American Life League

Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?

                                                              C.F. Potter. Humanism, a New Religion.[1]

Anti-Life Philosophy.

According to a myth carefully cultivated by the advocates of tax aid for sectarian private schools and of school-sponsored religious teaching of devotions, and accepted uncritically by many others who have no ax to grind, our country's public schools are "promoting the religion of secular humanism." The charge is sometimes as hard to refute as a drunk's claim that he is being pursued by purple polka-dot pterodactyls.

Edd Doerr of the American Humanist Association.[2]

Only religious fanatics homeschool their children, because they have this 'thing' about control. They want to rigidly control their kids so they can grow up to be good little robot copies of their narrow-minded, bigoted parents. Home schooling should be outlawed because the United States has the best public school system in the world.

Additionally, homeschooled children commonly experience severe and chronic psychological trauma. They become virtual slaves to their parents, they are deprived of interaction and socialization with other children, and they are not exposed to the outside world, thereby becoming virtual recluses who are unprepared to deal with reality when they reach adulthood. This is unhealthy and infringes grossly upon the child's fundamental rights.


We have to abolish and reform the institution of marriage ... By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God ... We must understand what we are attempting is a revolution, not a public relations movement ... it is humanism that is the goal.

                                                                                                     Gloria Steinem.[3]

Our Academically and Morally Illiterate Children.

Among developed nations, The United States ranks third in terms of education expenditures per pupil, just behind the Netherlands and Sweden.[4] Our country spends the second largest percentage of its gross national product on education out of all the countries in the world 7.5 percent, as compared to Japan's 5.5 percent and West Germany's 4.5 percent.[5]

Yet our children are virtually illiterate when they leave high school. They can hardly read and they have difficulty performing simple mathematically-oriented chores such as balancing a checkbook. Incredibly, one-third of our high school graduates cannot even locate the United States on a world globe!

Parents No More.

The public school system is conditioning our children to live as nonthreatening, incompetent, contented cogs in a giant Socialist paradise.

Parents have been forcibly divested of their most important responsibilities by Planned Parenthood, the National Education Association, and the all-powerful State. Our children are force-fed value-free pabulum. They are taught that there are really no absolute standards; that homosexuality is a perfectly acceptable alternative lifestyle; that religion has no place in the mind of a thinking person; and that abortion is a purely private matter between a woman and her physician.

In fact, this philosophy has been put into concrete action. With the help of in-school clinics, our daughters can get free, taxpayer-funded birth control pills and abortions without their parent's consent or knowledge. Our children are ruthlessly indoctrinated into believing that homosexuality is on a par with normal relationships. And, of course, God and His word have been banned from discussion in the schools.

The Basic Mission of Our Schools.

The right to abortion will be guaranteed ... As far as the policy toward the family, it will be recognized for what it is: not some holy or sacred institution to be preserved for all time ... not only will the family be a secondary form for determining children's upbringing, but its influence in promoting conservatism among its members, especially the women and children, will be actively combatted. While the parents will still have significant responsibility for their children, this does not mean they are "theirs," and there will be struggle to prevent parents from imposing old values, and conservative, non-revolutionary thinking generally on the children.

Revolutionary Communist Party's New Programme. "The Proletariat, Upon Seizing Power, Will Immediately Take Up the Transformation of Society," page 78.

Extending State Control.

Humanists know that the future of our country rests with our children. Therefore, in order to control the future of our country, they must control our children. And the easiest way to control our children is to control the schools. Radical Left-wing writers, including Alexander Cockburn and James Ridgeway, incessantly rail against parental "interference" in schools, because, as they openly acknowledge, "The Left can't survive politically without a public school system to spread Leftist attitudes."[6]

Now that they have virtual absolute control over the schools, the Humanists would like to guarantee the success of their agenda by extending their pervasive control to the home. This is why they are so fanatically opposed to any type of home schooling. They claim that they care about homeschooled children and worry about how they may be falling behind academically.

This is utter nonsense; homeschoolers have always excelled in academics and have always far outstripped their public-school educated peers, primarily because they have the personal attention of their parents.

The real reason the Humanists oppose home schooling is because it is a direct challenge to their system of absolute authority and control. They know that children who are home schooled will grow up to challenge the Humanist agenda. And the Humanists, as we all know, despise dealing with opposing voices and viewpoints, because they hinder the headlong rush to the Utopian society.

As always, the Humanists use the United States court system to advance the various points of their agenda, because they know that the American people and their state legislatures generally have the common sense to reject their silly proposals. The Humanists have achieved contraception, abortion, homosexual equality, divorce, and even the banning of religion from public life always through the courts.

As an example of this trend that is germane to home schooling, United States Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, in the decision Wisconsin v. Yoder, stated twenty years ago that parents really may not have the right to impose their "narrow" religious views upon their children.

The implications of this 'principle,' fully embraced by the Humanists, are truly unlimited.

The Glittering Bait.

Curiously, the means by which the Humanists have achieved absolute control over our children is by offering them absolute freedom. Children desire and need discipline, but they even more strongly yearn for freedom. They are thus strongly attracted by any philosophy that emphasizes their power to overcome man-made limits on their behavior.

This chapter describes some of the "bait" used to lure our children to absolute freedom, including "situational ethics" and the various sex education curricula offered in our schools today. However, it is very interesting indeed to first take a glimpse at the ultimate goals of the Humanists.

The Ultimate Goals for Your Children.

When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already ..."

                                                                                                       Adolf Hitler.[7]

"Kiddie Lib."

The ultimate goal of the so-called "Children's Liberation Movement" is to make all children, no matter how young, completely autonomous. This means that all parental authority must be eliminated, because the "Children's Liberationists" believe that any parental control no matter how necessary or minor in nature infringes upon the rights of the child.

The Motive.

Why do the Humanists want to eliminate parental control? Why, so they can control the children themselves, of course. Those "Kiddie Lib" activists who push such nonsense realize that, when children have more freedom to make their own decisions, they are much more vulnerable to falling under the control of well-organized entities outside the family such as the public school system.

In other words, the "Children's Liberationists" do not really want freedom for children they merely want to transfer control from parents to themselves, so that they can more efficiently inculcate the children with their own values.

The Demands. Figure 114-1 outlines two sets of typical "Kiddie Lib" demands. Predictably, these demands were written by adults, with little or no input from the children they allegedly represent.

FIGURE 114-1


Children should have the right to decide the matters which affect them most directly.

Self-determining children should be able to choose from among a variety of arrangements: Residences operated by children, child exchange programs, 24-hour child-care centers, and various kinds of schools and employment opportunities. Parents are not always good for their children.

Society must accommodate itself to children's size and to their need for safe space. To keep them in their place, we now force children to cope with a world that is either not built to fit them, or is actually designed against them.

A child must have the right to all information ordinarily available to adults including, and perhaps especially, information that makes adults uncomfortable.

Children should be free to design their own education, choosing from among many options the kinds of learning experiences they want, including the option not to attend any kind of school. Compulsory education must be abolished because the enforced threatening quality of education in America has taught children to hate school, to hate the subject matter, and, tragically, to hate themselves.

Corporal punishment is used impulsively and cruelly in the home, arbitrarily in the schools, and sadistically in penal institutions.

Children should have the right to conduct their sexual lives with no more restrictions than adults. Sexual freedom for children must include the right to information about sex, the right to nonsexist education, and the right to all sexual activities that are legal among consenting adults.

Children should have the right to work, to acquire and manage money, to receive equal pay for equal work, to choose trade apprenticeship as an alternative to school, to gain promotions to leadership positions, to own property, to develop a credit record, to enter into binding contracts, to engage in enterprise, to obtain guaranteed support apart from the family, to achieve financial independence.

Children should have the vote and be included in the decision-making process. To become a constituency they must have the right to vote.

Children must have the guarantee of a fair trial with due process of law, an advocate to protect their rights against the parents as well as the system, and a uniform standard of detention.


We must liberate ourselves from the death trip of corporate America.

  1. We want the power to determine our own destiny.
  2. We want the immediate end of adult chauvinism.
  3. We want full civil and human rights.
  4. We want the right to form our education according to our needs.
  5. We want the freedom to form into communal families.
  6. We want the end of male chauvinism and sexism.
  7. We want the opportunity to create an authentic culture with institutions of
      our own making.
  8. We want sexual self-determination. We believe all people must have the 
      unhindered right to be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or 
  9. We want the end of class antagonism among young people.
10. We want the end of racism and colonialism in the United States and the 
11. We want freedom for all unjustly imprisoned people.
12. We want the right to be economically independent of adults.
13. We want the right to live in harmony with nature.
14. We want to rehumanize existence.
15. We want to develop communication and solidarity with the young people
      of the world in our common struggle for freedom and peace.

References. "A Child's Bill of Rights" was authored by Richard Farson and was printed in the March 1974 issue of Ms. Magazine. "Youth Liberation Program List of Wants" is in the International Year of the Child (IYC)-endorsed book The Children's Rights Movement, pages 329 to 333, and authored by the Youth Liberation Group of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Notice that these demands reflect the desires of various radical special-interest groups; the "Kiddie Libbers" demand that children be allowed to be exploited by low wages; by pedophiles; by homosexuals; by starvation and incompetence; and, in short, that children be free to be used by any adult or group of adults who can gain control of them.

It is truly fascinating to realize that the demands posed by the "kiddie libbers" in Figure 114-1 are almost identical to those of the pederast group North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), as described in Chapter 121, "Homosexuality and Child Molestation."

