American Life League

One of the best ways to keep up with what's happening in pro-life activism is to subscribe to one or more pro-life periodicals that deal with your specific or general area(s) of interest.

This chapter includes a list of about fifty national pro-life publications and the general area of interest that each covers. This list includes some of the major conservative periodicals that may be of interest because they frequently address the life issues.

Write or call for prices. Most of the groups listed in this chapter will send you a sample issue of their periodical(s), either free of charge or at a single-issue price.

Listing of Pro-Life and Conservative Periodicals.

The Abortion Report.
Issued by the American Political Network Inc., 282 North Washington Street, Falls Church, Virginia 22046. Telephone: (703) 237-5130, FAX: (703) 237-5148. The ultimate in up-to-date information on the abortion issue in the United States. For $550 per quarter or $2,000 per year, you can receive a ten to twenty page FAX every business day, detailing all of the important political, religious, and media developments in the abortion fight at the state and national level. This is the resource to subscribe to if you must have the latest and most up-to-date information all the time.

Accuracy in Academia Report and Accuracy in Media Report.
These reports track the various excesses committed by Neoliberal academic institutions and by the liberal media. Order from the groups Accuracy in Academia and Accuracy in Media, both at 1275 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20005, telephone: (202) 371-6710, FAX (202) 371-9054.

The Life Advocate.
This monthly publication by Advocates for Life Ministries of Portland, Oregon, is the best available newsletter on the Rescue movement. It has a glossy, high-quality cover, articles by rescue leaders all over the country, and outstanding photographs, including occasional glossy posters that can be detached and used on picket signs. For information, write to Advocates for Life Ministries, Post Office Box 13656, Portland, Oregon 97213, telephone: (503) 257-7023. AFLM also has a local/national hotline at (503) 257-3031.

ALL About Issues.
This is a glossy, 60-page monthly pro-life newspaper published by Judie Brown's American Life League. It is an excellent compendium of news briefs on pro-life activities (mainly pickets and rescues) all over the country, and includes brief commentaries on various subjects, including ALL's favorite target, Planned Parenthood. For information, write to American Life League, Post Office Box 1350, Stafford, Virginia, 22555. Telephone: (703) 659-4171.

American Enterprise.
This periodical is published by the American Enterprise Institute at 1150 Seventeenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036, telephone: (202) 862-5800, FAX: (202) 862-7177.

American Information Newsletter.
This 8-page monthly newsletter gleans information on a wide variety of topics from the nation's alternative press and presents it in compact form. Typical subjects covered include political correctness, race & ethnicity, religion, government and politics, history revisionism, and morals and society. Subscribe by writing to 2408 Main Street, Boise, Idaho 83702. Telephone: (208) 343-3790.

The American Spectator.
This is probably the best of the conservative opinion magazines. It is sometimes irreverent but always relevant and insightful. It is published monthly. Write to Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., Editor, 1101 North Highland Street, Post Office Box 10448, Arlington, Virginia 22210. Telephone: (703) 243-3733, FAX: (703) 243-6814.

Bernadell Technical Bulletin.
This monthly newsletter, written by Dr. Bernard Nathanson and his wife Adelle, deals with technical and very valuable abortion-related issues in a format that just about everyone can understand. Particular attention is given to the effects of abortion. Subscribe by writing to Post Office Box 1897, New York, New York 10011.

The Biblical Worldview.
American Vision, Post Office Box 720515, Atlanta, Georgia 30328. This monthly magazine supports the belief that Scripture should be applied to every area of life. The magazine applies Biblical principles to family, church, education, business, law, medicine, science, art, music, economics, journalism, and civil government. The magazine has timely articles in a news format on all of these issues and is well worth the subscription price.

Biblical Reflections on Modern Medicine.
This 12-page monthly magazine consists of detailed comments and essays on recent developments in the field of medicine from a Scriptural standpoint, with an emphasis on those procedures that threaten human life: Infanticide, abortion, and euthanasia. Write to Covenant Distributors, Box 4009, Martinez, Georgia 30917-4009.

