American Life League

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.

                                                                                                   Margaret Sanger.[1]

Anti-Life Philosophy.

We must fight to ensure that scientific progress and the right to practice medicine in the best interest of our patients is not stifled by the ideological perspectives of a few who would force their moral views on the rest of the world.

Louise Tyrer, Vice-President of Medical Affairs for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.[2]

It is criminal that the United States does not support international research into new and improved methods of contraception more than it does. The key to 'quality of life,' both on the international and individual level, is fewer people through improved contraception.


Nowhere is the mentality of "if we can do it, we must do it" more evident than in the field of so-called reproductive technology.

We have "progressed" from natural conception and family planning to abortion pills, injectable abortifacients such as Depo-Provera, the mixing of human sperm and eggs in glass dishes, and disposable embryos.

However, this technology pales in comparison to the bizarre practices being forecast for the next twenty years.

Sadly, it seems that man's greatest ingenuity is displayed in war war against each other and war against our own fertility.

Future "Hopes."


Many of the future 'contraceptives' described below are true abortifacients, and researchers and manufacturers are very proud of this fact. What could be more effective at stopping births than surgical or chemical abortion?

The moral aspects of fertility control are now simply been disregarded as 'restrictive' the only thing that counts now is effectiveness.

Cervical Cap (Semi-Permanent)

A one-inch sphere of rubbery plastic held in place by cervical mucus, equipped with a one-way valve that allows menstrual flow but blocks the passage of sperm.

Diaphragm (Collagen Sponge)

Literally a spermicide-treated sponge that absorbs and attacks the sperm.

"Herbal Remedies"

Various true abortifacients may be on the black market soon, based upon those used by women in developing countries for centuries. There are more than twenty known abortifacient "herbal remedies," all accompanied by side effects of varying scope and severity. Some of these are so-called "emmenogogues," or menstruation-assisting plants.

Hormone Injections

Depo-Provera, hailed by Planned Parenthood types as a 'panacea' for birth control in undeveloped countries, is or has been banned in the United States, Israel, Egypt, and other developed nations because of the severe side effects it causes, including cervical cancer.

Depo-Provera is a true abortifacient, which primarily functions by preventing implantation. Of course, such trash is perfectly suitable for dumping on poor women in more than 80 other countries.

This vividly demonstrates just how much the pro-aborts really care about the poor women they are always whining about.

Another 'promising' line of research is focused on Inhibin F, which inhibits the production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which is produced by the pituitary gland, and without which the woman's eggs do not mature and are not released by the ovary.


Based upon the natural hormone LRH, this once-a-day nasal inhaler not only inhibits ovulation, but menstruation as well. Possible severe side effects have not yet been investigated.[3]

Intravaginal Ring

This is a plastic ring inserted into the vagina, which releases progestogen (artificial progesterone) to prevent pregnancy.

Male Birth Control Pill

A male birth control pill has not yet been safely tested because of the extremely high hormone levels required, and because sperm production is continuous instead of cyclical.

Chinese doctors have produced a preliminary pill based upon gossypol, an oil removed from cotton plants. However, the United State's Population Council has shown that gossypol is extremely toxic, and a search for a synthetic or derivative of the poison is ongoing.

Danazol, currently used to suppress uterine inflammation, has been shown to suppress the production of the hormones LH and FSH in men, decreasing sperm production (and the sex drive as well, forcing men to dose up on testosterone as well). Large or continued doses of Danazol can cause liver damage.[3]

Morning-After Pill

The current morning-after pills (euphemistically called "postcoital contraceptives" by the Planned Parenthood people) are true abortifacients which prevent or inhibit implantation.

Future morning-after pills may use a variant of prostaglandin, F2 Alpha, which would cause uterine contractions similar to those experienced during labor. These pills would cause abortions to nine weeks, just like the RU-486 pill now in production in France.

Another future morning-after pill may be based upon LHRBI, which blocks the binding of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is essential for the growth of a fertilized egg. In other words, LHRBI kills the woman's eggs.