It is obvious to every father and mother that children need their parents to defend them against the perversions and the perverts of the world including those who wrote the lists of demands shown in Figure 114-1 (curiously, the "Kiddie Libbers" who wrote these demands are unmarried and childless). These demands, if fulfilled, are nothing less than a prescription for absolute social anarchy and eventual destruction of our children.

It is interesting that the United Nations supported such resolutions during the International Year of the Child (IYC) in 1976 through UNICEF (the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund).

The New Curriculum.

The future of any nation lies with its youth. So corrupt them; since religion teaches moral virtue, erode the churches and divert the young from religion. Make them interested only in themselves. Get them involved in drugs, alcohol, and sex. Get them addicted to privileges and rights.

                                                                    Vladimir Lenin's "Rule for Revolution" #1.

C.F. Potter's bold quote at the beginning of this chapter is unquestionably both accurate and prophetic. If your child attends public school, he or she will 'learn' the following;

• that homosexuality is a perfectly acceptable alternative lifestyle;

• that abortion is a matter to be decided not by the church or by the state, but solely by a woman and her physician;

• that Communism is merely another economic system that is inherently superior to Capitalism in many ways, and which must ultimately prevail;

• that the Christian religion has absolutely no place in education, although "New Age" and various Eastern and African practices abound;

• that there are absolutely no concrete ethical or moral rules, and that all problems must be considered on a case-by-case basis (the insidious ethical relativism or "situational ethics");

• that there is really no good or evil, and that the concept of "sin" is outmoded;

• and that, above all else, the highest of all virtues are compassion and tolerance.

And your child will be exposed to the following;

• 'lifeboat exercises,' where children are forced to conclude that some life is worth living, and some life is not;

• secret psychological counseling where parental authority is ruthlessly undermined;

• totally amoral comprehensive sex education classes, where chastity is either ignored or ridiculed as "outmoded and quaint," and where all manner of birth control devices will be demonstrated in lurid and lingering detail;

• 'death education,' where children may be forced to write suicide notes, visit mortuaries, and lie in coffins;

• a school environment literally with saturated gangs, weapons, and drugs; and

• an overall nihilistic atmosphere that shows the child that life is really not worth living, except for the moment.

Value-Free Nonprinciples.

We continue to clamor for those very qualities that we are rendering impossible. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.

                                                                          C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man.

Inventing the Beast.

In 1968 and 1969, the first formal "value-free" curriculum was formulated by the Western Behavioral Sciences Institute in La Jolla, California. This effort, which was funded by the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, took the historic step of replacing the standard upon which personal decisionmaking was based. The original standard was human reason; the new standard was human feelings.

Root of the Principle.

The fundamental underlying concept of this new "value-free" curriculum was moral relativism, or "situational ethics."

This philosophy asserts that the only rule that is absolute is that there are really no rules that are absolute not even laws against murder. The moral relativists argue that every rule has exceptions, and that people must be free to judge whether or not society's rules apply to them.

So far, so good. Almost every man-made rule does indeed have its exceptions. And, of course, people must occasionally judge whether or not these rules apply to them.

But such decisions are properly made only in the context of the most extreme or very unusual situations. Such decisions generally occur when one must commit one evil in order to prevent or ameliorate a greater evil. Examples would be to trespass on private property in order to save lives, to destroy property in order to save property of much greater value, or even to kill someone in order to save a number of other people, as in a hostage situation.

Shifting the Focus.

But the situational ethicists have extended this principle which ordinary people might need to employ once or twice in an entire lifetime to everyday living. They have also shifted the focus of the beneficiary from society in general to the individual in particular.

In other words, if a person can derive more personal benefit from a possession than someone else, then nobody can really tell him that it is wrong to steal the object in question. If a person feels that the United States is embarking upon a mission of capitalist imperialism, he can feel perfectly justified in taking off to Canada or cheating on his income tax return. If he believes that clearcutting a forest will degrade the environment, he may feel that destruction of logging equipment ("ecotage") is the answer. If an unborn child interferes with a relationship in even the most trivial manner, it immediately becomes expendable.

The situational ethicists usually contradict themselves by producing a laundry list of exceptions to their exceptions to the rules. In short, all rules may be broken except the rules that they say cannot be broken, such as laws and ordinances against racism, sexism, and homophobia.

Doin' Bad and Feelin' Good.

Therefore, it is obvious that we are brought right back to the only possible conclusion; that "situational ethics" courses are simply another fancy tool used by Humanists to control and indoctrinate our children.

Our kids do not object to this covert manipulation, because one sub-objective of Humanistic teaching is to make them feel good about themselves. And, of course, good little students who are kept psychologically numbed and sated with sex, drugs, freedom, and everything else they could possibly want are not likely to rebel against the Humanistic system. Even as kids spout meaningless drool about personal freedom and independence, they are becoming imbedded in the Humanist system as surely as a fly caught in a spiderweb will soon become part of the spider.

The effects of this brainwashing became evident as the result of a study performed with 100 seventh-graders from six countries in 1989. These students were subjected to a rigorous mathematics test and were then asked how they thought they performed against seventh-graders from the other five countries.

The Korean children performed exceptionally well on the mathematics test, followed by the Spanish, British, Irish, and Canadian children in that order. Students from the United States finished dead last, far behind even the Canadians.[8]

However, when the children were asked if they considered themselves to be good at mathematics, the Koreans came in last (23% answering yes) and the Americans first (68% answering yes).

This meant that the children from the United States had an inverted sense of reality regarding their own performance.

In other words, children from the United States are failing abysmally in academics while they are being indoctrinated into not caring that they are failing. All that matters is that they feel good about themselves.

The implications for our national and international policies are staggering.

A second extensive program of surveys and testing was carried out by the Educational Testing Service for the National Science Foundation and the United States Department of Education, and confirmed of a number of earlier studies. One math and one science test were given to 9-year olds and 13-year olds in 15 countries, including the United States. In science, the American 13-year olds ranked 13th out of 15 countries, ahead of only Ireland and Jordan and behind Hungary, Slovenia, Scotland, and nine other countries. In math, they scored 14th out of 15, ahead of only Jordan.

But the United States was 2nd out of the 15 countries in terms of spending on education with 7.5% of its GNP, second behind Israel's 10.2 percent.[9]

Move Over, Frankenstein!

Psychology professor Dr. W.R. Coulson helped design the first situational ethics curriculum, but scrapped the program as unworkable and harmful. Nevertheless, the Reynolds Company resolutely tested the new curriculum in a college, two high schools, and 57 elementary schools operated by the Immaculate Heart order of Catholic nuns.

Laboring under this poisonous and demotivating system, the entire school system eventually collapsed. However, the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and the Tobacco Institute carried on and sponsored such refined "value-free" programs as "Helping Youth Decide" and Quest International's affective learning programs in all fifty states. Other similar programs include "Here's Looking at You," "Me-ology," "Project Charlie," "DECIDE," and "Ombudsman," most of which are heavily funded by the tobacco industry.[10]

The Bottom Line.

The Surgeon General of the United States has stressed that the health of the tobacco industry depends on getting kids to experiment with smoking (this is undoubtedly the motivation behind the R.J. Reynolds Company's funding of the experimental curriculum in the first place). Children follow affective, value-free education, and hundreds of studies have shown that they are more likely to experiment with cigarettes, drugs, and sex after such programs. Children are not told that such behaviors are wrong; they are told simply that they have free choice and that they are "running the risks of personal growth."

Dr. Coulson finally concluded; "So it turns out to be a deadly scheme we hatched those 20 years ago."[10]

National Education Association: Humanist Stooges.

As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only rather precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor jingoism ...

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Towards World Understanding.[11]

Humanist Army.

The National Education Association (NEA) is the teacher's trade union, and it aggressively embraces the entire Humanist agenda. Although most NEA members are blissfully unaware of their union's far-Left stance, the NEA is, quite literally, the Humanist cadre in the schools.

In order to accomplish its objectives, as listed in Figure 114-2, the NEA must have complete control of the public school environment.

FIGURE 114-2

NEA Objective: to gain complete control over the school libraries, so that it may reserve to itself the exclusive right to determine exactly what will be and will not be in public school libraries. Input from parents, citizens, or taxpayers will be strictly banned (page 156);

NEA Objective: to vigorously oppose tuition tax credits and homeschooling, because they would decrease the NEA's total control of the public school environment (page 139);

NEA Objective: to completely ban Creationism from the schools (page 156);

NEA Objective: to support a total freeze on nuclear weapons and support mandatory graphic classes on the effects of nuclear war (page 165);

NEA Objective: since it is constantly at the Federal trough, the NEA opposes a balanced-budget Constitutional amendment (page 139);

NEA Objective: to demand that the United States get "out of Nicaragua" (page 144);

NEA Objective: to emplace permissive sex education, school-based clinics, and mandatory AIDS education (page 150);

NEA Objective: to insure that abortion on demand remain the law of the land (page 138);

NEA Objective: to support equal armed forces drafting of men and women (page 140); and

NEA Objective: to include 'homosexual orientation' as a protected civil rights category (page 163).

Reference. National Education Association. Today's Education, 1988.

It is interesting to note that the NEA has always strongly supported the slaughter of preborn babies. At its July 1978 annual national meeting, the NEA adopted the following resolution; "The [National Education] Association supports the United States Supreme Court decisions that guarantee reproductive freedom to all women. The Association urges all branches of federal, state and local governments to give high priority to complying with these Supreme Court decisions and to making available all methods of family planning to women unable to take advantage of private facilities."[12]

Perhaps parents should ask themselves what possible concern teachers should have with such a topic, and why the NEA relentlessly pushes school-based clinics and, in fact, any philosophy that will drive psychological and moral wedges between parents and their children.

