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 (TXT) 'sr` `d@ fy lwlyt lmtHd@ tntqd l'shkhS lmthlyyn lm`rDyn llmryjwn
 (TXT) 'uns jbr 'wl twnsy@ tt'hl l~ thlth 'dwr wymbldwn bfwzh `l~ l'mryky@ wy
 (TXT) 'wl mtHwl@ jnsy tnfs `l~ lqb mlk@ jml lwlyt lmtHd@
 (TXT) 'wlynwf yw'kd 'hmy@ Dmn tshGyl kmyrt lfydyw fy lmnshat lnwwy@ lyrny@
 (TXT) 140 children kidnapped by gunmen in latest school raid in Nigeria
 (TXT) 1500 rescuers wade through mud to find survivors in wake of catastroph
 (TXT) 2 killed 20 missing as powerful landslide ploughs through houses due t
 (TXT) 300 soignants italiens engagent une <<bataille democratique>> contre l
 (TXT) 4 Covid vaccines approved by EU protect against Delta & other variants
 (TXT) 45 dead dozens rescued after military transport plane crashes in the P
 (TXT) 600 nouveaux instructeurs russes deployes en Centrafrique
 (TXT) <<Bol'shoi shlem>> Ferstappena podium Norrisa i polomka Khemiltona- ch
 (TXT) <<Cest la seule digue>> - Bayrou plaide pour la vaccination obligatoir
 (TXT) <<Erreur strategique>> <<decision opaque>> - des Suisses critiquent le
 (TXT) <<Jai envie dy croire>> - qui sont les jeunes militants de Generation 
 (TXT) <<Je veux parler de choses joyeuses mec >> - Biden balaie des question
 (TXT) <<Je vois la societe se racialiser progressivement>> sinquiete Macron 
 (TXT) <<Nous ne reviendrons pas au Front national>> - Marine Le Pen veut dir
 (TXT) <<On nous envoie les vaccins ou on nous rend largent>> - Maduro adress
 (TXT) <<On veut travailler>> - des salaries protestent contre la fermeture d
 (TXT) <<On voobshche-to otlichnyi pisatel'>>- Tarantino vypustil roman po fi
 (TXT) <<Operations planifiees depuis letranger>> - Moscou impute a Washingto
 (TXT) <<Recel de crimes contre lhumanite>>- la France ouvre une enquete sur 
 (TXT) <<Soupcons de corruption>> - un juge va enqueter sur la vente controve
 (TXT) <<Trebovanie prozvuchalo ne vovremia>>- rossiiskim sinkhronistkam zapr
 (TXT) <<Une frontiere plus dangereuse que jamais>> - Trump fustige la politi
 (TXT) <<Une provocation evidente>> - Vladimir Poutine revient sur lincident 
 (TXT) A Cannes le savoir-faire spatial francais au service de lobservation d
 (TXT) Abzug aus Afghanistan- Menschen wuhlen sich durch hinterlassene Mullbe
 (TXT) Abzug der US-Truppen als Symbol des Scheiterns- Afghanistan-Krieg wird
 (TXT) Accord a lOCDE entre 140 pays concernant une reforme de la taxation de
 (TXT) Activists spray BLACK PAINT over LVMHs posh Paris store to protest ine
 (TXT) Afghanistan- 1.000 Regierungssoldaten fliehen uber Grenze - Taliban ru
 (TXT) Afghanistan- Regierungssoldaten uberlassen Taliban kampflos ihre Ausru
 (TXT) Afghanistan- US-Militar verlasst Luftwaffenstutzpunkt Bagram
 (TXT) Aim low- US Air Force to allow WALKING instead of running in physical 
 (TXT) Almost 25% of Covid cases in Belgium are more transmissible Delta vari
 (TXT) Amazons Marsch in die Hollenlandschaft eines woken Hollywood
 (TXT) Americans prefer low immigration by 3-to-1 margin poll shows which may
 (TXT) Amtsgericht kannte Angreifer von Wurzburg- Bayerische Behorden lehnten
 (TXT) Amy Gutmann - Uniprofessorin mit deutsch-judischen Wurzeln als neue US
 (TXT) Analysten- Weissrussland hat wenig von EU-Sanktionen zu befurchten
 (TXT) Ankaras top court rules detention of pro-Kurdish lawmaker violated his
 (TXT) Another Canadian church goes up in flames amid suspicion arson attacks
 (TXT) Armed drone intercepted near US Embassy in Baghdad after rockets hit b
 (TXT) Armed police raid French Ministry of Justice minister targeted in conf
 (TXT) Asi que te viole- un violador escribe en Facebook a su victima siete a
 (TXT) Assange 50- Das Paradoxon der Freiheit als erlebte Nicht-Freiheit
 (TXT) Assange a 50 ans en prison - un rappel du paradoxe de la democratie oc
 (TXT) Assange- Heuchelei als politische Kunstform der USA
 (TXT) Assoziation mit Russland- IOK verbietet russischem Team Baren-Abbildun
 (TXT) At least 4 killed as one of the most destructive fires in decades rage
 (TXT) Au Senegal la hausse des contaminations au Covid-19 preoccupe les auto
 (TXT) Aufregung in Russland- Maskenverweigerin mit Gewalt aus Behorde gezerr
 (TXT) Aus Angst vor der Gender-Gestapo- IOC verdient Goldmedaille fur Absurd
 (TXT) Bad tackle- Chelsea ace Pulisic in hot water with animal rights groups
 (TXT) Baerbocks Bussgeldkatalog  Das Grun steht fur Verbot  Strippenzieher
 (TXT) Baerplag - Grune (t)wittern Rufmord
 (TXT) Bangladesh to extend military lockdown until July 14 as Covid-19 cases
 (TXT) Bayerns Regierung und Lauterbach fordern Sanktionen gegen Impfschwanze
 (TXT) Belgium star Courtois sister apologizes to stricken Spinazzola after a
 (TXT) Berlin- Bericht uber Betrug bei Firmen zur Bewachung von Fluchtlingsun
 (TXT) Beschwerde ubers Wetter- Agypter wird in Kuwait festgenommen
 (TXT) Bezos steps down as Amazon CEO after 27 years as Andy Jassy officially
 (TXT) Biden administration defends celebrating 16-cent savings on July 4 BBQ
 (TXT) Biden in Rede am Unabhangigkeitstag- Impfen ist das Patriotischste was
 (TXT) Biden says NO plan for imminent withdrawal of remaining troops in Afgh
