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Chapter 114 Table of Contents Index Chapter 116



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Chapter 115
Introduction To The "Gay Rights" Debate:
Is Homosexuality Beneficial, Benign, Or Harmful?

(1997 Revision)


"When you lose the supernatural, the natural passes into the unnatural all too quickly."

-- G.K. Chesterton.1



Warning!  WARNING!  Warning!  WARNING!  Warning!  WARNING!


Some of the material described in this chapter is extremely offensive in nature.


The Importance of Debating "Gay Rights" From the Humanistic Standpoint

The Irrelevance of God. Our country, founded in Christian principles, is now truly a Pagan nation.

The Bible has been banned from our public schools. God - and even any framework of objective morality, religious or humanistic - has been stricken from all legislative and judicial functions. The expression of traditional Christian religious belief in all of its forms is suppressed and ridiculed. In place of the traditional Church, we now have Neoliberal, Paganistic, and Humanistic religions flourishing.

In a word, according to those who control the media and public opinion, God the Father and His Son Jesus are now largely irrelevant to our society and its functions.

On Natural Law. Those Christian activists who oppose abortion, contraception, pornography, euthanasia, homosexual acts and other evils know that their position is not only supported by Scripture, but by natural law as well. Natural law manifests itself in each person's God-given ability to distinguish between right and wrong from God's point of view.

Christianity is a logical religion. God created mankind, and so He knows what is good for us and what is bad for us. He gave us the Ten Commandments as a simple guide to living in a morally sustainable society. Further guidance in the Bible elaborates upon these basic rules.

In other words, God has given us rules and His Church to assist in the survival of the human race. Those who ignore these rules not only injure themselves, they contribute to the accelerated demise of entire nations, as history has proven time and time again.

Moral Traveling. In order to pull people out of sin and save their souls, Christians must journey to where the unchurched are spiritually (while taking extreme care not to be caught up in the sin being discussed); we cannot expect hardened sinners to come to us, because they have already decisively rejected our Christian value system and see no purpose in defending this decision. They have lost their moral compass and their self-discipline, and are determinedly wallowing in self-indulgence and sin. In other words, they have no desire to change or to better themselves morally.

In fact, it may truthfully be said that Christian activists and secularists speak entirely different languages, based upon radically different worldviews.

Humanists are proud of their `logical and rational' natures. They refuse to believe in what they cannot see, taste, and touch; therefore they reject all religion, not just Christianity. `Authentic' Humanists are not Christian, Moslem, Jewish, or Pagan.

Therefore, in order to make progress in saving souls, Christian activists must debate from the Humanistic point of view, confident in the fact that natural law parallels God's law in all of its important details.

The Three Questions. A Humanist determines whether or not a particular action or activity is moral by asking himself the following three questions;

  1. Does a particular practice ultimately lead to a greater degree of personal freedom and autonomy?
  2. Is the practice generally healthful to individuals?
  3. Is the practice generally healthful to society?

The Two Approaches. The Christian can effectively present his case to a Humanist in two ways. He can either make the first move, or allow the Humanist to initiate the discussion and then respond.

A Christian may decide to approach a Humanist on a particular issue by initiating a chain of logical argument, as Jesus often did when answering His questioners. Under these conditions, if a Christian uses hard evidence and statistics (not just anecdotal evidence) to show a Humanist that homosexuality (or abortion, euthanasia or porn) is damaging to freedom and individual and societal health, the hardened Humanist will most likely ignore the evidence and continue his practices regardless. When a Christian approaches a Humanist on a social issue, the Humanist does not need to defend himself or even explain the logic that underpins his position, because the Christian has taken the initiative. Therefore, the Christian is not likely to make much of an impression.

The second method is far more effective. If the Christian takes the `defensive' position initially and entices the Humanist into presenting his own evidence to `show' that homosexuality (abortion, euthanasia, porn, etc.) is beneficial to society and freedom - and if the Christian then calmly and decisively points out the obvious fallacies in his evidence - the Humanist will be left with two possible courses of action only: To continue the debate or to admit that his beliefs are based upon faulty data.

If he refuses to do either, and instead walks away or simply asserts that he will not be convinced, the Christian can state that the Humanist is certainly not the open-minded "freethinker" that he proclaims himself to be, which will cut to the heart of a true Humanist.

Why Is Homosexuality Wrong?

Introduction. As conservative Christian and Jewish activists, we are often confronted with the question: "Why do you think homosexuality is wrong? After all, it is just another permutation of the infinite variety of human love!"

Most Christians, when confronted with this question, become distinctly uneasy. Homosexuality is a touchy subject, and the average Christian does not know much about it, although he may have a few vague notions about it that may mildly disturb or disgust him. He may not reply to the question for fear of appearing ignorant, judgmental, or just plain `unenlightened.'

If the inquirer is another Christian (and, more specifically, one who believes in the inerrancy of the Bible), then there is really no problem. As described later in this chapter, there are many Scripture passages in both the Old and the New Testaments that very explicitly condemn homosexual activity.

If the questioner is a Humanist, or a `Christian' who does not believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, then this question must be answered with very concise and logical reasoning. It is not a difficult question to answer, but it needs to be analyzed and prepared for ahead of time so that the Christian can have a logical and coherent response ready. If a Christian intends to debate the subject of homosexuality, he must carefully think out and prepare his position ahead of time.