NEA members who are sick and tired of their organization's illogical pro-death attitude may wish to join a pro-life teacher's group;

Teachers Saving Children
Post Office Box 55103
Trenton, New Jersey 08638
Telephone: (609) 298-4843

School Is Hell.

In the midst of the academic and ethical sewer created by the NEA and other Humanists, our sons and daughters will be so poorly educated in the standard curriculum (in particular math and science) that they will scarcely be able to function in our increasingly-technological society. Religion is totally banned and censored in the schools, and even its pivotal role in American culture has been stricken from all history textbooks by atheistic "history committees."

The National Education Association has caused the American classroom to become an atheistic holding tank populated by unmotivated and uncaring students who, for the large part, are taught by teachers who see them all as potential juvenile delinquents who must be kept off the streets until they are at least 18 years old.

The attitude of the NEA, of course, profoundly influences our children's future. Consider the appalling fact that an average American child spends ten hours in school and ten hours in front of a television set for every hour spent with his or her parents! All Christian parents know that our television programming is blatantly pro-abortion and pro-homosexual; it is saturated with sex and violence, and it ridicules traditional values and morality and the Christian lifestyle relentlessly (for a detailed explanation of this phenomenon and listings of many concrete examples, refer to Chapters 124 to 127, "Media Biases").

Perhaps it is fitting that the most accurate representation of the public school environment has been published not by a learned committee nor by a distinguished government think-tank, but by a cartoonist.

Matt Groening's cartoon book School is Hell is intended to be funny, but it describes the prevailing public school situation with frightening accuracy and clarity. The book is somewhat obscene, but is nevertheless recommended to parents who are thinking about homeschooling their children.

Groening is continuing his scathing but woefully accurate depiction of the school environment in his wildly successful television series, "The Simpsons." Unfortunately, he is also slandering the family in his strained pursuit of humor.

Bart Says: "Forget the PTA, Dudes!"

Some Christian parents put their trust in the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). They believe that this organization gives them influence with the school system.

They could not be further from the truth. The PTA has two purposes: (1) to effectively "soak up" and absorb the force of any parental objections to public school programs, and (2) to make parents believe that they are having an impact when, in reality, they are not.

The PTA supports contraception in the schools (school sex clinics) and abortion on demand, and opposes any sort of school-choice program, including home schooling. Additionally, the PTA is one of the primary agitators for permissive sex education programs in the public schools. As the virulently pro-abortion Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) acknowledges, "More than 500 school superintendents queried, from the country's largest school systems, reported that the initial impetus for sex education programs came from local PTA's, when it didn't come from the superintendents themselves."[13]

In general, the PTA pushes the entire motley Left-wing agenda that is warmly embraced by the National Education Association. This means that the organization also opposes any parental involvement in public education.

As one example, in 1989 the California PTA strenuously opposed legislation that would have required parents to approve of the sex education program their children participated in.

Evidence of these attitudes may be obtained from the National PTA itself, at 700 North Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611-2571. The PTA publishes the booklets described below;[14]

• "PTA Guide to Extremism," which automatically labels any Christian activist groups (including pro-lifers) as "extremists;" and

• "How to Talk to Your Child About Sex," which recommends abortion and contraception and refers questions to Planned Parenthood, the Sex Education and Information Council of the United States, and masturbation guru Sol Gordon.

The National Council for Better Education is a grassroots organization dedicated to promoting the traditional open relationship between school boards and parents, and is vastly preferable to the secretive and manipulative PTA. Its address and telephone number are listed below.

National Council for Better Education
717 Second Street NE, Suite 311
Washington, DC 20002
Telephone: (202) 547-0645.

The Critical Role of Humanist Censorship.

Always preach true democracy, but seize power as completely and ruthlessly as possible. Vigorously censor viewpoints that conflict with ours.

                                                                  Vladimir Lenin's "Rule for Revolution" #5.


History has repeatedly shown us that nobody practices censorship as thoroughly or as ruthlessly as those organizations that paint themselves as champions of free speech. They fawningly claim that "We may not agree with what you say, but we'd die for your right to say it."

When somebody tells you this, you can be certain that they are doing all they can to suppress your viewpoint while you aren't looking so watch your back!

Self-appointed watchdog groups like the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Coalition Against Censorship, and People for the 'American' Way squawk endlessly when a conservative group or a parent objects to any pornographic or anti-Christian material in the schools. However, these same organizations are simultaneously and hypocritically insuring that religion and morals are aggressively banned from the schools. The ACLU and PAW instantly file lawsuits against any perceived violation of the Humanist kingdom in the schools, no matter how trivial.

Norman Lear, head of PAW and a fallen-away Jew, denounces the "Fundamentalist Christianizing of America," while failing to realize that the basis for Christian-motivated societal change is rooted in Leviticus and Genesis, whose principles emanate from the Jewish Chumash.

Alleged Christian Censorship.

Naturally, these self-proclaimed "anti-censorship" groups want to cover up their activities. So they use the psychological principle of transference by projecting their undesirable characteristics onto their opponents (for more detailed information on the transference principle, see Chapter 13 of Volume I).

The "anti-censorship groups" attempt to whip up a public frenzy of indignation by giving the impression that Bible-beating fundamentalist parents are banging on the doors of the schools and trying to ban every book that does not precisely mirror their "narrow morality."

However, it is interesting to see just what kind of material has been the target of such so-called "censorship."

Generally speaking, Christians object to books that are thinly-veiled attempts to inculcate their students with a utilitarian "anything goes" attitude towards living, such as;[15]

• Wardell Pomeroy's Boys and Sex, in which the author states that "I have known cases of farmboys who have had a loving sexual relationship with a farm animal and who felt good about their behavior;"

• The poetry book Male and Female Under 18, which includes the poem "The City To a Young Girl." This poem begins with the lines "The city is one million horny, lip-smacking men screaming for my body," and deteriorates from there;

• Studs Terkel's Working, which describes in graphic detail the career of a prostitute and the various perverted sex acts she performs;

• Soul On Ice, whose primary thesis is that all White women are consumed by lust for Black men;

• The Los Angeles grade-school reading series "Impressions," which features monsters biting children's heads off and Indian chiefs who urge children to cut their sibling's and parent's hearts out while they are sleeping; and

• Jean Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear, a lengthy Neanderthal-era story about the physically impossible exploits of the first feminist, who is sexually initiated by repeated brutal rape.

Judith Blume, Director of the Juvenile Division of the American Library Association's Office of Intellectual Freedom, recommends Judy Blume's books for children as young as nine years old because of "... her realistic portrayals of young people's problems."

An example of this realism can be found in Judy Blume's book Deenie, which portrays a girl in her early teens: "As soon as I got into bed, I started touching myself. I have this special place, and when I rub it, I get a very nice feeling. I don't know what it's called or if anyone else has it, but when I have trouble falling asleep, touching my special place helps a lot ..."

When the mother of a ten-year old girl in Rohnert Park, California complained about this book, the principal told her that he had ordered his secretary to examine it for references to God. She had found none, and so he approved it![16]

The Humanist Reaction.

Because of such objections, the badly-misnamed People for the American Way (PAW) maintains a running list of "censorship efforts" in the United States. This list is published annually with the self-serving title Attacks on the Freedom to Learn.[6] This list, of course, only includes conservative attempts at censorship, which supposedly violate the principle of 'pluralism.'

Apparently, this list did not gain wide enough circulation, so the NEA and the American Library Association, supported by People for the American Way, recently sponsored a traveling exhibit entitled "Censorship and Libraries," which organized presentations all over the country for two years. Needless to say, this exhibit emphasized and decried the "heavyhanded tactics" of "right-wing, Bible-thumping religious fanatics" who "want to cram their values down your throat!"

This absurd, values-free project was funded by your tax dollars through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

In other words, we conservatives are paying for the privilege of being slandered and censored. Ain't America great?

Humanist Censorship.

People for the American Way and the National Education Association are rigidly committed to the pervasive Humanist double standard, and so they never mention any incident of censorship directed against Christian values including the most blatant censorship of all, the total banning of the Bible from every public school in the country.

If a conservative parent is conscious of the situation in the public schools, he or she will be frantic about the value-free pabulum being dished out under the guise of "education." Our children are being subjected to a propaganda campaign that would break the will of the strongest adult.

Parents must realize that an effective propaganda or indoctrination campaign always has two components; the presentation of one view, and the suppression of opposing views.

As they make grand speeches about freedom of expression, Humanists constantly censor any viewpoint that they do not subscribe to, and such examples are too numerous even to count. This censorship becomes bolder and bolder as each successive Humanists social goal (i.e., abortion and "gay rights") is achieved. Any opposition is immediately painted by the formidable media machine as a "terrifying and unacceptable breach of the wall of separation between church and state."

Naturally, the Leftists themselves will puff up with indignation if anyone catches them in the act of banning books. They are never guilty of such a crude tactic as "censorship" just ask them.

For example, the Council on Interracial Books for Children monitors texts for signs of "racism, sexism, ageism, materialism, elitism, and individualism," the last of which "should be discouraged as a highly negative force." After it identifies such "offensive" books, the Council vigorously attacks any school board that has adopted them and demands that the texts that it doesn't like be dropped from the curriculum.

But the Council stridently denies that it censors books; no, what it does is (and these are the Council's exact words): "Enlightened weeding and selection."[17]

A few more of the most blatant examples of Humanist censorship are described below.

'Religionists' Need Not Apply.

The best-known example of Humanist censorship, of course, is the total banning of the Bible from public schools. Not only is the Bible banned because of its religious nature, but it cannot even be examined in its historical or literary context!