Silastic Implant

Siliconized elastic rods containing progestogen, implanted under the woman's skin (tested on poor women in Brazil and Chile, of course), slowly release the hormone into the bloodstream, interfering with ovulation, changing the cervical mucus, and preventing implantation.

Effective for up to a decade after implantation, its side effects include weight gain, skin irritation, ovarian cysts, and irregular menstrual bleeding.

NORPLANT is an abortifacient of this type, and is described in more detail in Chapter 33 of Volume II.

Spermicides (Improved)

Based upon NPGB, which attacks the enzyme in sperm that allows it to penetrate and fertilize the egg. Could cause severe side effects if absorbed into the bloodstream.

Testicle Warmer

Sperm must be stored at temperatures lower than normal body heat in order to remain viable, hence the man's testicles hang away from his body.

The Japanese are testing the contraceptive value of prolonged hot baths and a heating device for the scrotum has been invented, giving a new meaning to the popular phrase, "I'm hot for you, honey."


Some people seriously think that ultrasound could be directed at the man's testicles shortly before intercourse, thus killing most of his sperm. How such a cumbersome procedure would interrupt foreplay has not yet been addressed by researchers.


Since the population control cartel views pregnancy as a 'venereal disease,' why not develop an injection to control it, just like many other diseases? An 'anti-baby shot' would most likely take the form of an antibody found in infertile women that would bind with the outer covering of the woman's egg, making it impossible for sperm to penetrate and fertilize it.

Another vaccine would immunize against the hormone HCG, which is required for pregnancy preparation. Another injection would be based upon a variant of LDH, an enzyme that causes the woman's body to treat sperm like invading viruses.

A contraceptive vaccine for men would neutralize the hormone FSH, making the sperm count too low to sustain fertility.[3]

The British medical journal Lancet reported in 1990 that only one of 157 fertile couples became pregnant over one year period when the man was injected weekly with testosterone enanthate (TE), an anabolic steroid that signals the testes to stop sperm production.[4]

Vaginal Suppositories

These are also based upon prostaglandins, causing uterine contractions which would end pregnancies to nine weeks. In other words, this would be a so-called "quick and easy home abortion kit."

References: Future Contraceptive Technology.

[1] Margaret Sanger. Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

[2] Louise B. Tyrer, M.D., Vice-President of Medical Affairs for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, New York. "Update on RU-486." The American Journal of Gynecologic Health. January/February 1989.

[3] David Wallechinsky and Amy and Irving Wallace. The Book of Predictions. New York: William Morrow and Company, 1980. 513 pages.

[4] Judy Berlfein. "Birth-Control Technology Creeps Along." The Oregonian, November 15, 1990, page B1.

Further Reading: Future Contraceptive Technology.

Greenhaven Press. Sexual Values: Opposing Viewpoints.
Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series, Post Office Box 289009, San Diego, California 92128-9009. 1983, 155 pages. Each section includes several essays by leading authorities on both sides of each issue. The questions asked are: "Is Nonmarital Sex Acceptable?;" "Does Sex Education Belong in Schools?;" "Is Homosexuality Acceptable?;" "Is Pornography Harmful?;" and "Should Prostitution Be a Crime?" Authors include Jeremiah A. Denton, Jr., Susan Brownmiller, Gail Sheehy, and Phyllis Schlafly. A catalog is available from the above address and can be obtained by calling 1-(800) 231-5163.

Roy O. Greep, Marjorie A. Koblinsky, and Frederick S. Jaffe. Reproduction and Human Welfare: A Review of the Reproductive Sciences and Contraceptive Development.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1976, 620 pages. The Ford Foundation sponsored three pro-abortion authors in the writing of this lengthy book, which covers a lot of ground: The uses and limits of contraceptive technology, the reproductive system, new contraceptive technologies, research and training of contraceptive providers, the financing of contraceptives, and a description of the moral and political climate in the United States. Appendixes include country and population control agency funding data.

© American Life League BBS 1-703-659-7111

This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist’s Encyclopedia published by American Life League.