Buchanan from the Right.
This magazine provides excellent insights on all subjects of interest by one of the conservative movement's most experienced writers. Subscribe by writing to Suite 175, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20006. FAX: (202) 408-1524.

Catholic Eye.
This periodical consists of incisive commentary on various political and life-issue events. Write to The National Committee of Catholic Laymen, Inc., James McFadden, Jr., Editor, Room 840, 150 East 35th Street, New York, New York, 10157-0137.

The Catholic Family News.
414 East Lawrence Street, Post Office Box 2435, Mount Vernon, Washington 98273. Telephone: (206) 336-5150. A monthly 16-page newspaper that includes general articles on items of information that will be of interest to traditional Catholic families.

Catholic Mailbox.
A free computer bulletin board that includes text files of the Pope's speeches, encyclicals, and an "Ask Father" question and answer box. 2400 baud, (313) 631-6870.

Catholic Twin Circle.
This weekly newspaper provides excellent, easy-to-read, conservative coverage of the most important ethical and moral issues of our day. Catholic Twin Circle may be subscribed to by writing to 12700 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 200, Studio City, California 91604, telephone: 1-800-421-3230.

Catholic World Report.
Post Office Box 6718, Syracuse, New York 13217. The main office for this publication is in Rome, and thus publisher Robert Moynihan has an advantage in reporting what is really going on in the Catholic Church. The journal covers all of the hot issues in the Catholic Church today: Abortion, altar girls, persecution of Catholics in China, the politics of sainthood, the Tridentine Mass movement, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary (by Muslims)!, the Irish and abortion, apparitions, clandestine Catholic communities, and many others.

Catholics United for Life.
CUL issues this untitled 4-page aperiodic newsletter about once every six weeks. It deals primarily with the methods and spirituality surrounding sidewalk counseling. Write to Catholics United for Life, New Hope, Kentucky 40052.

Child and Family.
This quarterly magazine produced by the National Commission on Human Life, Reproduction, and Rhythm is available from 244 South Wesley, Oak Park, Illinois.

This periodical is published by The Rockford Institute, 934 North Main, Rockford, Illinois 61103, telephone: (815) 964-5054.

This is the successor to American Life League's ALL About News. This biweekly 4-page publication is for those who want to stay 'up' on the latest developments in abortion-related events, especially in medical research and legislation. Write to American Life League, Post Office Box 1350, Stafford, Virginia 22555. Telephone is (703) 659-4171, FAX is (703) 658-2586.

Conservative Chronicle.
Published in newspaper format, this paper collects all of the writings of conservative columnists and the cartoons of the leading conservative artists. Write to Post Office Box 11297AS, Des Moines, Iowa 50340-1297.

Conservative Digest.
This periodical is available from Scott Stanley, Jr., Editor, National Press Building, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20045.

Conservative Review.
This periodical examines various issues, with particular emphasis on the homosexual movement and its underhanded tactics. Write to 1133 13th Street NW, Suite C-2, Washington, DC 20005-4297.

The Education Reporter.
This four-page bulletin tracks trends in educational districts all over the nation and keeps track of all of the Neoliberal machinations that are designed to indoctrinate our kids with radical values while bypassing parental authority. For subscription information, contact the Eagle Forum Educational and Legal Defense Fund, Post Office Box 618, Alton, Illinois 62002, telephone: (618) 462-5415

Ethics & Medics.
Subtitled A Catholic Perspective on Moral Issues in the Health and Life Sciences, this venerable monthly comments on all of the important developments in the life issues, to include animal rights and euthanasia. Subscribe by writing to The Pope John Center, 186 Forbes Road, Braintree, Massachusetts 02184, telephone: (617) 848-6965.

Family Foundations.
This bimonthly newsletter is published by the Couple to Couple League (CCL). Main topics are the technical and 'how-to' aspects of natural family planning (NFP) and information on teen sex clinics, chastity, and Planned Barrenhood. Write to Couple to Couple League, PO Box 111184, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45211.

The Family in America.
This periodical is published by The Rockford Institute, 934 North Main, Rockford, Illinois 61103, telephone: (815) 964-5054.

