U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
       Major Economic Indicators - Latest Numbers.
       Consumer Price Index (CPI):
       unchanged  in May 2024
       Unemployment Rate:
       4.0%  in May 2024
       Payroll Employment:
       +272,000(p)  in May 2024
       Average Hourly Earnings:
       +$0.14(p)  in May 2024
       Producer Price Index - Final Demand:
       -0.2%(p)  in May 2024
       Employment Cost Index (ECI):
       +1.2%  in 1st Qtr of 2024
       +0.2%(r)  in 1st Qtr of 2024
       U.S. Import Price Index:
       -0.4%  in May 2024
       U.S. Export Price Index:
       -0.6%  in May 2024
       p- preliminary
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