American Life League

It seems to me as clear as daylight that abortion would be a crime.

                                                                                              Mahatma Gandhi.[1]

Anti-Life Philosophy.

Remind your listeners that even among religious organizations only the Roman Catholic Church and small fundamentalist Jewish and Protestant groups oppose the right to abortion ...

                                                              National Abortion Rights Action League.[2]

The elimination of legal abortion would be a serious violation of the separation of church and state, because there is a diversity of opinion among churches, both Christian and non-Christian, as to when life begins. We can't let the Roman Catholic Church and its Fundamentalist allies foist their narrow-minded philosophy off on the rest of us Good Christians. It is intolerable that any group would seek to force an entire society to conform to its religious beliefs.

In any case, those who believe that life begins at conception don't have to have abortions themselves. But they have no right to force others to adhere to their beliefs.

Introduction: Abortion in the Christian Church.

Black and White and Grey.

When activist Christians oppose any of the evils that afflict our modern world especially abortion they are invariably accused of seeing things as purely black and white. They are told that there is a "grey area" that various exceptions fall into.

Of course, common sense tells us that most moral issues can indeed be stated in terms of "black and white." However, there are those people who don't have the backbone to discard our ethical and moral framework completely, so they stretch the rules to create a zone within which any immoral or perverted act is allowable. This "grey zone" is a zone of confusion and relativism, where literally any act can be excused or rationalized.

It should be off-limits to any thinking person.

Neoliberals often allege that a perfectly simple issue is so complicated that nobody can really understand all of its ramifications, and therefore nobody can pass judgment on any person committing the acts in question. This tactic is called "mystagoguery," and has been used successfully by Neoliberals many times in the past.

From a religious point of view, abortion is uniquely a "black and white" issue. After all, even ultraliberal "Christians" accept that there is a God, and that He is the person who bestows our souls upon us.

If God goes to all the trouble of conceiving a child in the womb, then abortion is obviously a flagrant violation of His will, no matter what religious beliefs are being referred to.

From Birth Control to Abortion.

Before 1930, every Christian denomination vigorously condemned any interference at all with God's plan for our reproductive systems. This interference was understood to include the use of artificial contraceptives.

For more than nineteen centuries, bishops, pastors, and lay people heeded the voice of the Holy Spirit. And then, in 1930, the first and ultimately fatal wound in the Church's moral armor was inflicted when the Anglican Church accepted contraception for just the "hard cases."

Following a decade of bitter and divisive debate, the historic Anglican Bishops' Resolution 15 of August 15, 1930, passed by a vote of 193 to 67 at the Lambeth Conference. It reads as follows.


(August 15, 1930)

 ... in those cases where there is a clearly felt moral obligation to limit or avoid parenthood, and where there is a morally sound reason for avoiding complete abstinence, the Conference agrees that other [contraceptive] methods may be used, provided that this is done in the light of the same Christian principles. The Conference records its strong condemnation of the use of any methods of conception-control for motives of selfishness, luxury, or mere convenience.

This carefully crafted statement clearly exhibits the familiar and deceptive semantic tools of the modern pro-abortion movement. Notice that the Resolution is crafted to sound smooth and compassionate.

Notice also that the Resolution places no real limits on the Christian, but instead leaves any action at all up to the individual and his conscience.

This statement was the beginning of the end of mainline Christian resistance to human attacks on God's divine plan for our fertility. The first crack in the armor had been inflicted. It did not take long at all for the corrosive acid of moral relativism to eat away at the wound.

The Federal Council of Churches of the United States (now the National Council of Churches) had been eagerly waiting for someone else to take the lead in 'modernizing' the Church's stand on birth control, and they lost no time in following the Anglicans' lead. In March 1931, the FCC endorsed "the careful and restrained use of contraceptives by married people," while simultaneously conceding that "serious evils, such as extramarital sex relations, may be increased by general knowledge of contraceptives."

Any real hope for reconciliation between the Catholic Church and the Protestant denominations was probably dashed by the split on artificial contraception. David Kennedy described how some Protestant churches held out for a few years, and how some Protestants felt the tug of their consciences on the matter; "The American churches, the official guardians of respectability, only cautiously and belatedly gave birth control their official attention. The Roman Catholic church, objecting to contraception on strict doctrinal grounds, often carried its dissent into overt action to thwart the birth control movement. But the Protestant churches, too, until well into the 1930s in at least two cases until the 1950's refused to sanction contraception and often argued against it with a vigor equal to Rome's. Insofar as American Protestants listened to their churches in such matters, for a long time they could find there no comfort of conscience about contraception."[3]

"Christian" Abortion Pushers.

Other mainline churches soon loosened their strictures on the use of artificial contraception. However, until 1950, every major Christian and non-Christian church denomination in the United States still opposed abortion vigorously and unashamedly, and church leaders condemned abortion in the most strident possible terms. Their theology was based upon the original Church founders, as quoted below;

If it seems more disgraceful that a man be killed in his own home than in his field since for every man his home is his sanctuary how much more abominable is it to be considered to kill a fetus in the womb who has not yet been brought into the light?

John Calvin. Commentarius in Exodum, pages 21 and 22, in Opera, edited by J.W. Braum (Brunswick, 1882), Volume XXIV, page 625.

Even if all the world were to combine forces, they could not bring about conception of a single child in any woman's womb nor cause it to be born; that is wholly the work of God alone.

Martin Luther. Luther's Works. St. Louis, Concordia Publishing, Volume VII, page 21.

[The Fifth Commandment also refers to] poisoners and so to those who purposely endeavor to destroy the life of a child in the womb, whether the woman herself, or another does it.

Benjamin Wadsworth. An Essay on the Decalogue or Ten Commandments. Boston, 1719, page 29.

The slide from hardline opposition to active pro-abortion advocacy was not long in coming. Every country in the world that has legalized contraception has eventually done the same for abortion. This rule applies to Christian churches as well.

In 1965, various pro-abortion 'clergy,' heavily dominated by lax Methodists and renegade Catholics, banded together under the name "Clergy Consultation Service." Their purpose was to refer women to illegal abortionists and to act as the links in a kind of abortionists' "underground railroad."

Howard Moody, founder of the CCS and one of the leaders of these "Children of a Looser God," stated that "We never assume or admit that we were breaking the law. At all times, we were to behave as though we were acting within the laws of New York State and that, as clergy, we were bound to follow a higher moral law."[4]

Moody recently explained his position and, while he was at it, demonstrated a remarkable degree of closemindedness. When reading his quote below, note how pro-abortionists in privileged positions defile their occupations with such dishonesty.

What passed between a pastor and a member of his congregation was supposed to be protected information, and even police and district attorneys might respect that confidence. If the legal authorities declined to poke around in the delicate area of priest-penitent privilege, then the ministers could proceed as they liked; if someone tried to arrest them, or subpoena their records, then newspaper readers all over New York would be treated to the spectacle of a district attorney prosecuting a minister for counseling a woman who had come to him for help.

One New York obstetrician recalls, for example, that if a nurse or a medical student needed an abortion, she might be directed to go home and deliberately cut or scrape herself to produce bleeding on her underwear. In the hospital she would undergo a dilation and emptying of the uterus, then the standard early abortion technique, and the records would indicate that physicians had simply attended to a woman whose miscarriage began before she ever checked in.

