - Angehorige gedenken
 (TXT) Ul'timatum KhAMAS raketnye udary i zhertvy- chto izvestno ob eskalatsi
 (TXT) Umfrage- Mehr Bewohner Berlins fur Enteignung von Wohnungsunternehmen
 (TXT) Un 1er-Mai aux airs de pre-campagne presidentielle 
 (TXT) Un ancien candidat de telerealite reconverti en <<influenceur musulman
 (TXT) Un chasseur russe Sukhoi escorte trois avions francais au-dessus de la
 (TXT) Un hombre que violo a una nina de 13 anos recibe un ataque brutal al l
 (TXT) Un homme arme tente de penetrer au siege de la CIA
 (TXT) Un memorial de la deportation vandalise a Marseille la mairie veut por
 (TXT) Un pont de metro aerien seffondre au Mexique 13 morts et 70 blesses
 (TXT) Un responsable syndical exclu en raison de sa candidature sur une list
 (TXT) Un senador de EE.UU. participa de una videoconferencia mientras conduc
 (TXT) Un tiktoker lanza en broma una criptomoneda llamada Estafa y logra un 
 (TXT) Un youtuber crea un Lamborghini de carton lo vende por mas de 10.000 d
 (TXT) Una operacion policial deja 25 muertos en una favela de Rio de Janeiro
 (TXT) Una persona muerta y 6 heridas tras una agresion israeli con misiles c
 (TXT) Une fusillade eclate dans une ecole de Kazan au moins neuf morts
 (TXT) Une rave-party interrompue par les gendarmes dans les Cotes-dArmor
 (TXT) Ungluck in Mexiko-Stadt- U-Bahnbrucke zum Teil eingesturzt - 13 Tote 7
 (TXT) Uni-Empfehlung an Politik- Impfbereitschaft lasst sich durch Freiheite
 (TXT) United against the Glazers- How long-running resentment from Man Utd f
 (TXT) Uno de los pecados originales de EE.UU. con China es haber querido man
 (TXT) Uruguay reporta el primer caso de hongo negro en un paciente con covid
 (TXT) Using Russiagate & bounties logic anonymous officials now claim GRU be
 (TXT) V Izraile zaiavili o prodolzhaiushchikhsia 10 chasov raketnykh obstrel
 (TXT) V Izraile zaiavili o shesti postradavshikh ot raketnogo obstrela
 (TXT) VIDEO- Captan en el cielo lo que serian restos del cohete descontrolad
 (TXT) VIDEO- El asesinato de un activista provoca fuertes protestas en Irak 
 (TXT) VIDEO- El brutal ataque armado a un carro de valores en movimiento sor
 (TXT) VIDEO- La WWE anuncia el regreso de su exestrella Eva Marie tras anos 
 (TXT) VIDEO- La brutal oleada de golpes de Canelo Alvarez que marco el fin d
 (TXT) VIDEO- Luchador de MMA lanza una brutal patada a la cara a su rival y 
 (TXT) VIDEO- Un balcon abarrotado de gente colapsa sobre una playa rocosa y 
 (TXT) VIDEO- Un luchador de MMA se resbala y derrota a su rival en 17 segund
 (TXT) VIDEOS- Se producen fuertes enfrentamientos entre comunidad indigenas 
 (TXT) Vaccination en Ehpad - Sante publique France remet en cause les chiffr
 (TXT) Vaccination en France - les zones les plus touchees par le Covid-19 ne
 (TXT) Vaccination obligatoire pour les militaires francais envoyes en operat
 (TXT) Vayase a la mierda- el ministro de Exteriores filipino exige a China s
 (TXT) Venezuelas overtures to US will be ignored as Washington persists with
 (TXT) Verfassungsgericht lehnt Eilantrage gegen Ausgangsbeschrankungen ab
 (TXT) Verimpft- Frau bekommt eine ganze Ampulle des BioNTech-Impfstoffes ver
 (TXT) Vermeidbare Todesopfer - UN gibt EU Mitschuld an Tod von Bootsfluchtli
 (TXT) Vers un baccalaureat en controle continu  <<Personne nest pret pour pa
 (TXT) Vers un pass sanitaire aussi pour les enfants 
 (TXT) Verscharfung des Klimaschutzgesetzes- CO2-Preis von 100 Euro droht - H
 (TXT) Victory Day parade marking 76th anniversary of Nazi defeat kicks off a
 (TXT) Vierte Gewalt mal anders- Thuringer DJV-Funktionar attackiert in Weima
 (TXT) Villarreal beat Man Utd to win Europa League in incredible penalty sho
 (TXT) Violence erupts in East Jerusalem as Israeli police disperse protester
 (TXT) Violences a Jerusalem - Erdogan qualifie Israel dEtat <<terroriste cru
 (TXT) Violences du 1er-Mai et affaire des passeports - Benalla sera juge a p
 (TXT) Vladimir Poutine egalement favorable a la levee des brevets sur les va
 (TXT) Vladimir Poutine propose au Parlement russe le retrait du traite Ciel 
