American Life League

Never forget that we are not playing to the galleries. We are witnesses to the truth. We are playing to the angels, and to Him who made the angels. If this movement was reduced, as another movement once was, to a dozen frightened people in a dark room, the cause would still be right, and the cause would still go on. The truth of what we do is not measured by the numbers we gather.

                                                                                  Congressman Henry J. Hyde.[1]

Introduction to Pro-Life Strategies and Tactics.

Tactics are used to win individual battles, while strategies are employed to win the war. An effective strategy consists of a melding of all of the tactics that experience has revealed are useful in various situations.

It is essential to remember that all organizations and tactics are important in the winning of any war. The front-line troops cannot degrade or ridicule the rear-echelon supply personnel, because no army can win a war without equipment and supplies. Likewise, the support people can't assume an air of superiority either; the fighting troops are necessary for victory.

We must all work together in the unending war against abortion and euthanasia. Any energy expended in sniping at each other is that much less energy that can be spent fighting the real enemy. Every organization is vital for victory, from National Right to Life to Operation Rescue. There is a place for everyone and every skill imaginable in the pro-life movement.

Our tactics may differ, but our ultimate objective is the same: VICTORY!

And that is all that counts!

Final Victory When?

The abortion fight, as vicious and protracted as it may seem, is not entirely a war between pro-life and anti-life activists, but merely a tiny portion of the endless battle between the spirits of good and evil that has been continuously waged since Satan and his fellow rebellious angels were thrown out of Heaven. There will be no final victory until Our Lord wills it.

Until that wonderful day, there will only be temporary advantages that occasionally accrue to each 'side.' And the current advantage will always be to those who mobilize the most persons and assets for their cause, on both the grassroots and elite levels.

Roe v. Wade was a temporary and totally unexpected advantage for the anti-life forces.

Those who advocate the merciless killing of the helpless or inconvenient will always be with us. There will always be abortion. There will always be euthanasia. And there will also always be those who are committed to fighting these evils directly.

In 1775, the first Abolitionist group was founded by Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Rush.[2] The Abolitionists faced a long, hard battle that lasted nearly a century. Pro-life activists must be prepared to undertake essentially the same task, a task that may take even centuries because, even if abortion is completely outlawed, there will always be pro-abortionists and women who need help.

Chapters 26 and 27 describe the various components of an effective local or national pro-life strategy for victory, and Chapter 28 covers the basics of pro-life leadership. Figure 25-1 depicts the overall pro-life strategy and its basic components.


Fronline Activites (Chapter 26)
• Rescue Missions
• Sidewalk Counseling
• Picketing/Leafletting
• Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Support Activities (Chapter 27)
• Recruiting
• Infiltration/Subversion
• Intelligence Gathering
• Training
• Counter-Measures
• Education
• Legislation
• Litigation

References: Pro-Life Strategy for Victory.

[1] Congressman Henry J. Hyde. "Welcoming the Stranger: A Bicentennial Reflection." Human Life Review, Summer 1987, pages 10 and 11.

[2] The Vancouver [Washington] Columbian. April 11, 1989, page 2.

Further Reading: Pro-Life Strategy for Victory.

Pastor John O. Anderson with Doug Brendel. Cry of the Innocents: Abortion and the Race Towards Judgment.
South Plainfield, New Jersey: Bridge Publishing. 1984, 185 pages. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174. Telephone: (703) 586-4898. Scriptural background on sin in America and the parallels between our society and the Israel of Hosea's time make this book frightening and motivating reading. The killing of God's most innocent creations is a heinous sin that cries out to God for vengeance. Using the story of the prophet Hosea as a model, the author warns that God will withhold his vengeance upon this nation if we, as individuals and a people, stop our twin sins of sexual immorality and the shedding of innocent blood; but, if we persist, the wrath of God is inevitable and it will also be directed towards those who stood by and did nothing. If your pastor is sitting on the fence or thinking of getting involved, this is the book that he should read. Pastor Anderson also has a "Cry of the Innocents" videotape, and he is available for presentations. Write to John O. Anderson, Post Office Box 152, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601.

Dave Andrusko (editor). A Passion for Justice.
National Right to Life Committee, 419 7th Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20004. 1988, 160 pages. This is one of an excellent continuing series of National Right to Life Committee books that summarize the preceding year in the courts and legislatures, and look ahead to future years.

Michael W. Cuneo. Catholics Against the Church: Anti-Abortion Protest in Toronto, 1969-1985.
University of Toronto Press, 1989, 221 pages. The author traces the history and sociology of the Canadian pro-life movement as it battles the most liberal Church hierarchy in the world. The author is not writing from the pro-life viewpoint, but his insights will be valuable for American pro-life strategists. A detailed recounting of the battle over the illegal but government-protected Morgentaler clinics is also provided.

Thomas A. Glessner. Achieving an Abortion-Free American By 2001.
Portland, Oregon: Multnomah Press, 1990, 281 pages. The director of the Christian Action Council traces the history of the destruction of protection for the unborn in this country and outlines a political and legislative strategy for rebuilding it. The book has good emphasis on attacking and defunding Planned Parenthood. Appendix D is Marvin Olasky's very useful analysis of the abortophile public relations campaign against crisis pregnancy centers.