On this one, I've never moved from my original position. It doesn't matter how scientifically good we get at pushing things here and there; the fact of the matter is you have conflicting rights, conflicted interests. And the interests of an adult human woman, no matter how far you push back viability or anything else, are never the same as a zygote or an embryo or a fetus. They're not. And if you said those were equal rights, I would deny it,that's all, I can't accept that on any kind of pragmatic grounds.[5]

Note that, for Moody and his ilk, the question of fetal viability is utterly irrelevant. For Moody, the unborn, no matter how developed or human, will always be disposable. Moody literally says that no amount of evidence will convince him otherwise.

It was not long, of course, before ultraliberal church denominations eagerly accepted abortion as part of their activist social agenda. By 1975, pro-abortion activists had taken over important church committees and subverted them to the point that every mainline Protestant denomination Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Methodist had pronounced abortion acceptable.

It is vital to note that the rank-and-file members of these good Churches were mainly pro-life, and that pro-abortionists used the classic strategy of "infiltration and subversion" to target prestigious committees and pack them so that an anti-life vote would be inevitable.

Of course, after these anti-life pronouncements, the mainline churches began to die.

The Strategy of Infiltration and Subversion.

All warfare is based primarily on deception of an enemy. Fighting on a battlefield is the most primitive way of making war. There is no art higher than to destroy your enemy without a fight by subverting anything of value in your enemy's country.

                                                                                                         Sun Tzu.[6]


The anti-life forces knew that they could never obtain abortion on demand against the monolithic opposition of the Christian Church, so they set to work deceiving the public and the churches.

The primary objective of numerous pro-abortion groups (most notably the 'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights) is to convince the general public that you can be a good Christian of any denomination, and still be free to kill your own child.

Their primary tactic is the well-known "bait and switch," i.e., "THE ISSUE IS NOT ABORTION." The issue is privacy, freedom, economics, but never abortion.

A few self-described "religious" people proclaim with perfectly straight faces that the subject of abortion is value-free a political, legal and medical issue, fit only for legislators, lawyers, and health care professionals to debate. This makes about as much sense as insisting that nuclear war is really only a matter of nuclear physics, aeronautics, and ballistics, fit only for physicists, aeronautical engineers, and ordinance experts to discuss.

The Neoliberal strategy of infiltration and subversion is described in Chapter 10 of Volume I.

Overt and Covert Attacks. 

In the arena of strategy and tactics, the Christian Church is identical to any other organization in many fundamental ways. Most importantly, the Church, like most other groups, is actually strengthened by an overt attack carried out by a visible enemy. However, it is extremely vulnerable to a long-term and persistent program of infiltration and subversion, because the visible results of such an attack take place slowly and in increments small enough to escape attention. In other words, it is always easier to defend against an enemy that can be seen. Therefore, the infiltrators escape the determined and concentrated counterattack that would beat back an external attack.

Humanists fully recognize this principle, and have therefore embarked on a massive program of infiltration and subversion of the conservative Christian churches. This is not to say that there is some massive conspiracy afoot; quite the contrary. Tens of thousands of caring individuals with an agnostic or "New Age" bent also seek spirituality, and they have come to regard the pastor's collar as the easy ticket to respect, dignity, a good salary, and a comfortable home, not to mention the opportunity for aiding people in a "nonjudgmental" and "compassionate" manner.

The Beginnings of the Program. 

This diffuse but deadly-effective program began approximately in 1965, when many Catholic and Protestant seminaries began to downplay spirituality and instead began to emphasize sensitivity and compassion. When young priests and ministers graduated from these institutions, they often openly confessed that they did not believe that the Bible was the literal word of God and, indeed, many stated that they did not even believe in the existence of God any more!

Clergy-Laity Divergence. 
Most lay people are not exposed directly to this pervasive Neoliberal network on a day-to-day basis. Therefore, the majority have retained their belief in God and His precepts. The resulting extraordinarily large gap between the faith of the laity and the clergy has been highlighted in several recent surveys.

According to a comprehensive 1990 poll, 55 percent of all Presbyterian ministers describe themselves as "liberal" to "far Left," while only 13 percent of all Presbyterian lay people do.

Another survey carried out at the United Methodists' 1988 General Conference revealed that only 11 percent of the clergy-delegates believed that the Bible is the "literal word of God," while a separate survey showed that 62 percent of all lay Methodists do.

Yet another study showed that 69 percent of Evangelical Lutherans who attend church consider themselves "conservative." However, only 39 percent of their ministers do. 88 percent of the Lutheran laity think that the majority should determine Church position on social issues. Only 38 percent of their pastors agree.[7]

In summary, the mainline Protestant churches are composed of conservative laity listening to Neoliberal preaching.

A Classic Example. 

As the "Modernized" products of the newly-Neoliberal seminaries took their seats as pastors or church bureaucrats, they naturally banded together to enact their personal agendas. Once again, this was no overt or organized conspiracy; just as conservatives work together, so do Neoliberal clergy. However, the Neoliberals have a vast advantage. They are on the side of "freedom" and "tolerance," a message that has always been more appealing to man's fallen nature than that of sacrifice and self-discipline.

An absolutely classic example of infiltration and subversion took place recently in a mainline Protestant church. Neoliberals managed to pack the 18-member National Worship Committee of the Presbyterian Church, USA, and proceeded to make sweeping changes in the liturgy without once consulting the 2.9 million person membership to see what their opinions were.

This Committee took a huge step towards enacting the Neoliberal agenda by striking at the heart of the Church: its manner of worship.

Therefore, in order to avoid being perceived as "sexist," the Presbyterian Church jettisoned the great traditional hymns "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen," "Faith of Our Fathers," and "Once to Every Man and Nation." They did not want to appear "militaristic," so they dumped "Onward, Christian Soldiers" and even the "Battle Hymn of the Republic." And, in order to avoid offending the handicapped, they even discarded "Stand, Up, Stand Up for Jesus!"[8]

It is not even enough for some Neoliberal "ecomunical" organizations to emasculate prayer in churches they are apparently compelled to demand that Christians deny the very core of their Faith whenever they are in public.

For example, the National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ) has issued a pamphlet entitled "Guidelines for Civil Occasions: Public Prayer in the Pluralistic Society," which solemnly declares "Prayer on behalf of the general community should be general prayer. General prayer is inclusive, non-sectarian, and carefully planned to avoid embarrassment and misunderstandings."

In other words, we should, according to the NCCJ, Christians must be so anonymous in public that they must mouth meaningless pablum "prayer" that is so "inoffensive" that nobody can tell what they are Muslim, Jew, Christian, or Hare Krishna. We are essentially being told by the NCCJ and other like-minded groups that we can be Christians only in private.

This is a logical demand. The Neoliberals want to destroy the Church, and what better way to do this than to insure that there is no apparent difference between pagans and Christians?

Unqualified Women 'Bishops.' On Saturday, February 11, 1989, the Episcopal Church caved in to radical Neofeminism once and for all as its Diocese of Massachusetts ordained the "Reverend" Barbara Harris a Bishop. Everyone on all sides agreed that, if she had been a man, she would never have qualified for such a high post. She did not even have a college education or any theological degree of any kind; she had no formal theological education; no pastoral experience; and only eight years as a 'priestess' advocating radical causes. Her sole qualifications were her gender and her skin color (Black).[9]

The Silliness Never Ends. 

Every church, unless it is eternally vigilant, is susceptible to the strategy of infiltration and subversion.

The Methodist Church redubbed "Good Christian Men, Rejoice" as "Good Christian Friends, Rejoice." On the cutting edge of social reform as always, the Methodists (nicknamed the "abortion church" in the late 1960s) are even considering the neutering of God: "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" may well soon become "Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer."[10]

In 1987, the Episcopal Church issued its 112-page manual entitled Sexuality: A Divine Gift. It defined sexual intercourse even outside of marriage as a "sacrament," and condoned homosexuality.