 (TXT) Biden unterschreibt Gesetze zur Abgrenzung von Trump-Regierung
 (TXT) Bielorussie - Loukachenko annonce <<la fermeture complete>> de la fron
 (TXT) Bill Cosby difunde su primer mensaje tras salir de prision
 (TXT) Bill Cosby is getting out of prison but like America hell never regain
 (TXT) BioNTechPfizer Impfstoff soll nur 60 bis 80 Prozent Wirksamkeit gegen 
 (TXT) Black Lives Matter gestures given green light for Tokyo Games as Olymp
 (TXT) Black owners of Texas restaurant accused of racism after introducing e
 (TXT) Black people still arent free- Congressional Squad member Cori Bush sa
 (TXT) Boeing cargo plane lands on water off Hawaii after engine trouble
 (TXT) Bohrinsel zerstort Explosion vor der Kuste Aserbaidschans
 (TXT) Boris Johnsons UK government gave out pathetic pandemic pay rise to he
 (TXT) Boxing icon Jones Jr reveals how hard Mike Tyson still hits - and says
 (TXT) Brazil star Gabriel Jesus sees red for horror kung-fu lunge at face of
 (TXT) Brussel- Hunderte Migranten treten in Hungerstreik fur legalen Status
 (TXT) Bundesinnenministerium- Kein grossangelegter Cyberangriff auf kritisch
 (TXT) COVID-Zertifikat kommt zum Zug - Kroatien und Tschechien andern Einrei
 (TXT) Campaign to show that not everyone in the UK is horrible raises thousa
 (TXT) Captain Kirk jetzt bei RT America - Abgespacter Shitstorm bricht los
 (TXT) Cascada de decisiones electorales (e internacionales) en Venezuela- ha
 (TXT) Chef der kassenarztlichen Vereinigung zu Delta-Debatte- Alarmismus vol
 (TXT) Chelsea captain Cesar Azpilicueta talks Champions League glory return 
 (TXT) Chili - le processus de redaction de la nouvelle Constitution commence
 (TXT) China fordert Untersuchung aller durch USA und westliche Lander verubt
 (TXT) China wins fight against malaria completely ridding country of disease
 (TXT) Chinas foreign minister calls for international Great Wall of Immunity
 (TXT) Chinese yuans share of global currency reserves hits new high
 (TXT) Chronique eco de Jacques Sapir - Teletravail - la fin dune grande illu
 (TXT) Cisjordanie - nouvelle manifestation a Ramallah contre Mahmoud Abbas
 (TXT) Clothing police- Leftist Melenchon denounces Macron for opposing crop 
 (TXT) Colonies israeliennes - un fonds de pension norvegien se desengage des
 (TXT) Comedystar Bill Cosby wieder auf freiem Fuss - Gericht hebt Urteil weg
 (TXT) Coming back to Russia is always nice- Switzerland don Petkovic shuns Z
 (TXT) Comment fonctionne le pass sanitaire europeen qui entre en vigueur ce 
 (TXT) Con tan solo 12 anos un ajedrecista prodigio se convierte en el Gran M
 (TXT) Condenan a cadena perpetua a una policia argentina que asesino y robo 
 (TXT) Cooperation asiatique reponse aux menaces exterieures... La nouvelle s
 (TXT) Corona-Ausschuss- Ein unfassbar grosses Verbrechen - Teil 1
 (TXT) Covid lottery- Slovakia to roll out cash prize scheme to incentivize p
 (TXT) Covid pandemic propels record growth of Russian e-commerce
 (TXT) Covid-19 - face au variant Delta retour dun couvre-feu dans 45 commune
 (TXT) Covid-19 - la Haute autorite de sante envisage lobligation vaccinale d
 (TXT) Covid-19 - leventualite de la vaccination obligatoire suscite le debat
 (TXT) Crack a Paris - les toxicomanes evacues des jardins dEole (VIDEO)
 (TXT) Crean una plataforma que permite a los menores abrir sus propias tiend
 (TXT) Creating long-term healthy habits with TOMS founder Blake Mycoskie
 (TXT) Cristiano Ronaldo could EXTEND Juventus deal to keep him at club for a
 (TXT) Cristiano Ronaldo topples The Rock on Instagram rich list - as figures
 (TXT) CureVac-Chef rechnet mit EU-Zulassung des Corona-Impfstoffes trotz nie
 (TXT) Cyberhack dispute- Russian diplomats say Moscow not behind attacks on 
 (TXT) Das Geheimrezept fur den Erfolg des chinesischen Kommunismus (Teil 1)
 (TXT) Das Geheimrezept fur den Erfolg des chinesischen Kommunismus (Teil 2)
 (TXT) Das Marchen von der Betriebsrente
 (TXT) Del dolor al triunfo en segundos- emociones sinceras convierten a un h
 (TXT) Delfraissy recommande la vaccination obligatoire des soignants - <<Jai
 (TXT) Delta versus Reisefreiheit- EU erinnert Mitglieder an ihr Versprechen
 (TXT) Dem Druck aus Deutschland gebeugt Griechenland verlangt Test fur geimp
 (TXT) Denmark fan speaks out after Euro 2020 rainbow flag confiscated in Bak
 (TXT) Denmark manager Hjulmand wants Boris Johnson to wake up and allow Dane
 (TXT) Dont judge me- US sprint star facing heartbreaking Olympics ban after 
 (TXT) Dritte Welle in Russland- Harte Einschrankungen und QR-Codes
 (TXT) Dupond-Moretti convoque devant la CJR le 16 juillet pour des soupcons 
 (TXT) Dutch broadcaster apologizes after subtitling German national anthem w
 (TXT) EUs Covid passport goes live across 27-country bloc but Ireland left b
 (TXT) England- COVID-19-Massnahmen sollen am 19. Juli aufgehoben werden
 (TXT) Englands Covid-19 prevalence shoots up to 1 in 260 people as Delta var
 (TXT) Englands legal Covid-19 restrictions to be dropped in two weeks PM Joh
 (TXT) Entre soutien et denonciation laction dAttac contre la Samaritaine div
 (TXT) Eric Adams sues over 135000 test ballots added to NYC mayoral race cou
