American Life League
Every child has the inherent right to life.

                                                                        Article 6 of the 1989 United Nations
                                                                  Convention on the Rights of the Child.[1]

Anti-Life Philosophy.

Women all over the world are struggling to rid themselves of the burden of unwanted children so that they can escape the endless cycle of poverty brought on by misogynist, backwards social attitudes.

In order to accomplish this goal, safe, legal abortion and free or cheap contraception must be made available to all the world's women especially those in developing countries.


No nation wanting to reduce its growth ... can epect to do so without the widespread use of abortion.

                                                                    Stephen D. Mumford and Elton Kessel.[2]

Many pro-life activists who are familiar with the situation in the United States believe that the human race has reached the bottom of the "slippery slope," and that our respect for human life could not possibly slip any further.

Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.

The United States suffers far too many abortions, even by pro-abortion standards but still accounts for only about three percent of the world's annual 55 million abortions![3]

Incredibly, abortion has claimed the lives of more than one billion unborn children throughout the world over the last 25 years, as shown in Figure 57-1. The magnitude of the loss of human resources and talent to this hideous slaughter is truly incomprehensible.




Bad as things seem, we in the United States have only just begun the long slide down the slippery slope. Other nations seem to have taken up permanent residence at its foot. We have only to look to these countries to see our own inevitable destination. If we are to save ourselves and our nation indeed, if we are to rescue even the last vestiges of our very humanity we must heed the stark warnings and the prophecy that their eamples provide.

The Communist Abortion Addiction.

When will those idiots in Moscow realize that the damage done to our women by abortion is quite equal to the harm done by drug addiction and alcoholism?

                                                            Soviet gynecologist Archil Khomasuridze.[4]

The Former Soviet Union World Abortion Capital. About eighty percent of the former Soviet Union's unborn children are murdered by abortion, and this slaughter has proceeded unabated in spite of the recent upheavals and 'counter-revolution.' Although this is a shocking figure, it is nowhere near as bad as that in some Communist countries which use abortion purely for population control and thereby kill more than ninety percent of their heritage.

The former Soviet Union currently holds the dubious title of 'world abortion champion,' recording even more "kills" than mainland China, which has a population four times larger. The Soviet Union suffered an incredible 12.8 million abortions in 1965 out of a total population of 233 million ten times the current rate in the United States! For more than 15 years, an average of three-fourths of all Soviet women's pregnancies have ended in abortion.[5] As the abortion mentality sinks ever deeper into the Soviet psyche, this figure has risen to about 90 percent in recent years. The former Soviet Union now commits an average of 20 million surgical abortions per year.[6]

This means that Soviet women have aborted about 350 million of their preborn babies in the last 25 years which makes the Soviet Union the only country that has wiped out the equivalent of more than its own population within the last generation.

This Soviet addiction to abortion is the direct cause of many bizarre and sometimes devastating demographic changes. For eample, in 1987 the Soviet authorities announced a coercive program to reduce the birthrate among the mostly Moslem people of the Republic of Tadzhikstan, because their families, averaging si children, had created "a demographic situation which is growing complicated."[7]

This quaint and vastly understated phrase means that Soviet women have been aborting the 'native' population out of eistence for decades, and the Soviets must now force other populations to bring down their birthrates as well, or they will simply be overwhelmed by their so-called 'minorities.'

The Soviets are taking the easy way out instead of trying to limit their own abortion rate, they are compelling other ethnic groups to emulate the sordid practice of aborting three-fourths of their unborn children.

Some Soviet authorities have finally recognized the gravity of the situation, and are speaking out. According to E.A. Shevardnadze, head of the Georgia Soviet Socialist Republic; "Has anyone the moral right to ignore the fact that so many women are striving to rid themselves of the future generation? In the past year, there were 100,000 abortions in this Republic, twice as many as in 1960. And this is only officially registered abortions. Mostly the basis of not wanting children is frivolousness and egoism. And certain doctors not only do not prevent this, but engage in a crude violation of the law, carrying out the dubious practice at home."[8]

Romania Goes Through the Cycle Twice! 

The leaders of other Communist countries have done more than merely decry their abortion situations. Romania, for eample, recorded 1,115,000 abortions out of a total population of 19,030,000 in 1965, a world record of 4.04 abortions per live birth meaning that four-fifths of all their pregnancies ended in abortion! One-fourth of all women of childbearing age had an abortion each year, and each woman averaged eight abortions in her lifetime. This abortion rate was fully 10 times greater than the current rate in the United States. Romania's population was on the brink of a steep plunge to etinction.

In 1966, the government outlawed abortion ecept for cases involving the mother's life, health, rape and incest, and eugenics. This may appear to be a long list of eceptions, but the Romanians kept strict control over their documentation, and abuse was relatively infrequent. The results were dramatic: in 1967, Romania had a total of 51,700 abortions, a 95 percent decrease over a period of just two years.[5]

But Romania still had not learned its lesson. The Communists once again allowed more and more eceptions, until in 1983, there were 421,000 abortions to 321,000 births. Once again, Romania had one of the world's highest abortion ratios, with 1.31 abortions per live birth.

Finally, the Communist Party's Central Committee banned abortion once again on March 7, 1984, and dictator Ceaucescu stated flatly that he wanted four children from every woman (pro-abortionists shout that banning abortion will lead to compelled childbirth, but what they fail to mention is that this happens only in Communist countries).

Romanian women eperienced the identical reproductive coercion that Chinese women do, only with the opposite intention they received a medical eamination after each cycle, and if they were pregnant at the end of the first cycle but not at the end of the second, they were interrogated. Contraceptives were also banned. In fact, people still single at 25 and couples with no children paid an etra five percent income ta. Doctors convicted of doing an illegal abortion a second time received the death sentence!

When Ceaucescu was overthrown in 1989, the incoming government immediately legalized abortion yet again for an unprecedented third time! For a little while, pro-abortionists, ever on the lookout for propaganda opportunities, tried to titillate an uncaring American public with garish photographs of 'unwanted' children warehoused in Romanian orphanages, and with stories of what might happen if 'right-wing fanatics' got their way in the United States.