Judge the Sin, Not the Sinner. To begin with, Christians must recognize that a homosexual orientation, whether genetic or acquired, cannot be sinful in and of itself. Homosexual urgings are similar to other human weaknesses, in that they constitute an unnatural and unhealthy manifestation of our fallen nature, like urgings for other forms of illicit sex, illegal drugs, and excessive food and alcohol. Perhaps the Lord Himself gives such crosses to people in order to test their resistance to temptation and sin. We are certainly more worthy in God's eyes if we confront our weaknesses and, through the grace of God, defeat them.

The homosexual urge only causes damage to the person's soul if he caves in and acts on his desires, in the same manner that an alcoholic does no damage to himself until he begins to drink.

In truth, homosexuals who are chaste and who successfully struggle against their urges through a lifetime of self-discipline carry a very heavy cross indeed and are to be admired. So the simple fact that someone has a homosexual orientation is not "bad" - unless the person acts on that orientation.

The Ten Reasons. There are at least ten logical reasons why the "gay rights" movement in general and homosexual activities in particular present extreme dangers to individual and societal health and freedom. These are listed below and are briefly summarized in the following paragraphs.

These principles are described in detail in the referenced chapters. Anyone who wants to debate the "gay rights" issue intelligently should carefully study the complete texts of Chapters 115 to 122.

Why Christians Must Oppose the "Gay Rights" Movement

  1. The "gay rights" movement is a distinct danger to public health (Chapter 122).
  2. The "gay rights" movement is predatory in nature (Chapter 121).
  3. The "gay rights" movement is coercive in nature (Chapter 117).
  4. The "gay rights" movement disregards the rights of others (Chapter 117).
  5. The "gay rights" movement is violent in nature (Chapter 118).
  6. The "gay rights" movement enables addictive behavior to continue (Chapter 116).
  7. The "gay rights" movement degrades society (Chapter 117).
  8. Homosexuals are not a legal minority.
  9. The "gay rights" movement is superfluous (Chapter 118).
  10. The "gay rights" movement is unbiblical and, indeed, actually antithetical to Christianity (Chapter 115).

Introduction. At first glance, it may seem that Christians should be on the side of "homosexual equality," because Christ taught us that we should recognize the equal dignity of all human beings.

But we must look deeper into the homosexual agenda in order to find that homosexual activists are not just agitating for equality; they have that already under the laws of our country. The militant homosexual demands a superior position in our society.

It is essential that all Christian activists oppose the so-called "gay rights" movement, because it not only presents a clear threat to public health and safety, it will ruthlessly crush even those who oppose its immorality in good faith.

The following paragraphs briefly describe the primary threats that the "gay rights" movement poses.

(1) "Gay Rights" Endanger Public Health. From a practical standpoint, anyone who is concerned with public or individual health must oppose any activity that significantly and adversely affects the health of a large group of people.

Perhaps the greatest physical threat posed by the homosexual movement is the fact that it is the most efficient transmitter of sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) known to humanity.

The primary objective of the "gay rights" movement is, quite simply, to allow promiscuous homosexuals to do whatever they please without legal or moral restraint. Even more significantly, if the "gay rights" movement attains its goal of public acceptance, many more people will be pulled into this lifestyle.

Even if there were no moral implications whatever connected to homosexual activities (as "gay rights" activists claim), Christians must oppose the homosexual agenda.

They must oppose it because entering the promiscuous homosexual lifestyle shortens a person's life by an average of an incredible 32 years! This conclusion, based upon the examination of obituaries in the nation's largest homosexual newspaper, is explained further in Chapter 116, "The Homosexual Orientation." Compare this 32-year shortening of life to other hazardous behavior; heavy drinkers lose an average of 11 years from their lives; heavy (two-pack-a-day) smokers lose 9 years; and illegal hard-drug users lose an average of 14 years.

Additionally, homosexuals are commonly crippled by a variety of venereal diseases and parasitic infestations, most of which can be easily transmitted by sexual activity. These diseases are described in Chapter 122. According to the April 1987 British Journal of Sexual Medicine, while promiscuous homosexuals comprise only about two percent of the population, they account for one-half of all syphilis and gonorrhea cases, and nearly two-thirds of all AIDS cases. One in five homosexuals suffers from herpes, and they have ten times the rate of Hepatitis B infection that the general population does. They also suffer incredibly high rates of infection from cytomegalovirus, amoebic bowel disease, and a cluster of infections collectively referred to as "gay bowel syndrome."

The average promiscuous homosexual suffers from two to four different venereal diseases simultaneously, as described in Chapter 122, "AIDS and Homosexuality."

To encourage this lifestyle in any way is illogical from a public health standpoint.

(2) The "Gay Rights" Movement is Predatory. The most pitiful victims of the "gay rights" pioneers are young and defenseless boys.

There exist at least a half-dozen organized pedophile groups with international memberships, including the Paedophile International Exchange (PIE) and the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). All of these groups lobby for the total elimination of age-of-consent laws so they can victimize children legally.

Chapter 121, "Homosexuality and Child Molestation," describes how these predators victimize hundreds of thousands of small children every year - and get away with it!

(3) The "Gay Rights" Movement is Coercive. Members of the "gay rights" movement constantly complain about limitations on their rights, but feel no remorse as they force others to accept their immoral lifestyle.

