American Life League

Dr. Nyiszli: "When will all this extermination cease?"
Dr. Mengele: "My friend, it will go on, and on, and on."

                                                 Conversation in the Auschwitz Medical Detachment
                                                  in 1941, from the American film The Nuremberg Trials.

Anti-Life Philosophy.

The rights of women everywhere are being trampled and eroded by well-organized and lavishly funded far-right religious fanatics. In order to resist these attacks, pro-choice women and men must band together in organizations that will do whatever is required to safeguard our most fundamental and precious civil rights.


The Collaborationists.

The elimination of human lives that have been judged devoid of value or 'inconvenient' is a cowardly and bloody business.

A few organizations, including Planned Parenthood, American Atheists, and the Hemlock Society, publicly and loudly endorse abortion and/or euthanasia. Others try to take advantage of the inherent respectability of the pro-life movement or take a religious cover, and work for abortion and euthanasia 'rights' in a more covert manner through the classic strategy of infiltration and subversion. These groups include pro-abortion churches and the 'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights.

Sadly, many churches of all faiths stand on the sidelines, valuing their comfort and serenity more than the lives of the helpless. By doing nothing, they are giving their hearty 'seal of approval' to the ongoing slaughter.

Silence truly is the voice of complicity.

Many churches and social-service organizations are guardedly "pro-life" as long as it costs them nothing. They adamantly refuse to get involved, using as their rationalizations a litany of excuses: Pro-lifers are violent, they harass women, they are reactionary, we don't want to impose our morality, we don't want to be perceived as 'one-issue,' we don't want to lose our tax-exempt status, and on and on.

The members of these collaborationist groups and churches know, deep in their hearts, that these excuses will hold no water whatsoever with the Judge on the Final Day. But even this chilling knowledge will not move them to action.

For information on the stated positions of more than 185 churches regarding abortion, see Chapter 42 in Volume II, "Church Positions on Abortion."

Strategy for Victory: Know Thy Enemy!

It is absolutely essential for pro-life activists to become familiar with the identities of these covertly pro-abortion groups and collaborationist organizations and churches, so that they may truly know who their enemies are.

This is especially necessary now, since the election of a pro-abortion president in November of 1992 will necessitate fighting abortion and all of its apologists on all levels.

Knowing the enemy is essential also because the euthanasia fight is now really heating up, and has progressed to the point where the abortion battle was about 20 years ago.

Dovetailing Philosophies and Degrees of Commitment.


If pro-life activists are going to fight anti-life organizations effectively, they must know the basic philosophies and degrees of commitment of their enemies.

They must also know that the vast majority of organizations that say they are for "abortion rights" do not actively work for abortion rights they just jump on the 'politically correct bandwagon' because they are expected to by all of their Neoliberal peer groups.

The pro-abortionists, when they parade their extensive lists of 'pro-choice' groups in elections and other battles, pad their numbers by counting those Neoliberal organizations that have absolutely nothing at all to do with abortion other than 'signing on' just to show "solidarity" with their "sisters and brothers battling for reproductive rights." Typical of these groups are the American Home Economics Association, the American Veterans Committee, and the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists.

It is critical to note that only four percent of the groups listed in Figure 5-1 are primarily concerned with keeping abortion 'safe and legal,' and, by contrast, a whopping 95 percent of the groups shown in the comprehensive list of pro-life organizations in Chapter 20 are specifically single-issue pro-life.

Pro-abortion organizations can be classified by their philosophies (worldviews) and the general level of commitment they have to abortion 'rights.'

The general philosophical classifications of these groups are described below.