New York University psychologist Paul Vitz performed a comprehensive study of the Left-wing bias in textbooks for the National Institute of Education, and concluded that "Religion, traditional family values, and conservative political and economic positions have been reliably excluded from children's textbooks."[15]

The Buffalo, New York McKinley High School would not permit a Bible study after hours in an empty classroom, but eagerly accommodated a Dungeons and Dragons group that focused on the occult. In fact, the school district filed a lawsuit against three students merely for seeking permission to study the Bible in the schools![18]

After the United States Supreme Court ruled in June 1990 that public schools must admit Bible study clubs, Edd Doerr of the comically-misnamed "Americans for Religious Liberty" (he also happens to be on the board of the American Humanist Association) sniveled that

We can expect school Bible clubs to bring in adult missionaries to proselytize students as young as 11 or 12 without parental consent; divisiveness as students self-select into sectarian clubs on school premises; disappearance of traditional extracurricular activities; disruption of schools by such groups as the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and anti-women's right clubs.[19]

The Slant is Leftish.

The Humanists relentlessly exclude from the schools those books that unfavorably comment on the Humanist/Neofeminist way of life. Such works include George Gilder's Sexual Suicide (1985) and Men and Marriage (1986) and Nicholas Davidson's The Failure of Feminism (Prometheus, 1988).

"Inclusive language" is being used to insure that the accomplishments of women and minorities are disproportionately represented in history textbooks. For example, California law mandates that school texts not simply exclude "adverse portrayals" of any group, but must include "equal portrayals" of women, minorities, and the handicapped: "In texts on history or current events, or achievements in art, science, or any other field, the contributions of women and men should be represented in approximately equal numbers."[8]

This ridiculous ruling hobbles and distorts the teaching of history beyond recognition in many instances. For example, any teacher who describes the Bill of Rights is blatantly violating "inclusive language" laws, because women, minorities, and the handicapped did not participate in the formulation of the first ten Amendments to the United States Constitution.

Pro-Abortionists Only, Please.

A pro-life student approached psychology teacher Guy Cavallo at Arlington's Washington-Lee High School, and asked him to show the motion picture "The Silent Scream." Cavallo agreed, and scheduled an after-school showing. The principal required signed permission slips from parents in order for their children to see the film.

But stopping their own children from seeing the film wasn't good enough for a small group of pro-abortion parents, who demanded that the film be canceled and that nobody else's children be allowed to see it, either.

The principle obediently canceled the film.[16]

Tasmanian Devils.

The Humanist censors regularly say that they would like to see Australian and Swedish education practices imported to the United States.

There is a reason for this: The Humanists have a complete stranglehold on what books are allowed in the schools in these countries. For example, in Tasmania (an Australian State), Humanists sent teams of "anti-sexist" librarians into public schools in order to purge them of over five hundred books that they said were "sexist," including Snow White, Born Free, and of course, the Bible.[20]

A Matter of Degree.

If the teachers have anti-Christian attitudes, it is inevitable that they will pass them on to their students. How has this benefitted our children? What has two decades of humanistic education bestowed upon our children?

It is interesting to compare the environment in public schools today with that of 25 years ago by listing those problems considered most serious by public school teachers then and now, as shown below.


         Problems in 1940                  Problems in 1990
         Truancy                                  Teenage pregnancy
         Tardiness                                Drug addiction
         Clandestine smoking                Alcoholism
         Dress code violations              Concealed weapons
         Talking in class                        Assault on teachers
         Chewing gum                          Teenage suicide
         Making noise                          Rape
         Running in halls                       Robbery
         Getting out of turn                   Arson
         Littering                                  Vandalism
                                                       Venereal diseases

References: Suzanne M. Rini. "Disorder and Early Sorrow: Sex Education as Moral Seduction." Fidelity Magazine, April 1989, page 38. Also see David Brooks. "Forget the Fire Just Keep Teaching!" National Review, December 13, 1985, pages 24 to 29.

Religion: Terra Incognita in Today's Textbooks.

Researchers funded by the National Institute of Education examined sixty standard social studies textbooks used by the majority of children in grades one through twelve in public schools.

The conclusion of the study was dramatic: It found that religion, traditional family values, and conservative positions on virtually every issue have been completely censored from the curriculum of all public school students.[21]

• not a single word of the more than 1.5 million total words in the sixty volumes referred to any religious activity in contemporary American life.

• the words "marriage," "wedding," "husband," and "wife" did not appear once in any of the sixty textbooks. No text even suggested that being a wife, mother, or homemaker was a worthy occupation in any way. No story gave any significance to children or babies. However, there were plenty of examples of aggressively Humanist/Neofeminist stories that derided and belittled traditionally male-oriented roles.

• of the 23 "role models" held up as examples to modern youths by the sixty texts, only one was a conservative. The only role models who were described were either Democrats or women. Not a single contemporary role model was a white male. There was not a word about the experiences and influence on society of a prominent preacher or clergyman, including Billy Graham, Terence Cardinal Cooke, and Norman Vincent Peale.

Sex Education: Bait for Destruction.

A feminist is an evolutionary anachronism, a Darwinian blind alley. In biological terms, there is nothing that identifies a maladaptive pattern so quickly as a below-replacement level of reproduction; an immediate consequence of feminism is what appears to be an irreversible decline in the birth-rate. Nations pursue feminist policies at their peril.

             Katarina Runske.[22]

A Formidable Weapon.

There is one sensitive area in which the entire considerable might of the public school system is most directly arrayed to attack and destroy Christian values in children. This area is sex education.

Most Christian objections are raised in response to various permissive sex education materials that are used by our school systems. The Humanists know that the easiest way to win the loyalty of children is to dangle before them the fruit of absolute freedom, and nowhere is the adolescent drive for freedom more powerful than in matters involving sex.

Even more than smoking, drinking, using drugs or driving a car, having sex is the most vivid and treasured "proof" that an adolescent has grown up.

The Contrasts.

While Christianity emphasizes chastity before marriage and faithfulness to one's spouse afterward, public schools laugh at God and tell our kids that contraception, abortion, fornication, adultery, and even sex with animals and incest is value-free and therefore involves fundamental human rights that cannot be tampered with or interfered with especially by parents.

Where Christianity teaches the necessary skill of self-control, the Humanists dangle the tempting vision of complete freedom before our children.

The following paragraphs describe the contents of some of the most common sex education books and curricula used by public schools today.

Please recognize that all of them emphasize the "rights" to birth control, abortion, free sex, adultery, and even sex with animals; in other words, they are all irretrievably objectionable throughout. The quotes given below are typical of their entire contents.

Guide For Young Adults. Dr. Patricia Shiller, founder of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), says that Gary F. Kelly's Learning About Sex: The Contemporary Guide for Young Adults is "A must for all young people."

This text includes the following statements;

Sado-masochism may be very acceptable and safe for sexual partners who know each other's needs and have established agreements for what they want from each other.

Some people are now saying that partnerships married or unmarried should not be exclusive. They believe that while a primary relationship is maintained with one person, the freedom for both partners to love and share sex with others should also be present.[23]

Changing Bodies. Changing Bodies, Changing Lives: A Book for Teens on Sex and Relationships is probably the most popular sex education textbook in the country today and has been used by thousands of high schools since it was published more than a decade ago.

Bisexuality is an openness to loving, sexual relationships with both sexes ... our true nature.

Gay men, too, have many ways of making love. One may caress the other's penis with his hand or his mouth. Or one may put his penis in the other's anus.[24]

Boys and Girls and Sex. Planned Parenthood veteran Wardell Pomeroy's companion books Boys and Sex and Girls and Sex are so extreme that they are the most popular "example target" used by Christians when opposing permissive school sex education programs.

Premarital intercourse does have its definite values as a training ground for marriage or some other committed relationship ... to make everyday comparisons again, it's like taking a car out for a test run before you buy it.

I have known cases of farm boys who have had a loving sexual relationship with an animal and who felt good about their behavior until they got to college, where they learned for the first time that what they had done was 'abnormal.' Then they were upset ...[25]

Enhancing Skills. The extremely popular (and misleadingly-named) sex education program entitled Enhancing Skills to Prevent Pregnancy demonstrates how teachers can break down their student's inhibitions by using the formidable weapon of peer pressure;

Some teachers are able to combine humor with demonstration by bringing cucumbers or zucchinis to class and showing how to apply and remove condoms. Open the packages and unroll condoms for students to inspect. Pass them around. If you are using cucumbers, have one student hold the cucumber while the other student puts the condom on the cucumber. Expect students to laugh at first and be embarrassed! This is healthy.[26]

One Washington state parent testified about an incident that is indicative of the coercive nature of many sex education programs. The objective of such programs is to use peer pressure to forcibly destroy the natural modesty that young people possess;

There is one teacher in Bellevue who has all the boys say 'vagina;' he calls them individually, and they all have to say it out loud in class. The boys say 'vagina' and the girls say 'penis.' One girl told me that she was so embarrassed that she could hardly bring out the word 'penis' because all these boys were sitting in the class. It just embarrassed her so. So he made her get up in front of the class and very loudly say it ten times.[27]


It is in the best interests of the individual schools and school systems to keep the contents of their sex education curricula strictly confidential. Some teachers are instructed to tell their children to lie to their parents about the contents of such courses of instruction. Others take the position that only "enlightened" parents (i.e., known Humanists) can see the details of the programs.

Just because your children do not show any obvious and sudden changes doesn't mean that they have not been exposed to this poison. The only certain way to make absolutely certain that your children are receiving proper moral instruction is to teach them at home.

For more information on the destructive influence of comprehensive sex education in the schools, see Chapter 139.