More than three hundred "gay rights" laws have been passed in the United States from the national to the local levels. Those churches that sat on the sidelines and watched (in order to be "tolerant" and "nonjudgmental") are finding out to their shock that the laws that they refused to oppose are now being used as powerful weapons against them. They now realize that they should have defended themselves earlier, because they are now being forced to defend themselves when the laws are in place and they are at a much greater disadvantage.

A dozen of the countless examples of coercion by organized homosexuals are listed in Chapter 117, "Homosexual Objectives."

Churches are being forced to hire and protect homosexuals. People are being forced to rent to homosexuals, even if they can show that they are destructive to property. Homosexuals can commit almost any act of violence against `straights,' but `hate crime' bills insure that any resistance to homosexual violence is instantly punished by the court system. And any resistance to the "gay rights" agenda results in blatant terrorism directed against individuals and organizations.

(4) The "Gay Rights" Movement Disregards the Rights of Others. As they complain that they are being oppressed, homosexual activists violently attack Christians, disrupt church services, and claim that they may legitimately use any means to achieve their goals - even murder!

Homosexuals have vowed to kill, maim, and murder in their quest for special rights, as described in Chapter 118, "Homosexual Tactics." Any movement of people that feels that it is exempt from all of the rules that govern the rest of us must be opposed as a matter of principle, because, if it gains power, it will be absolutely despotic.

Every `homosexual rights' ordinance, law, or executive order passed in this country forces others to accept homosexuality under pain of severe punishment.

Under "gay rights" laws, homosexuals are established in a superior legal position. Colleges give preference to homosexuals in legal disputes, housing authorities usually side with homosexuals against `straights,' and "hate crimes" can only be committed against homosexuals - but never against heterosexuals. Finally, only `straights' may be subject to "sensitivity" (i.e., brainwashing) sessions - never homosexuals.

"Gay rights" laws, by their very nature, are discriminatory and give one group legal protection that other groups do not enjoy, and this protection is based solely on the preferred group's behavior. Such laws can only cause resentment and backlash and create a proliferation of case law that itself leads to judicial and legal logjams, conflicts, and confusion.

Some of the impacts of "gay rights" laws are discussed in Chapter 9 of Volume I, "The Victim Status."

(5) The "Gay Rights" Movement is Violent. When a group of people is given a blank check to engage in any activity they please with impunity, their lack of self-discipline inevitably spreads from sexual misconduct to total disregard for all of the rules of life.

Crime statistics show that promiscuous homosexuals as a class are the most violent group of individuals in the nation. Eight of the ten worst serial killers in our country's history were active homosexuals. And homosexuals commit more than four times as many violent crimes in general than the rest of the population, as shown in Chapter 120, "Homosexual Practices."

Incredibly, promiscuous homosexuals are more than 50 times more likely to meet a violent death than are normal people, and the homosexual `lifestyle' has been shown to cost a person an average of 30 years of life, as described in Chapter 120.

(6) Homosexual Behavior Is Addictive. As described in Chapter 116, "Homosexual Orientation," homosexuals literally become addicted to their strange sexual lifestyle. By legitimizing such behavior, the "gay rights" movement is enabling individuals to become more and more immersed in the homosexual lifestyle, to the lasting detriment of both themselves and society. Homosexuals also suffer from a rate of alcohol and drug abuse three times greater than that of the normal population.

(7) The "Gay Rights" Movement Degrades Society. For years, homosexuals have been demanding the redefinition of the family to include same-sex marriages and, indeed, any number of persons of any sex.

To elevate homosexuals who happen to be living together to the same status enjoyed by the family is to degrade and even ridicule the status of the traditional family unit. To place homosexual marriages on the same moral and financial footing as traditional marriages will adversely impact society in a profound manner, because when evil is officially placed on the same level as good, eventually society in general actually loses the capability of distinguishing between good and evil.

The implications of such a process are obvious.

(8) Homosexuals are Not a Legal Minority. All minorities that have achieved protection under the law are defined by race, gender, and national origin - not by their behavior. To give a group special protection just because it acts differently from other groups is ridiculous on its face. Since laws operate on precedents, this will legally throw open the doors for any group, no matter how dangerous or perverted, to claim civil rights protection.

This type of legal end-run has already been tried by organized pedophiles like the Rene Guyon Society and the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA); by organized prostitutes under the banner of Cast Off Your Tired Old Ethics (COYOTE) and Johns and Call Girls United Against Repression (JACQUAR); and, of course, by pornographers, including the purveyors of `kiddie porn.'

(9) The "Gay Rights" Movement is Superfluous. Chapter 118, "Homosexual Tactics," demonstrates that, as a class, homosexuals earn more, travel more, are more highly educated, and own more material goods than any other subgroup of the general population. The "gay rights" movement does not really aim to free homosexuals from oppression, because they are already free - the objective of the movement is to give homosexuality and homosexual acts an exalted and special place in society, as described in Chapter 117, "Homosexual Objectives."

(10) The "Gay Rights" Movement is Opposed to the Will of God. The Metropolitan Community Church (formerly named the "Sodomy Church,") the Unitarian Universalists, and many other ultraliberal churches claim that homosexuality is compatible with a good spiritual Christian or Jewish life. However, both the Bible and the Talmud explicitly condemn homosexual acts.