Academy for Educational Development[9]
AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP)[11]
American Academy of Child Psychiatry[8]
American Academy of Pediatrics[8]
American Association of Maternal & Child Health[8]
American Association of the United Nations
American Association of University Women (AAUW)[5]
American Atheists
American Bar Association[10]
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)[10]
American College of Nurse-Midwives[8]
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG)[8]
American College of Osteopathic Obstetricians and Gynecologists[8]
American Ethical Union[1]
American Federation of Teachers[9]
American Friends Service Committee[1,4]
American Gay Atheists[11]
American Group Psychotherapy Association[8]
American Home Economics Association[9]
American Humanist Association[1]
American Indian Health Care Association[4]
American Jewish Congress[1]
American Library Association[9]
American Medical Association (AMA)[8]
American Parents Committee[4]
American Protestant Hospital Association[1]
American Public Health Association[8]
American Psychiatric Association[8]
American Psychoanalytic Association[8]
American Psychological Association[8]
American Society of Mammologists[8]
American Student Medical Association[8]
American Veterans Committee
American Women's Medical Association[5]
Americans Against Human Suffering (AAHS)[6]
Americans for Democratic Action
Americans for Indian Opportunity[2]
Americans United for Separation of Church and State[1]
Animal Liberation Front (ALF)[13]
Animal Rights Activists for Choice[13]
Association of Planned Parenthood Physicians[8]
Association for Voluntary Sterilization (AVS)[12]
Association of Women in Psychology[5]
Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs[1]
Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)[10]
Center for Development and Population Activities[12]
Center for Population Communications[12]
Center for Reproductive Law and Policy[10]
Center for Women's Policy Studies[5]
Central Conference of American Rabbis[1]
Children's Aid Society[4]
Children's Defense Fund (CDF)[4]
Church of Satan[1]
Citizen's Advisory Council on the Status of Women[5]
Clergy Consultation on Abortion[1]
Clergy Consultation Service[1]
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists[2]
Coalition of Concerned Black Americans[2]
Coalition of Labor Union Women[5]
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)[3]
Common Cause
Concern for Dying[6]
Congressional Black Caucus[2]
Consumer Action Now
Early Money Is Like Yeast (EMILY)[5]
Education, Training and Research Association
Environmental Action[13]
Environmental Policy Center[13]
Family Health International[12]
Family Service Association[4]
Federation of American Scientists
Federation of Jewish Philanthropists[1]
Federation of Organizations of Professional Women[5]
Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies[1]
Feminist Majority Foundation[5]
Feminists for Animal Rights[5,13]
Fertility Awareness Network[5]
Florence Crittenden Association of America[4]
Friends of the Earth (FOE)[13]
Friends of Family Planning[12]
Fund for a Feminist 'Majority'[5]
Global Fund for Women[5]
Hemlock Society[6]
Hollywood Policy Center[7]
Hollywood Women's Political Caucus[5]
Human Rights for Women[5]
Intercollegiate Association of Women Students[5]
International Contraception, Abortion, and Sterilization Campaign[12]
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)[12]
International Reference Center for Abortion Research[12]
Izaak Walton League of America[13]
Junior League[4]
Juvenile Law Center[10]
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights[2]
League of Women Voters[5]
Marie Stopes International[12]
Medical Committee for Human Rights[8]
Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund[2]
Mexican-American National Women's Association (MANA)[5] Mobilization for Survival[3]
. Foundation for Women[5]
National Abortion Federation (NAF)
National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL)
National Alliance for Optional Parenthood[12]
National Association of Community Health Centers[8]
National Association of Cuban-American Women[2,5]
National Association of Neighborhood Health Centers[8]
National Association of Reproductive Health Centers[12]
National Association of Social Workers[4]
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)[2]
National Association for the Laity[1]
National Black Feminists Organization[2,5]
National Black Women's Health Project[2]
National Center for Policy Alternatives
National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays[2,11]
National Commission for the Protection of Human Rights
National Committee for Children and Youth[4]
National Conference of Black Lawyers[2,10]
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws[10]
National Council de la Raza[2]
National Council of Negro Women[2]
National Council of Obstetrics and Gynecology[8]
National Council of Puerto Rican Women[2,5]
National Council of Women of the United States[5]
National Council on Family Relations[4]
National Education Association (NEA)[9]
National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee[10]
National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association
National Family Planning Forum[12]
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)[11]
National Hispanic Lawyers Association[2,10]
National Indian Health Board[2]
National Medical Association[8]
National Organization for Women (NOW)[5]
National Organization of Non-Parents (NON)[12]
National Student Nurses Association[8]
National Welfare Rights Association[4]
National Women's Health Network (NWHN)[5]
National Women's Law Center[5,10]
National Women's Political Caucus[5]
National Women's Political Convention[5]
Negative Population Growth (NPG)[12]
Nicaraguan Network[3]
North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)[11]
Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)[9]
Parents Aid Society[4]
People for the American Way (PAW)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)[13]
People's Anti-War Mobilization[3]
Physicians' Forum[8]
Planned Parenthood Federation of America[12]
Planned Parenthood/World Population[12]
Planning Assistance
Population Association of America[12]
Population Crisis Committee[12]
Population Environment[12]
Population Institute[12]
Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund[2,10]
Radical Women[7]
'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights[1]
Reproductive Health Media Strategies Project[5]
Reproductive Health Technologies Project[5]
Republicans for Choice
Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA (RCP)[7]
Rainbow Coalition[2]
Sex Education and Information Council of the United States (SIECUS)[12]
Sierra Club[13]
Socialist Workers Party[7]
Society for Adolescent Medicine[8]
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Sociologists for Women in Society[5]
Spartacist League[7]
Student American Medical Association[8]
Teen Line Connection (TLC)[4]
Traditional Republicans
Transnational Family Research Institute
United Automobile Workers Union (UAW)
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)[4]
Urban League[2]
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement(VEHEMENT)[13]
War Resisters League[3]
White House Conference on Children and Youth[4]
Women Judges Fund for Justice[5]
Women of All Red Nations (WARN)[2]
Women Strike for Peace[3]
Women's Action Alliance[5]
Women's Equity Action League (WEAL)[5]
Women in the Senate and House (WISH)[5]
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom[3]
Women's Legal Defense Fund[5]
Women's Lobby[5]
Women's Medical Association[5,8]
Women's National Abortion Action Coalition[5]
Women's National Democratic Club[5]
Workmen's Circle
Worldwatch Institute[13]
Young Women's 'Christian' Association (YWCA)[1]
Zero Population Growth (ZPG)[12]