The Evidence by Humanists Against Humanism.

Have the humanists and atheists really taken over our schools? Or is this the paranoid raving of a motley crew of far-right fundamentalist fanatics?

Well, instead of listening to rumors or opinions from your pastor or Christian magazines and friends, why don't we simply allow the humanists to speak for themselves?

Figure 114-3 includes a few sample quotes from Humanists who believe that the public school system is their most powerful ally.

FIGURE 114-3

The Left can't survive politically without a public school system to spread leftist attitudes.

Alexander Cockburn, quoted in Joseph Sobran. "The Abortion Culture." Human Life Review, Spring 1981, pages 7 to 19.

As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only rather precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor jingoism ...

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Towards World Understanding, Page 58, Book V. 1949.

And how does a god die? Quite simply, because all his religionists have been converted to another religion, and there is no one left to make children believe they need him ... We need only insure that our schools teach only secular knowledge ... If we could achieve this, god would indeed be shortly due for a funeral service.

G. Richard Bozarth. "On Keeping God Alive." The American Atheist, November 1977. Page 7.

I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being ... The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evil and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent in its promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of "love thy neighbor" will finally be achieved.

John J. Dunphy. "A Religion for a New Age." The Humanist, January/February 1983. Page 26.

Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American public school is a school of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?

C.F. Potter. Humanism, a New Religion. Quoted in D.L. Cuddy. "Are Public Schools Opening the Door to Humanism?" National Federation of Decency Journal, October 1986, page 21.

Every child in America who enters school at the age of five is mentally ill, because he comes to school with allegiance toward our elected officials, toward our founding fathers, toward our institutions, toward the preservation of this form of government we have patriotism, nationalism, sovereignty all of that proves the children are sick, because the truly well individual is the one who has rejected all of those things and is what I would call the true international child of the future.

Dr. William Pierce, Harvard University. Quoted in Dr. Vince Nesbitt. Humanistic Morals and Values Education. Self-published at 12 Beta Road, Lane Cove, New South Wales, 2066 Australia. Also in Education to Remold the Child. The Parent and Child Advocate, Route 4, Watertown, Wisconsin 53094. Also quoted in Dr. Robert Simonds. "The Truth About Sol Gordon." ALL About Issues, August-September 1986, page 53.

I think the most important factor leading us to a secular society has been the educational factor. Our schools may not teach Johnny to read properly, but the fact that Johnny is in school until he is 16 tends to lead toward the elimination of religious superstition. The average child now acquires a high school education, and this militates against Adam and Eve and all other myths of alleged history.

Paul Blanshard, The Humanist, March-April 1976. Quoted in D.L. Cuddy. "Are Public Schools Opening the Door to Humanism?" National Federation of Decency Journal, October 1986, page 21.

A large majority of the educators of American colleges and universities are predominantly humanists, and a majority of the teachers who go out from their studies in colleges to responsibilities in primary and secondary schools are basically humanist, no matter that many maintain a nominal attachment to church or synagogue for good personal, social, or practical reasons.

Morris Storer, Humanist Ethics, 1980. Quoted in D.L. Cuddy. "Are Public Schools Opening the Door to Humanism?" National Federation of Decency Journal, October 1986, page 21.

The crazies [Catholics and fundamentalists] don't do all that much reading. If they did, they'd find out that they have already been defeated.

Sheila Schwartz, The Humanist, January-February 1976. Quoted in D.L. Cuddy. "Are Public Schools Opening the Door to Humanism?" National Federation of Decency Journal, October 1986, page 21.

The school as a social center means the active and organized promotion of this socialism of the intangible things of art, science, and other modes of social intercourse.

John Dewey, the "Father of progressive American education," quoted in Jon Barton and John W. Whitehead, Schools on Fire. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House, 1980, page 65.

We have to abolish and reform the institution of marriage ... By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God ... We must understand what we are attempting is a revolution, not a public relations movement ... it is humanism that is the goal.

Gloria Steinem, quoted in the Saturday Review of Education, March 1973.

The right to abortion will be guaranteed ... As far as the policy toward the family, it will be recognized for what it is: Not some holy or sacred institution to be preserved for all time ... not only will the family be a secondary form for determining children's upbringing, but its influence in promoting conservatism among its members, especially the women and children, will be actively combatted. While the parents will still have significant responsibility for their children, this does not mean they are "theirs," and there will be struggle to prevent parents from imposing old values, and conservative, non-revolutionary thinking generally on the children.

Revolutionary Communist Party's New Programme. "The Proletariat, Upon Seizing Power, Will Immediately Take Up the Transformation of Society," page 78.

Lifeboat Exercises.


One of the more frightening and effective tools the Humanists use to denigrate and destroy our children's Christian values is the notorious "lifeboat exercise" or some variant thereof. The expressed purpose of these exercises is to break down the Christian idea that some acts are intrinsically immoral and can never be tolerated.

In other words, these "lifeboat exercises" are your child's introduction to moral relativism: That any act is acceptable if it can be justified by the person doing it even murder!

The following "lifeboat exercises" (Situations A through C) are extracted from a Population Dynamics course presented at Shippensberg State College, Pennsylvania, at the Conference on Human Ecology in June of 1971. This course was given to local teachers so that they could pass it on to the children in their classes.

The participants were strictly instructed not to let parents see the teaching materials. This is typical of the usual skulking and sneaky tactic used by the popcon fanatics. They know that parents would disapprove, and so hide their tactics and agenda. This is yet another example of how Big Brother knows what's best for your kids.

There can only be two reasons for such exercises;

(1) to actually desensitize the participants to death, and

(2) to propagandize the participants into accepting anti-life goals.

Situation A.

The most common type of "lifeboat exercise" forces children to select a specified number of persons for death. Situation A, shown in Figure 114-4, is one example of this type of exercise.

FIGURE 114-4

SITUATION A: A new country is being formed because the problem of overpopulation has completely destroyed your former country. There is not enough food. water, and other essentials for people to share. Keep in mind that the people you select should be those who might be able to avoid the problems that occurred in the old country. The remaining 18 will die of starvation. Give reasons for your selections.

  1. Abortionist
  2. Priest
  3. Teacher
  4. Clerk
  5. Builder
  6. Mechanic
  7. Teenager
  8. Baby
  9. Retired old person
10. Sanitation worker
11. Plumber
12. Businessman
13. Musician
14. Farmer
15. Janitor
16. Doctor
17. Entertainer
18. Electrician
19. Gardener
20. Conservationist
21. Street cleaner
22. Scientist
23. Attorney
24. Unmarried pregnant woman
25. Married pregnant woman
26. Planned Parenthood counselor

SITUATION B: The United States Congress has passed a law saying or stating that married couples may have only two children. Have students react by asking the following questions:

(1) What would be the reason a law like this would be passed?
(2) What is your personal reaction to this? Could it be enforced?
(3) Would this law solve any problems?

SITUATION C: Give the following attitude survey to the class on overpopulation. The students are to fill in their true feelings about the statements in this survey. Results are to be discussed, debated, placed on the chalkboard, or graphed.

1. There are too many people in my .
2. There are more people in the world that there should be.
3. People should take steps to the number of people in the world.
4. When I am in a crowded elevator I feel .
5. I wish I had more people in my family than I have.
6. I wish I had less people in my family than I have.
7. I plan to have children if I get married.
8. Families who have many children are .
9. Overpopulation is .

SITUATION D: Your husband or wife is a very attractive person. Your best friend is very attracted to him or her. How would you want them to behave?

a. Maintain a clandestine relationship so you wouldn't know about it.
b. Be honest and accept the reality of the relationship.
c. Proceed with a divorce.

References: Situations A, B, and C are extracted from a Population Dynamics course presented to Pennsylvania State teachers at Shippensberg State College, Pennsylvania, at the Conference on Human Ecology in June of 1971. Situation D is described in Gary L. Bauer. "Parents Must Protect Children From Pornography." National Federation for Decency Journal. January 1986, page 5.

Situation A.

Situation A is formulated by the same people who stress that everyone must be nonjudgmental. Yet the exercises force each child to play God and condemn 18 people to death!

By the way, in the intensive discussions following the exercise, these persons are usually considered 'fit to live:' doctor, mechanic, conservationist, builder, scientist, and always, of course, the abortionists and Planned Parenthood representative. The last selection for life is not at all surprising in light of the fact that these exercises are frequently conducted by Planned Parenthood representatives, and it is socially ever so awkward, my deah, to condemn the moderator to death.

Notice that 'lives devoid of value' generally include priests, pregnant women, retired persons, and those with menial jobs and you will experience a shadow of the chill of someone who has witnessed the Nazi extermination programs first-hand.

Significantly, the persons most often selected for death are those who are considered to be useless in the brave new society that the children are building.

Situation B.

Situation B, shown in Figure 114-4, makes the bald assumption that overpopulation is imminent, and that some form legal coercion must be taken at some point in the future for the good of the country.

It is quite obvious that Situation B is designed to start children thinking about the merits of an enforced "one-child" policy which may be implemented in the United States as it has in the People's Republic of China. Planned Parenthood officials have recommended such a program for the United States. This program would include forced abortions, mandatory birth control, and compulsive sterilization of all couples with two children.

For more information on this heinous program, see Chapter 50 of Volume II, "Forced Abortions." For information on the eugenics mentality that leads to such atrocities, see Chapter 105.

Situation C.

Situation C, shown in Figure 114-4, compels the child to "clarify" his values. However, this "values clarification" is never done in a vacuum. There is always a teacher (with the proper Humanist credentials, of course) hovering nearby to "guide" the student into making "responsible social decisions" that support the Humanist population control agenda.