Family, Law & Democracy Report.
This 20-page magazine is published monthly by The Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress. It includes articles that watch very closely the situations in the judicial and executive branches of government and comments on how developments will affect family issues. Subscriptions are from 721 Second Street NE, Washington, DC 20002, telephone (202) 546-2822, FAX (202) 546-7689.

Family Policy.
This magazine is published monthly by the Family Research Council, a division of Focus on the Family. It features scholarly, in-depth research on one or two current topics of interest per issue, including many that concern pro-lifers: School-based clinics, infanticide, sex education, etc. Write to 700 Thirteenth Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005.

Family Voice.
This newsletter addresses many topics of concern to American Christian families, including porn, abortion, homosex, and others. It is available from Concerned Women for America, 370 L'Enfant Promenade SW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20024.

This monthly publication is billed as "a magazine on the family that is as Catholic as the Pope," and is a scholarly journal which takes an in-depth look at a wide range of topics of interest to Christians. It dissects in detail various issues affecting the Christian Church in the United States today, and is fairly heavy reading. It is also lengthy at about forty pages. The bulk of each issue is devoted to a very detailed examination of some current pro-life or religious issue. Examples are a 27-page report on the Pensacola abortion mill bomber trial written by someone who shadowed the lawyers for the defendants for the duration of the trial, and a 30-page essay on the effects of witchcraft and feminism on Western thought and beliefs. Other recent topics include Modernism and the effect of Eastern religions on the Christian Church in the United States. Included in each issue is a lengthy (5 to 7 page) letters section which is very informative in itself. Although this magazine identifies itself as strongly Catholic, all articles should be of interest to any pro-life activist. Fidelity is a monthly magazine. Write to: Ultramontane Associates, Inc., 206 Marquette Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, 46617.

Focus on the Family.
The organization "Focus on the Family" publishes three newsletters. The first bears the same name as the organization and is issued each month. It is a glossy, 16-pager that deals with questions of general interest to all Christians. The second, entitled the Focus on the Family Citizen, is also 16 pages long, is published every two weeks, and is directed more towards Christians who are interested in activism against all of the evils that beset our nation. The third is entitled Focus on the Family Physician and is oriented towards doctors. All three may be subscribed to by writing to Focus on the Family, Post Office Box 500, Pomona, California 91769, or by calling (714) 620-8500. A fourth publication, entitled Washington Watch, is issued by Focus on the Family's social policy research, lobbying and education division entitled Family Research Council. It may be ordered by contacting 700 13th Street NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005, telephone: (202) 393-2100, FAX: (202) 393-2134.

Foundations of Liberty.
A very objective and helpful Christian assessment of world events. Write to East Moline Christian School, 900 46th Avenue, East Moline, Illinois 61244. Telephone: (309) 796-1485.

Full Disclosure.
This monthly magazine deals with surveillance techniques and can be ordered from Full Disclosure, Post Office Box 903-FD23, Libertyville, Illinois 60048. Topics covered include electronic surveillance, bugs, recorders, eavesdropping from a distance, passive collection, countermeasures, scanning, hardwiring, shadowing, optics, reading unopened mail, lock picking, getting unlisted phone numbers, skip tracing, and equipment suppliers and sources, computer cracking, information tracking, tailing, 'spy shops,' and detective databases. This is a magazine for the technically-oriented who would like to research the seamy lives of abortionists.

Homiletic & Pastoral Review.
This venerable monthly journal packs many articles and letters of interest into its approximately 80 pages. Although it is primarily designed to inform Catholic priests (half of whom receive it), it is of interest to all Christians who want to keep up on traditional theological theory. Write to Catholic Polls, 86 Riverside Drive, New York, New York 10024, or call (212) 799-2600.

Human Events.
Founded in 1944, this is the oldest conservative chronicle. It deals with political events all over the world in newspaper format. Write to 422 First Street, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003. Telephone: (202) 546-0856, FAX: (202) 546-9579.