Types of Organizations

[1] Pseudo-religious organizations
[2] Minority education and support organizations
[3] "Peace and justice" organizations
[4] Social service organizations
[5] "Women's rights" groups
[6] Pro-euthanasia groups
[7] Communist/Socialist/radical organizations
[8] Medical organizations
[9] Education organizations
[10] Legal action organizations
[11] Homosexual organizations
[12] Family planning/population control organizations
[13] Environmental/animal rights organizations

The radical Neofeminists see abortion as a mandatory element in their quest for true superiority over men. These groups are often identified by the use of words like "task force," "caucus," and "coalition."

The true population controllers see abortion as a (sometimes) regrettable but necessary tool in the 'battle' against a perceived population catastrophe.

The Communists and their derivatives see abortion as an integral part of their program for total freedom (an effective tool for eroding existing governments through the process of "incremental revolution").

Radical environmentalists believe in the equation "MORE PEOPLE = BAD," and generally hold man equal to animals and in an inferior world position.

Levels of Commitment.

Each of these general categories includes many organizations and individuals that operate at each of three levels of commitment, described as follows.

The front-line fighters possess an agenda that is centered around keeping abortion legal and directly attacking pro-life groups that oppose them. These groups include the National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood, the Revolutionary Communist Party, and the American Civil Liberties Union. These groups are prominent enough to merit separate chapters in Volume II, as follows.

• Chapter 36: American Atheists;
• Chapter 37: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU);
• Chapter 62: National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL);
• Chapter 63: National Organization for Women (NOW);
• Chapters 64 to 68: Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA);
• Chapter 80: 'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights (RCAR).

The support groups, while they do not emphasize abortion per se, work actively behind the scenes with front-line abortion rights groups to insure that child-killing remains legal. These groups may have other issues as their primary focus of attention. Examples are the Hemlock Society, various ultraliberal churches, homosexual groups, and the March of Dimes. Some of these groups are described in detail in the following paragraphs.

Neoliberal advocacy groups have their primary focus(es) in other areas, but their sympathies lie with abortion-rights groups. These groups, including the Sierra Club, the Urban League, the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), and the Rainbow Coalition, contribute money and energy to pro-abortion groups when called on. A comprehensive listing of these groups is provided in Figure 5-1.


The general attitudes of these groups toward the family, society, and social issues are shown in Figure 5-2, and representative groups in each category are also listed.

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing.


While many anti-life groups publicly endorse abortion, others work behind the scenes promoting it, and tenaciously hang onto their veneer of respectability. They often cite their work in other areas as a cover, and their support of abortion is little-known publicly and in the various state legislatures.

Pro-life activists must beware of ambiguous 'vanilla' organizational names such as "Planning Assistance," "Education, Training, and Research Association (ETRA)," and "Inwood House." The leaders of these organizations hope to escape controversy by operating under the cover of a 'teflon' name that has no real meaning and gives no indication whatever as to the purpose of the groups.

Covert pro-abort advocacy groups can be even more dangerous than overtly pro-abortion organizations for several reasons.

To begin with, they present a good image to the public, and are therefore difficult to attack. Pro-lifers who attempt to take them to task for supporting abortion will be stonewalled. The anti-life groups will point to all of the other activities they are involved in, and will often ignore pro-lifers entirely or condemn them in the media as 'fanatics.' Their veneer of respectability is frustratingly difficult to breach.

Secondly, they can do a lot of damage behind the scenes without pro-lifers knowing about it, and frequently use a pseudo-religious cover that is difficult to penetrate. Attacking these groups can cause conflicts in pro-life organizations.