Thomas G. Klasen. A Pro-Life Manifesto.
Westchester, Illinois: Crossway Books, Good News Publishers, 1988. 160 pages. Reviewed by John Hinshaw in the March 1989 issue of Fidelity Magazine. Mr. Klasen asserts that the pro-life movement is laboring under false assumptions and using less than optimal strategies. Although some of his assumptions are weak, he rightly demands that the Movement use the power of aborted women and to console them in its campaign to stop abortion. He proposes a series of "mourning centers" in large cities where women could go to mourn their dead preborn babies. The author says that we must recognize the silent victims of the American Holocaust before we can heal as individuals and as a nation.

J.R. Lucas. Weeping In Ramah.
1987. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898. A fictional account of how life would be in the future if the anti-life forces gain complete control of society (this book is the pro-life answer to the pro-abort fiction The Handmaid's Tale). Describes how the nationally-based pro-life groups have been neutralized and how a small but determined pro-life underground risk and lose their lives in their struggle to save babies. This is prophecy unless we can mobilize!

Marvin Olasky. Abortion Rites: A Social History of Abortion in America.
Crossway Books, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. 1992, 318 pages. Reviewed by George Grant in the December 1992 issue of the Life Advocate. An emphasis on the 19th-century pro-life movement and a recommendation that we "stigmatize and contain" the horror of abortion today instead of trying to absolutely eliminate the killing of preborn children.

Professor Charles E. Rice. 50 Questions on Abortion, Euthanasia, and Related Issues.
Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898. This book examines the tactics and approaches used by the pro-life movement to fight abortion and euthanasia, and the various sources and causes of conflict between individuals and organizations within the Movement. Every activist and pro-life group should use this book as an aid to examining their attitudes toward the issues and toward their fellow activists.

Professor Charles E. Rice. No Exceptions: A Pro-Life Imperative.
Tyholland Press, Box 212, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556. 1990, 131 pages. A truly outstanding examination of the basic pro-life moral arguments against abortion. Pro-life direct and support activities are also described in some detail. Recommended for all new pro-life activists, and those veterans who want to redefine and sharpen their debating skills.

Joe Scheidler. Closed: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion.
350 pages, sewn softcover. Order from Ignatius Press, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528, or from Keep the Faith, 810 Belmont Avenue, Post Office Box 8261, North Haledon, New Jersey 07508, telephone: (201) 423-5395. This book, written by the head of Chicago's Pro-Life Action League, is useful for the street activist. It doesn't map out a complete local or area strategy, but is instead a conglomeration of tactics that may be used in specific situations.

Right to Life Educational Trust Fund.
RTL publishes a set of nine booklets by Carl Landwehr that outline an effective, unified strategy for stopping abortion in your town. The titles of the booklets, all of which are clearly written and are full of valuable information, accurately describe their contents. You may order these booklets separately or as a group from: National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund, 419 7th Street, NW, Suite 402, Washington, D.C. 20044, or from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898.

(a) "Right to Life Grassroots Organizing."
Thorough but simple guide for the organizing of new pro-life groups or the revival of old groups. Dedicated to the principle that success comes from organizing properly.

(b) "I'm Pro-Life, But What Can I Do?”
A basic primer that shows how everyone has talents that the pro-life movement can use.

(c) "Understanding the Pro-Life Movement and Grassroots Strategy."
How to use the many indigenous resources available in your community to accomplish pro-life goals without going to a lot of expense.

(d) "Changing Attitudes on Abortion: Pro-Life Education that Works."
How to use the media, advertising, publicity, and displays to reach large numbers of people with the pro-life message.

(e) "Pro-Life Legislation: How to Win!"
How to get pro-life legislators into office at the local and state level.

(f) Keep the Pro-Life Issue Alive: Use Media Events."
How to stage newsworthy events in order to keep the American Holocaust in the eye of the American public.

(g) "Involving Your Church in the Right to Life Issue."
How to involve your congregation and, even more importantly, your pastor in pro-life activism.

(h) "Successful Fund Raising."
How to raise large amounts of money for pro-life activities by putting on events that catch people's interest.

(i) "Motivating Your Group."
How to select the proper people for the proper jobs. Certain personalities do best when given particular tasks.

Jan Sutter. Slinging Ink: A Practical Guide to Producing Booklets, Newspapers, and Ephemeral Publications.
Paperback, Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174. Telephone: (703) 586-4898. A short course in journalism for pro-life activists who would like to publish and distribute professional-looking and attractive newsletters, newspapers, brochures and pamphlets. The book covers all aspects of self-publication, including layout, photography, writing, organization, and printing.

Sun Tzu. The Art of War.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1973. This classic book was written more than 3,500 years ago, but it remains the absolute last word on basic strategy and tactics.

© American Life League BBS 1-703-659-7111

This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia, published by American Life League.