This is one of the best international newspapers that the pro-life Movement has, covering events that are happening all over the world. It is published monthly and contains many insightful and interesting articles, often from points of view not often heard from in the United States. Write to Humanity Publishing Society Ltd., Post Office Box 26-113 Epson, Auckland 3, New Zealand.

Human Life International Reports.
These monthly reports give details on the progress of the international pro-life movement in many countries and the status of pro-homosexual and pro-abortion infiltration of domestic and foreign Catholic churches. Less detailed coverage of a broader range of topics is given in HLI's monthly Special Reports. To subscribe, write to Human Life International, 7845-E Airpark Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879, or call (301) 670-7884. HLI's FAX number is (301) 869-7363.

Human Life Issues.
The Human Life Center, directed by Mike and Rita Marker, is an educational resource center with an extensive and up-to-date library of research materials and "Life Issue Files" drawn from various publications all over the world. HLC publishes a quarterly newsletter entitled Human Life Issues. The address of HLC is; Human Life Center, University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio 43952. Telephone: (614) 282-9953.

The Human Life Review.
This is a superbly presented scholarly journal modeled after the most distinguished psychobiology periodicals, and is published by the Human Life Foundation. It is mailed quarterly, and contains about 150 pages of essays by the best-known pro-life authors in the world, primarily on the legal and sociological aspects of abortion and its loathsome offspring, infanticide and euthanasia. One of the favorite topics of the authors is the continued lack of decisive action by the Catholic Church and other institutions.
Back issues, both bound and unbound, are available from: Editorial Office, 150 East 35th Street, Room 840, New York, New York 10016. Telephone: (212) 685-5210, FAX: (212) 696-0309.

The Interim.
This is Canada's leading pro-life and pro-family newspaper, and should be of genuine interest to U.S. pro-lifers, because it covers pro-life events in detail in both countries. The 24-page newspaper also has numerous theoretical articles. This monthly is available from The Interim Publishing Company Limited, 53 Dundas Street East, Suite 306, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1C6, telephone: (416) 368-0250, FAX (416) 368-8575.

International Review.
Formerly the International Review of Natural Family Planning, this journal is similar in size and length to The Human Life Review. It contains essays on natural family planning and other pro-life issues, including euthanasia, infanticide, and United States 'contraceptive imperialism.' Some of the finest conservative minds of the past and present have contributed to this journal, including Mother Teresa of Calcutta and many United States Senators and Congressmen.

Issues in Law and Medicine.
Information and updates on the legal and medical issues pertaining to medical treatment for handicapped and disabled persons of all ages. Edited by James Bopp, Jr. Write to the National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled, Post Office Box 1586, Terre Haute, Indiana 47808-1586.

Journal of the American Family Association.
Formerly the Journal of the National Federation for Decency, this excellent monthly primarily addresses pornography in the media and the arts and the many instances of media pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, and anti-Christian bias. To subscribe, write to the American Family Association, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803. Telephone: (601) 844-5036.

Journal of Marriage and the Family.
Order from The National Council on Family Relations, 3989 Central Avenue NE, Suite 550, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421, telephone: (612) 781-9331.

Legal Briefs Bulletin.
Excellent report on radical leftist groups and how they take advantage of the court system to enact their agenda. Write to Legal Affairs Council, Freedom Plaza, 14018-A Sunnyfield Circle, Chantilly, Virginia 22021.

Lex Vitae: A Reporter on Life and Death Issues in the Law.
This fine 32-page quarterly addresses the legal aspects and current court developments affecting all of the life issues ÄÄ including abortion, euthanasia and medical treatment, medical malpractice, the rights of the unborn child, and First Amendment rights. Includes a comprehensive federal and state legislative update and a detailed bibliography of books written on the life issues in the last several months. This magazine, issued by Americans United for Life, will be of great value to pro-life attorneys, researchers, or anyone interested in keeping up with current legal developments in the life issues. Write to Americans United for Life, 343 South Dearborn Street, Suite 1804, Chicago, Illinois 60604. Telephone: (312) 786-9494.