Finally, pro-life activists may even be supporting the activities of these organizations without knowing that they are doing so. This can be a real blow to morale when the truth is finally revealed.

Some of these groups and their activities are listed in alphabetical order below.

Children's Defense Fund (CDF). Beware of groups using tearjerker names like this one. Who could possibly oppose Hillary Clinton's favorite, the "Children's Defense Fund?"

The best way to determine a group's true agenda is to examine their list of advisor groups and resources. For example, the Children's Defense Fund lists as resources the Alan Guttmacher Institute, Center for Population Options, March of Dimes, YWCA, Planned Parenthood, and the Support Center for School-Based Clinics, which are all virulently pro-abortion.[1] Although the CDF literature carefully avoids addressing abortion altogether, its list of advisors and sponsors expose it for what it is.

Combined Federal Campaign.

CFC is the only program by which Federal and military employees can make charitable contributions from their workplaces. Any Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 501c(3) tax exempt organization may participate, and many pro-life groups do, including Human Life International and the National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund.

However, also listed in the 1991 CFC booklet as organizations receiving money are numerous militant pro-abortion and other Neoliberal groups;

• Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI);
• Alliance for Justice;
• American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU);
• Center for Development and Population Activities;
• Children's Defense Fund (CDF);
• Concern for Dying (a pro-euthanasia group);
• Lambda Legal Defense and Educational Fund (a homosexual group);
• Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law;
• League of Women Voters;
• Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays;
• People for the American Way (PAW);
• Planned Parenthood (PP);
• March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation;
• National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL);
• National Organization for Women (NOW);
• 'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights (RCAR);
• Young Women's 'Christian' Association (YWCA); and
• Zero Population Growth (ZPG).

The CFC encourages donors to designate specific charities, and all designated contributions go to those charities only. The problem for conscientious pro-lifers is that undesignated contributions are distributed by the local United Way in accordance with preset ratios, and these undesignated contributions also line the pockets of pro-abortion groups (see the description of the United Way, below).

Government Agencies.

Our government is deeply committed to the slaughter of the unborn at all levels, so it is important to be alert for the hidden agenda that motivates government-affiliated programs, even those with seemingly innocuous objectives. For example, the WIC program (Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program) and others refer patients to the Feminist Women's Health Centers and other abortion clinics.

Homosexual Groups.

There are very strong connections between the right-to-die groups, abortion rights organizations, and homosexuals. The sodomites commonly work in abortion mills and often lesbians and homosexuals act as clinic escorts. These are the most unpredictable and violent people of all; they do not tolerate anyone opposing them in any way. Pickets and sidewalk counselors are physically attacked with alarming frequency by so-called 'gays.'

As they try to force society to accept sodomy and sex with animals as a "perfectly acceptable alternative lifestyle," and as they strive to make it illegal to oppose them in any way through 'sexual orientation' clauses and 'hate crime' acts, the homosexuals commit such terrorism as threatening to deliberately contaminate blood supplies with AIDS if their demands are not met. Additionally, they actively lobby for legal sex with children as young as four years old through such groups of perverts as the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), and they are heavily into the distribution of kiddie porn movies like "Torrid Tots."

For more information on NAMBLA and other groups that peddle perversion, see Chapter 121, "Homosexuality and Child Molestation," and Chapter 137, "Pornography and Pedophilia," both in Volume III.

March of Dimes.

There is no doubt that MOD's "battle against birth defects" is very effective. However, as they research better ways to detect future birth defects, they use the most efficient available method to deal with existing birth defects: amniocentesis and abortion (known to some pro-life activists as 'search and destroy').


The Sex Information and Education Council of the United States, through its extensive public relations efforts and professional-looking monthly newsletter, uses the familiar pro-abortion tactic of attempting to pass itself off as a "mainstream" organization. A look through its newsletter (which, by the way, lurks on the shelves of almost every library in this country) reveals its true nature.

SIECUS is militantly pro-abortion, and lobbies for 'gay rights' and teen sex clinics with gusto. It advertises such paragons of professionalism as Penthouse's Sexuality Journal and a book published by Eroticus: Hot n' Healthy Times A Gay Man's Guide to Condom Usage. It also advertises resources for transsexuals and transvestites.

This all sounds just so terribly mainstream, doesn't it?

SIECUS demonstrates the standard judgmental pro-abortion lack of tolerance for opposing viewpoints by condemning in no uncertain terms such persons as Dr. James Dobson. It also condemns pro-lifers as an "extreme antisexual movement" and declares that we are "slouching towards censorship" when we oppose kiddie porn![2]

United Way.