 (TXT) Es ist Zeit das US-Experiment in Afghanistan auf den Scheiterhaufen de
 (TXT) Euro - des stadiers confisquent le drapeau arc-en-ciel dun supporter d
 (TXT) Euro 2020 - les joueurs anglais siffles apres avoir mis un genou a ter
 (TXT) Ex-Chelsea and Man Utd boss Jose Mourinho appears to make dig at forei
 (TXT) Ex-UFC champ Conor McGregor denies hes suffering from a staph infectio
 (TXT) FULL SHOW- Amazons carbon footprint increased during pandemic
 (TXT) FULL SHOW- Microsoft reveals shocking prevalence of DOJs snooping on A
 (TXT) FULL SHOW- UK worried more govt secrets could be leaked
 (TXT) Fall Epstein- Falls Ghislaine Maxwell reden mochte wird die Welt zuhor
 (TXT) Federal judge BLOCKS Floridas anti-censorship law says it violates Big
 (TXT) Fighting rages near New York as government forces battle breakaway mil
 (TXT) Fireworks blamed in death of ice hockey star Matiss Kivlenieks as new 
 (TXT) Florida condo collapse- Three more victims bring death toll to 27 afte
 (TXT) Folgen der Pandemie- Lebenserwartung in Englands armen Gegenden drasti
 (TXT) Football - Ousmane Dembele et Antoine Griezmann accuses de racisme env
 (TXT) Football star has to have surgery after unprovoked attack by autograph
 (TXT) Former EU chief Donald Tusk returns to Polish politics in bid to unsea
 (TXT) Former top Trump aide launches GETTR social media app to fight cancel 
 (TXT) Four-goal Three Lions rout Ukraine in Rome as Kane hits double and Eng
 (TXT) Frances Council of State sets nine-month deadline for government to me
 (TXT) Francois Fillon rejoint le conseil dadministration du groupe petrolier
 (TXT) Frankfurter Schuler wollen Maskenpflicht am Platz zuruck
 (TXT) Frankreich- Marine Le Pen als Parteichefin wiedergewahlt
 (TXT) French Senate considers mandatory Covid vaccines for adults aged 24-59
 (TXT) French senate votes against referendum on protecting climate change fi
 (TXT) French tennis flop Paire escapes fine after being heckled for not tryi
 (TXT) Fresh anthem scandal hits US sports as womens soccer team denies disre
 (TXT) Garbage bin of a heart & brain- Fans lay into Premier League ref over 
 (TXT) Geldstrafe fur Impfverweigerer geplant Zahl offenbar grosser als im Ma
 (TXT) Generalbundesanwalt ermittelt gegen Mitarbeiter des Verfassungsschutze
 (TXT) Georgien- CSD-Parade in Tiflis nach Ausschreitungen abgesagt
 (TXT) German minister slams utterly irresponsible UEFA for putting commercia
 (TXT) Germanys CureVac jab shows only 48% effectiveness against Covid-19 in 
 (TXT) Gesundheitsfunktionar fordert deutlich weniger Kliniken im deutschen G
 (TXT) Gewalt und Kriminalitat am Strand- Obdachlosencamp in Los Angeles beun
 (TXT) Glory to Ukraine- Shevchenko can count on tennis stunner Svitolina & b
 (TXT) Grabwurmer des Chaos- EU-Sanktionen gegen Weissrussland bereiten zweit
 (TXT) Great crimes- AIBA president Kremlev commissions McLaren report into b
 (TXT) Greve aux aeroports de Paris - les manifestants denoncent la <<trahiso
 (TXT) Grosse Mehrheit der Deutschen rechnet mit erneuter Verscharfung der Co
 (TXT) Gruesome head wound- Stunning Russian womens football star leaves pitc
 (TXT) HIV vaccine trial launched at University of Oxford in bid to end 40-ye
 (TXT) HRSV breitet sich in USA trotz Sommertemperaturen aus- Corona-Lockerun
 (TXT) Hackers demand $70 million to restore data from hundreds of companies 
 (TXT) Hacking attack forces Swedish supermarket chain with 800 stores to shu
 (TXT) Hey doctor - leave those kids alone Theres no need to vaccinate health
 (TXT) Hinweis auf Laborursprung Coronaviren erstaunlich gut an menschliche Z
 (TXT) Hml@ tbr`t t`wyD `n fDyH@ lft@ l'lmny@ lbky@
 (TXT) Hochwasserwarnung in Sotschi - Behorden bereiten Einwohner auf Evakuie
 (TXT) Hot dog-loving Paige Spiranac posts revealing 4th of July snap as shes
 (TXT) Housing trans women convicted of sexual offences in female prisons is 
 (TXT) Huge blast at Romanias largest oil refinery sends black smoke billowin
 (TXT) Hurrikan Elsa verursacht Zerstorungen in Karibik
 (TXT) I could buy a house- White House brags about 16-CENT price drop for Ju
 (TXT) I fear that the sustained and unreasonable attacks on white people in 
 (TXT) I thought he was French- Man. Citys Laporte & Spain defender Torres br
 (TXT) Im going to do it again- Cat burglars who targeted Chelsea star Silva 
 (TXT) Im in shock- Swiss super fan whose topless Euro euphoria was shared by
 (TXT) Im not racist sexist or homophobic- Italian hothead Gattuso blasts key
 (TXT) Imagenes satelitales muestran que China estaria construyendo mas de 10
 (TXT) Immense Waldbrande durch Rekordhitze in Kanada - Historisches Dorf zu 
 (TXT) Imposer des <<valeurs europeennes imaginaires>> risque de mener lUE a 
 (TXT) In Danas corner- Fighters are wrong to claim UFC boss exploits them ov
 (TXT) In Moskau startet COVID-19-Nachimpfung
 (TXT) Indian hospital closed amid FAKE COVID VACCINE scam as 2500+ are feare
 (TXT) Indias official Covid death toll climbs past 400000 but real figure co
 (TXT) Individu arme tue dans le Val-dOise - les deux agents de la SNCF mis e
 (TXT) Indoctrination is replacing education in UK schools as the mission to 