Faye Wattleton, former president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of American, was, as usual, in the forefront of the propaganda campaign as she stated in a Humanist magazine; "If you think I'm being an alarmist, look at the history of Romania under Nicolae Ceaucescu. To boost the birthrate, the dictator banned contraception and abortion. Over time, birthrates were virtually unchanged but the maternal death rate skyrocketed. Nearly 1,000 Romanian women died each year from illegal abortions and those are just the ones who went to hospitals. Countless others, terrified of the law, chose to die at home. Today, in Bucharest alone, up to 30,000 women await hospital treatment for abortion complications. And 40,000 babies have been left orphaned or abandoned. This is the grisly legacy of a state that tried to control its citizens' reproduction."[9]

If Wattleton is the most intelligent and honest person that the pro- aborts can muster to lead them, they are in bad condition indeed. To begin with, her figure of 1,000 Romanian women dying of illegal abortions is simply an unsupported echo of the figure used in the United States and, like the U.S. number, it is a barefaced lie.

Wattleton also asserted in the above statement that one-fifth of all Bucharest women of childbearing age are awaiting care for botched abortions at any given time.

Only the blindest pro-abortionist would believe such nonsense.

Wattleton and others tried their best to paint Ceaucescu as "typical of the anti-choice mindset." What they failed to mention, of course, was that the Romanian government did not ban abortion and birth control because it had any particular respect for the sanctity of life, but because it viewed life as a 'commodity' to be 'accumulated for the greater good of the State.'

This pro-abort nonsense and the 1989 propaganda film "The Handmaid's Tale" both flopped miserably. It was a bad year for pro-abortion propaganda.

China Abortion on Command. 

Most pro-life activists are familiar with the forced contraception, sterilization, and abortion program in the People's Republic of China. The Chinese are not particularly bashful about this coercion, and claim that it is necessary for their survival as a nation. The National Organization for Women and other groups praise this program, thereby giving the lie to their assertions that they are not 'pro- abortion,' but 'pro-choice.' It is estimated that the Chinese now commit 10 to 12 million abortions a year.[10]

For a further description of China's coercive population control program and the enthusiastic pro-abortion support of it see Chapter 50, "Forced Abortions."

Europe: The Dying Continent.


The direct cause of abortion is the separation of se from procreation. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the European countries.

The only European country that currently boasts a replacement birthrate of 2.2 children per family is not coincidentally the only European country that still outlaws abortions Ireland. In fact, there are only three countries in the entire 'first' (developed) world that now reproduce themselves Poland, Malta, and Ireland. Significantly, Poland was the only Communist-controlled country that reproduced itself.[5]

However, if the population controllers have their way, this will soon change. The depths to which Poland has sunk was recently demonstrated by the country's Commission on Health and Physical Culture, which made the astounding claim that the legalization of abortion had completely eliminated not only all infanticides, but all suicides by pregnant women as well![6,11]

Plunging Birthrates. 

Most of the world's lowest birthrates are concentrated in Europe (see Figure 57-2 for a comparison of the birthrates of some developed countries). East and West Germany, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Spain, and other European countries all have birthrates of less than 15 per 1,000 population annually. This means that they have gone far below zero population growth and are beginning the long and agonizing process of societal suicide.


[A medium text size on your computer's 'view' setting is recommended, otherwise, the tables may be discombobulated.]


HONG KONG                                                                  1.42
GERMANY, ITALY                                                          1.50
DENMARK, AUSTRIA                                                    1.54
SWITZERLAND, NETHERLANDS                                 1.57
BELGIUM                                                                         1.60
CANADA, GREECE                                                         1.69
SWEDEN, SPAIN                                                             1.73
JAPAN, UNITED KINGDOM                                          1.76
FRANCE, PORTUGAL                                                     1.80
UNITED STATES                                                              1.87
AUSTRALIA                                                                     1.93
POLAND                                                                           2.21
SOVIET UNION                                                               2.40
PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (PRC)                       2.44
ARGENTINA                                                                    2.78
BRAZIL                                                                             3.16
MEXICO                                                                           3.57
INDIA                                                                               3.79

Notes. "Total fertility rate" is defined as the average number of children that would be born per woman if all women lived to the end of their childbearing years (usually taken to mean age 44) and, at each year of childbearing age, they eperience the average birth rates for each country. If a country's population is to be stable, the total fertility rate must be 2.20. The above 25 countries contain 3,250 million people, or 65% of the world's population.

Reference: United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Reference Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. 1990 (110th Edition), 991 pages. Table 1,440, "Vital Statistics, 1989, and Projections, 2000 Selected Countries."

The cause of this self-immolation should be chiseled on their gravestones as a warning to others; a total lack of respect for the procreative function bestowed upon us by God.

The table below shows that the ten mainland European countries have suffered a shortfall in native births of nearly 20 million in the last 20 years, and the trend shows no signs of abating. The direct and indirect impacts of slow suicide on a continental scale are already becoming evident, as violence flares in Germany and other countries in response to a flood of non-native immigrants.


                           Births Required               Annual
Year                   for Replacement               Births               Shortfall

1968                         3,500,000                  4,206,000
1969                         3,564,000                  4,096,000
1970                         3,630,000                  3,989,000
1971                         3,662,000                  3,893,000
1972                         3,694,000                  3,799,000
1973                         3,734,000                  3,641,000                 93,000
1974                         3,775,000                  3,490,000               285,000
1975                         3,794,000                  3,350,000               444,000
1976                         3,814,000                  3,216,000               598,000
1977                         3,846,000                  3,181,000               665,000
1978                         3,879,000                  3,147,000               732,000
1979                         3,911,000                  3,208,000               703,000
1980                         3,943,000                  3,271,000               672,000
1981                         3,980,000                  3,232,000               748,000
1982                         4,018,000                  3,194,000               824,000
1983                         4,058,000                  3,162,000               896,000
1984                         4,099,000                  3,131,000               968,000
1985                         4,140,000                  3,100,000            1,040,000
1986                         4,181,000                  3,069,000            1,112,000
1987                         4,223,000                  3,039,000            1,184,000
1988                         4,265,000                  3,009,000            1,256,000
1989                         4,308,000                  2,979,000            1,329,000
1990                         4,351,000                  2,950,000            1,401,000
1991                         4,395,000                  2,921,000            1,474,000
1992                         4,439,000                  2,892,000            1,547,000

                                                     Total 20-Year Shortfall: 17,971,000

NOTE: The ten European countries represented above are Austria, Belgium, France, Netherlands, West Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Denmark. Greece is not included.[12]

Case Studies.


By no means is the United States the only nation in demographic trouble. The pattern is simple and invariably the same:

always leads to
which inevitably will lead to

Many developed nations offer us stark lessons in this inevitable progression. The only question that remains is: Do we have the wisdom to learn from the mistakes of others?

The following paragraphs describe the terrible situations that four developed countries find themselves in, directly as a result of embracing the free-se, utilitarian modern ethic.