The Bible clearly condemns homosexuality as a "hateful thing," and uses Sodom and the sodomites as a standard of evil against which all sinful activities are compared.

Anyone who says that Jesus and the Bible did not condemn homosexual activity is either completely ignorant - or lying.

As far as the Jewish faith is concerned, it is first and foremost based upon a body of Commandments that include the seven Noahide Laws and a total of 613 parochial commandments. These laws, just as our Constitution is supposed to be, are interpreted (but not changed) by a vast body of rabbinic opinions and case law referred to as Halakhah (the Talmud), which is based upon divine revelation.

The difference between the two sets of commandments is quite clear. The seven Noahide Laws are universal, in that they apply to everyone, Jew and Gentile. The Noahide Laws are as follows;

Although Modernist Christians and Jews have warped their original faith teachings beyond recognition to suit their own selfish purposes, those who faithfully adhere to the correct and original teachings will recognize that homosexual activity is one of the greatest evils in existence and must be opposed.

The homosexual rights movement categorically rejects any and all limitations on its behavior. It is virulently anti-Christian and rejects self-discipline, love of others, and even love of God. It is not an exaggeration to say that Christianity and the "gay rights" agenda simply cannot coexist. Either one or the other must eventually go down to destruction, and, at the rate the homosexuals are advancing in this country, Christianity will be reduced to rubble within twenty short years.

It is in the best interests of the children of today's Christians for every believer to stand up now and resist the growing tide of sin and darkness that is washing over our once-Christian nation.

The Buzzwords

Introduction. When debating homosexuality, Christians are often caught up in and confused by a morass of fuzzy `descriptive' terms such as "diversity," "perversity," "normal," and "unnatural."

No Christian can hope to benefit from using these terms unless he assigns them very precise definitions. Otherwise, a homophile will use the principle of parallelism to attempt to render perverted acts morally equal to normal acts - a very effective tactic indeed. If the homosexual can throw his thick blanket of confusion over the conversation, logic will inevitable suffocate and illogic will prevail by default.

Therefore, the Christian must avoid using such nebulous terms at all costs if he hopes to keep the debate on a rational plane. He must focus instead upon the distinct and specific implications and effects of homosexuality - concrete concepts that listeners can get a handle on.

However, since homophiles use these "fuzzy" words frequently, the Christian debater should be familiar with them and their effects.

Are Homosexual Acts Different? Homosexuals acts are certainly "different."

But so also are Lamborghinis, Italians, Christians, and a good home-made pizza.

Everything is "different," because the word is a comparative term. Mere "difference" has no moral content in and of itself, and this is what the homosexuals are counting on.

Everyone acknowledges that homosexuality and homosexuals are "different." In fact, homosexual activists revel in this "difference," and use it as an essential part of their strategies of victimhood and infiltration and subversion. They most typically assert that Christians are "attacking us just because we're different from them." The homosexuals tend to equate "difference" with "good." Thus the popular bumpersticker "CELEBRATE DIVERSITY."

Homosexual acts are not merely "different." They are other things as well, as described in the following paragraphs.

Are Homosexual Acts Perverse? The Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines "perversion" as "... an aberrant sexual practice, especially when habitual and preferred to normal coitus." Once again, the use of the word "perverse" can lead into a fruitless argument about heterosexual activities, some of which are certainly "perverse." Many heterosexuals participate in the perusal of hard-core pornography, rape, incest, and even sado-masochism. However, the point that must be made here is precisely this: Perverse sexual activities are a defining characteristic of the homosexual lifestyle. They are not a defining characteristic of the heterosexual lifestyle.

To a homophile, of course, no sexual act is "perverse," so the word loses its comparative function and becomes utterly useless in this context.

Are Homosexual Acts Unnatural? The Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines "unnatural" as "... not being in accordance with nature or consistent with a normal course of events."

The most frequent sex-related activities that homosexuals participate in are certainly not natural. The anus was not designed for copulation; it was created for elimination. This is evidenced by the fact that the lower excretory tracts of homosexuals invariably sustain severe damage because they are being subjected to stresses (brought on by sodomy and other acts) that they were not designed for.

S&M (sado-masochism) is not natural. Healthy people do not enjoy pain and do not inflict it upon others. Only very disturbed individuals enjoy such activities.

Virtually every other type of homosexual activity, including "rimming," "fisting," and "wallowing," is also decisively unnatural. Anyone who examines the list of activities described in Chapter 120, "Homosexual Practices," will be able to discern this for himself.

Some homosexual activists will try to refute this point by claiming that many male animals engage in homosexual activity in the wild. This is true, of course - but only when there is a prolonged absence of females. They also neglect to mention that female animals never engage in homosexual activity. Besides, it is irrelevant and illogical to justify one's behavior based upon observations of animals. What is natural for animals in many cases is not natural for human beings.

The above-mentioned phenomenon occurs among human males, as well. In an environment where there is a prolonged absence of women, a very large percentage of men (in some cases, up to one-fourth of the sample population) will engage in sodomy and other activities normally associated with promiscuous homosexuals - but only as long as they have no access to women. Long-term prisoners will commit these acts out of a form of `sexual desperation,' and will vehemently deny that they are homosexuals just because they engage in sodomy and other acts.