 (TXT) Inflation hurts American working class as Fed prints money like its go
 (TXT) Injures racistes contre une caissiere - une femme condamnee a six mois
 (TXT) Invisible electrical bursts could be cue for explosive ash-heavy volca
 (TXT) Iran will be swept by FIFTH wave of Covid if authorities dont fight De
 (TXT) Irans Bushehr nuclear power plant resumes operation after two-week mai
 (TXT) Iraq War architect Donald Rumsfeld dead at 88
 (TXT) Is being a dumbss an arrestable offence- Row breaks out after woman is
 (TXT) Israel negotiates vaccine swap with another country after Palestinians
 (TXT) Israel to send 700k expiring vaccine doses to South Korea in swap deal
 (TXT) Israel- Neuer Ministerprasident alte Tone - Bennet will angebliche ira
 (TXT) Israeli cargo ship gets attacked by an unknown weapon catches fire in 
 (TXT) Israeli settlers to cease illegal occupation of West Bank outpost regi
 (TXT) Italian cardinal among 10 people charged by Vatican in landmark case i
 (TXT) Italian prosecutors to probe Libyan coastguard for shooting & trying t
 (TXT) Italien- Beschaftigte im Gesundheitswesen klagen gegen Impfpflicht
 (TXT) Italienische Polizei zerschlagt mehrere Telegram-Kanale fur Handel mit
 (TXT) Its about time- Liberals celebrate conservative Meghan McCain leaving 
 (TXT) Japan & Philippines to hold joint air force drills for first time amid
 (TXT) Joven es acusado de matar a 2 hermanas para acatar un pacto con el dia
 (TXT) Joven sin formacion crea cursos preparatorios para los examenes por Wh
 (TXT) Julian Assange <<fete>> ses 50 ans en prison - ses soutiens se mobilis
 (TXT) Just incredible- Spanish TV goes hysterical & artist makes huge image 
 (TXT) Kamalas Staff Treated Like Sh
 (TXT) Kanada- Mehr als 180 weitere Graber in der Nahe einer ehemaligen katho
 (TXT) Kanada- Weiterer Leichenfund setzt katholische Kirche unter Druck
 (TXT) Kreatives Schummeln- Britische Schuler verwenden Orangensaft um positi
 (TXT) Kriegsschiffe und Sabelrasseln - Steuern wir auf ein neues 1914 zu
 (TXT) Kylian Mbappe will NOT renew deal at PSG as details emerge of fight in
 (TXT) LA SOURCE - Terres rares - maxi-pollution pour hautes technologies
 (TXT) La France annonce reprendre ses operations militaires conjointes avec 
 (TXT) La Lituanie delivre un statut diplomatique a lequipe de lopposante bie
 (TXT) La Nueva Ruta de la Seda como piedra de tropiezo en las relaciones ent
 (TXT) La Policia de Brasil desaloja por la fuerza a cientos de familias que 
 (TXT) La diplomatie britannique sexcuse pour avoir refuse le recrutement de 
 (TXT) La localidad entera esta en llamas- el fuego destruye el 90 % de un pu
 (TXT) Largest 5th-generation J-20 Mighty Dragon fleet flies over Tiananmen S
 (TXT) Larmee francaise annonce la mort ou larrestation de cadres du groupe E
 (TXT) Lauterbach legt nach- UEFA ubernimmt die Verantwortung fur zahlreiche 
 (TXT) Lauterbach rudert zuruck - Das Risiko dass Kinder hospitalisiert werde
 (TXT) Lebanon security chief faces prosecution over fatal Beirut Port blast
 (TXT) Let woke horror movies die- The Forever Purge begs for liberal praise 
 (TXT) London man charged with assault after viral video showed him harassing
 (TXT) Louisiana governor & FEMA rep raise eyebrows with video urging Covid-1
 (TXT) Low & behold German World Cup winner Joachim Low on short list to repl
 (TXT) Luxembourg PM serious but stable with Covid-19 will be hospitalized fo
 (TXT) MASSIVE FIREBALL in Caspian Sea near site of gas pipeline off Azerbaij
 (TXT) MASSIVE FIREBALL off Azerbaijan coast ministry blames volcano (VIDEOS)
 (TXT) Madagascar - le gouvernement annule une soiree LGBT pour <<incitation 
 (TXT) Main Russian liberal party rejects top Navalny ally from standing as c
 (TXT) Making their mark- Denmark oust Czech Republic in Baku to book Euro 20
 (TXT) Man arrested after trying to smuggle explosives through Afghanistan ai
 (TXT) Massive effect on Germanys Covid vaccination programme as Berliners sk
 (TXT) Matt Gaetz calls for Inspector General investigation into whether NSA 
 (TXT) Me someto a cualquier tipo de investigacion- Pedro Castillo rechaza la
 (TXT) Mer Noire - Maria Zakharova accuse les occidentaux de vouloir une nouv
 (TXT) Merkel und Spahn streben Impfquote von 80 Prozent an
 (TXT) Microsoft data scandal & global tax gets backing
 (TXT) Miraculous recovery- Fans mock Italys Immobile after he rises from mor
 (TXT) Money where his mouth is- Jake Paul donates $5000 to UFC fighters GoFu
 (TXT) Moscou deplore que le sort dAssange nait jamais ete evoque lors de som
 (TXT) Moskau startet klinische Studie von Sputnik V fur Minderjahrige zwisch
 (TXT) Moskau uber RT in Deutschland- Noch keine Ausstrahlung aber schon Vorw
 (TXT) Most disturbing interview- Celebrity Judge Joe Brown SHOCKS with bizar
 (TXT) Myanmar imposes lockdown on 2 million residents amid rising Covid case
 (TXT) Near-death accident- Ex-UFC star Dodson speaks after horrific car cras
 (TXT) Near-tragedies rainbow rows & evergreen Ronaldo- What weve learned fro
 (TXT) Net loss- Russian footballer is fined three months wages for calling t
 (TXT) Neues Tesla Model S geht wahrend Fahrt in Flammen auf