In May of 1990, the National Council of Churches which counts as members all of the mainline Protestant denominations issued a resolution condemning Christopher Columbus' historic 1492 voyage as "... an invasion and colonization with legalized occupation, genocide, economic exploitation and a deep level of institutional racism and moral decadence."

Needless to say, the rank-and-file were left out of the decision to pillory Columbus as well.

Largely due to such silliness, contributions to the National Council of Churches and its member organizations dropped more than 50 percent from 1975 to 1990.[11]


It appears that the Neoliberals have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in their strategy of infiltration and subversion. They have completely disarmed the mainline Protestant churches and many other churches as well.

The churches now thrash fruitlessly around the arid moral landscape, an unknowing and ineffectual laughingstock to all thinking people, whether they be religious or otherwise. In their zeal to avoid offense to every possible special-interest group, the churches have emasculated themselves. They spend millions of dollars and tens of thousands of man-years (excuse me, person-years) exorcising the largely-imaginary demons of "racism," "sexism," "fascism," "heterosexism," "ageism," and every other possible "ism," while millions of babies die, while pornography and apostasy flood the land with a darkening tide, and while sexual perversions proliferate in an infinity of hideous permutations.

This, of course, is precisely what the Humanists/Neoliberals were "praying" for.

The Christian Church has succumbed to the Humanist virus and is now gravely ill. Some mainline churches are close to death but still refuse to acknowledge their terminal condition.

The only thing that will cure this hellish malignancy will be a massive infusion of Holy Spirit-inspired grace and the Word of God.

The Critical Differences Between the Churches.

We will find our greatest success to the extent that we inculcate Marxism as a kind of religion: Religious men and women are easy to convert and win, and so will easily accept our thinking if we wrap it up in a kind of religious terminology.

                                                                                                  Vladimir Lenin.

What is the Church's Primary Mission? It is an established fact that pro-abortion churches radically depart from Scripture teachings in many areas, and tend to be "feel-good" in their approach to God. They support the "right to choose" abortion, fornication, divorce, adultery, and homosexuality. They insist that God does not really condemn these acts, despite literally hundreds of Scripture passages to the contrary.

In other words, their aim is not to preach the Gospel and uphold moral living (which admittedly can be very difficult at times), but instead to make their congregations feel comfortable and good about themselves. These churches stress tolerance and compassion instead of the principles of true Christianity or Judaism.

Their god is not a God of justice and mercy he is an indecisive and ineffectual "mush God" who would never condemn anyone to Hell. The Neoliberals have succeeded in making over God in their own image.

Two Different Religions? 

A major study of 643 Oregon clergy from every major Christian denomination the results of which confirm various national surveys showed that there exists such an extraordinary split in philosophies between theological liberals and conservatives that it is almost as if they belong to two entirely different religions.

For example, 91 percent of Oregon's conservative Southern Baptist ministers stated that the primary business of their Church was to save souls. Only 14 percent of the very liberal United Church of Christ ministers agreed. In fact, the United Church of Christ recently informed its ministers that they no longer have to tell their parishioners that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation![12] This means that the United Church of Christ is, by definition, a pantheistic, non-Christian religion. They are ignoring the single Gospel verse that could be said to summarize Christian thinking: John 14:6 ("I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father except through Me").

Think about this for just a moment. The primary goal of all Christian churches fifty years ago was evangelization and saving souls. After all, if a particular church doesn't think that this is important, what is a church for? It becomes merely a social club or a social action committee. Yet, incredibly, only one in seven United Church of Christ ministers thinks that saving souls is important!

This Oregon study and other surveys revealed other fascinating contrasts between the liberal and conservative clergy. For example, when asked to comment upon the acceptability of behaviors that have traditionally been deemed sinful, the conservative and liberal ministers responded as follows;


[A medium text size on your computer's 'view' setting is recommended, otherwise, the tables may be discombobulated.]

                                                                            Approval by;
                                                          Conservative                       Liberal
           Situation                                   Ministers                        Ministers

Homosexual marriages                                0%                                    94%
Cohabitation/fornication                               0%                                    91%
Condom advertising                                    3%                                    94%

The conservative Baptist ministers in Oregon, as all over the United States, said that the most important guidelines were Biblical principles. Predictably, the liberal ministers said that the most important thing of all was to be "compassionate and nonjudgmental."[12]

Not surprisingly, this Neoliberal call to be "compassionate and nonjudgmental" only applies to Neoliberal 'clergypersons.' When a Catholic priest is found to be guilty of child molestation or some other form of sexual misconduct, the Neoliberals attack the Church and use the incident to further their agenda by alleging that such events "show" that Catholic priests should be allowed to marry.

But when ministers from Neoliberal denominations go on literal sexual rampages, other Neoliberal clergy support or excuse him. For example, Oregon United Methodist minister William O. Walker propositioned young boys, tried to seduce dozens of men (including fellow pastors), contracted AIDS and transmitted it to his wife (who subsequently died), asked his friends to lie for him about his AIDS infection, and then finally died of the disease. His fellow ministers were entirely supportive: Incredibly, Pastor Jim Hulett said that Walker "wasn't distracted by his sexuality ... He was able to put it together. His sexuality was under control."[13]

Note the recurring theme among Neoliberals: Our God-given sexuality is, for them, a threatening force to be "controlled," not a part of us that should contribute to the harmonious whole as God intended.

The Widening Gap. 

Sadly, many good Evangelical, Jewish, and Catholic clergy and lay people have sunk into a psychological morass of indifference and hopelessness. These people have essentially given up; they accept the Humanist dictum that one may believe in God, so long as such belief does not affect one's conduct in any form. Among these people there is a numbing ignorance of what goes on around them. They are passive and timid, and merely wait for a savior to mend the world (not necessarily Christ, perhaps the State), preferably at minimum cost and discomfort to them.

They remain ignorant of Scripture, the teachings of their Church, and especially of the evil that surrounds them. In such a state, they are easily manipulated by those who have an organized and prepackaged agenda. They are no match for their many highly-motivated iconoclastic and atheistic enemies; they cannot even offer a verbal resistance. Some are even unsure as to whether or not to be offended by the anti-Christian rantings of the media and the 'artists.'

They have learned a passive Humanism from their churches; they are easily suckered by any movement that claims to advance human rights (i.e., abortion and "gay rights") or alleviate suffering (i.e., euthanasia and "animal rights"). They are swept along by their ignorance and desire to please everyone. Eventually, they become socially neutered. They have seen so much and have accepted so much that any type of behavior is allowable and appears normal. They are completely inactivated. They finally retreat into themselves and offer no resistance to the tide of evil sweeping over the world. They cannot even maintain values in their own families. Eventually, they lose control over their very souls.

And so, the Episcopalians now have a woman Bishop whose qualifications, if she were a man, would render her totally unacceptable for such a high position.

And, in the country where it all began, the English Anglican Church in 1983 blessed "contraceptive intercourse for unmarried couples for the purpose of proving their love." The Anglicans, with the approval of the Archbishop of Canterbury, recently devised a prayer in support of women who have aborted: "Into Thy hands we commit in trust the developing life we have cut short."

Not surprisingly, only two percent of England's 36 million people still attend church with any regularity. Why bother, if you can get a rubber stamp to do anything you want to? Why attend church, when there is absolutely no moral instruction whatever?

Pagan Nation. 