Are Homosexual Acts Normal? In the above definitions of "perverse" and "unnatural," the word "normal" is pivotal. The Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines "abnormal" as "... deviating from the normal or average."

The difficulty inherent in the word "normal" is the same as that encountered with the word "different."

Just as homosexual acts could be defined as "abnormal," so could picketing an abortion clinic - or opposing pornography or homosexuality, for that matter. In fact, there are far fewer people picketing abortion mills and actively opposing the homosexual agenda than there are promiscuous homosexuals so, by this definition, pro-lifers and anti-"gay rights" activists are more abnormal than the average sexual pervert.

Thus, if a Christian activist becomes bogged down in a discussion about "normalcy," he will inevitably lose. Once again, the term "normal" has no moral implications; it is only used by homosexuals to play a kind of counting game in attempts to justify their own behavior.

Debating From the Biblical Standpoint

"The explicit root-and-branch rejection of morality by gays has been real, pervasive, and baleful in its effect on both the quality of life that we create for ourselves within the [gay] community, and our p.r. [public relations] with straights ... There's a simpler, darker reason why many gays choose to live without morality: As ideologies go, amorality is damned convenient. And the mortal enemy of that convenience is the value judgment ... Without morality, there can be no compelling basis for responsibility to others."

- After the Ball.2

On Pro-Homosexual `Christians.' The most difficult person to convince of the innate `wrongness' of homosexuality is a Neoliberal who alleges that he is a Christian.

Such `Christians' either do not attend church at all, or occasionally visit a Neoliberal/Humanistic denomination such as the Unitarians. They may even attend homosexual `churches' such as a Metropolitan Community Church, which began its strange existence as the Sodomy Church of San Francisco.

More likely, a pro-homosexual `Christian' will be from a fallen-away "mainline" Protestant or Catholic church whose ministers or priests preach nonjudgmentalism and tolerance above all. In these churches, God's love is strongly emphasized and His justice is completely ignored. Reaching out to a person's physical needs is all that matters to these ersatz `Christians;' as long as an individual has a full stomach, a roof over his head, and is safe from attacks by "right-wing bigots," he is fine. Any reference to the condition of his soul is totally unacceptable and irrelevant, and is castigated as being `judgmental.'

"Children of God?" Pro-homosexual clergymen and others will often claim that "We have to love everyone, because we are all children of God," or words to this effect. It is true that Our Lord commanded us to love everyone, but it is not true that we are all "children of God." Scripture refers to "children of the devil" in 1 John 3:8-10 (KJV);

"He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: And he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: Whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother."

Anyone who has seen cavorting, cursing, blaspheming homosexuals simulating perverted sex acts at a rally or "Gay Pride" parade should have no problem figuring out if they are children of God or the Devil.

The pro-"gay rights" person will always focus on the last few words of this passage, but we must then ask: What is true love - turning a blind eye while our brother treads down the easy road to Hell, or warning him of the horrible fate that awaits him? What is true love - wanting to spend eternity in Paradise with someone, or not caring if he burns in Hell?

The Standard of Sin. Very few sins described by the Bible are condemned as explicitly as sodomy. Both the Old and New Testaments contain passages stating quite plainly that homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

In fact, the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah became a standard by which the sins of other cities and countries were judged in many Scripture passages. Biblical scholars know that only those entities that are superlative or excessive in some obvious respect are used repeatedly as a standard by which to measure other entities.

Sodomy is one of those few Biblical `standards of evil' due to its extreme degree of sinfulness.

Christian Teaching. Christianity teaches that there are basically two types of homosexuals.

There are those who have no intention of changing their sinful lifestyles. These homosexuals correctly recognize Christianity as their enemy and fight it overtly either as individuals or in groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), American Gay Atheists, and Militant Gay Atheists. They may infiltrate various churches and try to convince Christians that sodomy is acceptable through pseudo-religious groups such as Dignity, Affirmation, and the Metropolitan Community Churches. Or, they may simply masquerade as Christians and attend liberal churches to hear soothing sermons that accept them `just the way they are.'

And then there are those homosexuals who really want to repent of their past sins and live chaste lifestyles. Such homosexuals are to be greatly admired, because they are resisting extremely strong temptations.

Homosexual "Christians" in the "Feel-Good" Churches

Introduction. Benjamin Franklin once said that "The mind's greatest power is its ability to deceive itself."

Nowhere is this more evident than in the pitiful spectacle of hardened sinners masquerading as Christians. Screaming Neofeminists, mega-abortionists, corrupt politicians, and complaining homosexuals desperately want to be a part of that which they so decisively reject. They want their consciences to be soothed by ultraliberal `pastors' who tell them that

Yes, there really are bogus "Christian" churches that sell their parishioners this type of nonsense. This is an example of a symbiotic conspiracy, in that both the pastor and the people know the real truth, but are willing to systematically deceive each other in order to feel good and avoid mental stress.

Homosexual `Church' Teachings. Homosexual `churches' like the Metropolitan Community Church haveexcised all passages condemning homosexuality from their `Bibles' so that their members can continue to feel good about themselves as they glide effortlessly and comfortably down the wide road to Hell.

Homosexuals are very good at deceiving themselves. They have to be, because, deep down inside, they know what their fate is - and, even for a homosexual, such a fate is too terrible to face squarely, or even to contemplate.