 (TXT) Never come to Asia again- France stars Dembele & Griezmann apologize f
 (TXT) New York Times keeps book about CENSORSHIP off its bestseller list dis
 (TXT) New York- Burgermeisterrennen fuhrt nach Auszahlung von 135.000 illegi
 (TXT) News of key witness lying is devastating for US case against Assange; 
 (TXT) Niemand hat langer gewartet- 82-jahrige Pilotin fliegt mit Amazon-Grun
 (TXT) Nigeria - 140 lyceens enleves dans leur pensionnat par des hommes arme
 (TXT) No one should shatter a boxers destiny- Ring legend Roy Jones teams up
 (TXT) No state cover-up- French government refuses to apologize over Pacific
 (TXT) Noch kein Normalbetrieb an Schulen nach dem Sommer - Schliessungen wil
 (TXT) Nord Stream 2 war Deutschlands und Europas Chance auf mehr Energiesich
 (TXT) Norway to pay compensation for AstraZeneca side effects as patients wh
 (TXT) Norway to postpone lifting Covid-19 measures amid threat of Delta vari
 (TXT) Norwegen- Grosste Oppositionspartei spricht sich fur Asylzentren in Af
 (TXT) Not seen a beatdown over Ukraine like this since 2015- Tyson Fury rubs
 (TXT) Nouveau record du nombre de morts du Covid-19 en Russie pour le troisi
 (TXT) OPEC+ tries to reach compromise on oil output policy as UAE blocks pro
 (TXT) Oil market holding its breath as OPEC+ struggles to reach production d
 (TXT) Oil surges past $75 as OPEC+ discuses 2 million bpd output boost
 (TXT) One-third of French Covid-19 infections are extremely transmissible De
 (TXT) Ongoing colonialism- Indigenous groups call to Cancel Canada Day in li
 (TXT) Oracle cat- St. Petersburg predictor Achilles returns to pick winner o
 (TXT) Orban blasts Dutch colonial mentality after Rutte tells Hungarian PM t
 (TXT) Orban- Niederlandische Kritik wegen LGBT-Rechten riecht nach koloniale
 (TXT) Orban- Wir lassen uns nicht von EU-Staaten vorschreiben wie wir unsere
 (TXT) Over 180 unmarked graves found at former Catholic school in Canada ind
 (TXT) Palestinian kids book author accused of anti-Semitism after complaints
 (TXT) Pandemie schon vor 5.000 Jahren - Archaologen finden Pest-Bakterien in
 (TXT) Paris - des centaines de motards defilent contre la fin du stationneme
 (TXT) Paris - un homme tue au couteau dans une station de metro un suspect i
 (TXT) Parking the bus Swiss tennis legend Roger Federer mystifies fans with 
 (TXT) Pass sanitaire - Attal decrit les <<pistes>> de reflexion pour pousser
 (TXT) Passenger disruptions at Paris airports expected as workers from three
 (TXT) People above profit- Thousands take to streets in Brazil angry with Pr
 (TXT) Perfect 10- Russian tennis sensation Samsonova says its hard to explai
 (TXT) Personal responsibility should replace government telling you what to 
 (TXT) Personliche Entscheidung- Britische Regierung kundigt Ende der Maskenp
 (TXT) Pfizer vaccine losing effectiveness amid Delta variant surge Israeli H
 (TXT) Pflegereport der AOK- In den Pflegeheimen fuhrten auch Schlaganfalle u
 (TXT) Philippinen- Todeszahl nach Flugzeugabsturz steigt auf 50
 (TXT) Philippines - le crash dun avion militaire fait au moins 45 morts
 (TXT) Philippines launches investigation after crash of military plane leave
 (TXT) Plainte des pompiers apres une pendaison symbolique lors dun rassemble
 (TXT) Plus de 1 000 entreprises potentiellement affectees par une cyberattaq
 (TXT) Polarisierung in den USA- Konservative halten Pandemie fur beendet - L
 (TXT) Polen und Ungarn- EU-Sanktionen wegen LGBT-Politik wahrscheinlich
 (TXT) Police issue shelter-in-place order for Massachusetts town as several 
 (TXT) Politics in crisis and political drama (E391)
 (TXT) Pope Francis in good condition following intestinal surgery will remai
 (TXT) Port du voile dans les bureaux de vote - lAssemblee rejette linterdict
 (TXT) Portugal puts several municipalities including Lisbon under night-time
 (TXT) Postal voting on demand is an affront to British democracy and George 
 (TXT) Poursuivie pour diffamation par trois gendarmes Assa Traore est relaxe
 (TXT) Poutine et Macron sentretiennent sur lavenir des relations Russie-UE
 (TXT) Prankster Ohio police chief resigns after putting KKK sign on black of
 (TXT) Primeras imagenes desde el lugar donde se estrello un avion militar fi
 (TXT) Procedure judiciaire contre la Trump Organization - lex-president en l
 (TXT) Proces de la saliere et des fourchettes volees au Fouquets - le couple
 (TXT) Projet de loi antiterroriste - les archives verrouillees par les servi
 (TXT) Proportion of Germans jabbed with first Covid vaccine dose on par with
 (TXT) Protest und Geburtstagswunsche- Prominente Unterstutzung fur Julian As
 (TXT) Pulling a Trumpie Brazils Bolsonaro says he wont concede defeat to fra
 (TXT) Queen Elizabeth II statue toppled in Canada on national holiday marred
 (TXT) Quienes pueden sustituirme- Los 6 posibles candidatos del flanco progr
 (TXT) Quiero hablar de cosas felices hombre- Biden interrumpe a los periodis