 (TXT) Vladimir Poutine salue des veterans de la Seconde Guerre mondiale apre
 (TXT) Von der Leyen says EU ready to discuss Covid-19 vaccine patent waiver 
 (TXT) Vorermittlungen wegen einer familienrichterlichen Entscheidung zur Mas
 (TXT) Vorsorgeuntersuchungen wegen Angst vor Coronavirus vermieden - Tausend
 (TXT) WATCH chaos gripping Paris as violence & vandalism mark May Day protes
 (TXT) WATCH- Aftermath of deadly Mexico City train crash captured in shockin
 (TXT) WATCH- Behind scenes footage shows playful Canelo posing and boasting 
 (TXT) WATCH- Moment 19-year-old Russian Ilnaz Galyaviev entered high school 
 (TXT) WATCH- Russia intercepts French jets over Black Sea as country detects
 (TXT) WHO asks Big Pharma for more transparent vaccine data with fewer redac
 (TXT) WHO classes Indian Covid-19 variant as global concern amid worries of 
 (TXT) WWF Osterreich- Pandemie verscharft das Problem der Lebensmittelversch
 (TXT) WaPos Democracy Dies in Darkness - but with any more fake press freedo
 (TXT) Wagenknechts gerechter Arger- Das fatale Wirken der Selbstgerechten un
 (TXT) Watch out Macron & Le Pen TV firebrand Eric Zemmour has topped French 
 (TXT) Watch out New York Russian space agency posts map of where Chinese roc
 (TXT) We do NOT own Man U- NFL guru Jay Glazer in case of mistaken identity 
 (TXT) We see that aversion- Western media cant handle Djokovic success becau
 (TXT) Wegen Vertreibung palastinensischer Familien- Polizeieinsatz in Ost-Je
 (TXT) Weissrussische Opposition spricht von neuer Phase des Drucks und ist b
 (TXT) Welcome reassurance- Mild Covid-19 infection unlikely to cause lasting
 (TXT) Wer ist genesen wer nicht Deutsche Behorden sorgen fur Chaos
 (TXT) Western enemies of Belarus are using country as testing ground before 
 (TXT) What did she kick a circular saw Polish UFC star Jedrzejczyk displays 
 (TXT) Where were you Dana UFCs Cutelaba grabs rival Jacoby by neck as fans c
 (TXT) Why must Americans rely on foreign media to expose the deplorable cond
 (TXT) Wie im Vorfeld geplant- Aussenminister der G7-Staaten attackieren Russ
 (TXT) Wie im alten Empire Britischer Flottenverband geht auf Image-Tour um d
 (TXT) Wieder Stierkampf in Spanien- Tausende Madrilenen feiern
 (TXT) Wieso verurteilte Bundesregierung nie forcierte Landungen von Evo Mora
 (TXT) Wife of prominent Kiev politician sparks outrage among nationalists by
 (TXT) With trans weightlifter set to make history at the Olympics elite wome
 (TXT) With violence rising and politicians promoting gun control 35% of US f
 (TXT) Wladimir Putin bei Siegesparade in Moskau- Russland verteidigt konsequ
 (TXT) Wladimir Putin- Einfuhrung einer Impfpflicht unzweckmassig
 (TXT) Woke-washing history BBC show will teach children that early Britons w
 (TXT) Woman in Vietnam dies from anaphylaxis after receiving AstraZenecas Co
 (TXT) Woman who fell from Tehran tower was Swiss embassys first secretary
 (TXT) World sees US as significantly greater threat to democracy than Russia
 (TXT) Writer suggests Nazi invasion never happened as Russia observes V-Day 
 (TXT) Wrong answer- Big Pharma group up in arms after Biden signals support 
 (TXT) You are a fcking pssy- Boxing great Canelo hits back at Billy Joe Saun
 (TXT) You are the best- Thiago Silvas wife reappraises Werner after goal as 
 (TXT) You cant choose what to kneel for- Russian F1 driver Mazepin takes kne
 (TXT) You dont talk trash to Canelo- Alvarez forces Saunders to quit on stoo
 (TXT) Your life mattered- WWE star Alexa Bliss distraught as pet pig dies ac
 (TXT) Zensur- Facebook loscht Seite von RT-Tochterunternehmen Redfish mit 83
 (TXT) Zhaliashchii dzheb i preimushchestvo v skorosti- kak Bivol pobedil Ric
 (TXT) Zinedine Zidane LEAVES Real Madrid managers post with immediate effect
 (TXT) Zum Tag der Pressefreiheit- BPK-Mitglieder verfassen offenen Brief geg
 (TXT) Zum Tag der Pressefreiheit- Russland rugt Ukraine baltische Staaten un
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 (TXT) thywby tdrj jbh@ tHryr tGry `l~ qy'm@ lrhb
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