Some of these `churches' and `ministers' even go so far as to imply or state outright the ultimate outrage: That Jesus was a homosexual! For example, Troy Perry, founder of the Sodomy Church (later the Metropolitan Community Church) argued in his book The Lord Is My Shepherd and He Knows I'm Gay that "Here was a guy [Jesus] that was raised by a mother with no father - typical of the homosexual syndrome. He never married and ran around with twelve guys all the time. Not only that, He wasn't above bodily contact with another man: John the Beloved lay on the breast of Jesus at the last Supper. Not only that, but a guy betrayed Him with a kiss."3

The following is a typical self-serving and self-deceiving letter published in a homosexual magazine, and sums up the homosexual attitude towards Scripture quite adequately;


"How blessed and favored you are that God has made you Gay! He has given you an honor that far exceeds that of childbearing. He has exalted you above the angels by giving to you a place in heaven that is highest among men. He has given you a heavenly song that only you can sing.

"Do not be disturbed when other Christians tell you that our life-style is condemned in Scripture. It is not. Satan has so blinded them that they cannot see the great Truths that God has given only to us Gay people.

"He has given us the Great Gay Commission in the Old Testament. Jesus has told us that there are three ways that a man becomes Gay. God has given us a Psalm in praise of Gay marriage ..."4

Scripture On Sodomy. Obviously, those who say that Scripture does not condemn homosexuality are those who are really blinded to the truth. The following are just a few of the more explicit Scriptural condemnations of this "hateful thing;"

"You must not lie with a man as with a woman. This is a hateful thing."

- Leviticus 18:22.

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

- Leviticus 20:13.

"The fornication of Sodom and Gomorrah and the other nearby towns was equally unnatural and it is a warning to us that they are paying for their crimes in eternal fire."

- Jude 7.

"You know perfectly well that people who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God: People of immoral lives, idolaters, adulterers, catamites [pederasts], sodomites, thieves, usurers, drunkards, slanderers and swindlers will never inherit the kingdom of God."

- 1 Corinthians 6:9,10.

Perhaps the most eloquent and pointed condemnation of homosexuality and a permissive society in general is contained in Romans 1. Every Christian activist should be intimately familiar with this chapter, because it describes our Western culture with a terrifying clarity.


"The more they called themselves philosophers, the stupider they grew, until they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for a worthless imitation, for the image of mortal man ...

"That is why God has abandoned them to degrading passions: why their women have turned from natural intercourse to unnatural practices, and why their menfolk have given up natural intercourse to be consumed with passion for each other, men doing shameless things with men and getting an appropriate reward for their perversion.

"In other words, since they refused to see it was rational to acknowledge God, God has left them to their own irrational ideas and to their monstrous behavior. And so they are steeped in all sorts of depravity, rottenness, greed and malice, and addicted to envy, murder, wrangling, treachery and spite. Libelers, slanderers, enemies of God, rude, arrogant, and boastful, enterprising in sin, rebellious to parents, without brains, honor, love or pity.

"They know what God's verdict is: That those who behave like this deserve to die - and yet they do it; and what is worse, encourage others to do the same."

Figure 115-1 summarizes all known Scripture references to sodomy and sodomites.

The prophetic Romans 1 shows us that homosexuality and other perversions of nature and society are as old as civilization itself - and as current as the headlines in today's newspapers.

The Case of Sodom. Homosexuals are, by their own admission, great propagandists. They specialize in the half-truth, telling only the part of the story that supports their position.

For example, they are fond of saying that Sodom was destroyed - not because the townspeople were homosexuals, but instead because they weren't hospitable to travellers.

This weak argument can be found in Father John O'Neill's The Church and the Homosexual.[3]

What the homosexual propagandists intentionally omit are the fourth and fifth verses of the 19th Chapter of Genesis; "They had not gone to bed when the house was surrounded by the men of the town, the men of Sodom both young and old, all the people without exception. Calling to Lot they said, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Send them out to us that we may abuse them.""

Homosexuals and pro-gay `ministers' also tend to conveniently omit the one sentence in the Bible that most accurately describes the character of the typical radical homosexual activist (Genesis 13:13); "The people of Sodom were vicious men, great sinners against Yahweh."

Catholic Teachings on Homosexuality

Introduction. As always, anti-life forces specifically target those organizations that they perceive may cause them trouble in implementing their agendas. Their weapons of `choice' are confusion and obfuscation. Homosexuals are adept indeed at employing these tactics; after all, they have long experience in using them.

Dignity. Dignity is a group cut from the same rotten bolt of cloth as `Catholics' for a Free Choice (CFFC). Both Dignity, which embraces homosexual acts, and CFFC, which pushes abortion, know that the activities they are advocating are mortal sins in the eyes of the Catholic Church.

Yet they try to confuse the faithful by spouting lies and misinformation.

Dignity is a group of unrepentant homosexuals. They practice unnatural and unhealthy acts such as sodomy, "fisting," and "rimming," while insisting that homosexuality is a "perfectly acceptable alternative lifestyle" and while claiming that they are "adhering to the teachings of the Church."