 (TXT) RT News - July 01 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - July 01 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - July 02 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - July 02 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - July 03 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - July 03 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - July 04 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - July 04 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - July 05 2021 (12-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - July 05 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - June 29 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - June 30 2021 (11-00 MSK)
 (TXT) RT News - June 30 2021 (17-00 MSK)
 (TXT) Rainbow row- UEFA investigating claims of pride flag being confiscated
 (TXT) Rassemblement contre la <<dictature sanitaire>> a Nancy - un mannequin
 (TXT) Refusing to be vaccinated against Covid-19 is a sin & anti-vaxxers mus
 (TXT) Regenbogen und Kniefalle- Um welche Menschenrechte geht es denn
 (TXT) Regierung plant keine Bussgelder fur Impfterminschwanzer
 (TXT) Regierungsberater warnt- Vierte Corona-Welle trifft Frankreich wahrsch
 (TXT) Reisen der Zukunft- Im noblen Nachtzug statt im engen Flieger
 (TXT) Reportan un ataque con un misil contra un carguero que navega rumbo a 
 (TXT) Reza Farahan on growing up gay and Muslim in Beverly Hills
 (TXT) Right Wing Death Squad - US-Soldat plante zusammen mit Komplizen Morde
 (TXT) Ruina economica y crisis politica- el desastre (y la bacarrota) de Lib
 (TXT) Rusia desclasifica conversaciones de Soyuz-11 la tragica mision de la 
 (TXT) Russia doubles electricity exports as cold winter & hot summer ensure 
 (TXT) Russia must allow import of foreign Covid-19 vaccines like Pfizer & Mo
 (TXT) Russia will join US in planning event on 20th anniversary of 911 attac
 (TXT) Russian export duty for sunflower seeds comes into effect
 (TXT) Russian teammate of Conor McGregor admits ex-UFC champ has issues and 
 (TXT) Russie - contact perdu avec un avion transportant 28 personnes dans le
 (TXT) Russie - le FSB annonce avoir dejoue deux projets dattaques de Daesh
 (TXT) Russie - malgre le rebond de lepidemie aucun confinement en vue
 (TXT) Russie - une nouvelle reglementation sur le champagne inquiete les pro
 (TXT) Russische Behorden halten Veuve Clicquot fur Schaumwein- Champagner-He
 (TXT) Russischer Schauspieler und Regisseur Wladimir Menschow an COVID-19 ge
 (TXT) Russisches Gas fur Europa- Goldene Verbindung zwischen Serbien und Ung
 (TXT) Russland setzt auf Netz-Souveranitat
 (TXT) Russland- Liberale Reformen werden nicht aus den Reihen der Liberalen 
 (TXT) STIKO-Chef zweifelt an Sinnhaftigkeit von Corona-Massentests bei Schul
 (TXT) Sacharowa- Aktionen des Westens verwandeln Schwarzmeer in Zone der Mac
 (TXT) Sachsen-Anhalt- Strenge Corona-Auflagen auch ohne Corona-Falle
 (TXT) Salen a la luz polemicos tuits de la atleta olimpica Gwen Berry en los
 (TXT) Saudi Arabia thwarts attempt to smuggle 4.5 million amphetamine pills 
 (TXT) Save the Children has been captured by transgender ideology. It isnt p
 (TXT) Scottish virus experts link nearly 2000 Covid-19 cases to fans watchin
 (TXT) Se esta burlando de los tribunales- Un estadounidense vive gratis en u
 (TXT) Se forma en el Atlantico la tormenta tropical Elsa- que paises pueden 
 (TXT) Sea Breeze - USA fuhren NATO-Ubung in der Ukraine durch
 (TXT) Signalschuss fur Regime Change US-Neocons grunden Denkfabrik fur Turki
 (TXT) Slovenian PM says EUs imaginary values could trigger collapse of bloc 
 (TXT) Slowenien ubernimmt EU-Ratsprasidentschaft - Premier Jansa als Sorgenk
 (TXT) Slowenischer Premierminister- Imaginare Werte der EU konnten zum Zusam
 (TXT) Smallville actress Allison Mack sentenced to 3 years in jail for her r
 (TXT) Solange militarische Gewalt als Leim fur das Gefuge eines Imperiums di
 (TXT) Soupcons de conflits dinteret visant Dupond-Moretti - perquisition au 
 (TXT) South Africa posts national one-day record of 24000 new Covid-19 cases
 (TXT) Springer-Blatt sieht in Huthi-Bewegung eine Gefahr fur Deutschland
 (TXT) Spritpreise auf Rekordhoch - doch das ist erst der Anfang
 (TXT) Start crying for 200K- Social media urges young Ukraine fans to get te
 (TXT) Straws coffee cups & more outlawed as EU single-use plastics ban goes 
 (TXT) Swedish policeman killed in Gothenburg shooting becomes 1st officer to
 (TXT) Swiss govt announces bid for 36 F-35A fighter jets and Patriot missile
 (TXT) Sydneys battle to contain Covid outbreak has reached absolutely critic
 (TXT) TOLO- taliby zakhvatili deviat' raionov v Afganistane
 (TXT) Taliban captures key Kandahar district as Afghan troops suffer wave of
 (TXT) Taliban says seizing Kabul not a military objective but warns policy c
 (TXT) Tara Reade- I thought I was a sexual assault survivor but apparently F
 (TXT) Tea Time mit der Queen- Merkel sagt Goodbye in London
 (TXT) Thai police order evacuation & warn of possible second explosion after
 (TXT) That boy needs help- Tennis star Tomics lover Vanessa Sierra shares tr
 (TXT) The Hancock affair shows the long tradition of the British upper class
 (TXT) The UK plans to send people smugglers to prison for life but they aren
 (TXT) The officer dragged me out of the car- Cops who stopped sprint duo fac