In Sweden, homoseuality enjoys full legal equality with normal lifestyles. Graphic se education is given to all children beginning in kindergarten. More than 80 percent of all teenagers have se before the age of 18, and the average "seual debut" for boys and girls is at age 14. Contraceptives are pushed on girls before they even have their first menstrual cycle.[5]

The result of this total seual freedom was entirely predictable. Suicide is epidemic, especially among young people. Over the last 15 years, teenage pregnancy increased 1,600 percent, and pregnancy in girls 14 or under increased more than 1,000 percent. The Swedish Se Education Association (RFSU) collaborates closely with the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Since 1970, venereal disease has eploded 400 percent, and the rape of girls 14 and under has risen more than 500 percent. The state pays for all of Sweden's annual 35,000 abortions per year. Doctors are forced to perform abortions or they will lose their jobs and any hope of promotion.

In Sweden, it is illegal for a father to spank his twelve-year old daughter, but it is all right for him to have seual intercourse with her.

Sweden's 'seual paradise' is the dream of pro-abortion groups all over the world. Free abortions and contraceptives are lavished upon anyone who wants them, and anyone can engage in any type of se at any age with no consequences whatever ecept, of course, natural consequences like AIDS, gonorrhea, herpes and syphilis.


After a chemical accident released clouds of deadly-poisonous Dioin in 1976 near Seveso, busloads of Neofeminists invaded neighboring villages and demanded that all pregnant women get abortions. All pregnant women were told that they would give birth to retarded and deformed children. Frightened half to death, more than 75% of the pregnant women in the area crowded into the local slaughterhouses, which welcomed the sudden boom in business.[13]

When the women who did not abort gave birth to perfectly healthy children, the Neofeminist groups suddenly became permanently unavailable for comment. Many of the women who felt compelled to get abortions were angry and bitter enough to attempt to hunt down these Neofeminist liars, who had suddenly made themselves scarce.

In 1978, eight years after divorce was legalized, the Italian Parliament, dominated by Communists and Socialists, approved laws which pay for all abortions. As a result, annual abortions rose from 100,000 to 2,000,000 in less than ten years. And why not? Why not use abortion for birth control if it is free and easy?

As a result of this abortion orgy, Italian births have plunged from 1,018,000 in 1964 to less than 600,000 annually now. The 1981 Report to the Italian Parliament showed that, in some large areas, five out of every si pregnancies end in abortion 84.3 percent![14] This is a worse survival rate than that in the Mauthausen concentration camps during World War II!

In Italy at least, the womb is as dangerous a place for a baby to live as Nazi concentration camps were for Jews to live. What a sad commentary on humanity!

And as if this were not enough, the Italian Communist Party is continuing to push for bills allowing se between adult men and 12-year old girls.


Planned Parenthood called itself "Pro Familia" in the former country of West Germany (this is analogous to calling the Nazi Party "Pro Juden!"). "Pro Familia" had free reign in this country since 1952. As a result, this former nation of 61 million people suffered more than 500,000 abortions annually. Additionally, 57 percent of all couples had one child, or no children at all. It is therefore no surprise that West Germany had the world's lowest birthrate before unification 1.2 children per couple, barely half of replacement rate.[5] Also predictable is the world's highest suicide rate, at 40,000 persons killed per year, four times the enormously high rate in the United States.

The German Catholic bishops reject Humanae Vitae, the 1968 encyclical on birth control and abortion. The world's most eplicit "se shops" abound in Germany. These shops provide a vast array of "marital aids," including rubber body parts, inflatable, anatomically-correct adult dolls of both sees, whips and chains, and even more garish and repulsive items. These shops are everywhere and the largest one of all is in the main concourse of Frankfurt International Airport! No wonder the Germans are jaded about se!

In 1985, for the first time, West Germany was unable to meet its armed forces conscript quota due to its lack of 18-year old boys. Foreign tourists have remarked on the almost total absence of small children in some West German towns.

And visiting American pro-lifers nervously encounter the eerie spectacle of Germans dressing small dogs in epensive clothes and wheeling them around town in custom-built baby carriages, as if trying to meet some compelling but unmet need.

It is as if the Pied Piper of Hamelin has returned for the second and final time, leading all of the little German children down the one-way road to the abortuaries.


Japan is yet another of the growing body of countries that have many more abortions than births. This nation of about 120 million suffers more than two million abortions a year, about four times the rate of the United States. It is interesting that Japanese legislators naively consider their abortion laws to be 'strict,' but predictably, 90 percent of all abortions are performed under the 'economic grounds' eception. This abortion rate gives Japan a subreplacement rate of 1.7 children per completed family.

Japan's population situation contrasts sharply with that of the United States and Western European nations in several respects. The birth control pill and IUD are banned because of their serious side effects. Teen chastity is encouraged, and 'only' 30,000 abortions were committed on teenaged girls in 1991 one-ninth the rate in the United States.

The vast majority of abortions are committed on married women, the inverse of the situation in the United States. Additionally, Japan's total population is actually beginning to decline, due to the lack of immigration caused by the island nation's considerable linguistic and societal barriers. Other developed countries notably the United States, Germany and France can maintain their total population by allowing heavy immigration.

Interestingly, Japan has the world's longest life epectancy, at 80 years average for women and 74 years average for men. This factor, combined with an ever-shrinking working population, will create an etremely critical worker-retiree support conflict within the net 15 years.

Japanese women kill their preborn children at an astonishing rate in order to conform to the hardened public and private mandate that two children are the maimum that any family should have for the good of the environment and of society. This coercion is certainly more subtle than that in the People's Republic of China but it is coercion nonetheless.

However, Japanese women at least have a religious mechanism for dealing with their guilt and remorse. Buddhist memorial services for their aborted babies which are referred to as "water children sent from dark to dark" have become a booming business in Japan.

The ceremonies claim to give aborted (and miscarried) children protection offered by the Jizo Deity, who wards off devils who would otherwise make them his slaves for all eternity.

The standard memorial includes is a wooden slat or small stone tablet with inscriptions such as "Forgive your foolish father;" "Come back into my womb after five years;" "I'm very sorry. I love you, but I couldn't help it;" and "Please find rest and peace."[15] Despite this booming business, Japanese government officials deny the eistence of post-abortion suyndrome, just as they do in the United States.