Jesuit Father John McNeill, co-founder of Dignity, has been dismissed from his Order for causing "widespread grave external scandal." He constantly plays for sympathy by stating with a straight face that; "I have publicly challenged the teaching and practice of the Magisterium [teaching authority of the Catholic Church] concerning homosexual persons ... because its present teaching and pastoral practices have caused enormous amounts of unjust suffering among gay people."5

It is quite obvious that Dignity members - and the priests that celebrate illicit Dignity masses - are consciously undermining the teachings of the Church by sending a message to the `rank and file' that the Church condones and accepts homosexuality. It is therefore clearly unlawful for any Bishop or priest to offer facilities to groups like Dignity or to allow such facilities to be used by them.

An "Intrinsic Disorder." The attitude of the Catholic Church towards homosexuals has always been perfectly clear.

On November 7, 1975, Pope Paul VI approved the Vatican Declaration on Sexual Ethics, whose pivotal paragraphs on homosexuality are shown below.



"8. At the present time there are those who, basing themselves on observations in the psychological order, have begun to judge indulgently, and even to excuse completely, homosexual relations between certain people. This they do in opposition to the constant teaching of the magisterium and to the moral sense of the Christian people.

"A distinction is drawn, and it seems with some reason, between homosexuals whose tendency comes from a false education, from a lack of normal sexual development, from habit, from bad example, or from other similar causes, and is transitory or at least not incurable; and homosexuals who are definitively such because of some kind of innate instinct or a pathological constitution are judged to be incurable.

"In regard to this second category of subjects, some people conclude that their tendency is so natural that it justifies in their case homosexual relations within a sincere communion of life and love analogous to marriage, insofar as such homosexuals feel incapable of enduring a solitary life.

"In the pastoral field, these homosexuals must certainly be treated with understanding and sustained in the hope of overcoming their personal difficulties and their inability to fit into society. This culpability will be judged with prudence. But no pastoral method can be employed which would give moral justification to these acts on the grounds that they would be consonant with the condition of such people. For according to the objective moral order, homosexual relations are acts which lack an essential and indispensable finality. In Sacred Scripture they are condemned as serious depravity and even presented as the sad consequence of rejecting God. This judgment of Scripture does not of course permit us to conclude that all those who suffer from this anomaly are personally responsible for it, but it does attest to the fact that homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered and can in no case be approved of."

The policy of the Catholic Church regarding homosexuals was reiterated on October 1, 1987, when the Vatican's Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the approval of Pope John Paul II, issued a letter entitled "On the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons" to the Bishops of the Catholic Church. This letter reaffirms the Vatican Declaration on Sexual Ethics by reiterating that homosexuality is "intrinsically disordered."

With regard to use of Church facilities, the letter asserts that;

"The Church's doctrine regarding homosexuality is thus based, not on isolated phrases for facile theological argument, but on the solid foundation of a constant biblical testimony ... He fashions mankind, male and female in His own image and likeness. Human beings, therefore, are nothing less than the work of God Himself; and in the complementarity of the sexes, they are called to reflect the inner unity of the Creator.

All support should be withdrawn from any organization which seeks to undermine the teaching of the Church. Special attention should be given to the practice of scheduling religious services and the use of Church buildings by these groups ..."

One point should be made perfectly clear: Despite the homosexual's constant assertions to the contrary, the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations do not condemn homosexuals, but instead the practices of oral and anal sex and other unnatural and unhealthy acts, which not only contravene the laws of nature but ignore God's Commandments.

The Homosexual Response. Promiscuous homosexuals want to be free to act as they please regardless of societal constraints. And so, instead of responding favorably to a genuine outreach of help, they lash out with a degree of hateful ferocity that would be comical if it were not so pitiable.

Since their `lifestyle' is more directly opposed to the will of God than any other, it follows that homosexual activists commonly manifest a truly Satanic loathing of Jesus Christ and of any conservative church. All homosexual publications literally brim over with hatred and vilification for Christianity.

A typical example in a large New York City homosexual publication shows how most homosexuals speak from a position of pure ignorance, illogic, and intolerance when addressing the Church.

The following author seems to writhe in the grip of incipient insanity as he gradually disintegrates into a frothing, nearly incoherent rage. Note the extreme degree of self-hatred in the passages, which are extracted from a series of letters sent to a Catholic priest which, among other things, threaten him with death;

"History has proven that the Catholic Church has been the biggest persecutor of homosexuals for the last two thousand years. There is not a force on earth that has committed more injustice and violence to homosexuals than organized religion. The Catholic Church is guilty of cold blooded murder.

"Formal religions grew as a result of fear of the unknown and the laity simply left all those unanswered questions of life and morals to the authorities - people like your stupid pope ... I will live to see your church punished and fined for all the atrocities committed against me or I will not live. That part of my mind that relates to my sexuality has been destroyed by the hate of your church ...

"I am asking you for money and I shall receive it. I feel no shame at all in asking your church for money. No shame! This is the last time I will make an effort to reach out to you. If you continue to ignore and deny my requests, do not be shocked, surprised or alarmed when I appear at your doorstep with weapon in hand ... "

"It is now time for this christ of yours to pay and he will pay plenty ... ask your church to take away this terrible stigma that has been placed on us by your church because of the activities of a few ugly, callous, dirty-minded men and the misinterpretation of your goddam bible written thousands of years ago by a bunch of asinine fools ...