 (TXT) The proposed relaxing of Covid restrictions in England has sparked a s
 (TXT) The real victim of the Iraq War- AP roasted for describing late Donald
 (TXT) The scheme to allow EU nationals to remain in Britain has exposed just
 (TXT) Theres no drugs- Manager defends UFC fighter Agapova after rival Moroz
 (TXT) This is mad- Conor McGregor shadowboxes for fans as he sends crowd int
 (TXT) TikTok temporarily banned in Pakistan again over accusations it promot
 (TXT) Timadores se hacen pasar por empleados de un banco para enganar a una 
 (TXT) Tlbn tqDm mnTq jdyd@ wkbl t`ln tHyyd 'kthr mn 200 mslH
 (TXT) TmHwn kbr fy rb` nhy'y 'mm 'wrwb wmwjh@ nry@ ljm`@
 (TXT) Todlicher Messerangriff in Fluchtlingsheim im Munsterland
 (TXT) Totaler Blodsinn - Uwe Seeler droht wegen Corona-Auflagen Stadionverbo
 (TXT) Toughen up- Morgan backs McEnroe as he scolds Brit teen star Raducanu 
 (TXT) Toulouse slams cancel culture and shoots down French feminists request
 (TXT) Tourisme spatial - Richard Branson annonce quil voyagera dans lespace 
 (TXT) Tourist hub Bali swept up in Indonesias harsh lockdown despite 71% vac
 (TXT) Trans weightlifters in cannabis users out... Welcome to the Olympics t
 (TXT) Trois condamnations quatre mois de prison et 15 000 euros damende en u
 (TXT) Trotz Abkehr vom US-Dollar- Greenback nimmt noch immer Grossteil an gl
 (TXT) Trotz Einstellung der Kampfe- 400.000 Menschen in Tigray akut vom Hung
 (TXT) Trotz Protest baltischer Staaten- IAEA lobt angeblich weissrussisches 
 (TXT) Trudeau condemns spate of arson attacks on Catholic churches as Canada
 (TXT) Trump Organization CFO surrenders ahead of unsealing of charges in cri
 (TXT) Trump deutet Kandidatur fur 2024 an- Ich habe mich bereits entschieden
 (TXT) Trusted Friends and hateful language filter- Twitters concept features
 (TXT) Tucker Carlson is the new Alex Jones says CNN host and Russiagate cons
 (TXT) Tunisie - la deputee Abir Moussi subit deux agressions delus islamiste
 (TXT) Turkei steigt aus Istanbul-Konvention uber den Schutz von Frauen aus
 (TXT) Turkey reaches 50 million Covid vaccine milestone and countrys own jab
 (TXT) Turkey will continue exploratory gas drilling in eastern Mediterranean
 (TXT) Turkish government quits hijacked treaty aimed at preventing violence 
 (TXT) Twitter-Alternative des Trump-Teams- GETTR importiert Twitter-Kontos u
 (TXT) Tyson Fury PRAISES Paul brothers and talks up potential superfight wit
 (TXT) UFO-Journalist nach Pentagon-Bericht- Objekte von irgendeiner Art von 
 (TXT) UK govt wants to remove school bubble system ASAP... as TikTok video t
 (TXT) UK parliamentary probe finds police forces breached fundamental rights
 (TXT) UK posts highest one-day Covid case rise since January as infections s
 (TXT) UK receives more than 6 million applications for EU settlement scheme 
 (TXT) UK to leave small number of elite troops in Afghanistan as ex-MI6 chie
 (TXT) UN weather agency confirms new record 18.3C temperature in Antarctica 
 (TXT) UNDERWATER FIRE erupts at pipeline in Gulf of Mexico (VIDEOS)
 (TXT) US Supreme Court refuses to hear LGBTQ rights case involving businesse
 (TXT) US Supreme Court upholds Jim Crow 2.0 & Pulse nightclub survivor speak
 (TXT) US asks Afghanistans neighbors to shelter its ex-employees who fear Ta
 (TXT) US biggest teachers union adopts measure to promote & defend critical 
 (TXT) US dollar grabs bigger share in global currency reserves but broader t
 (TXT) US-Gericht kippt Verurteilung wegen sexueller Notigung - Bill Cosby ko
 (TXT) USA- Neue Studie sieht Zusammenhang zwischen mRNA-Impfstoff und Herzen
 (TXT) Ukraine labels Russian TV host security threat for suggesting football
 (TXT) Ukrainischer Nationalspieler spricht bei Pressekonferenz Russisch - un
 (TXT) Umfrage- Die meisten Russen gegen neuen Lockdown
 (TXT) Umfrage- Ruckhalt fur Annalena Baerbock schwindet
 (TXT) Un Boeing 737 de carga realiza un aterrizaje de emergencia en el ocean
 (TXT) Un camion lleno de fuegos artificiales detona accidentalmente en una p
 (TXT) Un youtuber desafia las leyes de la fisica con un experimento pero un 
 (TXT) Una academica mapuche preside la Convencion Constituyente de Chile- lo
 (TXT) Una activista vegana vestida con ropa manchada de sangre falsa acusa a
 (TXT) Una madre en Taiwan descubre que la cancion de un juguete para ninos q
 (TXT) Una mujer en EE.UU. se aterroriza al despertar y ver sobre su cama un 
 (TXT) Una pareja gano mas de 200 millones de dolares en la loteria y estan e
 (TXT) Una tiktoker inhala el delicioso olor de una flor que encontro en la c
 (TXT) Una triple amenaza tiene a EE.UU. en el punto de mira este fin de sema
 (TXT) Une gifle contre la France  La Suisse ecarte le Rafale pour commander 
 (TXT) Ungarns Premier Viktor Orban nach Rutte-Ausserung- Gibt keine Einheit 
 (TXT) Unique skills- Fans go wild for Neymar nutmeg assist as Brazil book Co
 (TXT) VIDEO- Cortan el microfono a un estudiante queer durante su discurso d
 (TXT) VIDEO- El rapero Kodak Black arroja al mar miles de dolares en billete
 (TXT) VIDEO- Todos los empleados de un local de McDonalds renuncian a mitad 
 (TXT) VIDEO- Un buque de la Guardia Costera libia arremete y dispara contra 
