American Life League

Almost every activist develops one or more specialized areas of interest after being in the pro-life movement for a few years. As time goes on, he may find that local resources are insufficient for proper research or reading in these areas.

The national groups and publishers listed in this chapter have literally thousands of books and cassette tapes available for sale. Some of them also sell such items as sidewalk counselor literature, VHS tapes, pro-life T-shirts and sweatshirts, billboards, and other publicity items.

The pro-life activist can find anything he needs for any mission with the help of these groups and publishers. If their catalogs do not feature the specific items that the activist requires, they usually know where to find them.

Americans Against Abortion (AAA).

AAA produces the most complete range of professional graphics and posters available in the pro-life movement today. These materials include T-shirts, pro-life action kits, tracts, albums, and colorful, superbly-executed posters. Phone-in orders may be placed at (214) 963-8678, or you may write to Americans Against Abortion, Post Office Box 70, Lindale, Texas, 75771-0070.

Catholics United for Life (CUL).

CUL produces a wide line of material for sidewalk counselors of every faith (in other words, much of their material is not specifically Catholic-oriented). These items include excellent photos of developing babies for sidewalk counseling, pro-life stationery, tracts, and books, including Margaret Sanger: Father of Modern Society. CUL is also available for training sidewalk counselors in your city, in person, or by videocassette and mail. CUL's catalog may be obtained from Catholics United for Life, New Hope, Kentucky 40052.

Daughters of St. Paul.

The Daughters of St. Paul (DSP) publish numerous useful Catholic documents in pamphlet form, including the Canadian Bishops' "Statement on the Formation of Conscience" and the Vatican's "Instruction on Bioethics." Write to the Daughters of St. Paul, 50 St. Paul's Avenue, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Massachusetts, 02130.

The Daughters of St. Paul have most of the important apostolic letters and encyclicals, including;

• "Educational Guidance in Human Love and Charter of the Rights of the
   Family" (Outlines for Catholic sex education), 62 pages.
• "Instruction Concerning Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery," 16 pages.
• "On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering," 58 pages.
Humanae Vitae (On Human Life), July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI.

Easton Publishing.

Easton Publishing deals primarily with a wide range of books and smaller booklets. They have pro-life primers and books on post-abortion syndrome (PAS), sidewalk counseling, prenatal development, euthanasia, and many other topics.

Easton also has a wide range of educational pamphlets primarily directed at sidewalk counseling and teenagers.

For a catalog or further information, write to Easton Publishing Company, Inc., Post Office Box 1064, Jefferson City, Missouri 65102, telephone: (314) 635-0609.

Heritage House.

Heritage House, the "Little Feet" people, have a wide range of publications and posters available. Write to: Heritage House '76, Inc., Pro-Family, Pro-Life Resource Center, Post Office Box 730, Taylor, Arizona 85939.

Ignatius Press.

Ignatius Press' quarterly catalog includes books and tapes that deal with the more abstract aspects of theology, spirituality, and prayer. Many books will be of interest to pro-life activists, including The AIDS Cover-Up; Feminine, Free, and Faithful; Too Many People?; Sex and Sacredness; and Christian Married Love. The Ignatius catalog also includes information on a new program for teen chastity, "Love and Life," and a program of religious instruction for Catholic homeschoolers, Grades 1 through 8.

For a free catalog, write to: Ignatius Press, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528.

Keep the Faith.

This group's catalog includes the largest selection of Christian and pro-life cassette and VHS tapes in the world more than one thousand in all. Most of these are of interest to Christian pro-lifers, i.e., "The Last Days," "The Anti-Christ," "Sex Education," "Authenticity of the Gospels," "Secular Humanism," "In Defense of Life," "Legal Killing," and hundreds of others. The catalog includes an index by subject on such topics as abortion, the Bible, Communism, euthanasia, occult practices, secular humanism, and sex education.

A free catalog may be obtained from: Keep the Faith, Inc., 810 Belmont Avenue, Post Office Box 8261, North Haledon, New Jersey, 07508. Toll-free telephone number: 1-800-221-1564, extension 103.

Life Issues Bookshelf.

This group's catalog features a very wide assortment of items, including pro-life checks, T-shirt transfers, posters, pins, and bumper stickers. It also markets perhaps the widest available assortment of pro-life books on every subject: natural family planning, family action and home schooling, secular humanism in the schools, and pornography. For a catalog, write to: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898.

Trinity Communications.

The Trinity catalog includes the descriptions of more than 600 books on Christian life, religious studies, and current issues, to include abortion and euthanasia. Some of the books advertised include Women Exploited; Women and Choice; and Beyond Abortion.

Trinity's catalog also describes more than 100 tapes and videos (VHS) on various topics of interest to Christians. For a free copy of this catalog, write to: Trinity Communications, Post Office Box 3610, Manassas, Virginia 22110. Telephone: (703) 369-2429 or (703) 369-2789.

Further Reading: Publishers.

Bacon's Publishing Company. Bacon's Media Alerts.
Covers the publishers of more than 1,700 magazines and more than 200 major daily newspapers. Information provided includes the publication title, address, telephone number, names and titles of editors and advertising managers, dates and frequency of publications, criteria and lead time required for submitted material. Magazines are by market, newspapers are listed geographically. 900 pages, published annually in December by Bacon's Publishing Company, 332 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60604, telephone: (312) 922-2400.

Bowker Company. American Publishers.
Covers about 71,000 publishers in the United States and Canada. Information on each publisher includes name, address, telephone number, ISBN prefixes, and Standard Address Number (SAN). 1,690 pages, last published in 1988 by K.G. Saur, R.R. Bowker Company, 245 West 17th Street, New York, New York 10011, telephone: (212) 982-1302.

Bowker Company. Books in Print.
This is the basic source of information for libraries, booksellers and distributors. It is the most comprehensive single source on the subject available. It features information on 30,000 publishers and more than 800,000 books. For publishers, information given includes company name and address. For books, information provided is author, title, price, publisher, and other information as needed. Eight volumes, 15,000 pages, updated and published annually in October by R.R. Bowker, 245 West 17th Street, New York, New York 10011, telephone: (212) 645-9700. Available in CD-ROM format under the title Books in Print Plus.

Oxbridge Communications. College Media Directory.
Information on more than 5,000 college newspapers, magazines, and yearbooks on about 2,500 campuses nationwide. Data includes name of college, address and telephone number of college media outlet, the name of the student advisor, description of contents, trim size and method, frequency, circulation, budget and method of financing, and advertising and subscription rates. 300 pages, published every four years (latest edition in April of 1989) by Oxbridge Communications Inc., 150 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10011, telephone: (212) 741-0231.

Gale Research. Publishers Directory.
1,650 pages. 21 categories of information on 19,000 United States and Canadian publishers, including addresses and telephone numbers, principal officers, number of new titles, interests, and selected titles. Published biennially in the fall of even years by Gale Research, Inc., 835 Penobscot Building, Detroit, Michigan 48226-4094, telephone: (313) 961-2242. Toll-free telephone number: 1-800-877-GALE.

© American Life League BBS 1-703-659-7111

This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia, published by American Life League.