Many polls show that a large segment of the American public (anywhere from 25 percent to 40 percent, depending upon the survey) believe that abortion is murder and that it is immoral, but they still believe that it should be available to women. This is analogous to a person putting "KEEP ABORTION SAFE AND LEGAL" and "ABORTION KILLS CHILDREN" bumperstickers side-by-side on his car. But nobody in their right mind would do such a thing, because they realize how schizoid such an action would make them look to other people.

This strange public schizophrenia extends to other moral issues as well. A study of a half-century of opinion polling in America entitled "The Rational Public" shows that 58 percent of all Americans believed that homosexual acts should be legal but that 80 percent feel homosexuality is wrong.[14]

God Reflecting Society? 

In the United States, three decades of Neoliberal theological posturing have led to results as predictable and strange as they are disastrous. According to James Patterson and Peter Kim, authors of the book The Day America Told the Truth, over 90 percent of all Americans believe in God. This huge percentage leads media organs to declare that "America is one of the most religious nations on Earth."

If this is true, why is our country in such deplorable condition morally and ethically?

Because, although people believe in God, they simply ignore Him when making moral decisions. Religion plays almost no role whatever in the formulating of personal views and morality.

While it is true that the vast majority of Americans believe in God, the God they believe in is a nonjudgmental, relativist, wimpy God who would never put anyone in Hell. This is why a recent major Gallup Poll found that only 10 percent of all Americans said that their faith made a "discernable difference in their lives."[15]

In other words, people believe in God but have no use for His rules. Only ten percent of Americans believe in the Ten Commandments, and even less live by them. And more than eighty percent of all Americans believe that it is all right not to believe in God.[16]

We have truly become a pagan nation.

Satan Gets the Last Word. 

And so, Satan continues to deceive millions through the brilliantly successful ploy of making people believe that they are "good Christians" when, in fact, they are cruising down the smooth, wide, flat highway to eternal damnation.

Religious People Are Pro-Life.

It is the pastor's job to transmit attitudes to his congregation. The "feel-good" churches are much more pro-abortion and pro-homosexual than the stricter conservative churches, primarily due to the extreme degree of Neoliberalism and Humanism practiced by their clergymen.

On the other hand, real Christian pastors do not even have to mention abortion in order for their congregations to become pro-life. All they have to do is preach the Word of God.

According to an April 13-16, 1989 New York Times/CBS poll of 1,412 adults, people become more pro-life as religion becomes more important in their lives;


                                                               Pro-                         Pro-
Importance of Religion                         Life                      Abortion

   "Extremely" or "very" important              66%                         34%
   "Somewhat" or "not" important               34%                         66%
                                                             _______                    _______
                                                               100%                       100%

   "Extremely" or "very" important               72%                         28%
   "Somewhat" or "not" important                28%                         72%
                                                             _______                     _______ 
                                                                100%                       100%

These results are amusing in light of the fact that the official slogan of the 'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights is the exquisitely oxymoronic "PRAYERFULLY PRO-CHOICE!"

The Deaths of the "Feel-Good" Churches.

Declining Membership. 

It is really no surprise that pro-abortion churches are in such atrocious condition. They are incredibly active in social issues, but they have confused worship with directionless action. If they are not quite dead yet, their bodies certainly have an advanced case of gangrene. They are losing members at an incredible rate. What, after all, is the point in belonging to a 'church' that provides no moral standards to live by? Such churches are merely social clubs, and provide, at best, an opportunity to have a pleasant get-together with friends every week or so.

Figure 42-1 compares the memberships in 1960, 1980 and 1990 for the eight largest pro-life churches the four largest pro-abortion churches. The pro-life Catholic, Evangelical, and Mormon churches have exploding memberships, while the so-called 'mainline' pro-abortion churches are obviously in deep trouble. Remember that the United States population increased by a total of more than 90 million during the thirty-year time period 1960 to 1990.


                                 Church Membership (1000s)     Changes in Member-
                                    In 1960   In 1980      In 1990      ship, 1960-1990

Pro-Life Churches
Roman Catholic             44,600      54,580       59,180           +14,580 ( +32%)
Mormon Church              2,320        3,520         5,850            +3,530 (+152%)
Fundamentalist Churches 1,777        3,440          4,340            +2,563 (+144%)
Assemblies of God (Pent.)  980        1,709          2,625           +1,645 (+168%)
Islam                               1,500        3,820          6,935           +5,435 (+362%)
Southern Baptist              9,700      12,100        15,885           +6,185 ( +64%)
Jehovah's Witnesses           250           645             765              +515 (+206%)
Lutheran (Missouri 
   Synod)                         2,200        2,445          2,775               +575 ( +26%)
Other pro-life churches  17,073      24,429         29,861         +12,788 ( +75%)
ALL PRO-LIFE ______________________________________________
       80,400    106,688       128,216          +47,816 (+59%)

Pro-Abortion Churches
United Methodist           11,100      11,212           7,500            -3,600 (-32%)
United Presbyterian         3,300        3,456           2,177            -1,123 (-34%)
Episcopalian                    3,400        2,827           2,460               -940 (-28%)
United Church of Christ   2,100        1,710           1,560               -540 (-26%)
Other pro-abort 
   churches                      12,550     10,913         13,102              +552 ( +4%)
ALL PRO-ABORTION________________________________________
               32,450      30,118        26,799            -5,650 (-17%)

References. (1) "Organizations That Have Taken a Position on Abortion Rights," Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, HQ 780, October 22, 1985. (2) T.J. Bosgra. "Abortion, the Bible, and the Church." Booklet from Hawaii Right to Life Education Foundation, Post Office Box 10129, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816. (3) Bureau of the Census, United States Department of Commerce. National Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. 1990 (110th Edition). Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. Table 77, "Religious Bodies Selected Data."

Backing Away From Baby-Killing. 

To their credit, some of the large pro-abortion 'mainline' churches are beginning to awaken from their deep amoral slumber. Baptists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and even Methodists (the latter three churches, of course, being by far the largest members of the 'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights) all issued statements in 1988 'clarifying' their stands on abortion or retracting their former pro-abortion positions.

The United Methodist Church, commonly known as the "abortion church" for its vigorous efforts to legalize abortion in the late 1960s, has become disturbed at the tidal wave of abortion washing over our country. It stated its firm opposition to abortion for birth control or for gender selection (women who do not use contraception obtain 36% of all abortions).

The Presbyterian Church, USA stated that abortion "should not be used for convenience or to ease embarrassment or as a means of birth control" (convenience abortions account for 98 percent of all baby-killing).

The American Baptist Churches, USA denounced "irresponsible sexual behavior," and stated that "As American Baptists, we oppose abortion, as a means of avoiding responsibility for conception, as a primary means of birth control without regard for the far-reaching consequences of the act."

The Episcopal Church (whose parent body is not a member of RCAR) has stiffened its backbone a bit, and now sanctions abortions "... only in extreme situations. We emphatically oppose abortion as a means of birth control, family planning, sex selection, or any reason of mere convenience."

Current Positions of the Churches on Abortion.

Summary of Positions. 

Figure 42-2 summarizes the positions of 232 major church denominations in the United States, representing 99 percent of all adults who attend church in this country.

This figure shows that less than one out of five adult Americans belong to pro-abortion churches. Three-fourths attend churches that are totally pro-life (i.e, they allow abortion only to save the life of the mother), and many others go to churches that allow only limited exceptions for abortion (usually for the life of the mother and rape and incest). About 1 percent belong to churches that take no position whatever on abortion.