The Buddhist temples advertise heavily, and their ads etol the virtues of their competing deities with clever sales pitches that play on guilt and fear. One ad in a large Japanese newspaper features a color photo of a large Buddhist Kanon goddess holding a child in her arms. The accompanying narrative warns; "Beware lest what you did brings misfortune to your family like divorce, all kinds of family troubles; you did away with this child, burying it into terminal darkness and misfortune. Apologize for what you did to this water child just as soon as you can by doing the memorial service; help this water child to become peaceful. Ask the Mizuko Kanon [goddess] to drive away the evil spirits from your water child, to bring it happiness instead of sadness. That is for you the shortest road to your own happiness."

The Buddhist priests are obviously wise enough to frame their appeal in terms of self-interest the same motivation that led to the abortions in the first place.

It is estimated that the Buddhists make a third of a billion dollars annually on these memorial services, supplementing the billion dollars made by Japanese abortionists annually.[15]

We in the United States have begun to imitate the Japanese with grave plots and memorial services for the preborn, despite the fanatical resistance of such anti-religious groups as the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Organization for Women, who have actually taken pro- lifers to court for daring to attempt to bury the sad little bodies of aborted preborn babies.

Declining Birthrates.

PP in the Lead. 

The number one priority of the International Planned Parenthood Federation is world population control. This is its Holy Grail, the highest good, the goal towards which it strives with every breath. In the pursuit of this objective, the organization simply ignores all obstacles that decent people would heed such as local customs, religions, and laws.

Planned Parenthood and other population control agencies spread abortion as far and wide as they possibly can, including incursions into many areas where the result is conditions that would make the "back-alley abortions" they complain so much about seem almost like paradise by comparison. An IPPF conference on abortion held in Accra in December of 1973 recommended that the Karman curette should be standard equipment in the medical packs of traditional midwives and paramedical workers who travel about the countryside.[16] And then the same people who systematically violate the laws of a multitude of other nations rave about "400,000 illegal abortion deaths every year!"

We must wonder how many were committed by PP-equipped lay people!

Since it is blinded by its obsession with population control, Planned Parenthood does not hesitate to join forces with governments that systematically violate civil rights on a wide scale. A 1984 London Observer editorial eposed the connection between repressive regimes and Planned Parenthood; "The Salvadorean regime of President Alvaro Magana, the American Government, and the London-based International Planned Parenthood Federation are collaborating in a high-pressure campaign to force Salvadorean women from poor families to be sterilized. Although sterilizations are supposed to be voluntary, reports from several areas of El Salvador reveal that the sterilizations are, in fact, compulsory. Salvadorean hospitals, clinics and fieldworkers are set monthly targets for the number of sterilizations they are to carry out ... The sterilization campaign is carried out by the Salvadorean Health Ministry and the Salvadorean Demographic Association, a private agency which is a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation and receives funds from Britain and the U.S."[17]

Results of the Campaign. 

The population controllers have been wildly successful in many areas by frightening governments with their talk of deadly 'population eplosions.' European nations, caught up in pursuit of pleasure without consequence, are dying as a result. However, the popcon propagandists have also been very successful in most Asian countries.

Figure 57-3 shows the results of this campaign. Many Asian cultures, which previously bore an average of more than si children per family, are now under replacement rate. Mainland China, Singapore, and South Korea have eperienced respective fertility decreases of 60 percent, 75 percent, and 65 percent, and are all at or under replacement rate. All of these countries provide abortion on demand, and even pay for most of these abortions. They seem to have emulated the worst of Western society and are also now abortion addicts.



        1960     -     1990            53%
           REPLACEMENT RATE = 2.2

MEXICO                         3.6                   7.0                      48%
MALAYSIA                    2.9                    6.9                     58%
TURKEY                         3.7                    6.8                     46%
COLOMBIA                   2.9                    6.8                      57%
EGYPT                            4.7                    6.7                     30%
PERU                              3.7                    6.6                     44%
THAILAND                    2.2                    6.6                     67%
TAIWAN                        1.8                    6.5                     74%
SINGAPORE                  1.6                    6.3                     75%
INDIA                             3.8                    6.2                     39%
BRAZIL                          3.2                    6.2                      48%
SOUTH KOREA            2.2                    6.0                      63%
SRI LANKA                   2.4                    5.9                      59%
INDONESIA                  3.3                    5.6                      41%
P.R. CHINA                   2.4                    5.5                       56%
CUBA                             1.7                    4.7                      64%

Notes. "Total fertility rate" is defined as the average number of children that would be born per woman if all women lived to the end of their childbearing years (usually taken to mean age 44) and, at each year of childbearing age, they eperience the average birth rates for each country. If a country's population is to be stable, the total fertility rate must be 2.20.

References. (1) Jodi L. Jacobsen. Planning the Global Family (Worldwatch Paper 80). The siteen countries shown possess 61 percent of the world's population. (2) United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Reference Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. 1990 (110th Edition). Table 1,440, "Vital Statistics, 1989, and Projections, 2000 Selected Countries."

Figure 57-4 shows historical and projected world and regional population characteristics by area development and gender over the 40-year period 1960 to 2000. The most significant conclusions drawn from this figure are that;


                                                          Population in Million

                              1960    1965    1970    1975    1980    1985    1990    1995    2000

North America         199      214      226      239      252      264      275      287      297
Central America         71        83        95      108      122      137      154      173      190
South America         146      168      191      216      242      273      297      327      356
Europe                     425      444      460      474      484      492      499      506      512
Soviet Union            214       231      243      254      266      278      292      304      315
Africa                       293      330      375       427      491     566      645      751      872
Asia                       1,685   1,871   2,112   2,364   2,593   2,831   3,058   3,304   3,549
Oceania                      16        17        19        21        23        24        26        28        30
WORLD              3,049   3,358    3,721  4,103     4,47    4,865   5,246   5,680   6,121

Population Distribution 
   by Area Development
More Developed
                                 945   1,002   1,049   1,096   1,136   1,173   1,208   1,240   1,268
      Less Developed
                              2,104   2,356   2,672   3,007   3,336   3,692   4,038   4,440   4,853

Population Distribution by Sex
      Males              1,526    1,681   1,863   2,056   2,244   2,443   2,634   2,870   3,099
      Females           1,523   1,677    1,858   2,047   2,229   2,422   2,612   2,810   3,022

Growth Rate in Percent
1961-   1966-   1971-   1976-   1981-   1986-   1991-   1996-
                                    1965    1970     1975     1980    1985     1990    1995     2000