This publication features short articles on late-breaking news on the nation's leading abortion stories. It is published about monthly by The Ad Hoc Committee in Defense of Life, 1187 National Press Building, Washington, DC 20045, telephone: (202) 347-8686.

Linacre Quarterly.
This quarterly magazine is "A journal of the philosophy and ethics of medical practice," and is the official journal of the National Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guilds. It can be obtained from 850 Elm Grove Road, Elm Grove, Wisconsin 53122, telephone: (414) 784-3435.

Lincoln Review.
This is the newsletter of the self-described "America's leading conservative Black think tank." Subscriptions are from The Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, 1001 Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036. Telephone: (202) 223-5112.

Living World.
This quarterly magazine addresses most of the pro-life issues, including school-based clinics, teen sexuality, medicine, brain death, euthanasia, and other topics that affect the family. Order from International Life Services, Inc., 2606-1/2 West 8th Street, Los Angeles, California, 90057, telephone: (213) 382-2156. This organization also publishes an annual Pro-Life Resource Manual that lists more than 4,000 local and national pro-life groups.

Media Watch.
This monthly newsletter reviews the manner in which the secular media covers current events, and gives examples of media bias. Subscribe by writing to Media Research Center, Publications Department, 113 South West Street, 2nd Floor, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Telephone: (703) 683-9733.

The National Interest.
Write to Post Office Box 3000, Denville, New Jersey 07834-9913. Telephone: 1-(800) 543-4860.

National Monitor of Education.
This periodical is published monthly except July and August. Subscription is from Betty Arras, Post Office Box 402, Alamo, California 94507, telephone: (415) 945-6745. It covers in detail one or two of the latest "trends" in public schooling, i.e., the homosexual agenda or school-based clinics, and also includes a legislative and litigative update and generally includes a review of a book or other publication that would be of interest to activist parents.

National Right to Life News.
This is the National Right to Life Committee's biweekly publication. It deals primarily with the legislative pro-life scene from a national viewpoint, and is concerned not only with abortion but also with the rapidly-expanding euthanasia threat. If you want to know what's going on with the Supreme Court, congressional bills, or the attitudes and voting records of individual congressmen, this paper can't be beat. Write to 419-7th Street NW, Fifth Floor, Washington, D.C., 20004, or call (202) 626-8800.

National Review.
This is the oldest and most prestigious of the conservative 'opinion' magazines. Well-written and aimed at the intellectual. Available every two weeks. Write to William F. Buckley, Editor, 150 East 35th Street, New York, New York 10016. Telephone: (212) 679-7330, FAX (212) 696-0309.

New Oxford Review.
Some of the best religious writing published today from authors of every faith are represented in this periodical, and even some with no faith at all. Write to Dale Vree, Editor, Room 52, 1069 Kains Avenue, Berkeley, California 94706.

Notable Quotations.
A biweekly compendium of the most outrageous and humorous examples of bias by the secular news media. The last issue of the year presents the "Linda Ellerbee Awards" for the most extreme examples of bias shown during the year. Subscribe by writing to Media Research Center, Publications Department, 113 South West Street, 2nd Floor, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.

The Phyllis Schlafly Report.
Monthly national newsletter of the Eagle Forum, which is involved in virtually every conservative issue. Write to Post Office Box 618, Alton, Illinois 62002.

Policy Review.
This magazine is published by the Heritage Foundation, the most prestigious conservative think-tank in the country. Many conservative leaders contribute to this quarterly. Write to 214 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002.

Population Research Institute Review.
This bimonthly newsletter covers the international population control activities of various U.S.-funded purveyors of "contraceptive imperialism," or the control of other nations by forcing our 'family planning' philosophies down their throats. The biggest offenders include the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), and, of course, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Subscribe by writing to The Population Research Institute, Post Office Box 2024, Baltimore, Maryland 21298-9559, telephone (301) 670-1864. FAX number is (301) 869-7363.