                                                                                                          of All
Position Regarding Abortion    Denominations    Membership     Members

Pro-life (exception for
   mother's life only)                                152            119,312,000              76
Pro-life (exceptions for mother's
   life and rape and incest)                         22                8,904,200                6

Totals for pro-life churches                     174            128,216,200              82

Neutral on abortion                                  14                   712,000                1
Pro-abortion churches                              44              26,774,500              17

232            155,702,700            100

NOTES. This table summarizes the information contained in Figures 42-3, 42-4, and 42-5. The definition of "church membership" follows United States Census Bureau parameters. Membership in Christian churches is defined as all adults and children and the estimated number of other regular participants who are not considered as confirmed or full members. Estimates of Jewish memberships are generally made by local Jewish federations, and are usually made by multiplying the number of member families by the average family size, and therefore may include some non-Jews who are family members.

Figure 42-1 summarizes the membership changes in pro-life and pro-abortion churches over the last three decades, and shows that pro-life churches are flourishing while pro-abortion churches are dying.

These two tables summarize the abortion positions of all of the major religious denominations and organizations in the United States, which are listed in detail as follows;

• Figure 42-3 pro-life churches;
• Figure 42-4 pro-abortion churches; and
• Figure 42-5 neutral churches.

For those who are interested in joining with others of their own religion in fighting abortion, the names and addresses of a number of pro-life religious groups are listed later in this chapter.


Adventist Christian Church *                                                           31,000
African Methodist Episcopal                                                       2,355,000
African Methodist Episcopal Zion                                               1,230,000
American Lutheran Church                                                         2,400,000
Amish: Old Order Amish Church                                                     12,400
Antiochan Orthodox Christian Archdiocese                                   295,000
Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East                               85,000
Apostolic Christian Church of America                                            18,000
Apostolic Overcoming Church of God                                           105,000
Armenian Church of America                                                        511,000
Assemblies of God *                                                                    975,000
Assemblies of God (Pentecostal)                                               2,625,000
Baha'i Faith                                                                                    18,700
   American Baptist Association                                                    225,000
   Baptist Bible Fellowship Missions                                           1,435,000
   Baptist Capital Association                                                          14,500
   Baptist General Conference                                                       145,000
   Baptist Missionary Association of America                                 235,000
   Conservative Baptist Association of America                              245,000
   General Assn. of Regular Baptist Churches                                 236,000
   National Association of Free-Will Baptists                                 217,000
   National Baptist Convention, USA                                               90,000
   Pentecostal Free-Will Baptist Church                                           10,000
   Southern Baptist                                                                   15,885,000
Berean Fundamental Church                                                           15,600
Billy Graham Evangelical Association *                                           35,000
Brethren Church *                                                                        307,000
Buddhists, including Hinayana Sect                                                115,000
Christian and Missionary Alliance                                                  228,000
Christian Churches                                                                          21,000
Christian Church, North American General Council                         12,000
Christian Congregationalists                                                          113,000
Christian Reformed Church                                                           225,000
Christian Science                                                                          375,000
Church of God (based in Anderson, Indiana)                                190,000
Church of God (based in Cleveland, Tennessee)                           530,000
Church of God of Prophecy                                                            76,000
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints *                            5,850,000
Church of the Nazarene                                                                555,000
Churches of Christ                                                                     1,700,000
Churches of God in Christ                                                          3,775,000
Churches of God, General Conference                                            11,000
Congregational Christian Churches *                                             110,000
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference                          12,200
Evangelical Church of North America                                              11,900
Evangelical Congregational Church                                                  28,700
Evangelical Free Church of America                                              176,000
Evangelical Friends Church, Eastern Region *                                  18,000
Evangelical Mennonite Church, Inc. *                                                3,600
Free Methodist Church of North America                                       16,700
Individual Fundamentalist Churches of America                             125,600
International Church of the Foursquare Gospel                              188,000
International Council of Christian Churches                                    100,000
International Society for Krishna Consciousness                            217,000
Jack Van Impe Ministries                                                                55,000
   Jews for Jesus                                                                               4,500
   Rabbinical Alliance of America                                                    27,500
   Rabbinical Council of America                                                     18,000
   Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations                                  177,000
   United Orthodox Rabbis of the US and Canada                          12,000
Jainists                                                                                             9,000
Jehovah's Witnesses                                                                     765,000
   American Lutheran Church                                                     2,400,000
   Apostolic Lutheran Church                                                          23,000
   Association of Free Lutheran Congregations                                14,400
   Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America                                19,500
   Church of the Lutheran Conference                                               9,700
   Evangelical Lutheran Synod                                                       121,000
   Missouri Synod                                                                      2,775,000
   Wisconsin Evangelical Synod                                                     425,000
Mennonite Church                                                                          92,000
   Christian Methodist Episcopal Church *                                     710,000
   Evangelical Methodist Church                                                      65,000
   Free Methodist Church                                                                70,000
   Southern Methodist Church *                                                       11,000
Missionary Church *                                                                       14,000
Moslem, with US Moslem Council of Masajid                            6,935,000
National Association of Evangelicals *                                             27,600
Netherlands Reformed Congregation                                               15,000
North American Old Catholic Church                                              62,000
Old Time Gospel Hour (Jerry Falwell)/                                           100,000
Open Bible Standard Church                                                          75,000
   Albanian Orthodox Church                                                          16,800
   Anglican Orthodox Church                                                          78,000
   Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church                                           106,000
   Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic                              135,000
   Coptic Orthodox Church                                                             95,000
   Greek Orthodox Church                                                         1,950,000
   Holy Ukrainian Autocephalic
      Orthodox Church in Exile *                                                      12,000
   Orthodox Church in America                                                  1,000,000
   Romanian Orthodox Church                                                        40,000
   Russian Orthodox Church                                                            77,000
   Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church                                               23,000
   Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch                                             24,000
   Ukrainian Orthodox Church                                                         88,000
Peninsula Bible Church                                                                   12,000
   International United Pentecostal Church                                     475,000
   Pentecostal Assembly of the World                                              45,000
   Pentecostal Church of God                                                        100,000
   Pentecostal Fire Baptist Holiness Church                                     14,000
Polish National Catholic Church of America                                  186,000
   Bible Presbyterian Church                                                          100,000
   Presbyterian Church in America                                                   76,000
   Orthodox Presbyterian Church                                                     15,800
   Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America                         10,000
Radio Bible Class                                                                           10,000
Reformed Church in America                                                        352,000
Reformed Episcopal Church                                                         245,000
Roman Catholic Church                                                           59,180,000
Scientology, Church of                                                                  245,000
Seventh Day Adventist General Conference *                               650,000
United Zion Church                                                                        24,500
Wesleyan Church                                                                         109,000

61 Other Pro-Life Churches                                                      3,150,000

   CHURCHES                                                                    128,216,200

NOTE: An asterisk (*) denotes churches that have no official position on abortion, but generally preach and teach against it.

REFERENCES: (1) "Organizations That Have Taken a Position on Abortion Rights," Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, HQ 780, October 22, 1985. (2) T.J. Bosgra. "Abortion, the Bible, and the Church." Booklet from Hawaii Right to Life Education Foundation, Post Office Box 10129, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816. (3) Bureau of the Census, United States Department of Commerce. National Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. 1990 (110th Edition). Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. Table 77, "Religious Bodies Selected Data."