Now, whatever happened to the Humanist's vaunted 'right to privacy?' Apparently it doesn't apply when Humanist teachers are working to mold young minds into the 'proper' shape.

Imagine the kind of racist and eugenicist statements that children might produce in response to Situation C! Question 2 could be answered with the words "Black" or "Jewish." Question 8 could be answered with the words "selfish" or "crazy," thereby engendering contempt for those couples who happen to love children and decide to have seven or eight of them.

And, of course, these answers would not be condemned because, in these exercises, there are no wrong answers!

Situation D.

It goes without saying that every "lifeboat exercise" or "values clarification drill" is totally devoid of Christian values. In fact, they are not only devoid of Christian values, they actively attack them! For example, another typical "values clarification" exercise is shown in Figure 114-4 as Situation D.

Notice that there is no option (d): Avoid the possibility of adultery in the first place! This choice is omitted because it reflects the Christian values of self-discipline, honesty, fidelity, regard for others, and respect for the institution of marriage.

This identical lack of Christian values is reinforced by secular sex education curricula; your spouse and your best friend are going to be adulterous anyway, so you might as well accommodate them and make life as pleasant as possible for everyone involved by playing the cuckold quietly.

By the way, although there is really no firm "correct answer," the suggested course of action is (b), above. After all, we must always be frank and honest right?

Other Examples.

Many other imaginative forms of role playing are used to accomplish various Humanist objectives.

One woman from Tucson, Arizona testified in the March 1984 Department of Education hearings that an outside teacher visited her child's classroom and taught that it was "normal" for the children to hate their parents. At the beginning of her class, she surveyed the children and found that three of the thirty attendees said that they hated their parents. At the end of the presentation, 27 said that they hated their parents![28]

In Detroit, parents testified that their children had been told to close their eyes and fantasize about designing and then using an ideal method of birth control.[28]

A Missouri mother testified that, in a required English class, her daughter was ordered to play the part of a prostitute and proposition a boy in the class who played the part of a married man.[28]

The Christian Version of Values Clarification.

Values clarification exercises as such are not intrinsically evil, if they are performed under the watchful eye of a caring Christian parent. In fact, Christian values clarification exercises can be as beneficial to a child as the secular versions are harmful.

As someone once said, "Make lemonade out of lemons." For example, the board game "Scruples" is centered around the idea that no act is intrinsically right or wrong. The objective is to select game cards that describe situations requiring ethical judgment, such as; "You and your mate expect loyalty and honesty from one another. One night, out of town, you have a fling. Do you tell?" Each player's goal is not to find an ethical solution, but to guess how others would react.

Still, about 150 of the cards depict non-sexual situations that are valuable for playing "What If?" games with your children. You could find the game at a garage sale, discard the game board, rules, and cards depicting sexual situations. The remaining cards are very useful for conducting Christian values clarification exercises.

Death Education.

The Humanists have used comprehensive sex education to inculcate our children with a pro-abortion attitude. But times change, and the Humanist strategists have moved beyond abortion to euthanasia.

So now it is time to propagandize our kids with material on the alleged "Right to Die."

In order to prepare children to accept the killing of born human beings that society considers useless, more and more schools are mandating compulsory "death education."

One mother from Orlando, Florida said that "In one program in our county, little first graders made their own coffins out of shoe boxes."[28]

One of the textbooks used in a 'death education' class is Russell and Purdy's Coping With Death and Dying, published by Scott, Foresman. It relies on the absurd thesis that "Committing suicide may represent a last attempt to make an independent, personal decision."[29] (Say what!?)

In another "death education" curriculum, students are required to write an essay on "What I Would Do On My Last Day." Yet another requires students to visit mortuaries and touch human corpses, and even makes them lie in coffins.

And another requires the teacher to give a series of talks and interactive presentations, including;[29]

• "Reincarnation Can We Come Back From the Dead?"
• "End of the World Coming Soon or Not?"
• "Infanticide Right or Wrong?"
• "Active Euthanasia for Deformed Infants Right or Wrong?"
• "Death Do the Hopelessly Ill Have the Right to Die?"

The Decisive Christian Response: Homeschooling!

I am much afraid that the schools will prove to be the very gates of Hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, and engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount.

                                                                                                            Martin Luther.


Even rats know that it is desperately dangerous to stay on board a ship that is beyond repair and sinking fast. Many Christian parents are sick to death of monitoring their child's school system constantly, and insuring that permanent damage is not done by atheistic school teachers and staff, school-based clinics, drugs, venereal disease, Planned Parenthood, and a thousand other dangers.

Any Christian parent who knows the nature of the public schools and the tactics of the social engineers also realizes that it is physically impossible to protect their children against all of the baleful influences that they will encounter there. In other words, no parent has the capability of monitoring their children to the point where they will not be propagandized. The public schools have our kids for more than 10,000 hours, and they have a thousand ways to indoctrinate our kids.

Our schools have been transformed literally into obstacles that our children must survive and endure.

Therefore, more and more Christian parents are pulling their children out of the militantly atheistic American public school system and are educating them properly themselves! In fact, more than one hundred thousand children from first to 12th grade are being homeschooled in this country and they are loving it!

The Advantages of Homeschooling.

There are many reasons for this seemingly radical action. A homeschooled child does not learn about "safe sex." He does not learn that homosexuality is a "perfectly acceptable alternative lifestyle," or that abortion is simply a private decision between a woman and her doctor. He is not exposed to secret psychological counseling, "lifeboat exercises," Planned Parenthood, or value- and God-free education. Additionally, he is allowed to proceed at his own learning pace, rather than being held back in order to accommodate slower students. On the other hand, if the child is slow in some areas, he is not warehoused in a 'slow' section and forgotten, and is not exposed to ridicule and embarrassment. He is also not exposed to pervasive peer pressure to violate his Christian value system thought sex, drugs, and violence.

Numerous studies and interviews by a wide variety of organizations (some of them quite liberal) reveal that homeschooled children score higher on achievement tests, are superior in their breadth and depth of knowledge, and are more adaptable and sociable than publicly-schooled children.

The paramount advantage of homeschooling, of course, is that your children will receive the proper training in Christian values.

Homeschooling Resources.


Many faiths, from Roman Catholic to Episcopalian to Mennonite, have outstanding homeschooling curricula that have been proven by the test of time. The organizations listed below can get you in touch with the people who organize and distribute these programs, and can also answer any questions that you might have.

Christian Life Workshops. 

Each year, Christian Life Workshops (CLW) presents a two-day 'starter course' in Christian home schooling in about twenty cities all over the country.

All topics required for a successful home schooling program are covered: How to begin, the advantages of home schooling, discipline, history, evangelism, legal aspects, and resources.

The CLW also publishes an excellent informational magazine entitled Family Restoration Quarterly. To order, call Gregg Harris at (206) 834-2372.

For further information on the Christian Life Workshops, write to: 

Christian Life Workshops, Inc.
182 SE Kane Avenue
Gresham, Oregon 97080.

HELP Magazine. 

This excellent quarterly magazine on home life in general is published by Bill and Mary Pride. It addresses all aspects of Christian home living, from natural family planning to home-run businesses, with the objective of assisting families in establishing a Christian lifestyle as families.

HELP Magazine can be ordered from 

Home Life
Post Office Box 1250
Fenton, Missouri, 63026-1250. 

Contributions are welcome, and the magazine has an extensive letters section which allows readers to voice their opinions on all sides of every issue.

Mary Pride's books The Way Home and All the Way Home are also gold mines of information on Christian home living, and can be ordered from the above address. Additionally, she has published a series of books entitled The Big Book[s] of Home Schooling, which contain a treasure trove for homeschooling parents, regardless of experience level.

The Legal Status of Home Schooling.

Some states are very supportive of home schooling, and require only a year-end test for each child to insure that he is keeping up. In other states, parents who dare to try to homeschool their own children are thrown in jail!

The legal status of home schooling in your state can be obtained from;

The Rutherford Institute
Post Office Box 510
Manassas, Virginia 22110

Request the Home Education Reporter for your state. Each Reporter is ten dollars.

The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) issues a quarterly newsletter entitled "The Home School Court Report." This organization requires annual dues, but provides relatively cheap legal aid if trouble should arise from your homeschooling activities. The HSLDA charges from $100 to respond to threats from a local official to $5,000 for trial appearances and preparation, including those at the appellate court level. For information, contact;

Home School Legal Defense Association
Paeonian Springs, Virginia 22129
Telephone: (703) 882-3838

State Homeschooling Support Groups.

Upon the subject of education, I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in.

                                                                                                    Abraham Lincoln.

It is sometimes very difficult to school your children at home in the face of societal pressures. Homeschooling is still unfortunately perceived as 'strange' or 'radical' by the majority of Americans. Your friends, family, and fellow churchgoers and workers may not understand your methods or motivations. And, of course, the National Education Association, Planned Parenthood, and all of the other organizations that want to control your children's minds and inculcate their own values are totally opposed to homeschooling.

The best solution to these problems is to contact other individuals and organizations that can support you and answer your questions. Figure 114-5 contains the names and addresses of homeschooling support organizations in each of the fifty states.

FIGURE 114-5


Christian Home Education Fellowship of Alabama
3375 Ching Dairy Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36618.


Alaska Private & Home Educators Association
Box 70
Talkeetna, Alaska 99676.


Christian Home Educators
Post Office Box 13445
Scottsdale, Arizona 85267.


Christian Home Education Association
Post Office Box 501
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203.


Christian Home Educators
Post Office Box 28644
Santa Ana, California 92799.


Homes Offering Meaningful Education
1015 South Gaylord Street
Suite #226
Denver, Colorado 80209.