Pro-Life Action News.
This quarterly newsletter, published by Joe Scheidler's Pro-Life Action League (PLAL), deals with the recent abortion-related events involving the League and other pro-life groups across the country. It offers detailed articles and suggestions for new pro-life tactics, uncovers anti-life events and strategies, and comments on events such as pro-life activist Joan Andrew's trial. Write to the Pro-Life Action League, 6160 N. Cicero, Chicago, Illinois 60646.

Pro-Life Action News.
This newsletter is published by Pro-Life Action Ministries and addresses the various aspects of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia in articles gleaned from sources from all over the country. Write to Pro-Life Action Ministries, Post Office Box 75368, St. Paul, Minnesota 55175-0368, or call (612) 771-1500.

The Public Interest.
This is a quarterly journal of about 150 pages. Each issue includes about ten articles and deals with the complete range of conservative issues. Write to National Affairs, Inc., 10 East 53rd Street, New York, New York 10022. Telephone: (202) 785-8555, FAX: (202) 467-0006.

Religion & Democracy.
Write to 729 15th Street NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005. Telephone: (202) 393-3200, FAX (202) 638-4948.

Religion & Society Report.
This monthly magazine features primarily in-depth research and articles on subjects of general interest to pro-lifers and other pro-family advocates. Subscribe by writing to The Rockford Institute, 934 North Main, Rockford, Illinois 61103. Telephone: (815) 964-5054.

The Rescuer.
This excellent bimonthly newsletter follows the strategy and philosophy of the American rescue movement. Subscribe by writing to Defenders of Life, Post Office Box 320, Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, 19026.

The Rutherford Institute Journal.
Formerly entitled Action, this monthly publication covers the rights of pro-lifers to assemble and speak, and gives details on some of the more outrageous Neoliberal attempts to censor or eliminate opposing viewpoints. Subscribe by writing to The Rutherford Institute, Post Office Box 7482, Charlottesville, Virginia 22906-7482. Telephone: (804) 978-3888.

TV, Etc.
This monthly newsletter investigates the Neoliberal agenda that saturates the secular media, including the political activities of the radical Hollywood Left. Subscribe by writing to Media Research Center, Publications Department, 113 South West Street, 2nd Floor, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Telephone: (703) 683-9733.

53 Dundas Street East, Suite #305, Toronto, Canada M5B 1C6. Telephone: (416) 368-8479. Published six times yearly by the Coalition for the Protection of Human Life (Campaign Life Coalition) of Canada. This is the newsletter of the mainline pro-life group in Canada, roughly equivalent to our National Right to Life Committee. Useful for those who want to keep up on what's happening North of the border.

The Wanderer.
This superb weekly newspaper covers all of the life issues in detail from a Catholic viewpoint. In publication for more than a century, it will be of definite interest to any pro-life activist, because it covers in detail not only all of the most important abortion-related stories (including a heavy emphasis on rescuing), but all of the important stories on related life issues such as homosexuality, contraception, abortifacients, capital punishment, New Age, and the 'Seamless Garment." Write to 201 Ohio Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55107. Telephone: (612) 224-5733, FAX: (612) 224-5735.

Washington Watch.
This monthly publication is issued by Focus on the Family's social policy research, lobbying and education division entitled Family Research Council. It covers events happening at the highest levels of government and may be ordered by contacting 700 13th Street NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005, telephone: (202) 393-2100, FAX: (202) 393-2134.

Further Reading: Pro-Life Magazines and Periodicals.

Jonathan and Jeanette Gainsbrugh. The Christian Resource Directory.
The Fleming H. Revell Company, Old Tappan, New Jersey 07675. 1988, 500 pages. This book lists over 20,000 books, films, magazines, and ministries that cover more than 400 topics in every area of activism that Christians could possibly be interested in. These include abortion, atheists, child abuse, Communists, cults, Dungeons and Dragons, feminism, home schooling, homosexuals, humanists, Christian magazines, Nazis, New Agers, pornography, Satanists, suicide, teenagers, unwed mothers, and witchcraft. The Gainsbrughs can be contacted at Worldshakers for Christ, Post Office Box P-1, Felton, California 95018, telephone: (408) 438-5683.

© American Life League BBS - 1-703-659-7111

This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia, published by American Life League.