American Ethical Union                                                                    4,400
American Friends Service Committee                                                  200
American Humanist Association *                                                     7,500
American Jewish Congress *                                                            3,000
Americans for Religious Liberty                                                         2,100
Armenian Apostolic Church of America                                        235,000
   American Baptist Church in the United States                          1,704,000
   Seventh Day Baptist General Conference                                       5,200
B'nai B'rith Women                                                                           1,300
'Catholics' for a Free Choice *                                                               50
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)                                         1,108,000
Church of the Brethren                                                                  218,000
Church of the Brethren, Women's Caucus *                                         500
Church Women United *                                                                     850
Confucianism                                                                                    3,000
   Episcopalian Church                                                               2,460,000
   Episcopalian Church Urban Caucus *                                            2,000
   Episcopalian Church Women's Caucus *                                       1,500
Federation of Protestant Welfare Organizations                                 1,100
Fed. of Reconstructionist Congregations and Havurot                        5,700
   Central Conference of American Rabbis                                        2,700
   National Council of Jewish Women *                                            1,150
   The Rabbinical Assembly                                                           500,000
   Union of American Hebrew Cong. (Reformed) *                        112,000
   United Synagogues of America                                                   775,000
Lutheran Church in America                                                       7,240,000
   United Methodist Church                                                        7,500,000
   Women's Division, Board of Global Ministries *                             1,000
   Youth Ministry Organization                                                          5,500
Metropolitan Community Churches (Sodomy Church)                    25,500
Moravian Church in America                                                            8,000
National Council of Churches                                                          11,000
Pioneer Women of NA'AMAT                                                            450
   Presbyterian Church in the United States                                    175,000
   United Presbyterian Church in the United States                      2,177,000
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of LDS                                  187,000
'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights *                                         2,800
Salvation Army                                                                             435,000
Shinto                                                                                              1,000
Satanist Churches                                                                           30,000
Unitarian Universalist Association *                                               171,000
United Church of Christ                                                             1,560,000
Wicca ('White Witches') and other practitioners                              15,000
Young Women's 'Christian' Association                                           75,000


NOTE: Organizations marked with an asterisk (*) were formed specifically to promote abortion rights and lend a pseudo-religious veneer of respectability to baby-killing, or are very aggressively involved in pushing abortion, placing it at the top of their agendas.

REFERENCES. (1) "Organizations That Have Taken a Position on Abortion Rights," Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, HQ 780, October 22, 1985. (2) T.J. Bosgra. "Abortion, the Bible, and the Church." Booklet from Hawaii Right to Life Education Foundation, Post Office Box 10129, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816. (3) Bureau of the Census, United States Department of Commerce. National Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. 1990 (110th Edition). Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. Table 77, "Religious Bodies Selected Data."


Associated Reformed Presbyterian Church                                      32,000
Christian and Missionary Alliance                                                  153,000
Church of God of Prophecy                                                            95,000
Community Churches, International Council of                               185,000
Congregational Christian Church, Nat'l Association                         25,000
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference                          22,000
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America                                          13,000
General Church of the New Jerusalem                                               9,000
Hutterian Brethren                                                                             9,000
Moravian Church in America                                                           33,000
National Council of Community Churches                                        34,000
National Spiritualist Association of Churches                                     5,000
Pentecostal Church of Christ                                                           95,000
Quakers General Conference/Pacific Yearly Meeting                         2,000


NOTE: The above churches either take a studiously neutral stance on abortion, seem to be evenly divided in their attitudes regarding it, or just don't seem to possess a coherent policy. In all cases, the central governing bodies have not issued any official position papers on the subject. Of course, these churches do not help the unborn at all with their neutrality; they might just as well be pro-abortion. As John F. Kennedy, Dante, and many others have said, "The deepest pit in hell is reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of great moral crisis."

REFERENCES. (1) "Organizations That Have Taken a Position on Abortion Rights," Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, HQ 780, October 22, 1985. (2) T.J. Bosgra. "Abortion, the Bible, and the Church." Booklet from Hawaii Right to Life Education Foundation, Post Office Box 10129, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816. (3) Bureau of the Census, United States Department of Commerce. National Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. 1990 (110th Edition). Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. Table 77, "Religious Bodies Selected Data."

Abortion: Only a Christian Issue?

Pro-aborts, even when they have learned attorneys arguing their case at the District, Circuit, and Supreme Court levels, insist that any attempt to legislate or restrict any aspect of abortion and its aftermath (even when it is as 'trivial' as a dignified burial of the sad little bodies), is an unconstitutional 'establishment' of a particular religion in this case, Christianity (usually, Roman Catholicism).

This is a false and unfounded assumption, and these dishonest pro-aborts know better. All of the churches listed in Figure 42-3 are adamantly opposed to abortion for any reason, except for the life of the mother or, in some cases, rape and incest. Pro-abortionists love to employ their deeply ingrained anti-Catholic bigotry to dismiss the opposition as a bunch of Papist puppets, but Figure 42-3 shows that opposition to abortion is not just a 'Catholic issue:' it is not even just a Christian issue. Buddhists, Hindus, Jainists, Moslems, Jews, Krishnas, and many other non-Christians oppose abortion on both religious and secular grounds.

For example, abortion is considered one of the Five Great Sins to Hindus (Pancha Maha Pataka). It is called Bhruna Hatya the killing of an unwanted child.[17] And Chapter 44 describes how authentic Jewish teaching unequivocally condemns abortion.

On the other hand, we certainly can't accuse the pro-abortion 'churches' of lacking diversity; these organizations include at least eleven Satanist churches, all of the various covens practicing witchcraft (including Wicca), and the Sodomy Church (now anti-progressively relabeled the 'Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches').

Church-Related Pro-Life Groups.

There is nothing that the world would like so much as a silent Church.

                                                                                                William Barclay.[18]

Many pro-life churches have well-organized and highly visible pro-life organizations that actually get out into the street and DO something. Additionally, many pro-life members of pro-abortion churches feel isolated in their own congregations and have banded together to form pro-life groups for mutual support and pro-life action. Some of these church pro-life organizations are listed below.

Many of these organizations have chapters all over the country. For information, call the national headquarters of the appropriate organization. If no such group exists in your area, please consider starting one. It is not difficult, especially with help and advice from the national headquarters, and it is a sorely needed ministry. There are many other isolated pro-lifers out there!

Baptists for Life
Post Office Box 394
Hallettsville, Texas 77964

Catholics United for Life (CUL)
New Hope, Kentucky, 40052

Jewish Anti-Abortion League
C/O Rabbi Yehuda Levin
Post Office Box 262
Gravesend Station
Brooklyn, New York 11223
Telephone: (718) 336-0053

Lutherans for Life
Post Office Box 819
Benton, Arkansas 72015
Telephone: (501) 794-2212

Methodists for Life
12105 Livingston Street
Wheaton, Maryland 20902

National Organization of Episcopalians for Life (NOEL)
10520 Main Street
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Telephone: (703) 591-6635

Orthodox Christians for Life
Jim Jatras
6028 Morgan Court
Alexandria, Virginia 22312
Telephone: (703) 941-0735
Also: John and Val Protopapas
Post Office Box 805
Melville, New York 11747
Telephone: (516) 271-4408
(Greek, Russian, Serbian, Albanian, and Romanian Orthodox Christians).

Presbyterians Pro-Life
Post Office Box 11130
Burke, Virginia 22009
Telephone: (703) 569-9474

Pro-Life Seminarians International
Human Life International
7845-E Airpark Road
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879

Priests for Life
288 Denslowe Drive
San Francisco, California 94132
Telephone: (415) 333-2249

Rosary Novena for Life
Post Office Box 40213
Memphis, Tennessee 38174-0213
Telephone: (901) 725-5937

Sons of Mary
Post Office Box 81
West Long Branch, New Jersey 07764
Telephone: (201) 222-2884
An organization for activist pro-life Roman Catholic priests.