North America             1.5       1.1        1.1        1.1       0.9        0.8       0.8        0.7
Central America          2.8       2.7        2.5        2.4       2.3        2.3       2.3        1.9
South America             2.7       2.6        2.4        2.4       2.3        1.9       1.7        1.7
Europe                          0.9       0.7        0.6        0.4       0.3        0.3       0.3        0.2
Soviet Union                 1.5       1.0       0.9         0.9       0.9        0.9       0.8        0.7
Africa                            2.4       2.5       2.6         2.7       2.8        2.6       3.1        3.0
Asia                               2.1       2.4       2.3         1.8      1.7        1.6        1.5        1.4
Oceania                         2.1       2.1      1.9          1.5      1.3        1.4        1.4        1.4
WORLD                       1.9       2.1       2.0          1.8      1.7        1.6        1.6        1.5

World Parameters
Crude Birth Rate          35.1      33.9      31.6      28.4     27.1      26.0      25.0      23.8
Crude Death Rate        14.5      13.3      12.2      11.2     10.5        9.9       9.3         8.8
Life Epectancy             54.0      55.9      57.7      59.2      60.9     62.6      64.3      65.8
Median Age                 19.9      20.8      21.6      22.4     23.3      24.2      25.3      26.4

Reference: United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Reference Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. 1990 (110th Edition). Table 1,440, "World Population."

(1) world population epansion has dropped from a high of 2.1 percent per year in the period 1966-1970 to a current rate of 1.6 percent per year, and is epected to drop even further before the turn of the century.

(2) the crude birth and death rates have dropped by one-third in the last 30 years, and the overall world life epectancy has increased by a decade during the same time period.

(3) the median age has increased from under 20 in 1960 to over 25 now, and is epected to continue its increase.


Despite the bleakness of the picture, there is still ample hope for the world. Certain countries, including Japan and Romania, are working diligently to reduce their abortion rates for purely utilitarian reasons. Others are seeing the wisdom of protecting the unborn child simply because each eecution is a terrible miscarriage of justice.

One shining eample is the Philippines. Former President Ferdnand Marcos, who fully approved of abortion for population control purposes, imported thousands of battery-operated suction machines specifically for killing the unborn in rural villages. Then Corazon Aquino, who is one leader who is proud of her Catholic faith, took office as President of the Philippines.

On December 1, 1986, Philippine voters passed a new Constitution which included the clause: "The State shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception."

World Abortion Availability.

Planned Parenthood and other population controllers enjoy bragging that many or most countries are 'progressive' enough to allow abortion on demand.

Not surprisingly, this statement is a gross eaggeration. Only 22 countries allow their unborn citizens to be slaughtered at their mother's whim. Unfortunately, nearly one-half (49.4%) of the world's population of five billion resides in only five of these countries the People's Republic of China, India, the Soviet Union, the United States, and Japan. An additional 55 countries provide numerous eceptions for abortion such as eugenics and the mother's physical or mental health.[18]

The 77 countries that provide abortion on demand, which include three- fourths of the world's population, therefore provide little or no protection for their unborn citizens.

On the other hand, 66 countries, which include the remaining one-fourth of the world's population, prohibit abortion entirely or allow it only for rape and incest or to save the mother's life.

Figure 57-5 provides a summary of the status of abortion in 143 countries which include 96 percent of the world's population. Figure 57-6 shows the individual status of abortion 'rights' in these countries.


                                                                                               Population Data
                                                                                                 Population        World
Criteria for Obtaining Abortions                   Countries           in 1990          Percent
   Abortion entirely illegal                                          19            194,940,000          3.7
Abortion legal for the following reasons;
   Life of the mother only                                          35            790,610,000         14.8
   Life and rape and incest                                         4             225,400,000           4.2
   Life and physical health                                         13            247,120,000           4.6
   Life, physical health, eugenics                                 5             138,620,000           2.6
   Life, physical/mental health                                     9               56,000,000           1.1
   Life, physical/mental health,
      and eugenics                                                       4              36,780,000            0.7
   Life, rape and incest, eugenics                                2              16,140,000            0.3
   Life, rape/incest,
      physical health                                                    9             152,330,000           2.9
   Life, rape/incest,
      physical/mental health                                         1                 2,310,000           0.1
   Life, rape/incest, physical 
      health, eugenics                                                  5               47,620,000           0.9
   Life, rape/incest, mental
      health, eugenics                                                  1               36,700,000            0.7
   Abortion on demand                                            36          3,345,000,000          62.8
   Position on abortion unknown                              25               30,065,000            0.6
TOTAL WORLD POPULATION                     168         5,319,635,000        100.0

References. (1) Christopher Tietze. Induced Abortion, A World View. The Population Council, 1983. (2) Emily Campbell Moore-Cavar. International Inventory of Information on Induced Abortion. International Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction, Columbia University, 1974. 656 pages. (3) Bureau of the Census, United States Department of Commerce. National Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. 1988 (108th Edition). Table 1,438, "Population and Area, By Region and Country, 1980 and 1989, and Projections, 1990 and 2000."


          Country and                                              Physical   Mental   
   Population (millions)            Life       R&I       Health     Health     Eugen.    Other

Afghanistan        15.59            •       
Albania                3.27            •                             •
Algeria               25.71            •                             •
Andorra               0.05            •
Argentina           32.29            •             •              •                                              •
Australia            16.64            •             •              •              •              •               •
Austria                 7.60           •              •              •              •              •               • 
Bangladesh      115.75            •                                                                             •
Bahrain                0.51
Barbados             0.26
Belgium                9.90            •
Benin                   4.84            •
Bolivia                 6.73            •              •             •                                              •
Botswana            1.28            •              •             •
Brazil               157.94            •              •                                                            •
Bulgaria               8.98            •              •             •              •              •               •
Burkina Faso       8.94            •              •             •
Burma               41.28            •            
Burundi               5.47            •          
Cambodia           6.99            •          
Cameroon         11.11            •              •             •              
Canada             26.53            •              •             •               •             •               •
Central Af. Rep.  2.88            •    
Chad                   5.05            •    
Chile                 13.01            •              •             •              •              •               •
China           1,114.51            •              •             •              •              •               •
Colombia          32.60           
Congo                 2.31            •              •             •              •              
Costa Rica          3.04            •               •            •     
Cuba                10.55             •              •             •              •              •               •
Cyprus                0.71            •                             •              •
Czechoslovakia 15.70            •               •            •                              •               •
    Country and                                               Physical   Mental    
Population (millions)          Life       R&I       Health     Health     Eugen.    Other