"I learned that this ugly rash manifested itself on my body from the inner turmoil and struggle and emotional and mental conflicts going on inside me from trying like hell not to be what your goddam church said I goddam well better not be - a goddam faggot - a word so cleverly coined by the goddam Catholic church to further degrade, disgrace, and humiliate me.

"Your goddam mythical jesus god will pay for that rash. It saddens me to say that so powerful is the goddam Catholic church and the cult of your jesus that the church has convinced many gay people that they are really filthy and immoral and they spend their lives practicing self-hatred with feelings of worthlessness ...

"There are "virgin births" all over the place and each one of the dirty little bastards turned out to be a goddam god and in every case the name of the goddam mother was always Mary ... "6

This is certainly not an isolated example of homosexual rage and hate directed against the Catholic Church. Any article on the Church that appears in a homosexual publication is certain to be filled with anger, lies, propaganda, and name-calling - while it simultaneously pleads for "tolerance" and "understanding."

References: Scripture and Church Teachings on Homosexuality.

[1] G.K. Chesterton, quoted in Ignatius Press' "The Serious Reader's Guide to Good Catholic Literature," Winter 1989-1990.

[2] Quotes are from Congressman William E. Dannemeyer, "Christianity Under Attack By `New Bigotry.'" This article is included in a special section entitled

"Anti-Christian Bias in America," which consists of excerpts from the proceedings of the American Family Association's March 1990 Conference on Anti-Christian Bias in America. Printed in the May 1990 issue of the American Family Association Journal and available as a 24-page reprint for $2 from the American Family Association, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803.

[3] Quoted in David A. Noebel. The Homosexual Revolution. Tulsa: American Christian College Press. 1977, 192 pages, $1.95 paperback. Pages 126, 129, and 130.

[4] "Scripture Supports Homosexuality." Letter from "Father. Thomas" in Guide Magazine, April 1989, page 4.

[5] "Jesuit Founder of Dignity Dismissed After Defying Order to Be Silent." ALL News, February 16, 1987.

[6] Brendan Joyce. "Revealed." New York City News, February 2, 1982; February 17, 1982; and March 3, 1982.

Further Reading: Scripture and Church Teachings on Homosexuality.

Greenhaven Press. Sexual Values: Opposing Viewpoints. Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series, Post Office Box 289009, San Diego, California 92128-9009. 1983, 155 pages. Each section includes several essays by leading authorities on both sides of each issue. The questions asked are: "Is Nonmarital Sex Acceptable?;" "Does Sex Education Belong in Schools?;" "Is Homosexuality Acceptable?;" "Is Pornography Harmful?;" and "Should Prostitution Be a Crime?" Authors include Jeremiah A. Denton, Jr., Susan Brownmiller, Gail Sheehy, and Phyllis Schlafly. A catalog is available from the above address and can be obtained by calling 1-(800) 231-5163.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. On the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons. 26 pages, $0.50. Order from Ignatius Press, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528. This brief document outlines the Catholic Church's position that homosexuality is an "intrinsically disordered condition," and discusses the special pastoral concern that should be directed towards homosexuals.

FIGURE 115-1


Explicit Condemnation of Homosexual Behavior

Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 20:13

Jude 7

1 Corinthians 6:9,10

Romans 1:22, 26-32

Description of Sodomites and their Character

Genesis 13:13

Genesis 19:4,5

Other Scriptural References to Sodom and Sodomites

History and location of Sodom - Genesis 10:19; 13:10,12; 14:1-12; 18:16-33

Sodom was destroyed because of its sins - Genesis 19:1-29

Legal proscriptions against of homosexuality among the Hebrews - Deuteronomy 23:22-25.

Sodom was destroyed because it turned from God - Deuteronomy 29:23

Inhabitants of a town similar to Sodom try to force visitors into homosexual perversions and are punished by God - Judges 19:20-26

Corruptness of the descendants of Sodom - Deuteronomy 32:32

Description of the sins of Sodom - Ezekiel 16:46,48,49

Homosexuality is linked to idolatry - Wisdom 14:26-27

St. Paul classifies homosexuals as "ungodly," "sinners," "profane," and "unholy" - 1 Timothy 1:9-10

List of evil and ungodly behavior includes lustful actions - Galatians 5:19-24.

The punishment of towns that do not welcome the Apostles will exceed that of Sodom and Gomorrah - Matthew 10:15

Description of the destruction of Sodom - Luke 17:29

Description and condemnation of male temple prostitutes - Genesis 19:5, Deuteronomy 23:17, 1 Kings 14:24; 15:12; 22:46, 2 Kings 23:7

The Sodomites, whose practices were described in the first book of Scripture, became the standard of evil by which the most corrupt and wicked peoples and nations were judged. The following nations were compared to the wickedness of Sodom or were destroyed by God, as Sodom was;

The Samarians - Jeremiah 23:14

The sons of Zion - Lamentations 4:6

Jerusalem and Judah - Isaiah 3:9

Babylon - Isaiah 13:19

Edom - Jeremiah 49:18

Babylon and Chaldaea - Jeremiah 50:40

Israel - Amos 4:11

Moab and Ammon - Zephaniah 2:9


The Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia was written by Brian Clowes, and published by American Life League.


Chapter 114 Index Chapter 116

© Copyright 1998 American Life League.