Southern Baptist Convention,
Christian Life Commission
901 Commerce Street, Suite 550
Nashville, Tennessee 37203
Telephone: (615) 244-2495

Task Force of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality
512 Florence Street
Dothan, Alabama 36301
Telephone: (205) 794-8543.
Organizes pro-life Methodists and works with the Sheltering Church Movement, which helps women with crisis pregnancies.

United Church of Christ Friends for Life
Post Office Box 255
Telford, Pennsylvania 18969
Telephone: (215) 723-8378

Women for Faith and Family (WFF)
Post Office Box 8326
St. Louis, Missouri 63132
Telephone: (314) 863-8385
Catholic pro-life, pro-family organization.

References: Church Positions on Abortion.

[1] Mahatma Gandhi, quoted in Krishna Kripalani's All Men Are Brothers: The Life and Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi.

[2] Looseleaf booklet entitled "Organizing for Action." Prepared by Vicki Z. Kaplan for the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). 1978, page 31, "Introduction to Debating."

[3] David M. Kennedy. Birth Control in America. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1971. Page 141.

[4] Colin Francome. Abortion Freedom: A Worldwide Movement. London: George Allen & Unwin Publishers. 1984, 241 pages. Although written from the pro-abortion viewpoint, this book contains much valuable information regarding the basic philosophy and strategy of the worldwide pro-abortion movement. Page 110.

[5] Cynthia Gorney. "Abortion, Once Upon a Time in America: Before Roe v. Wade, an Underground Effort by a Group of Ministers to Help Pregnant Women." The Washington Post, April 26, 1989. Also "After Abortion Became Legal: In New York, a Rush to the Clinic." The Washington Post, April 27, 1989.

[6] Sun Tzu, c. 500 BC. The Art of War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973).

[7] Paul Harvey. "The Churches' Misled Leaders." Conservative Chronicle, January 28, 1991, page 27.

[8] John S. Tompkins. "Look What They've Done to My Songs." Reader's Digest, December 1990, pages 105 to 108.

[9] "That New Time Religion." National Review, March 10, 1989, page 16.

[10] Steve Duin. "God Rest Ye Merry, Word Policemen." The Oregonian, Thursday, December 20, 1990, page D7.

[11] "On the Record." National Review, July 9, 1990, page 9.

[12] Sura Rubenstein. "Survey Finds Wide Gap in Liberal, Conservative Clergy." The Oregonian, January 21, 1989, page C12. Also see The Oregonian, December 25, 1988, page D1.

[13] Letter to The Oregonian by Kathy Momyer Hossner entitled "Sexuality in Check?" December 13, 1992, Metro section.

[14] John Balzar, LA Times - Washington Post Service. "Homophobia Runs Deep in U.S." The Oregonian, February 10, 1993, pages E1 and E8.

[15] Cal Thomas. "Candidates of a Lesser God." Conservative Chronicle, September 9, 1992, page 23.

[16] James Patterson and Peter Kim. "God Plays Small Role in U.S. Morality." The Oregonian, August 7, 1991, page B5. In this article, the authors of the book The Day America Told the Truth: What People Really Believe About Everything That Really Matters summarize the attitude of Americans toward God.

[17] P.V. Narasimh Acharya, Ph.D. "The Sin That Led to Indira Gandhi's Defeat." International Review of Natural Family Planning, Summer 1977, pages 136 to 138.

[18] William Barclay. The Ten Commandments for Today. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1973. Page 94.

Further Reading and Resources: Church Positions on Abortion.

American Life League. "Political Activity by Clergymen." 
Order from ALL, Post Office Box 1350, Stafford, Virginia 22554.

Pastor John O. Anderson with Doug Brendel. Cry of the Innocents: Abortion and the Race Towards Judgment
South Plainfield, New Jersey: Bridge Publishing. 1984, 185 pages. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174. Telephone: (703) 586-4898. Scriptural background on sin in America and the parallels between our society and the Israel of Hosea's time make this book frightening and motivating reading. The killing of God's most innocent creations is a heinous sin that cries out to God for vengeance. Using the story of the prophet Hosea as a model, the author warns that God will withhold his vengeance upon this nation if we, as individuals and a people, stop our twin sins of sexual immorality and the shedding of innocent blood; but, if we persist, the wrath of God is inevitable and it will also be directed towards those who stood by and did nothing. If your pastor is sitting on the fence or thinking of getting involved, this is the book that he should read. Pastor Anderson also has a "Cry of the Innocents" videotape, and he is available for presentations. Write to John O. Anderson, Post Office Box 152, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601.

John Ankerberg and John Weldon. When Does Life Begin?: And 39 Other Tough Questions About Abortion
Brentwood, Tennessee: Wolgemuth & Hyatt Publishers, 1989, 252 pages. This book is one of the best primers the pro-life movement has, because it contains everything that a new activist needs to know. It has four logically laid-out sections: (1) the basic question on when human life begins; (2) answering pro-abort slogans; (3) a Biblical and theological analysis of abortion, and (4) what Christians and churches can do to stop the American Holocaust.

Roy Howard Beck. On Thin Ice
Order from Bristol Books, Box 150, Wilmore, Kentucky 40390, telephone 1-800-451-READ. This book uncovers the means and tactics that the liberals have used to undermine and paralyze the mainline churches and, even worse, perverted them so completely that some of them embrace the entire left-wing agenda. Particular attention is lavished upon the National Council of Churches (NCC).

T.J. Bosgra. Abortion, the Bible and the Church
Hawaii Right to Life Educational Foundation, Post Office Box 10129, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816. Although somewhat out of date by this time, this book is still timely in that it discusses what the Bible says about abortion and lists the actual quotes from statements made by 150 major churches on the subject of abortion.

Paul B. Fowler. Abortion: Toward an Evangelical Consensus
Portland: Multnomah Press, 1987. 222 pages. Reviewed by John Jefferson Davis on page 5 of the May 14, 1987 National Right to Life News. The author traces the roots and social forces that decimated the Christian consensus against abortion before Roe v. Wade, and argues against the statement that the unborn are only 'potential persons.' The best part of the book is a comprehensive examination of what Scripture says about life, death, and the unborn. Mr. Fowler also challenges all Christians to do what they can to end the abortion holocaust.

Greenhaven Press. Civil Liberties: Opposing Viewpoints
Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series, Post Office Box 289009, San Diego, California 92128-9009. 1988, 230 pages. Each section includes several essays by leading authorities on both sides of each issue. The questions asked are: "Historical Debates on Civil Liberties: Should the Church and the State Remain Separate?;" "How Free Should Speech Be?;" "What Violates the Right to Privacy?;" and "Is the Government Responsible for Securing Minority Rights?" Authors include Thomas Jefferson, Nat Hentoff, Abbie Hoffman, and Henry David Thoreau. A catalog is available from the above address and can be obtained by calling 1-(800) 231-5163.

Greenhaven Press. Constructing a Life Philosophy: Opposing Viewpoints
Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series, Post Office Box 289009, San Diego, California 92128-9009. 1985, 194 pages. Each section includes several essays by leading authorities on both sides of each issue. The questions asked are: "Where Are You?;" "What Is Life's Meaning?;" "How Do Religions Give Life Meaning?;" "How Do Others Make Moral Decisions?;" and "How Should One Live?" Authors include Benjamin Franklin, Plato, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Teilhard de Chardin. A catalog is available from the above address and can be obtained by calling 1-(800) 231-5163.