Denmark             5.13            •              •             •              •              •               •
Dominican Rep.   7.50            •
Djibouti               0.34
Ecuador            10.79            •              •                                                              •
Egypt                56.22            •                             •                              •                
El Salvador         5.66            •              •                                             •               •
England             39.38            •              •             •              •              •                •
Ethiopia             51.38            •                             •                             •
Finland                4.98            •             •              •              •              •               •
France              56.18            •              •             •              •               •               •
Gabon                1.07             •
Gambia, The       0.82            •                             •              •              •               
Germany, East  16.58            •              •             •              •               •               •
Germany, West 60.98            •                            •
Ghana               15.23            •
Greece              10.07            •                            •                              •               
Guatemala          9.25             •
Guinea                7.27            •                             •          
Guyana               0.77
Haiti                    6.51            •                             •             •
Honduras            5.29            •                             •
Hong Kong         5.77            •              •             •                             •               •
Hungary            10.55            •                             •             •              •               •
Iceland                0.25            •              •             •                             •               •
India               850.07            •              •              •             •              •               •
Indonesia        191.27            •
Iran                  55.25             •
Iraq                  18.87             •                            •                              •               
Ireland                3.52
Israel                  4.45            •              •             •              •               •               
Italy                  57.66            •              •             •              •               •               •
Ivory Coast      12.07
    Country and                                               Physical   Mental    
Population (millions)          Life       R&I       Health     Health     Eugen.    Other

Jamaica              2.51            •                             •              •               
Japan             123.75            •              •             •              •               •               •
Jordan                3.07            •                            •              •               
Kenya              25.39            •                             •             •
Korea, North   23.06            •              •             •              •               •               •
Korea, South   43.92            •              •             •              •               •               •
Kuwait               2.08            •                            •                               •               
Laos                  4.02            •
Lebanon            3.39            •
Lesotho             1.76            •                             •              •               
Liechtenstein      0.03            •                             •              •               
Liberia               2.63            •              •              •                              •               
Libya                 4.21            •
Luxembourg      0.37             •                             •              •               •               •
Madagascar    11.80             •
Malawi              8.20            •
Malaysia          17.05            •              •
Mali                  9.18
Malta                0.37
Mauritania         2.04
Mexico            86.89             •              •            •              •               •               •
Monaco            0.03
Mongolia          2.19               •                           •
Morocco        26.25               •                           •
Mozambique  15.83               •
Nepal             19.16               •                            •
Netherlands    14.86              •             •              •               •              •                •
New Zealand    3.40              •             •              •               •              •               
Nicaragua         3.61              •
Niger                7.69
Nigeria         118.87               •
Norway            4.21               •             •             •             •               •               •
       Country and                                           Physical   Mental   
Population (millions)          Life       R&I       Health     Health     Eugen.    Other
Oman                 1.35
Pakistan         113.16             •                           •
Panama              2.42             •
Papua                3.82             •                           •
Paraguay            4.66
Peru                 22.35
Philippines        66.65
Poland             38.36             •              •            •                                               •
Portugal           10.53
Puerto Rico        3.42             •              •            •               •               •               •
Romania          23.27              •             •             •                               •               •
Rwanda             7.60              •                           •
Saudi                16.76             •
Scotland           10.10             •              •            •               •               •               •
Senegal              7.74             •
Seychelles          0.07             •              •            •          
Sierra Leone      4.17             •                            •               •               
Singapore           2.70             •              •            •               •               •               •
Somalia              8.42             •
South Africa     36.70             •              •                            •               •               
Spain                39.62             •              •            
Sri Lanka          17.10            •
Sudan              25.04             •                            •              •                •               
Swaziland           0.78             •                           •
Sweden              8.41             •              •            •               •               •               •
Switzerland        6.63              •                           •
Syria                12.47             •
Taiwan             20.45             •              •            •               •               •               •
Tanzania           25.99             •                           •
Thailand           56.45             •              •            •                                                •
Togo                  3.57             •
Trin/Tobago       1.27
Tunisia                8.10             •              •            •               •               •               •
Turkey             56.55              •              •            •               •               •               •
       Country and                                           Physical   Mental   
Population (millions)          Life       R&I       Health     Health     Eugen.    Other
Uganda            17.59             •                           •               •               
U.S.S.R.        290.94             •              •            •               •               •               •
U.S.               250.41             •              •            •               •               •               •
Uruguay             3.00             •              •            •                                               •
Venezuela        19.75              •
Vietnam            68.49             •              •            •               •               •               •
Wales                 4.12             •              •            •               •               •               •
Yemen-Aden      2.59             •
Yemen-Sana      7.16              •
Yugoslavia       23.86              •              •            •               •               •               •
Zaire                35.33              •
Zambia               8.11             •             •             •               •               •               •
Zimbabwe        10.48             •              •                                            •               

References. (1) Bureau of the Census, United States Department of Commerce. National
Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. 1988 (108th Edition). Table 1,438, "Population and Area, By Region and Country, 1980 and 1989, and Projections, 1990 and 2000." (2) Christopher Tietze. Induced Abortion: A World View. The Population Council, 1983.

References: International Abortion Situation.

[1] Article 6 of the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted at the 1989 General Assembly of the United Nations.

[2] Stephen D. Mumford and Elton Kessel. "Is Wide Availability of Abortion Essential to National Population Growth Control Programs? Experiences of 116 Countries." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, July 15, 1984.

[3] Stanley K. Henshaw. "Induced Abortion: A World Review." Family Planning Perspectives, March/April 1990.

[4] Soviet gynecologist Archil Khomasuridze, quoted in Sisterlife (newsletter of Feminists for Life of America), Spring 1990, page 16.

[5] Father Paul Marxx. Confessions of a Pro-Life Missionary. 1988, 353 pages, hardback, softback. Published by Human Life International, 7845-E Airpark Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879. Telephone: (301) 670-7884.

[6] Jodi L. Jacobson. "Coming to Grips With Abortion." Pages 114 to 131. In the Worldwatch Institute's State of the World 1991 Report. W.W. Norton Publishers, London, 1991. Also issued as Worldwatch Paper #97, The Global Politics of Abortion.

[7] ALL News, November 28, 1986 and February 16, 1987.

[8] Seattle Times, Wednesday, January 4, 1984, page A5.

[9] Faye Wattleton. "Reproductive Rights Are Fundamental Rights." The Humanist, January/February 1991, page 21.

[10] Steven Mosher. Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174. Telephone: (703) 586-4898.

[11] Marek Okolski. "Abortion and Contraception in Poland." Studies in Family Planning, November 1983.