 (TXT) VIDEO- Un policia de EE.UU. usa musica de Taylor Swift mientras es fil
 (TXT) VIDEO- Un portero y un defensa corren desesperadamente para evitar que
 (TXT) VIDEOS- Derriban estatuas de la reina Victoria y la reina Isabel II en
 (TXT) Vaccination obligatoire pour les soignants - bientot une loi 
 (TXT) Vatican hails vaccinations as one of the greatest achievements of mode
 (TXT) Vatican hails vaccinations as one of the greatest achievements of mode
 (TXT) Veran craint une quatrieme vague des la fin juillet en raison de la pr
 (TXT) Vier-Tage-Woche- Weltweit grosstes Experiment in Island war uberwaltig
 (TXT) Virgin Galactic stock skyrockets as Richard Branson aims to beat Jeff 
 (TXT) WATCH- Antifa assault protesters at rally against California spa allow
 (TXT) WATCH- Astronauts at Chinas new space station conduct their 1st spacew
 (TXT) WATCH- England fans clash with police in London following Euro 2020 vi
 (TXT) WATCH- Hundreds protest in Istanbul as Erdogan withdraws Turkey from i
 (TXT) WATCH- Messi scores SENSATIONAL free-kick in all-star performance to f
 (TXT) WHO Europe leader warns of new wave as Covid cases creep up after 10-w
 (TXT) WHO erklart China fur malariafrei
 (TXT) Waffenexport auf Umwegen nach Kolumbien- Sig Sauer kommt die Ausfuhr t
 (TXT) Way too young- Tragedy hits ice hockey as Latvian NHL star Matiss Kivl
 (TXT) Wayne Dupree Show- Majority of Americans arent happy with Bidens borde
 (TXT) We are living through an emergency- Kremlin says tough new Covid-19 ru
 (TXT) We tried everything- De Bruyne despair after Italy edge Belgium out of
 (TXT) Wegen schwerer Nebenwirkungen- Norwegen zahlt Entschadigung fur Impfge
 (TXT) Welcome to the crew- Jeff Bezos invites pioneering female pilot Wally 
 (TXT) Weltbank-Prognose- Chinas Wachstum bei 85 Prozent
 (TXT) Weltraumspaziergang an Chinas Raumstation- Taikonauten installieren Ge
 (TXT) Wer Stalin immer noch zuschreiben will dass er den Krieg gewonnen hat 
 (TXT) Wer hats ver(baer)bockt Rettungsmanover und Schuldzuweisungen
 (TXT) Were Miami buildings owners negligent in deadly collapse RTs Boom Bust
 (TXT) What a cracking try- Rugby star Lawrence scores hilarious points for E
 (TXT) What a howler- Haiti goalkeeper Josue Duverger savagely mocked for sco
 (TXT) Whistleblower zu Fox News-Moderator- Die NSA spioniert Sie aus
 (TXT) White House turns the tables on defund the police slogan suggesting it
 (TXT) Whole town is on fire- Canadian village evacuated as flames consume ho
 (TXT) Wie Washington D.C. heimlich zur Hauptstadt Australiens wurde
 (TXT) Wir mussen auch der Opfer der Lockdowns gedenken
 (TXT) Wollten Sie nicht schon immer ein bisexuelles Sofa
 (TXT) Woman asks Irish police to release findings of investigation into Cono
 (TXT) Workplace deaths & dismissals scarier than Covid- Labor unions hold ma
 (TXT) Worlds sexiest athlete Alica Schmidt says Tokyo is calling as German t
 (TXT) Xi Jinping- Die nachste Aufgabe ist der moderne Sozialismus
 (TXT) Xi warnt Ausland bei Hundertjahrfeier der KP- Werden sich bei Einmisch
 (TXT) You have no respect- Female tennis aces in huge row after player halts
 (TXT) You know who Floyd trained before you right Jake Paul savagely trolls 
 (TXT) Zahlreiche Organisationen fordern von Biden Einstellung todlicher Luft
 (TXT) Zukunft der Landwirtschaft nicht ohne Nachhaltigkeit und hohere Preise
 (TXT) Zviozdam tut ne mesto- pochemu v polufinale Evro-2020 sygraiut treners
 (TXT) bTrsbwrG twd` 'mm 'wrwb bstDfth mwjh@ sbny wswysr.. t`rf `l~ ltshkyl@ 
 (TXT) b`d mshwr Twyl.. mnshstr ywnytd ytwSl l~ tfq m` dwrtmwnd lshr snshw
 (TXT) blfydyw.. lqwt lnfSly@ lthywby@ tkdhb ry'ys lHkwm@ wt`rD jysh mn l'sr~
 (TXT) blwmbyrG- qrSn@ rws hjmw `dd mn shrkt tknwlwjy lm`lwmt l'jnby@
 (TXT) blynkn llbylrwsyyn fy `yd stqll bldhm- tHy bylrws
 (TXT) frstbn l'sr` bjwl@ ltjrb l'wl~ ljy'z@ lnms lkbr~
 (TXT) fydl yhjm Hkm mwjh@ tshyly wlbrzyl wySfh blmhrj (fydyw)
 (TXT) hl yntql bkyw mn mlk lHlb@ l~ fkhm@ lry'ys?
 (TXT) jwnswn y`lq `l~ t'hl njltr lnSf nhy'y ywrw 2020- '`ydw lk's lwTnh
 (TXT) l`b 'mryky yfjy' Sdyqth `l~ 'rD lml`b (fydyw)
 (TXT) l`d@ l'mryky@ rytshrdswn tsqT fy khtbr lqnb
 (TXT) lbrtGly sntw yHl mHl mwTnh mwrynyw
 (TXT) ldnmrk ttGlb `l~ ltshyk wtt'hl l~ nSf nhy'y 'mm 'wrwb (fydyw)
 (TXT) menu
 (TXT) menu2
 (TXT) menu3
 (TXT) nfjr `nyf yhz mSn` kymyy'yt fy tylnd
 (TXT) nfjr shHn@ mfrq`t `l~ shTy' mzdHm bwly@ mrylnd l'mryky@ (fydyw)
 (TXT) njltr 'wl mntkhb fy trykh bTwlt 'mm 'wrwb ysjl thlth@ 'hdf r'sy@ fy mb
 (TXT) njltr tqsw `l~ 'wkrny brb`y@ wtwjh ldnmrk fy nSf nhy'y 'mm 'wrwb (fydy
 (TXT) rsmy.. fynshnzw yTlynw mdrb jdyd lfywrntyn
 (TXT) shhd.. Swr@ lbydn rk` 'mm msw'wl@ sry'yly@ tHdth Dj@ `l~ mwq` ltwSl lj
 (TXT) shhd.. lwH@ jdry@ Dkhm@ lmysy 'mm lmdrs@ lty t`lm fyh bTfwlth (fydyw w
 (TXT) shhd.. stqbl l'bTl lmwrynyw mdrb rwm ljdyd
 (TXT) tshyk yshTr rwnldw Sdr@ trtyb hdfy ywrw 2020 (fydyw)
 (TXT) wzyr lry lthywby- bn sd lnhD@ ystmr wfq ljdwl
 (TXT) yTly tqSy bljyk wtDrb mw`d nry m` sbny fy nSf nhy'y 'mm 'wrwb (fydyw)
 (TXT) yTly ttlq~ Drb@ mwj`@ wtfsd Htflt t'hlh lnSf nhy'y k's 'wrwb
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