Greenhaven Press. Religion in America: Opposing Viewpoints
Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series, Post Office Box 289009, San Diego, California 92128-9009. 1988, 305 pages. Each section includes several essays by leading authorities on both sides of each issue. The questions asked are: "Is America a Religious Society?;" "What Role Should Religion Play in Politics?;" "Is Television Evangelism Positive?;" "Does Religious Discrimination Exist in America?;" and "What is the Future of Religion in America?" Authors include William Bennett, Barbara Ehrenreich, and James Eastland. A catalog is available from the above address and can be obtained by calling 1-(800) 231-5163.

Greenhaven Press. Science and Religion: Opposing Viewpoints
Volume I. Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series, Post Office Box 289009, San Diego, California 92128-9009. 1988, 233 pages. Each section includes several essays by leading authorities on both sides of each issue: "Great Historical Debates on Science and Religion;" "Are Science and Religion Compatible?;" "How Did the Universe Originate?;" "How Did Life Originate?;" and "Should Ethical Values Limit Scientific Research?" Authors include Clarence Darrow, William Jennings Bryan, The Roman Curia, Bertrand Russell, and the National Academy of Sciences. A catalog is available from the above address and can be obtained by calling 1-(800) 231-5163.

Weldon M. Hardenbrook. Missing In Action: Vanishing Manhood in America
Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1987. 192 pages. Reviewed by James Bruen in the December 1987 Fidelity Magazine. Any Neofeminist who reads this book will die of apoplexy. The book surveys the feminization of American culture and the extreme confusion and the resulting lack of direction in our society. It is now men, not women, who are alienated from many aspects of the Catholic Church and the mainline Protestant Churches that have allowed themselves to be deceived and seduced by the Neofeminists. The author presents an array of solutions to the phenomenon of women's leadership by default: Avoid government programs that are biased towards women; adjust social programs to reflect the differences between boys and girls; and get men to accept their responsibilities as spiritual and moral heads of their families.

Beverly Wildung Harrison. Our Right to Choose: Toward a New Ethic of Abortion
Beacon Press, 1983. 334 pages. Reviewed by Mary Meehan on pages 5 and 9 of the November 24, 1983 issue of National Right to Life News. The author, a self-styled "Christian woman," shows us just how far self-deception can be carried as she advocates third-trimester abortions and other atrocities. There is nothing "new" about this 'ethic;' pro-life activists recognize it as the eternal black cloud of death and self-centeredness that has surrounded the anti-life philosophy and those enslaved by it since the beginning of time. This book is good for reading if one is interested in how anti-life rationalization works.

Father Robert J. Henle, S.J. "A Historical View of the Right to Life." 
The Catholic League Newsletter, July 1981. This four-page reprint rebuts the lie-packed 1981 National Organization for Women publication entitled "An Abbreviated Chronology of Reproductive Rights, 2600 B.C. to the Present." In addition to correcting all of NOW's deliberate falsehoods and anti-Catholic slander, Father Henle shows that those ancient societies that practiced cannibalism, slavery, oppression of women, perpetual warfare, and had a great number of superstitions generally had very permissive abortion and infanticide laws. Those societies that had what anthropologists call the "high religions" and a high degree of civilization had a general consensus against abortion. For example, the ancient Vedic writings of India condemned abortion from 1500 to 500 B.C. Buddhism as far back as 600 B.C. totally condemned abortion. And, since 622 A.D., Islam has condemned abortion.

Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon. The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days
Order from Harvest House, 1075 Arrowsmith, Eugene, Oregon 97402, telephone: 1-800-547-8979. Reviewed on page 5 of the May/June 1986 issue of the National Federation for Decency Journal. The New Age is just the old paganism repackaged, and now it is invading the churches! It has gotten so bad that some people don't know what Christianity even is anymore. Read about the subtle compromises made by Church leaders and their practice of New Age beliefs in the place of real Christianity. The book describes some of these practices, including holistic healing, inner healing, positive thinking exercises, and many others. A very controversial book, but highly recommended by many true Christian leaders.

Institute on Religion and Democracy. 
Those Christians who are fed up with the decaying Humanism being dished out by their churches will be glad to hear that there exists a clearinghouse dealing with information on national and local Protestant and other renewal groups, including United Methodist Good News, Presbyterian Lay Committee, and Episcopal Renewal Ministries. Write to; Institute on Religion and Democracy, 1331 H Street NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005.

Carl Landwehr. "Involving Your Church in the Right to Life Issue." 
How to involve your congregation and, even more importantly, your pastor in pro-life activism. One of a set of nine booklets that outline an effective, unified strategy for stopping abortion on a local level. Order separately or as a group from: National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund, 419 7th Street, NW, Suite 402, Washington, D.C. 20044, or from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898.

Joyce Lively. A Pro-Life Primer: The ABC's of Working in the Parish
The Regina Coeli Institute, 145 Crestmont Terrace, Collingswood, New Jersey 08108. 1991, 71 pages. This book describes a compendium of 'low-key' activities that parishes can get involved in. Since these activities are relatively non-controversial, pastors have less of an excuse not to get involved. Topic include supporting crisis pregnancy centers, Masses for expectant families, phone trees, letters, fair booths, identifying support in the parish, and spiritual adoption of the unborn. Sample flyers are included.

John Warwick Montgomery. Slaughter of the Innocents: Abortion, Birth Control, and Divorce in Light of Science, Law, and Theology
1981, Crossway Books, 9825 West Roosevelt Road, Westchester, Illinois 60153. This book, among other topics, covers how to decide whether or not to use artificial birth control methods; marriage, divorce, and abortion from a Christian perspective; and the historical Christian perspective of the unborn child.

Father William Oddie. What Will Happen to God?  
(Feminism and the Reconstruction of Christian Belief). 180 pages. Order from: Ignatius Press, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528, telephone: 1-800-528-0559. The Neofeminists are striving to eliminate from all church documents and prayers what they consider to be "sexist" language. Father Oddie exposes the fallacies of this goal, and shows what will happen if we allow radical feminism to continue to dictate to the Church. The elimination of so-called "sexist" language is only the beginning!

'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights. 
To obtain excellent examples of subtle propaganda created by masters of infiltration, subversion, and confusion, write to the 'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights. Order from RCAR, 100 Maryland Boulevard NE, Washington, DC 20002, and ask for sample literature. For examples of the kind of propaganda RCAR dishes out, see Chapter 80.

Randall A. Terry. Accessory to Murder
Wolgemuth & Hyatt Publishers 1749 Mallory Lane, Suite 110, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027. 1990, 281 pages. Reviewed by Cathy Ramey on page 44 of the August-September 1991 issue of ALL About Issues. Randy Terry describes the mission of the pro-life movement and condemns complicity by the churches. The book describes the role of Planned Parenthood, NOW, NARAL, the ACLU, NAF, the AMA, and other organizations in the abortion holocaust. Then it details the roles that the media, the courts, and the 'justice' system play. Finally, it covers the ways in which the church is an accomplice in the killing and details how Christians can get involved in an effective manner.

Dietrich von Hildebrand. The Devastated Vineyard
Order from Keep the Faith, 810 Belmont Avenue, Post Office Box 8261, North Haledon, New Jersey 07508, telephone: (201) 423-5395. The author describes in harrowing detail the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church in America and in Europe, and the methods of infiltration and subversion now being used to confuse and paralyze all conservative Christian churches in our country today.

© American Life League BBS - 1-703-659-7111

This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia published by American Life League.