[12] Institut National d'Etudes Demographique (INED). "Short Fall in Births in Europe." From Population, the bi-quarterly review of the INED, July/September 1983. Percentages from 1982 to the present are exponentially extrapolated using the average percentage for the previous ten-year period (1973 to 1982).

[13] Silvio Ghielmi, "The Strategy Against the Family: The Italian Experience." The Wanderer, November 17, 1988, page 4.

[14] Greg Burke, "Abortion Entrenched in Italy." National Catholic Register, January 8, 1989, page 1.

[15] Father Anthony Zimmerman. "Memorial Services for Aborted Children in Japan." Sorrow's Reward, January 1989, pages 1 and 2. Human Life International.

[16] Malcolm Potts, Peter Diggory and John Peel. Abortion. Cambridge University Press, 1970.

[17] The London Observer, April 1, 1984. Described in Nancy B. Spannaus, Molly Hammett Kronberg, and Linda Everett (Editors). How to Stop the Resurgence of Nazi Euthanasia Today. Transcripts of the International Club of Life Conference, Munich, West Germany, June 11-12, 1988. Executive Intelligence Review Special Report, September 1988. EIR, Post Office Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390.

[18] Emily Campbell Moore-Cavar. International Inventory of Information on Induced Abortion. International Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction, Columbia University, 1974. 656 pages. Also see Jodi L. Jacobsen. Planning the Global Family. Worldwatch Paper 80, 1988, 66 pages. Order from the Worldwatch Institute, 1776 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036. Also see John A. Ross, Marjorie Rich, Janet P. Molzan, and Michael Pensak. Family Planning and Child Survival, 100 Developing Countries. Center for Population and Family Health, Columbia University, 60 Haven Avenue, New York, New York 10032. 1988, 247 pages. Table 7, "Legal Status of Abortion," pages 42 and 43. Finally, see Christopher Tietze. Induced Abortion: A World View. The Population Council, 1983.

Further Reading: International Abortion Situation.

Alan Guttmacher Institute. Pregnancy, Contraception & Family Planning Services in Industrialized Countries
Authors: Elise F. Jones, Jacqueline Darroch Forrest, Stanley K. Henshaw, Jane Silverman, and Aida Torres. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. 1989, 273 pages. The Alan Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood, examines statistics and culture in four countries (the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands) in an effort to find out why unplanned pregnancy and abortion rates are so variable among societies that have so many similarities.

Apropos, Volume 5. 
A.S. Fraser, Editor, Burnbrae, Staffin Road, Portree, Isle of Skye, Scotland, IV51 9HP, United Kingdom. Subscription is by regular mail or by airmail. This is a magazine devoted to developments in the European Catholic Church. Lately, the European Church has become deeply embroiled in the continuing controversy over fertility science, including various forms of in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

Bureau of the Census, United States Department of Commerce. National Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. 
1990 (110th Edition). 960 pages. This fascinating book is the best available source of up-to-date information on United States and world population statistics and characteristics. It is reissued in updated form each year.

Michael W. Cuneo. Catholics Against the Church: Anti-Abortion Protest in Toronto, 1969-1985
University of Toronto Press, 1989, 221 pages. The author traces the history and sociology of the Canadian pro-life movement as it battles the most liberal Church hierarchy in the world. The author is not writing from the pro-life viewpoint, but his insights will be valuable for American pro-life strategists. A detailed recounting of the battle over the illegal but government-protected Morgentaler clinics is also provided.

Kingsley Davis, Mikhail S. Bernstam, and Rita Ricardo-Campbell (editors). "Below-Replacement Fertility in Industrial Societies: Causes, Consequences, and Policies." 
Population and Development Review
, Supplement to Volume 12, 1986, 363 pages. The Center for Policy Studies of the Population Council, One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, New York, New York 10017. This book is a proceedings summary of the seminar held at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, in November of 1985. A number of population experts discuss, among other issues, the alarming shortage of births in Europe and the United States, low fertility in an evolutionary perspective, population models, the changing values of society and their impacts upon decreased fertility, demographic impacts of below-replacement birthrates, impacts on economics, immigration, and Social Security.

Colin Francome. Abortion Freedom: A Worldwide Movement
London: George Allen & Unwin. 1984, 241 pages. Although written from the pro- abortion viewpoint, this book contains much valuable information regarding the basic philosophy and strategy of the worldwide pro-abortion movement.

Ian Gentles (editor). A Time to Choose Life: Women, Abortion and Human Rights
Stoddart Publishing Company Limited, 34 Lesmill Road, Toronto, Canada M3B 2T6. 1990, 255 pages. This book consists of a series of articles by various authors grouped into three general divisions, which address the abortion situation in Canada, where the preborn enjoy even less protection than they do in the United States. These sections are: "Philosophy, Feminism, and Politics;" "The Medical and Social Consequences of Abortion;" and "Parliament, the Courts, and the Unborn Child." Authors include Ian Gentles, Denyse O'Leary, George Grant, and Heather Morris.

This is one of the best international newspapers that the pro- life Movement has, covering events that are happening all over the world. It is published monthly and contains many insightful and interesting articles, often from points of view not often heard from in the United States. Write to Humanity Publishing Society Ltd., Post Office Box 26-113 Epson, Auckland 3, New Zealand. Subscription is for surface mail to North America.

The Human Life Center.
Directed by Mike and Rita Marker, is an educational resource center with an extensive and up-to-date library of research materials and "Life Issue Files" drawn from various publications all over the world. HLC publishes a quarterly newsletter entitled Human Life Issues. The address of HLC is; Human Life Center, University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio 43952. Telephone: (614) 282-9953.

Human Life International Reports
These monthly reports give details on the progress of the international pro-life movement in many countries and the status of pro-homosexual and pro-abortion infiltration of domestic and foreign Catholic churches. Less detailed coverage of a broader range of topics is given in HLI's monthly Special Reports. To subscribe, write to Human Life International, 7845-E Airpark Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879, or call (301) 670-7884. HLI's FAX number is (301) 869-7363.

The Interim
This is Canada's leading pro-life and pro-family newspaper, and should be of genuine interest to U.S. pro-lifers, because it covers pro-life events in detail in both countries. The 24-page newspaper also has numerous theoretical articles. This monthly is available from The Interim Publishing Company Limited, 53 Dundas Street East, Suite 306, Toronto, Ontario M5B 1C6, telephone: (416) 368-0250, FAX (416) 368-8575.