The Education Association of Christian Homeschoolers
Post Office Box 446
Broad Brook, Connecticut 06016.


Delaware Home School Association
2272 St. James Drive
Wilmington, Delaware 19808.


Florida At Home
7615 Clubhouse Estate Drive
Orlando, Florida 32819.


Georgians for Freedom in Education
209 Cobb Street
Palmetto, Georgia 30268.


Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
91-824 Oama Street
Ewa Beach, Hawaii 96706.


Idaho Home Educators
Post Office Box 4022
Boise, Idaho 83711.


Christian Home Educators
Post Office Box 261
Zion, Illinois 60099.


Indiana Association of Home Educators
Post Office Box 17135
Indianapolis, Indiana 46217.


Iowa Home Educators Association
Post Office Box 213
Des Moines, Iowa 50301.


Teaching Parents Association
100 East 109th Street North
Valley Center, Kansas 67147.


Christian Home Educators of Kentucky
691 Howardstown Road
Hodgensville, Kentucky 42748.


Christian Home Educators Fellowship
Box 74292
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70874.


Homeschoolers of Maine
Post Office Box 124
Hope, Maine 04847.


Maryland Assn. of Christian Home Education Organization
Post Office Box 1041
Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727.


Home Learning Association
15 Ohio Street
Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887.


Information Network for Christian Homes
5241 Plainfield NE
Suite B
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505.


Christian Home Educators
Post Office Box 188
Anoka, Minnesota 55303.


Mississippi Home Educators Association
Box 2067
Starkville, Mississippi 39579.


Families for Home Education
4400 Woods Road
Sibley, Missouri 64088.


Montana Coalition of Home Schools
Box 654
Helena, Montana 59624.


Nebraska Home Educators Association
5000 Grand View Lane
Lincoln, Nebraska, 68521.


Nevada Home Schools
Post Office Box 21323
Reno, Nevada 89515.


Christian Home Educators
Box 1653
Hillsboro, New Hampshire 03244.


Education Network of Christian Home Schoolers
65 Middlesex Road
Matawan, New Jersey 07747.


Christian Home Educators
5749 Paradise Boulevard NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87114.


Loving Education at Home
Post Office Box 332
Syracuse, New York 13205.


North Carolina for Home Education
204 North Person Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27601.


Home School Association
Box 486
Mandan, North Dakota 58554.


Christian Home Educators
3691-A Massillon Road
Uniontown, Ohio 44685.


Coalition of Christian Home-Educators
Box 741032
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74147.


Christian Home Education Association Network
2515 NE 37th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97212.


Christian Home Schoolers
RD 2, Box 141
Wrightsville, Pennsylvania 17368.


Rhode Island Guild of Home Teachers
272 Pequot Avenue
Warwick, Rhode Island 02886.


Home Educators Association
Box 33
Goose Creek, South Carolina 29445.


Western Dakota Christian Home Schools
Box 528
Black Hawk, South Dakota 57718.


Tennessee Home Education Association
3677 Richbriar Court
Nashville, Tennessee 37211.


Home-Oriented Private Education for Texas
Box 43887
Austin, Texas 78745.


Christian Home Schooling
3190 South 4140 West
West Valley City, Utah 84120.


Home Schoolers Association
Box 161
Pittsford, Vermont 05763.


Home Educators Association of Virginia
Post Office Box 1810
Front Royal, Virginia 22630.


Washington Association of Teaching Christian Homes
Box 980
Airway Heights, Washington 99001.


Christian Home Educators
Post Office Box 266
Glenville, West Virginia 26351.


Christian Home Educators
2307 Carmel Avenue
Racine, Wisconsin 53405.


Homeschoolers of Wyoming
Box 926
Evansville, Wyoming 82636.

Reference: Summer 1991 Annual summary card entitled "Home Schooling State Organizations and Convention Information." The Teaching Home Magazine.

National organizations that can assist in proper homeschooling include the following.

Christian Educators Association International
Post Office Box 50025
Pasadena, California 91105
Telephone: (818) 798-1124

Helps Christian educators in public and private schools. Offers information for parent-action groups, legal advice, counsel, and curriculum materials.

Citizens for Educational Freedom
Rosslyn Plaza, Suite 805
1611 North Kent Street
Arlington, Virginia 22209
Telephone: (703) 524-1991

Promotes local control of public schools and respect for the religious and moral values and rights of parents and children. Provides options for released-time religious instruction and promotes educational vouchers for parents who want to send their children to non-government controlled schools in 'school choice' programs.

Citizens for Excellence in Education
Box 3200
Costa Mesa, California 92628
Telephone: (714) 546-5931

A division of the National Association of Christian Educators that promotes better education in academics and moral and spiritual values in public schools.

Educational Research Analysts
Post Office Box 7518
Longview, Texas 65601

Mel and Norma Gabler head this organization, which is the most successful group in America at getting better textbooks into American public schools. Offers books, reviews of books, and step-by-step instructions for becoming involved in the selection of textbooks in local schools.

National Association of Christian Educators
Bob Simonds
Post Office Box 3200
Costa Mesa, California 92628

National Monitor of Education
Post Office Box 402
Alamo, California 94507
(415) 945-6745

The National Monitor of Education tracks educational reform and legislation, monitors and opposes the secret psychological testing of children, analyzes sex and death education programs, counters threats to homeschoolers, and works with an organization named Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism. The National Monitor of Education publishes an informative monthly newsletter.

The Rockford Institute
934 North Main Street
Rockford, Illinois 61103-7061
Telephone: (815) 964-5053

References: Home Schooling.

[1] D.L. Cuddy. "Are Public Schools Opening the Door to Humanism?" National Federation of Decency Journal, October 1986, page 21. This is an excellent discussion of the various methods used by Humanist groups to censor Christian viewpoints.

[2] Edd Doerr. "The Myth of Public-School Humanism." The Organized Attack on Public Education From the New Right. Texas State Teachers Association (Affiliated with the National Education Association), 316 West Twelfth Street, Austin, Texas 78701. 125 pages, undated.

[3] Gloria Steinem, quoted in the Saturday Review of Education, March 1973.

[4] United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Reference Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. 1990 (110th Edition). Table 1,445, "Public Expenditures for Education and Illiteracy, By Selected Country."

[5] John McLaughlin. "Bennett the Bold." National Review, November 1, 1985, page 23.

[6] Joseph Sobran. "The Abortion Culture." The Human Life Review, Spring 1981, pages 7 to 19.

[7] Adolf Hitler, speaking about the schools and their indoctrination of the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth Corps). Quoted in William Shirer. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960. Page 249.

[8] Charles Krauthammer. "Education: Doing Bad and Feeling Good." Time Magazine, February 5, 1990.

[9] Jeff Nesmith, Cox News Service. "U.S. Ranks Near Last of Class." The Oregonian, February 6, 1992, pages A1 and A12.

[10] W.R. Coulson, Ph.D, Professor of Psychology at the U.S. International University. "Founder of 'Value-Free' Education Says He Owes Parents an Apology." American Family Association Journal, April 1989, pages 20 and 21.

[11] The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Towards World Understanding, Page 58, Book V. 1949.

[12] "NEA Endorses Reproductive Freedom." Options [Newsletter of the 'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights], November/ December 1978, page 12.

[13] Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). "Winning the Battle for Sex Education." SIECUS, 130 W. 42nd Street, Suite 2500, New York, New York 10036. 1982, page 5.

[14] National Monitor of Education, June 1990, page 6.

[15] Don Feder. "Censorship is in the Eye of the Beholder." New Dimensions Magazine, December 1990, page 15.

[16] Cal Thomas and Wayne Stayskal. Liberals for Lunch. Westchester, Illinois: Crossway Books, 1985. Pages 45 and 129.

[17] Nat Hentoff. "Censorship in the Schools." Learning Magazine, March 1981.

[18] Catholic Twin Circle, June 25, 1989, page 15.

[19] Joseph Sobran. "Liberals Obsessed with Imaginary Dangers." Conservative Chronicle, July 25, 1990, page 30.

[20] Valerie Riches. "A Radical Feminist Charter." Feminism v. Mankind. Family Publications: Wicken, Milton Keynes, Britain, 1990. Page 35.

[21] Paul C. Vitz. "Scholars Say Textbooks Censor Out Religion." National Federation for Decency Journal, March 1986, page 6.

[22] Katarina Runske. "Empty Hearts and Empty Homes." Feminism v. Mankind. Family Publications, Wicken, Milton Keynes, Britain, 1990. Page 23.

[23] Gary F. Kelly. Learning About Sex: The Contemporary Guide for Young Adults. Barron's: New York, 1968. Pages 61 and 136.

[24] Changing Bodies, Changing Lives: A Book for Teens on Sex and Relationships (Random House: New York, 1980). Pages 117 and 122.

[25] Wardell Pomeroy, Ph.D. Boys and Sex. Delacorte Press, New York, 1981. Pages 117 and 171 to 172.

[26] R.P. Barth. Enhancing Skills to Prevent Pregnancy. School of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley, Network Publications. Page 95.

[27] "America's XXX-Rated Sex Education Curricula." New Dimensions Magazine. September 1990.

[28] Cal Thomas. "Blowing the Whistle on Teachers." Conservative Digest, April 1985, page 23.

[29] Phyllis Schlafly. "Death Education Courses Are a Tragedy." Conservative Chronicle, July 4, 1990, page 19.

Further Reading: The Threat of Humanism in the Public Schools.