Although the names of many worthy charities crowd the list of agencies that participate in United Way activities, that same list also includes such extreme pro-abortion organizations as Planned Parenthood, the National Organization for Women, and the YWCA.

Pro-lifers should not contribute money to United Way, because some of it will inevitably find its way into unfriendly hands. It does no good to designate a specific pro-life charity; pro-life contributions will not increase the allotment of the designated pro-life charity nor decrease the allotments of the pro-abortion groups that are not designated. It is far better to simply contribute directly to the pro-life organization of the individual's choice.

Comprehensive List of Pro-Abortion Organizations.

The Tally.

Figure 5-1 lists most of the known current and recent major pro-abortion organizations in the United States. These groups have published or announced official statements supporting all or most of the anti-life agenda, including support for abortion, school clinics, and/or forced public funding of abortions.

This list, compiled by the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and pro-abort and 'friend of women' United States Senator Bob Packwood ("Senator Death"), is impressive in the breadth of its membership.[3] The major representatives for all lawyers, doctors, teachers, and environmentalists are anti-life.

So What?

Yet, even in the face of this massive opposition, Americans are once again awakening to the fact that the civil rights of a large group of persons are being stripped from them with no representation or appeal. Americans are becoming more and more pro-life, despite the opposition of all of these prestigious groups, as described in Chapter 76 in Volume II, "Public Opinion Polls on Abortion."

Many of these organizations existed before the push for abortion began in earnest in this country. In order to gain their support and the prestige and influence of their advocacy, pro-abortionists often simply crammed ad hoc committees and essentially perverted the philosophy of each group at its highest level, always without input from the rank and file membership. On the other hand, most existing groups with a pro-life stand were built from scratch specifically to oppose anti-life practices.

This impressive collection of pro-abortion organizations shouldn't overly concern pro-lifers. It doesn't really matter that virtually every rich and elitist group in the country opposes us. As some pro-life activists say, "God and us make a majority." We must have faith in God and continue to fight for the least of His brethren.

The American people are basically blessed with common sense. This is why, in the face of a veritable hurricane of pro-abortion propaganda, they are becoming more pro-life every day.

Every year, we know a little more about the preborn child. Every year, our message reaches and converts more people. The populace is becoming tired of listening to irascible, demanding, irresponsible fornicating Neofeminists and their male lackeys. The mainline pro-abortion churches are backing away from abortion on demand. Impartial polls show the pro-life movement gaining steadily in the eyes of the people, the legislatures, and the courts. And every year, the baby-killers grow more hysterical and desperate.

Victory is the Lord's.

All the pro-abortionists can do is temporarily delay their inevitable defeat, and what drives them crazy is that they know it!

References: Anti-Life Organizations.

[1] Father Paul Marx, OSB. "Children's Defense Fund Conference Pushes Anti-Life Agenda." The Wanderer, April 20, 1989, pages 1 and 8.

[2] Sex Education and Information Council of the United States (SIECUS). May and September 1986 newsletters.

[3] Robert G. Marshall. Bayonets and Roses: Comprehensive Pro-Life Political Action Guide. 1976, 388 pages. This book includes a listing of many of the major pro-abortion groups in the United States on page 321. Also see: National Abortion Rights Action League. Legal Abortion: A Speaker's and Debater's Notebook. 71 pages, June 1978. Pro-abortion organizations are listed on pages 50-51.

Further Reading: Anti-Life Organizations.

Bernard M. Nathanson, M.D. The Abortion Papers: Inside the Abortion Mentality
Idea Books, Post Office Box 4010, Madison, Wisconsin 53711. 1985, 192 pages. A former prolific abortionist exposes the anti-Catholic bigotry of the pro-abortion movement, discusses the role of the blatantly biased media in obtaining abortion on demand, and explores what the science of fetology has revealed about the unborn child. This enjoyable book is written in George Will's wry and acerbic style.

Dr. Nathanson is one of the co-founders of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Chapter 3, "Catholics," pages 177 to 209, describes in detail how NARAL used blatant anti-Catholic bigotry to push liberalized abortion laws and undermine the teachings of the Church.

Other examples of NARAL skulduggery abound in this book. For example, NARAL asserted to the state of Massachusetts that pro-life groups have no right to endorse pro-life candidates, even if the groups are not tax-exempt. In the ensuing lawsuit, FEC v. Massachusetts Citizens for Life, Inc., the right to distribute such literature was upheld. This is typical of the harassment lawsuits brought by NARAL and others when any pro-life efforts are in progress. Pro-aborts almost never spend money themselves, but get a government entity to go after pro-life activists.

© American Life League BBS 1-703-659-7111

This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia, published by American Life League CHAPTER 5