J.A. Johnston, M.D., and D.B. Robert. Catholic Women and Abortion: A Profile, Sample and Case Study
Sydney, Australia: Catholic Family Life Programme, 1978. 136 pages. Reviewed by Donald DeMarco, Ph.D., in the Spring 1980 issue of the International Review of Natural Family Planning, pages 74 to 81. This bizarre and muddled book shows that pro-abortionists use the same subtle anti-Catholic bias all over the world, even 'down under.' These authors present a purportedly comprehensive study whose numbers are impossible to follow because they change constantly and do not even add up! The pro-abortion bias and utter ignorance of the authors shows when they identify the Catholic Church as a "Right-to-Life Movement," and when they insist that a woman who aborts her child and sterilizes herself after using contraception during her entire period of childbearing years to cover up numerous acts of adultery is a "devout Catholic" because she occasionally attends Mass! This book, a combination of inept number- crunching and outright bigoted propaganda, is apparently what Aussie pro- aborts consider "leading-edge research."

Jacqueline Kasun, Ph.D. The War Against Population: The Economics and Ideology of Population Control. 
1987, 338 pages. Order from Ignatius Press, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528, or from Green Hill Publishers, Post Office Box 738 Ottawa, Illinois 61350, telephone: (815) 434-7905. One of the most popular myths of our time is the Malthusian notion that the world's population is exploding, so that disaster is inevitable (even imminent). Therefore, the population control fanatics state as fact that governments and individuals have the duty to control procreation, no matter what means are necessary. The population controllers use billions of our tax dollars to advance U.S. "contraceptive imperialism" all over the world. This book examnes and effectively debunks the basic assumptions of the international population control network.

Father Paul Marxx. Confessions of a Pro-Life Missionary
1988, 353 Pages, hardback, softback. Published by Human Life International, address given below. This is an excellent account of Father Marx's travels all over the world since he founded HLI in 1981. It is a firsthand account of his battle against U.S. 'contraceptive imperialism,' the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and abortion in dozens of countries. This book is a bound version of four years of Human Life International's Special Reports. Human Life International is the most complete source of information on the status of artificial birth control, abortion, and euthanasia in the world today. Its annual dues include 17 issues of the HLI newsletter, and an additional fee will purchase 10 special reports, published about monthly. Its mailing address is Human Life International, 7845-E Airpark Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879. Telephone: (301) 670-7884.

Father Paul Marx. The Flying Monk: Still Fighting for Life
1990, 160 pages. Published by Human Life International, 7845-E Airpark Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879. Telephone: (301) 670-7884. A book form of Human Life International Reports numbered 61 to 73. This third book of a series covers Father Mar' adventures in Ecuador, India, South Africa, Czechoslovakia, Holland, Nicaragua, and many other nations.

Emily Campbell Moore-Cavar. International Inventory of Information on Induced Abortion
International Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction, Columbia University, 1974. 656 pages. An outdated but still interesting work of more than 800 pages on the early history of abortion (i.e., 1950-1970) in North America and Europe. Also contains more than two hundred pages on polls and public attitudes toward abortion.

Steven W. Mosher. Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese
New York: The Free Press. 1983, 317 pages. Hardback, paperback. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898. Mr. Mosher, a Chinese-American scholar who was denied his Ph.D. because he revealed details of China's forced-abortion policy, outlines various Chinese government policies and their impacts on the common Chinese worker and rural dweller. Chapter 9 of his book, "Birth Control: A Grim Game of Numbers," deals with China's forced-abortion and one-child policy, which leads also to female infanticide when the first baby is a girl.

Anne Packer. A Matter of Conscience
177 pages. Order from Our Lady's Book Service, Nazareth Homestead, R.D. 1, Box 258, Constable, New York 12926, telephone: 1-800-263-8160. The story of David Packer, a Toronto police officer who refused orders to guard Henry Morgentaler's illegal abortion clinic, and was fired for his courageous stand for life and the law.

Population Research Institute Review
This bimonthly newsletter covers the international population control activities of various U.S.-funded purveyors of "contraceptive imperialism," or the control of other nations by forcing our 'family planning' philosophies down their throats. The biggest offenders include the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), and, of course, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). Subscribe annually by writing to The Population Research Institute, Post Office Box 2024, Baltimore, Maryland 21298-9559, telephone (301) 670-1864. FAX number is (301) 869-7363.

John A. Ross, Marjorie Rich, Janet P. Molzan, and Michael Pensak. Family Planning and Child Survival, 100 Developing Countries
Center for Population and Family Health, Columbia University, 60 Haven Avenue, New York, New York 10032. 1988, 247 pages. Table 7, "Legal Status of Abortion," pages 42 and 43. This book also includes detailed charts and graphs on the effectiveness of United States "contraceptive imperialism," information on the costs, supplies, acceptability of contraception in developing countries, family planning expenditures by the United States in developing countries, infant mortality rates, and family planning personnel allocated by country.

United Nations Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. World Population Policies
3 volumes. Volume I: Afghanistan to France. Volume II: Gabon to Norway. Volume III: Oman to Zimbabwe. Each volume lists each developing country's current perceptions regarding five characteristics of its own population: "Size/age structure/growth;" "mortality/morbidity;" "fertility/nuptiality/family;" "international migration;" and "spatial distribution/urbanization." General information on each country's population control policies and measures, policy framework, and institutional framework are is also provided. Order from the United Nations Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, 220 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017.

United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). Annual Report
Detailed information on the UNFPA's activities, to include current programs, the organization's opinions regarding current general world population trends, and future plans (generally over the next five years). Population control programs are described by sectors, regions and countries. Special headquarters activities and global projects are also described. Order from the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, 220 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017.

United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). Inventory of Population Projects in Developing Countries Around the World
Issued annually in English and French. 932 pages. Includes information on multilateral organization assistance, bilateral agency assistance, regional organization assistance, and non-governmental organization and other assistance in more than one hundred developing countries throughout the world. Each citation includes basic demographic data, the government's view regarding population control measures, mortality, morbidity, international migration, fertility, nuptiality, and family information. Each citation also has a detailed list of information on each population control program going on in the country. For instance, the 1989/1990 Annual listed information on 114 projects in the People's Republic of China alone. Order from the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, 220 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017.

53 Dundas Street East, Suite #305, Toronto, Canada M5B 1C6. Telephone: (416) 368-8479. Published six times yearly by the Coalition for the Protection of Human Life (Campaign Life Coalition) of Canada. This is the newsletter of the mainline pro-life group in Canada, roughly equivalent to our National Right to Life Committee. Useful for those who want to keep up on what's happening North of the border.

© American Life League BBS 1-703-659-7111

This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia, published by American Life League.