American Family Association. "Anti-Christian Bias in America." 
Excerpts from the proceedings of the American Family Association's March 1990 Conference on Anti-Christian Bias in America. Printed in the May 1990 issue of the AFA Journal and available as a 24-page reprint from the American Family Association, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803. Papers include Congressman William E. Dannemeyer, "Christianity Under Attack By 'New Bigotry';" Larry L. Crain of the Rutherford Institute, "Anti-Christian Bias in the Law;" Columnist Cal Thomas, "News Media Biased Against Christians;" Editor Joseph Farah, "Anti-Christian Bigotry in Hollywood;" Paul C. Vitz, "Religion and Traditional Values in Public School Textbooks;" and H. Wayne House, Th.D, J.D., "Anti-Christian Bias in Higher Education: Problems and Solutions."

American Family Association. "Public School Sex Education: A Report." 
Published in the October 1990 issue of the AFA Journal. Also available from the American Family Association, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803. This is an excellent encapsulation of the incredible nonsense being drilled into our children by sex educators posing as teachers. If this is not a powerful incentive to home school, nothing else will be.

Richard Baer, Ph.D. "Censorship and the Public Schools." 
Herbert Titus, LLB. "Education Caesar's or God's: A Constitutional Question of Jurisdiction." Both 40-page booklets are clearly and persuasively written and are part of a series entitled The First Amendment" Protecting Parents and Children From Caesar, published by the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 1100 West Wells Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233.

Allan Bloom. The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987. 392 pages. Reviewed by R.V. Young in the January 1988 issue of Fidelity Magazine. The author accounts for many reasons that college and higher education is suffering so badly in America today. The general incompetence of the entering students is due to a fixation with fleeting pleasures (sex, drugs, and rock n' roll), and an absence of familial spiritual guidance. The general incompetence of the institutions of 'learning' themselves is due to their willingness to blow with whatever ill breeze comes their way. However, the author, while decrying this sad state of affairs, misses the point by missing the true reasons for this degeneration: lack of spiritual direction in general.

Leo A. Brodeur. Hell's War Against Our Children
Order from Keep the Faith, 810 Belmont Avenue, Post Office Box 8261, North Haledon, New Jersey 07508, telephone: (201) 423-5395. The author describes the various weapons that Satan uses to target our children, causing them to lose faith, patriotism, respect for their parents, and even their desire to live. Special emphasis is given to Satanic and violent rock music.

Dr. James Dobson and Gary L. Bauer. Children at Risk: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Our Kids
World Publishing, Dallas. 1990, 280 pages. A detailed look at all of the influences that are brought to bear on our children, not only by the public school system, but by our secular society in general. Some of the many topics covered include "safe sex," the influence of the many organs of the media, the rejection of morality and tradition, the legal assault on the family, and the power of words.

Sol Gordon. Raising a Child Conservatively in a Sexually Permissive World
Read this subtle book (with the misleading title) by Planned Parenthood's "masturbation guru" for insight as to how sly the sex pushers can really be. This is what your children are being exposed to in their schools right now.

Kathleen M. Gow, Ph.D. Yes, Virginia, There is a Right and Wrong
1985, paperback. Order from Tyndale House Publishers at 1-800-323-9400. Reviewed on page 16 of the July/August 1985 issue of the National Federation for Decency Journal. The author explains in detail the type of values your children are being taught in public schools. She examines the three most widely-used approaches to atheistic and morals-free public school "moral values education," and why they are contributing to the disastrous social climate in our country so heavily today.

Beatrice and Ronald Gross. The Children's Rights Movement: Overcoming the Oppression of Young People
Anchor Press/Doubleday, Garden City, New York. 1977, 387 pages. The two authors of this book are apparently proud of their association with virtually every unsavory, anti-family and anti-life organization that exists, and it shows in their work. They not only denigrate families, but the public school system as well, and lead up to listing the eleven elements of their proposed "Bill of Rights for Children," the last of which is "The right to do, in general, what any adult may legally do." This book is probably the best summary of the philosophy of the "kiddie lib" movement that currently exists.

Stephen M. Krason and Robert J. D'Agostino. Parental Rights: The Contemporary Assault on Traditional Liberties
Christendom College Press, Front Royal, Virginia 22630. 1988: 208 pages. This book covers the legal and moral dimensions of parental rights from the philosophical, legal, and psychological points of view. Subjects covered in this collection of focused articles include parental rights in all aspects of public and home schooling, including sex education and the life issues. Noted authors include Kenneth Whitehead, James Likoudis, Charles E. Rice, and Thomas J. Marzen.

Onalee McGraw, Ph.D. "Secular Humanism and the Schools: The Issue Whose Time Has Come." 
November 1977 supplement to the Newsletter of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 1100 West Wells Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233.

Paul Vitz, Ph.D. Censorship: Evidence of Bias in Our Children's Textbooks
Servant Books, Post Office Box 8617, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107. Reviewed by Chilton Williamson, Jr., on page 64 of the January 30, 1987 National Review.

Most of the Summer 1980 issue of The Human Life Review is devoted to how the Neoliberals and the State seek to overhaul the family. Articles include "The 1980 Carter Family Conference," "Families, Sex, and the Liberal Agenda," "Freedom and the Family," and "Family Freedom in Education."

Further Reading: Christian Home Schooling Resources and Aids.

Samuel L. Blumenfeld. How to Tutor
Order from Conservative Book Club, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528. The theory and 'how-to' of tutoring; different styles, how to schedule, how to handle common learning problems, and how to set up a complete program.

Larry Christenson. The Wonderful Way That Babies Are Made
Hardback. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174. Telephone: (703) 586-4898. A good book for parent-guided sex education that treats the subject in the context of God's plan for us. The book includes beautiful illustrations and a short section on adoption. There are varying sizes of print and simplicity of language, so that small children and older ones may be taught out of the same book.

Education Reformer
This periodical keeps track of all of the Neoliberal machinations that are designed to indoctrinate our kids with radical values while bypassing parental authority. Subscribe by contacting the Eagle Forum at Post Office Box 618, Alton, Illinois 62002, telephone: (618) 462-5415.

The Education Reporter
This four-page bulletin tracks trends in educational districts all over the nation. For subscription information, contact the Eagle Forum Educational and Legal Defense Fund, Post Office Box 618, Alton, Illinois 62002, telephone: (618) 462-5415.

Mel and Norma Gabler. What Are They Teaching Our Children?: What You Can Do About Humanism and Textbooks in Today's Public Schools!  
Victor Books, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. 1985, 189 pages. The Gablers, who are universally despised by the Humanistic textbook peddlers, show how parents can organize to stop having their children's values destroyed in the public school system.

Robert G. Marshall. Bayonets and Roses: Comprehensive Pro-Life Political Action Guide
1976, 388 pages. Order from Robert G. Marshall, Post Office Box 2205, Mosby Station, Falls Church, Virginia 22042.

National Monitor of Education
This periodical is published monthly except July and August. Subscription is from Betty Arras, Post Office Box 402, Alamo, California 94507, telephone: (415) 945-6745. It covers in detail one or two of the latest "trends" in public schooling, i.e., the homosexual agenda or school-based clinics, and also includes a legislative and litigative update and generally includes a review of a book or other publication that would be of interest to activist parents.

Sean O'Reilly, M.D. In the Image of God: A Guide to Sex Education for Parents
Hardback. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898. A Catholic sex-education program for parents who want to teach their children about the human physical, psychological, and intellectual development. The material is presented in a series of nine lectures or seminars, with three lessons each on the pre-latency, latency, and post-latency periods. For individual use or for parent's use.

Edward N. Peters. Home Schooling and the New Code of Canon Law
Christendom College Press, Front Royal, Virginia 22630. 48 pages. Even though Catholics have traditionally relied upon their parochial school system, more and more parents are educating their children at home. Mr. Edwards examines Catholic homeschooling from the perspective of the newest canon law and previous Church teachings regarding parental rights and responsibilities.

Pope Paul VI. Gravissimum Educationis ("Declaration on Christian Education"). 
October 28, 1965, Available in a compact 4-1/2" X 7" , 21 page booklet for 15 cents from the Daughters of St. Paul, 50 St. Paul's Avenue, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130.

Marion Michael Walsh. The Christian Family Coping
Help of Christians Publishers, Post Office Box 37070, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. Reviewed by Connie Marshner on page 54 of the June-July ALL About Issues. How to live simply, frugally, and well.

John Whitehead. Parent's Rights
The Rutherford Institute, Manassas, Virginia. An examination of the growing movement of the states towards controlling your children's lives.

John W. Whitehead and Wendell Bird. Home Education and Constitutional Liberties
The Rutherford Institute, Manassas, Virginia. The historical, social, and constitutional basis and supports for home schooling.

Elizabeth Wilson. Books Children Love: A Guide to the Best Children's Literature
Order from Conservative Book Club, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528. A brief description of hundreds of fine Christian and secular books that are favorites with children. Appropriate age levels and categories are also suggested.

Anthology: Home and Public Schooling.

Greenhaven Press. Censorship: Opposing Viewpoints
Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series, Post Office Box 289009, San Diego, California 92128-9009. 1985, 234 pages. Each section includes several essays by leading authorities on both sides of each issue. The questions asked are: "Should There Be Limits to Free Speech?;" "Is School and Library Censorship Justified?;" "Should the News Media Be Regulated?;" "Does National Security Justify Censorship?;" and "Should Pornography Be Censored?" Authors include Nat Hentoff, Phyllis Schlafly, Bob Packwood, the American Library Association, the American Bar Association, and the Association of American Publishers. A catalog is available from the above address and can be obtained by calling 1-(800) 231-5163.

© American Life League BBS — 1-703-659-7111

This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist’s Encyclopedia published by American Life League.